libdir . '/formslib.php'); require_once($CFG->dirroot .'/course/lib.php'); require_once($CFG->dirroot .'/mod/resource/lib.php'); define('GENERATOR_RANDOM', 0); define('GENERATOR_SEQUENCE', 1); /** * Controller class for data generation */ class generator { public $modules_to_ignore = array('hotpot', 'lams', 'journal', 'scorm', 'exercise', 'dialogue'); public $modules_list = array('forum' => 'forum', 'assignment' => 'assignment', 'chat' => 'chat', 'data' => 'data', 'glossary' => 'glossary', 'quiz' => 'quiz', 'comments' => 'comments', 'feedback' => 'feedback', 'label' => 'label', 'lesson' => 'lesson', 'chat' => 'chat', 'choice' => 'choice', 'resource' => 'resource', 'survey' => 'survey', 'wiki' => 'wiki', 'workshop' => 'workshop'); public $resource_types = array('text', 'file', 'html', 'repository', 'directory', 'ims'); public $glossary_formats = array('continuous', 'encyclopedia', 'entrylist', 'faq', 'fullwithauthor', 'fullwithoutauthor', 'dictionary'); public $assignment_types = array('upload', 'uploadsingle', 'online', 'offline'); public $forum_types = array('single', 'eachuser', 'qanda', 'general'); public $resource_type_counter = 0; public $assignment_type_counter = 0; public $forum_type_counter = 0; public $settings = array(); public $eolchar = '
'; public $do_generation = false; public $starttime; public $original_db; public function __construct($settings = array(), $generate=false) { global $CFG; $this->starttime = time()+microtime(); $arguments = array( array('short'=>'u', 'long'=>'username', 'help' => 'Your moodle username', 'type'=>'STRING', 'default' => ''), array('short'=>'pw', 'long'=>'password', 'help' => 'Your moodle password', 'type'=>'STRING', 'default' => ''), array('short'=>'P', 'long' => 'database_prefix', 'help' => 'Database prefix to use: tables must already exist or the script will abort!', 'type'=>'STRING', 'default' => 'tst_'), array('short'=>'c', 'long' => 'pre_cleanup', 'help' => 'Delete previously generated data'), array('short'=>'C', 'long' => 'post_cleanup', 'help' => 'Deletes all generated data at the end of the script (for benchmarking of generation only)'), array('short'=>'t', 'long' => 'time_limit', 'help' => 'Optional time limit after which to abort the generation, 0 = no limit. Default=0', 'type'=>'SECONDS', 'default' => 0), array('short'=>'v', 'long' => 'verbose', 'help' => 'Display extra information about the data generation'), array('short'=>'q', 'long' => 'quiet', 'help' => 'Inhibits all outputs'), array('short'=>'i', 'long' => 'ignore_errors', 'help' => 'Continue script execution when errors occur'), array('short'=>'N', 'long' => 'no_data', 'help' => 'Generate nothing (used for cleaning up only)'), array('short'=>'T', 'long' => 'tiny', 'help' => 'Generates a tiny data set (1 of each course, module, user and section)', 'default' => 0), array('short'=>'nc', 'long' => 'number_of_courses', 'help' => 'The number of courses to generate. Default=1', 'type'=>'NUMBER', 'default' => 1), array('short'=>'ns', 'long' => 'number_of_students', 'help' => 'The number of students to generate. Default=250', 'type'=>'NUMBER', 'default' => 250), array('short'=>'sc', 'long' => 'students_per_course', 'help' => 'The number of students to enrol in each course. Default=20', 'type'=>'NUMBER', 'default' => 20), array('short'=>'nsec', 'long' => 'number_of_sections', 'help' => 'The number of sections to generate in each course. Default=10', 'type'=>'NUMBER', 'default' => 10), array('short'=>'nmod', 'long' => 'number_of_modules', 'help' => 'The number of modules to generate in each section. Default=10', 'type'=>'NUMBER', 'default' => 10), array('short'=>'mods', 'long' => 'modules_list', 'help' => 'The list of modules you want to generate', 'default' => $this->modules_list, 'type' => 'mod1,mod2...'), array('short'=>'rt', 'long' => 'resource_type', 'help' => 'The specific type of resource you want to generate. Defaults to all', 'default' => $this->resource_types, 'type' => 'SELECT'), array('short'=>'at', 'long' => 'assignment_type', 'help' => 'The specific type of assignment you want to generate. Defaults to all', 'default' => $this->assignment_types, 'type' => 'SELECT'), array('short'=>'ft', 'long' => 'forum_type', 'help' => 'The specific type of forum you want to generate. Defaults to all', 'default' => $this->forum_types, 'type' => 'SELECT'), array('short'=>'gf', 'long' => 'glossary_format', 'help' => 'The specific format of glossary you want to generate. Defaults to all', 'default' => $this->glossary_formats, 'type' => 'SELECT'), array('short'=>'ag', 'long' => 'assignment_grades', 'help' => 'Generate random grades for each student/assignment tuple', 'default' => true), array('short'=>'qg', 'long' => 'quiz_grades', 'help' => 'Generate random grades for each student/quiz tuple', 'default' => true), array('short'=>'eg', 'long' => 'entries_per_glossary', 'help' => 'The number of definitions to generate per glossary. Default=0', 'type'=>'NUMBER', 'default' => 1), array('short'=>'nq', 'long' => 'questions_per_course', 'help' => 'The number of questions to generate per course. Default=20', 'type'=>'NUMBER', 'default' => 20), array('short'=>'qq', 'long' => 'questions_per_quiz', 'help' => 'The number of questions to assign to each quiz. Default=5', 'type'=>'NUMBER', 'default' => 5), array('short'=>'df', 'long' => 'discussions_per_forum', 'help' => 'The number of discussions to generate for each forum. Default=5', 'type'=>'NUMBER', 'default' => 5), array('short'=>'pd', 'long' => 'posts_per_discussion', 'help' => 'The number of posts to generate for each forum discussion. Default=15', 'type'=>'NUMBER', 'default' => 15), array('short'=>'fd', 'long' => 'fields_per_database', 'help' => 'The number of fields to generate for each database. Default=4', 'type'=>'NUMBER', 'default' => 4), array('short'=>'drs', 'long' => 'database_records_per_student', 'help' => 'The number of records to generate for each student/database tuple. Default=1', 'type'=>'NUMBER', 'default' => 1), array('short'=>'mc', 'long' => 'messages_per_chat', 'help' => 'The number of messages to generate for each chat module. Default=10', 'type'=>'NUMBER', 'default' => 10), ); foreach ($arguments as $args_array) { $this->settings[$args_array['long']] = new generator_argument($args_array); } foreach ($settings as $setting => $value) { $this->settings[$setting]->value = $value; } if ($generate) { $this->generate_data(); } } public function connect() { global $DB, $CFG; $this->original_db = clone($DB); $class = get_class($DB); $DB = new $class(); $DB->connect($CFG->dbhost, $CFG->dbuser, $CFG->dbpass, $CFG->dbname, true, $this->get('database_prefix')); } public function generate_users() { global $DB, $CFG; /** * USER GENERATION */ $this->verbose("Generating ".$this->get('number_of_students')." students..."); $lastnames = array('SMITH','JOHNSON','WILLIAMS','JONES','BROWN','DAVIS','MILLER','WILSON', 'MOORE','TAYLOR','ANDERSON','THOMAS','JACKSON','WHITE','HARRIS','MARTIN','THOMPSON', 'GARCIA','MARTINEZ','ROBINSON','CLARK','RODRIGUEZ','LEWIS','LEE','WALKER','HALL', 'ALLEN','YOUNG','HERNANDEZ','KING','WRIGHT','LOPEZ','HILL','SCOTT','GREEN','ADAMS', 'BAKER','GONZALEZ','NELSON','CARTER','MITCHELL','PEREZ','ROBERTS','TURNER','PHILLIPS', 'CAMPBELL','PARKER','EVANS','EDWARDS','COLLINS','STEWART','SANCHEZ','MORRIS','ROGERS', 'REED','COOK','MORGAN','BELL','MURPHY','BAILEY','RIVERA','COOPER','RICHARDSON','COX', 'HOWARD','WARD','TORRES','PETERSON','GRAY','RAMIREZ','JAMES','WATSON','BROOKS','KELLY', 'SANDERS','PRICE','BENNETT','WOOD','BARNES','ROSS','HENDERSON','COLEMAN','JENKINS','PERRY', 'POWELL','LONG','PATTERSON','HUGHES','FLORES','WASHINGTON','BUTLER','SIMMONS','FOSTER', 'GONZALES','BRYANT','ALEXANDER','RUSSELL','GRIFFIN','DIAZ','HAYES','MYERS','FORD','HAMILTON', 'GRAHAM','SULLIVAN','WALLACE','WOODS','COLE','WEST','JORDAN','OWENS','REYNOLDS','FISHER', 'ELLIS','HARRISON','GIBSON','MCDONALD','CRUZ','MARSHALL','ORTIZ','GOMEZ','MURRAY','FREEMAN', 'WELLS','WEBB','SIMPSON','STEVENS','TUCKER','PORTER','HUNTER','HICKS','CRAWFORD','HENRY', 'BOYD','MASON','MORALES','KENNEDY','WARREN','DIXON','RAMOS','REYES','BURNS','GORDON','SHAW', 'HOLMES','RICE','ROBERTSON','HUNT','BLACK','DANIELS','PALMER','MILLS','NICHOLS','GRANT', 'KNIGHT','FERGUSON','ROSE','STONE','HAWKINS','DUNN','PERKINS','HUDSON','SPENCER','GARDNER', 'STEPHENS','PAYNE','PIERCE','BERRY','MATTHEWS','ARNOLD','WAGNER','WILLIS','RAY','WATKINS', 'OLSON','CARROLL','DUNCAN','SNYDER','HART','CUNNINGHAM','BRADLEY','LANE','ANDREWS','RUIZ', 'HARPER','FOX','RILEY','ARMSTRONG','CARPENTER','WEAVER','GREENE','LAWRENCE','ELLIOTT','CHAVEZ', 'SIMS','AUSTIN','PETERS','KELLEY','FRANKLIN','LAWSON','FIELDS','GUTIERREZ','RYAN','SCHMIDT', 'CARR','VASQUEZ','CASTILLO','WHEELER','CHAPMAN','OLIVER','MONTGOMERY','RICHARDS','WILLIAMSON', 'JOHNSTON','BANKS','MEYER','BISHOP','MCCOY','HOWELL','ALVAREZ','MORRISON','HANSEN','FERNANDEZ', 'GARZA','HARVEY','LITTLE','BURTON','STANLEY','NGUYEN','GEORGE','JACOBS','REID','KIM','FULLER', 'LYNCH','DEAN','GILBERT','GARRETT','ROMERO','WELCH','LARSON','FRAZIER','BURKE','HANSON','DAY', 'MENDOZA','MORENO','BOWMAN','MEDINA','FOWLER'); $firstnames = array( 'JAMES','JOHN','ROBERT','MARY','MICHAEL','WILLIAM','DAVID','RICHARD', 'CHARLES','JOSEPH','THOMAS','PATRICIA','LINDA','CHRISTOPHER','BARBARA','DANIEL','PAUL', 'MARK','ELIZABETH','JENNIFER','DONALD','GEORGE','MARIA','KENNETH','SUSAN','STEVEN','EDWARD', 'MARGARET','BRIAN','DOROTHY','RONALD','ANTHONY','LISA','KEVIN','NANCY','KAREN','BETTY', 'HELEN','JASON','MATTHEW','GARY','TIMOTHY','SANDRA','JOSE','LARRY','JEFFREY','DONNA', 'FRANK','CAROL','RUTH','SCOTT','ERIC','STEPHEN','ANDREW','SHARON','MICHELLE','LAURA', 'SARAH','KIMBERLY','DEBORAH','JESSICA','RAYMOND','SHIRLEY','CYNTHIA','ANGELA','MELISSA', 'BRENDA','AMY','GREGORY','ANNA','JOSHUA','JERRY','REBECCA','VIRGINIA','KATHLEEN','PAMELA', 'DENNIS','MARTHA','DEBRA','AMANDA','STEPHANIE','WALTER','PATRICK','CAROLYN','CHRISTINE', 'PETER','MARIE','JANET','CATHERINE','HAROLD','FRANCES','DOUGLAS','HENRY','ANN','JOYCE', 'DIANE','ALICE','JULIE','CARL','HEATHER'); $users_count = 0; $users = array(); shuffle($lastnames); shuffle($firstnames); $next_user_id = $DB->get_field_sql("SELECT MAX(id) FROM {user}") + 1; for ($i = 0; $i < $this->get('number_of_students'); $i++) { $lastname = trim(ucfirst(strtolower($lastnames[rand(0, count($lastnames) - 1)]))); $firstname = $firstnames[rand(0, count($firstnames) - 1)]; $user = new stdClass(); $user->firstname = trim(ucfirst(strtolower($firstname))); $user->username = strtolower(substr($firstname, 0, 7) . substr($lastname, 0, 7)) . $next_user_id++; $user->lastname = $lastname; $user->email = $user->username . ''; $user->mnethostid = 1; $user->city = 'Test City'; $user->country = 'AU'; $user->password = md5('password'); $user->auth = 'manual'; $user->confirmed = 1; $user->lang = $CFG->lang; $user->timemodified= time(); if (!$user->id = $DB->insert_record("user", $user)) { $this->verbose("Error inserting a user in the database! Aborting the script!"); if (!$this->get('ignore_errors')) { die(); } } else { $users_count++; $users[] = $user->id; $next_user_id = $user->id + 1; $this->verbose("Inserted $user->firstname $user->lastname into DB " ."(username=$user->username, password=password)."); } } if (!$this->get('quiet')) { echo "$users_count users correctly inserted in the database.{$this->eolchar}"; } return $users; } public function generate_data() { if (!$this->do_generation) { return false; } set_time_limit($this->get('time_limit')); // Process tiny data set $tiny = $this->get('tiny'); if (!empty($tiny)) { $this->verbose("Generating a tiny data set: 1 student in 1 course with 1 module in 1 section..."); $this->set('number_of_courses',1); $this->set('number_of_students',1); $this->set('number_of_modules',1); $this->set('number_of_sections',1); $this->set('assignment_grades',false); $this->set('quiz_grades',false); $this->set('students_per_course',1); $this->set('questions_per_course',1); $this->set('questions_per_quiz',1); } if ($this->get('pre_cleanup')) { $this->verbose("Deleting previous test data..."); $this->data_cleanup(); if (!$this->get('quiet')) { echo "Previous test data has been deleted.{$this->eolchar}"; } } if (!$this->get('no_data')) { $users = $this->generate_users(); $courses = $this->generate_courses(); $modules = $this->generate_modules($courses); $questions = $this->generate_questions($courses, $modules); $course_users = $this->generate_role_assignments($users, $courses); $this->generate_forum_posts($course_users, $modules); $this->generate_grades($course_users, $courses, $modules); $this->generate_module_content($course_users, $courses, $modules); } if ($this->get('post_cleanup')) { if (!$this->get('quiet')) { echo "Removing generated data..." . $this->eolchar; } $this->data_cleanup(); if (!$this->get('quiet')) { echo "Generated data has been deleted." . $this->eolchar; } } /** * FINISHING SCRIPT */ $stoptimer = time()+microtime(); $timer = round($stoptimer-$this->starttime,4); if (!$this->get('quiet')) { echo "End of script! ($timer seconds taken){$this->eolchar}"; } } public function generate_courses() { global $DB; $this->verbose("Generating " . $this->get('number_of_courses')." courses..."); $base_course = new stdClass(); $next_course_id = $DB->get_field_sql("SELECT MAX(id) FROM {course}") + 1; $base_course->MAX_FILE_SIZE = '2097152'; $base_course->category = '1'; $base_course->summary = 'Blah Blah'; $base_course->format = 'weeks'; $base_course->numsections = '10'; $base_course->startdate = mktime(); $base_course->id = '0'; $courses_count = 0; $courses = array(); for ($i = 1; $i <= $this->get('number_of_courses'); $i++) { $newcourse = fullclone($base_course); $newcourse->fullname = "Test course $next_course_id"; $newcourse->shortname = "Test $next_course_id"; $newcourse->idnumber = $next_course_id; if (!$course = create_course($newcourse)) { $this->verbose("Error inserting a new course in the database!"); if (!$this->get('ignore_errors')) { die(); } } else { $courses_count++; $next_course_id++; $courses[] = $course->id; $next_course_id = $course->id + 1; $this->verbose("Inserted $course->fullname into DB (idnumber=$course->idnumber)."); } } if (!$this->get('quiet')) { echo "$courses_count test courses correctly inserted into the database.{$this->eolchar}"; } return $courses; } public function generate_modules($courses) { global $DB, $CFG; // Parse the modules-list variable $this->verbose("Generating " . $this->get('number_of_sections')." sections with " .$this->get('number_of_modules')." modules in each section, for each course..."); list($modules_list_sql, $modules_params) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($this->get('modules_list'), SQL_PARAMS_NAMED, 'param0000', true); list($modules_ignored_sql, $ignore_params) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($this->modules_to_ignore, SQL_PARAMS_NAMED, 'param2000', false); $wheresql = "name $modules_list_sql AND name $modules_ignored_sql"; $modules = $DB->get_records_select('modules', $wheresql, array_merge($modules_params, $ignore_params)); foreach ($modules as $key => $module) { $module->count = 0; // Scorm, lams and hotpot are too complex to set up, remove them if (in_array($module->name, $this->modules_to_ignore) || !in_array($module->name, $this->modules_list)) { unset($modules[$key]); } } // Dirty hack for renumbering the modules array's keys $first_module = reset($modules); array_shift($modules); array_unshift($modules, $first_module); $modules_array = array(); if (count($courses) > 0) { $libraries = array(); foreach ($courses as $courseid) { // Text resources for ($i = 1; $i <= $this->get('number_of_sections'); $i++) { for ($j = 0; $j < $this->get('number_of_modules'); $j++) { $module = new stdClass(); // If only one module is created, and we also need to add a question to a quiz, create only a quiz if ($this->get('number_of_modules') == 1 && $this->get('questions_per_quiz') > 0 && !empty($modules[8])) { $moduledata = $modules[8]; } else { $moduledata = $modules[array_rand($modules)]; } $libfile = "$CFG->dirroot/mod/$moduledata->name/lib.php"; if (file_exists($libfile)) { if (!in_array($libfile, $libraries)) { $this->verbose("Including library for $moduledata->name..."); $libraries[] = $libfile; require_once($libfile); } } else { $this->verbose("Could not load lib file for module $moduledata->name!"); if (!$this->get('ignore_errors')) { die(); } } // Basically 2 types of text fields: description and content $description = "This $moduledata->name has been randomly generated by a very useful script, " . "for the purpose of testing " . "the boundaries of Moodle in various contexts. Moodle should be able to scale to " . "any size without " . "its speed and ease of use being affected dramatically."; $content = 'Very useful content, I am sure you would agree'; $module_type_index = 0; // Special module-specific config switch ($moduledata->name) { case 'assignment': $module->description = $description; $module->assignmenttype = $this->get_module_type('assignment'); $module->timedue = mktime() + 89487321; $module->grade = rand(50,100); break; case 'chat': $module->intro = $description; $module->schedule = 1; $module->chattime = 60 * 60 * 4; break; case 'data': $module->intro = $description; $module->name = 'test'; break; case 'choice': $module->text = $content; $module->option = array('Good choice', 'Bad choice', 'No choice'); $module->limit = array(1, 5, 0); break; case 'comments': $module->intro = $description; $module->comments = $content; break; case 'feedback': $module->intro = $description; $module->comments = $content; break; case 'forum': $module->intro = $description; $module->type = $this->get_module_type('forum'); $module->forcesubscribe = rand(0, 1); $module->format = 1; break; case 'glossary': $module->intro = $description; $module->displayformat = $this->glossary_formats[rand(0, count($this->glossary_formats) - 1)]; $module->cmidnumber = rand(0,999999); break; case 'label': $module->content = $content; break; case 'lesson': $module->lessondefault = 1; $module->available = mktime(); $module->deadline = mktime() + 719891987; $module->grade = 100; break; case 'quiz': $module->intro = $description; $module->feedbacktext = 'blah'; $module->feedback = 1; $module->feedbackboundaries = array(2, 1); $module->grade = 10; $module->timeopen = time(); $module->timeclose = time() + 68854; $module->shufflequestions = true; $module->shuffleanswers = true; $module->quizpassword = ''; break; case 'resource': $module->type = $this->get_module_type('resource'); $module->alltext = $content; $module->summary = $description; $module->windowpopup = rand(0,1); $module->resizable = rand(0,1); $module->scrollbars = rand(0,1); $module->directories = rand(0,1); $module->location = 'file.txt'; $module->menubar = rand(0,1); $module->toolbar = rand(0,1); $module->status = rand(0,1); $module->width = rand(200,600); $module->height = rand(200,600); $module->directories = rand(0,1); $module->param_navigationmenu = rand(0,1); $module->param_navigationbuttons = rand(0,1); $module->reference = 1; $module->forcedownload = 1; break; case 'survey': $module->template = rand(1,5); $module->intro = $description; break; case 'wiki': $module->summary = $description; break; } $module->name = ucfirst($moduledata->name) . ' ' . $moduledata->count++; $module->course = $courseid; $module->section = $i; $module->module = $moduledata->id; $module->modulename = $moduledata->name; $module->add = $moduledata->name; $module->cmidnumber = ''; $add_instance_function = $moduledata->name . '_add_instance'; if (function_exists($add_instance_function)) { $module->instance = $add_instance_function($module, ''); } else { $this->verbose("Function $add_instance_function does not exist!"); if (!$this->get('ignore_errors')) { die(); } } $section = get_course_section($i, $courseid); $module->section = $section->id; $module->coursemodule = add_course_module($module); $module->section = $i; add_mod_to_section($module); $module->cmidnumber = set_coursemodule_idnumber($module->coursemodule, ''); $this->verbose("A $moduledata->name module was added to section $i (id $module->section) " ."of course $courseid."); rebuild_course_cache($courseid); $module_instance = $DB->get_field('course_modules', 'instance', array('id' => $module->coursemodule)); $module_record = $DB->get_record($moduledata->name, array('id' => $module_instance)); $module_record->instance = $module_instance; if (empty($modules_array[$moduledata->name])) { $modules_array[$moduledata->name] = array(); } $modules_array[$moduledata->name][] = $module_record; } } } if (!$this->get('quiet')) { echo "Successfully generated " . $this->get('number_of_modules') * $this->get('number_of_sections') . " modules in each course!{$this->eolchar}"; } return $modules_array; } return null; } public function generate_questions($courses, $modules) { global $DB, $CFG; if (!is_null($this->get('questions_per_course')) && count($courses) > 0 && is_array($courses)) { require_once($CFG->libdir .'/questionlib.php'); require_once($CFG->dirroot .'/mod/quiz/editlib.php'); $questions = array(); $questionsmenu = question_type_menu(); $questiontypes = array(); foreach ($questionsmenu as $qtype => $qname) { $questiontypes[] = $qtype; } // Add the questions foreach ($courses as $courseid) { $questions[$courseid] = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < $this->get('questions_per_course'); $i++) { $qtype = $questiontypes[array_rand($questiontypes)]; // Only the following types are supported right now. Hang around for more! $supported_types = array('match', 'essay', 'multianswer', 'multichoice', 'shortanswer', 'numerical', 'truefalse', 'calculated'); $qtype = $supported_types[array_rand($supported_types)]; if ($qtype == 'calculated') { continue; } $classname = "question_{$qtype}_qtype"; if ($qtype == 'multianswer') { $classname = "embedded_cloze_qtype"; } $question = new $classname(); $question->qtype = $qtype; $questions[$courseid][] = $question->generate_test("question$qtype-$i", $courseid); $this->verbose("Generated a question of type $qtype for course id $courseid."); } } // Assign questions to quizzes, if such exist if (!empty($modules['quiz']) && !empty($questions) && !is_null($this->get('questions_per_quiz'))) { $quizzes = $modules['quiz']; // Cannot assign more questions per quiz than are available, so determine which is the largest $questions_per_quiz = max(count($questions), $this->get('questions_per_quiz')); foreach ($quizzes as $quiz) { $questions_added = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < $questions_per_quiz; $i++) { // Add a random question to the quiz do { $random = rand(0, count($questions[$quiz->course])); } while (in_array($random, $questions_added) || !array_key_exists($random, $questions[$quiz->course])); if (!quiz_add_quiz_question($questions[$quiz->course][$random]->id, $quiz)) { // Could not add question to quiz!! report error if (!$this->get('quiet')) { echo "WARNING: Could not add question id $random to quiz id $quiz->id{$this->eolchar}"; } } else { $this->verbose("Adding question id $random to quiz id $quiz->id."); $questions_added[] = $random; } } } } return $questions; } return null; } public function generate_role_assignments($users, $courses) { global $CFG, $DB; $course_users = array(); if (count($courses) > 0) { $this->verbose("Inserting student->course role assignments..."); $assigned_count = 0; $assigned_users = array(); foreach ($courses as $courseid) { $course_users[$courseid] = array(); // Select $students_per_course for assignment to course shuffle($users); $users_to_assign = array_slice($users, 0, $this->get('students_per_course')); foreach ($users_to_assign as $random_user) { $context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $courseid); $newra = new stdClass(); $newra->roleid = 5; // Student role $newra->contextid = $context->id; $newra->userid = $random_user; $newra->hidden = 0; $newra->enrol = 1; $success = $DB->insert_record('role_assignments', $newra); if ($success) { $assigned_count++; $course_users[$courseid][] = $random_user; if (!isset($assigned_users[$random_user])) { $assigned_users[$random_user] = 1; } else { $assigned_users[$random_user]++; } $this->verbose("Student $random_user was assigned to course $courseid."); } else { $this->verbose("Could not assign student $random_user to course $courseid!"); if (!$this->get('ignore_errors')) { die(); } } } } if (!$this->get('quiet')) { echo "$assigned_count user => course role assignments have been correctly performed.{$this->eolchar}"; } return $course_users; } return null; } public function generate_forum_posts($course_users, $modules) { global $CFG, $DB, $USER; if (in_array('forum', $this->modules_list) && $this->get('discussions_per_forum') && $this->get('posts_per_discussion') && isset($modules['forum'])) { $discussions_count = 0; $posts_count = 0; foreach ($modules['forum'] as $forum) { $forum_users = $course_users[$forum->course]; for ($i = 0; $i < $this->get('discussions_per_forum'); $i++) { $mform = new fake_form(); require_once($CFG->dirroot.'/mod/forum/lib.php'); $discussion = new stdClass(); $discussion->name = 'Test discussion'; $discussion->intro = 'This is just a test forum discussion'; $discussion->format = 1; $discussion->forum = $forum->id; $discussion->mailnow = false; $discussion->course = $forum->course; $message = ''; $super_global_user = clone($USER); $user_id = $forum_users[array_rand($forum_users)]; $USER = $DB->get_record('user', array('id' => $user_id)); if ($discussion_id = forum_add_discussion($discussion, $mform, $message)) { $discussion = $DB->get_record('forum_discussions', array('id' => $discussion_id)); $discussions_count++; // Add posts to this discussion $post_ids = array($discussion->firstpost); for ($j = 0; $j < $this->get('posts_per_discussion'); $j++) { $global_user = clone($USER); $user_id = $forum_users[array_rand($forum_users)]; $USER = $DB->get_record('user', array('id' => $user_id)); $post = new stdClass(); $post->discussion = $discussion_id; $post->subject = 'Re: test discussion'; $post->message = '

Nothing much to say, since this is just a test...

'; $post->format = 1; $post->parent = $post_ids[array_rand($post_ids)]; if ($post_ids[] = forum_add_new_post($post, $mform, $message)) { $posts_count++; } $USER = $global_user; } } $USER = $super_global_user; if ($forum->type == 'single') { break; } } } if ($discussions_count > 0 && !$this->get('quiet')) { echo "$discussions_count forum discussions have been generated.{$this->eolchar}"; } if ($posts_count > 0 && !$this->get('quiet')) { echo "$posts_count forum posts have been generated.{$this->eolchar}"; } return true; } return null; } public function generate_grades($course_users, $courses, $modules) { global $CFG, $DB, $USER; /** * ASSIGNMENT GRADES GENERATION */ if ($this->get('assignment_grades') && isset($modules['assignment'])) { $grades_count = 0; foreach ($course_users as $courseid => $userid_array) { foreach ($userid_array as $userid) { foreach ($modules['assignment'] as $assignment) { if (in_array($assignment->course, $courses)) { $maxgrade = $assignment->grade; $random_grade = rand(0, $maxgrade); $grade = new stdClass(); $grade->assignment = $assignment->id; $grade->userid = $userid; $grade->grade = $random_grade; $grade->rawgrade = $random_grade; $grade->teacher = $USER->id; $grade->submissioncomment = 'comment'; $DB->insert_record('assignment_submissions', $grade); grade_update('mod/assignment', $assignment->course, 'mod', 'assignment', $assignment->id, 0, $grade); $this->verbose("A grade ($random_grade) has been given to user $userid " . "for assignment $assignment->id"); $grades_count++; } } } } if ($grades_count > 0) { $this->verbose("$grades_count assignment grades have been generated.{$this->eolchar}"); } } /** * QUIZ GRADES GENERATION */ if ($this->get('quiz_grades') && isset($modules['quiz'])) { $grades_count = 0; foreach ($course_users as $userid => $courses) { foreach ($modules['quiz'] as $quiz) { if (in_array($quiz->course, $courses)) { $maxgrade = $quiz->grade; $random_grade = rand(0, $maxgrade); $grade = new stdClass(); $grade->quiz = $quiz->id; $grade->userid = $userid; $grade->grade = $random_grade; $grade->rawgrade = $random_grade; $DB->insert_record('quiz_grades', $grade); grade_update('mod/quiz', $courseid, 'mod', 'quiz', $quiz->id, 0, $grade); $this->verbose("A grade ($random_grade) has been given to user $userid for quiz $quiz->id"); $grades_count++; } } } if ($grades_count > 0 && !$this->get('quiet')) { echo "$grades_count quiz grades have been generated.{$this->eolchar}"; } } return null; } public function generate_module_content($course_users, $courses, $modules) { global $USER, $DB, $CFG; $result = null; $entries_count = 0; if ($this->get('entries_per_glossary') && !empty($modules['glossary'])) { foreach ($modules['glossary'] as $glossary) { for ($i = 0; $i < $this->get('entries_per_glossary'); $i++) { $entry = new stdClass(); $entry->glossaryid = $glossary->id; $entry->userid = $USER->id; $entry->concept = "Test concept"; $entry->definition = "A test concept is nothing to write home about: just a test concept."; $entry->format = 1; $entry->timecreated = time(); $entry->timemodified = time(); $entry->teacherentry = 0; $entry->approved = 1; if ($DB->insert_record('glossary_entries', $entry)) { $entries_count++; } } } if ($entries_count > 0 && !$this->get('quiet')) { echo "$entries_count glossary definitions have been generated.{$this->eolchar}"; } $result = true; } $fields_count = 0; if (!empty($modules['data']) && $this->get('fields_per_database') && $this->get('database_records_per_student')) { $database_field_types = array('checkbox', 'date', 'file', 'latlong', 'menu', 'multimenu', 'number', 'picture', 'radiobutton', 'text', 'textarea', 'url'); $fields = array(); foreach ($modules['data'] as $data) { for ($i = 0; $i < $this->get('fields_per_database'); $i++) { $type = $database_field_types[array_rand($database_field_types)]; require_once($CFG->dirroot.'/mod/data/field/'.$type.'/field.class.php'); $newfield = 'data_field_'.$type; $cm = get_coursemodule_from_instance('data', $data->id); $newfield = new $newfield(0, $data, $cm); $fields[$data->id][] = $newfield; $newfield->insert_field(); } // Generate fields for each database (same fields for all, no arguing) for ($i = 0; $i < $this->get('fields_per_database'); $i++) { } // Generate database records for each student, if needed for ($i = 0; $i < $this->get('database_records_per_student'); $i++) { } } if ($fields_count > 0 && !$this->get('quiet')) { $datacount = count($modules['data']); echo "$fields_count database fields have been generated for each of the " . "$datacount generated databases.{$this->eolchar}"; } $result = true; } $messages_count = 0; if (!empty($modules['chat']) && $this->get('messages_per_chat')) { // Insert all users into chat_users table, then a message from each user foreach ($modules['chat'] as $chat) { foreach ($course_users as $courseid => $users_array) { foreach ($users_array as $userid) { if ($messages_count < $this->get('messages_per_chat')) { $chat_user = new stdClass(); $chat_user->chatid = $chat->id; $chat_user->userid = $userid; $chat_user->course = $courseid; $DB->insert_record('chat_users', $chat_user); $chat_message = new stdClass(); $chat_message->chatid = $chat->id; $chat_message->userid = $userid; $chat_message->message = "Hi, everyone!"; $DB->insert_record('chat_messages', $chat_message); $messages_count++; } } } } if ($messages_count > 0 && !$this->get('quiet')) { $datacount = count($modules['chat']); echo "$messages_count messages have been generated for each of the " . "$datacount generated chats.{$this->eolchar}"; } $result = true; } return $result; } /** * If verbose is switched on, prints a string terminated by the global eolchar string. * @param string $string The string to STDOUT */ public function verbose($string) { if ($this->get('verbose') && !$this->get('quiet')) { echo $string . $this->eolchar; } } /** * Attempts to delete all generated test data. * WARNING: THIS WILL COMPLETELY MESS UP A "REAL" SITE, AND IS INTENDED ONLY FOR DEVELOPMENT PURPOSES */ function data_cleanup() { global $DB; if ($this->get('quiet')) { ob_start(); } // TODO Cleanup code if ($this->get('quiet')) { ob_end_clean(); } } public function get($setting) { if (isset($this->settings[$setting])) { return $this->settings[$setting]->value; } else { return null; } } public function set($setting, $value) { if (isset($this->settings[$setting])) { $this->settings[$setting]->value = $value; } else { return false; } } public function get_module_type($modulename) { $return_val = false; $type = $this->get($modulename.'_type'); if (is_object($type) && isset($type->type) && isset($type->options)) { if ($type->type == GENERATOR_RANDOM) { $return_val = $type->options[array_rand($type->options)]; } elseif ($type->type == GENERATOR_SEQUENCE) { $return_val = $type->options[$this->{$modulename.'_type_counter'}]; $this->{$modulename.'_type_counter'}++; if ($this->{$modulename.'_type_counter'} == count($type->options)) { $this->{$modulename.'_type_counter'} = 0; } } } elseif (is_array($type)) { $return_val = $type[array_rand($type)]; } elseif (is_string($type)) { $return_val = $type; } return $return_val; } } class generator_argument { public $short; public $long; public $help; public $type; public $default = null; public $value; public function __construct($params) { foreach ($params as $key => $val) { $this->$key = $val; } $this->value = $this->default; } } class generator_cli extends generator { public $eolchar = "\n"; public function __construct($settings, $argc) { parent::__construct(); // Building the USAGE output of the command line version $help = "Moodle Data Generator. Generates Data for Moodle sites. Good for benchmarking and other tests.\n\n" . "FOR DEVELOPMENT PURPOSES ONLY! DO NOT USE ON A PRODUCTION SITE!\n\n" . "Usage: {$settings[0]}; [OPTION] ...\n" . "Options:\n" . " -h, -?, -help, --help This output\n"; foreach ($this->settings as $argument) { $equal = ''; if (!empty($argument->type)) { $equal = "={$argument->type}"; } $padding1 = 5 - strlen($argument->short); $padding2 = 30 - (strlen($argument->long) + strlen($equal)); $paddingstr1 = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < $padding1; $i++) { $paddingstr1 .= ' '; } $paddingstr2 = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < $padding2; $i++) { $paddingstr2 .= ' '; } $help .= " -{$argument->short},$paddingstr1--{$argument->long}$equal$paddingstr2{$argument->help}\n"; } $help .= "\nEmail for any suggestions or bug reports.\n"; if ($argc == 1 || in_array($settings[1], array('--help', '-help', '-h', '-?'))) { echo $help; die(); } else { $this->do_generation = true; $settings = $this->_arguments($settings); $argscount = 0; foreach ($this->settings as $argument) { $value = null; if (in_array($argument->short, array_keys($settings))) { $value = $settings[$argument->short]; unset($settings[$argument->short]); } elseif (in_array($argument->long, array_keys($settings))) { $value = $settings[$argument->long]; unset($settings[$argument->long]); } if (!is_null($value)) { if (!empty($argument->type) && ($argument->type == 'mod1,mod2...' || $argument->type == 'SELECT')) { $value = explode(',', $value); } $this->set($argument->long, $value); $argscount++; } } // If some params are left in argv, it means they are not supported if ($argscount == 0 || count($settings) > 0) { echo $help; die(); } } $this->connect(); } public function generate_data() { if (is_null($this->get('username')) || $this->get('username') == '') { echo "You must enter a valid username for a moodle administrator account on this site.{$this->eolchar}"; die(); } elseif (is_null($this->get('password')) || $this->get('password') == '') { echo "You must enter a valid password for a moodle administrator account on this site.{$this->eolchar}"; die(); } else { if (!$user = authenticate_user_login($this->get('username'), $this->get('password'))) { echo "Invalid username or password!{$this->eolchar}"; die(); } $USER = complete_user_login($user); $systemcontext = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_SYSTEM); if (!has_capability('moodle/site:doanything', $systemcontext)) { echo "You do not have administration privileges on this Moodle site. " ."These are required for running the generation script.{$this->eolchar}"; die(); } } parent::generate_data(); } /** * Converts the standard $argv into an associative array taking var=val arguments into account * @param array $argv * @return array $_ARG */ private function _arguments($argv) { $_ARG = array(); foreach ($argv as $arg) { if (ereg('--?([^=]+)=(.*)',$arg,$reg)) { $_ARG[$reg[1]] = $reg[2]; } elseif(ereg('-([a-zA-Z0-9]+)',$arg,$reg)) { $_ARG[$reg[1]] = 'true'; } } return $_ARG; } } class generator_web extends generator { public $eolchar = '
'; public $mform; public function setup() { $this->mform = new generator_form(); $this->do_generation = optional_param('do_generation', false, PARAM_BOOL); if ($data = $this->mform->get_data(false)) { foreach ($this->settings as $setting) { if (isset($data->{$setting->long})) { $this->set($setting->long, $data->{$setting->long}); } } } $this->connect(); } public function display() { print_header("Data generator"); print_heading("Data generator: web interface"); print_heading("FOR DEVELOPMENT PURPOSES ONLY. DO NOT USE ON A PRODUCTION SITE!", '', 3); print_heading("Your database contents will probably be massacred. You have been warned", '', 5); $systemcontext = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_SYSTEM); if (!has_capability('moodle/site:doanything', $systemcontext)) { // If not logged in, give link to login page for current site notify("You must be logged in as administrator before using this script."); print_footer(); require_login(); } else { $this->mform->display(); } } public function __destroy() { print_footer(); } } function generator_generate_data($settings) { $generator = new generator($settings); $generator->do_generation = true; $generator->generate_data(); } class fake_form { function get_new_filename($string) { return false; } function save_stored_file() { return true; } function get_data() { return array(); } } class generator_form extends moodleform { function definition() { global $generator; $mform =& $this->_form; $mform->addElement('hidden', 'web_interface', 1); $mform->addElement('hidden', 'do_generation', 1); foreach ($generator->settings as $setting) { $type = 'advcheckbox'; $options = null; $htmloptions = null; $label = ucfirst(str_replace('_', ' ', $setting->long)); if (!empty($setting->type) && $setting->type == 'mod1,mod2...') { $type = 'select'; $options = $generator->modules_list; $htmloptions = array('multiple' => 'multiple'); } elseif (!empty($setting->type) && $setting->type == 'SELECT') { $type = 'select'; $options = array(); foreach ($setting->default as $option) { $options[$option] = $option; } $htmloptions = array('multiple' => 'multiple'); } elseif (!empty($setting->type)) { $type = 'text'; } if ($setting->long == 'password' || $setting->long == 'username') { continue; } $mform->addElement($type, $setting->long, $label, $options, $htmloptions); $mform->setHelpButton($setting->long, array(false, $label, false, true, false, $setting->help)); if (isset($setting->default)) { $mform->setDefault($setting->long, $setting->default); } } $this->add_action_buttons(false, 'Generate data!'); } function definition_after_data() { } } $web_interface = optional_param('web_interface', false, PARAM_BOOL); if (isset($argv) && isset($argc)) { $generator = new generator_cli($argv, $argc); $generator->generate_data(); } elseif($web_interface) { $generator = new generator_web(); $generator->setup(); $generator->display(); $generator->generate_data(); } ?>