name ($a->shortname)\"?
Currently this role is assigned to $a->count users.'; $string['duplicaterolesure'] = 'Are you sure that you want to duplicate role \"$a->name ($a->shortname)\"?
'; $string['duplicaterole'] = 'Duplicate role'; $string['editrole'] = 'Edit role'; $string['errorbadrolename'] = 'Incorrect role name'; $string['errorbadroleshortname'] = 'Incorrect role name'; $string['errorexistsrolename'] = 'Role name already exists'; $string['errorexistsroleshortname'] = 'Role name already exists'; $string['existingusers'] = '$a existing users'; $string['globalrole'] = 'System role'; $string['globalroleswarning'] = 'WARNING! Any roles you assign from this page will apply to the assigned users throughout the entire system, including the front page and all the courses.'; $string['inherit'] = 'Inherit'; $string['legacy:admin'] = 'LEGACY ROLE: Administrator'; $string['legacy:coursecreator'] = 'LEGACY ROLE: Course Creator'; $string['legacy:editingteacher'] = 'LEGACY ROLE: Teacher (editing)'; $string['legacy:guest'] = 'LEGACY ROLE: Guest'; $string['legacy:student'] = 'LEGACY ROLE: Student'; $string['legacy:teacher'] = 'LEGACY ROLE: Teacher (non-editing)'; $string['legacy:user'] = 'LEGACY ROLE: Authenticated user'; $string['legacytype'] = 'Legacy role type'; $string['listallroles'] = 'List all roles'; $string['localroles'] = 'Locally assigned roles'; $string['manageroles'] = 'Manage roles'; $string['metaassignerror'] = 'Can not assign this role to user \"$a\" because Manage metacourse capability is needed.'; $string['metaunassignerror'] = 'Role of user \"$a\" was automatically reassigned, please unassign the role in child courses instead.'; $string['multipleroles'] = 'Multiple roles'; $string['overridepermissions'] = 'Override permissions'; $string['overridepermissionsin'] = 'Override permissions in $a'; $string['morethan'] = 'More than $a'; $string['my:manageblocks'] = 'Manage myMoodle page blocks'; $string['nocapabilitiesincontext'] = 'No capabilities available in this context'; $string['notset'] = 'Not set'; $string['overrideroles'] = 'Override roles'; $string['overriderolesin'] = 'Override roles in $a'; $string['overrides'] = 'Overrides'; $string['permissions'] = 'Permissions'; $string['potentialusers'] = '$a potential users'; $string['portfolio:export'] = 'Export to portfolios'; $string['prevent'] = 'Prevent'; $string['prohibit'] = 'Prohibit'; $string['question:add'] = 'Add new questions'; $string['question:config'] = 'Configure question types'; $string['question:editall'] = 'Edit all questions'; $string['question:editmine'] = 'Edit your own questions'; $string['question:flag'] = 'Flag questions while attempting them'; $string['question:managecategory'] = 'Edit question categories'; $string['question:moveall'] = 'Move all questions'; $string['question:movemine'] = 'Move your own questions'; $string['question:useall'] = 'Use all questions'; $string['question:usemine'] = 'Use your own questions'; $string['question:viewall'] = 'View all questions'; $string['question:viewmine'] = 'View your own questions'; $string['resetrole'] = 'Reset to defaults'; $string['resetrolenolegacy'] = 'Clear permissions'; $string['resetrolesure'] = 'Are you sure that you want to reset role \"$a->name ($a->shortname)\" to defaults?The defaults are taken from the selected legacy capability ($a->legacytype).'; $string['resetrolesurenolegacy'] = 'Are you sure that you want to clear all permissions defined in this role \"$a->name ($a->shortname)\"?'; $string['risks'] = 'Risks'; $string['role:assign'] = 'Assign roles to users'; $string['role:manage'] = 'Create and manage roles'; $string['role:override'] = 'Override permissions for others'; $string['role:safeoverride'] = 'Override safe permissions for others'; $string['role:switchroles'] = 'Switch to other roles'; $string['role:unassignself'] = 'Unassign own roles'; $string['role:viewhiddenassigns'] = 'View hidden role assignments'; $string['roleassignments'] = 'Role assignments'; $string['roles'] = 'Roles'; $string['roletoassign'] = 'Role to assign'; $string['roletooverride'] = 'Role to override'; $string['safeoverridenotice'] = 'Note: Capabilities with higher risks are locked because you are only allowed to override safe capabilities.'; $string['selectrole'] = 'Select a role'; $string['showallroles'] = 'Show all roles'; $string['site:accessallgroups'] = 'Access all groups'; $string['site:approvecourse'] = 'Approve course creation'; $string['site:backup'] = 'Backup courses'; $string['site:config'] = 'Change site configuration'; $string['site:doanything'] = 'Allowed to do everything'; $string['site:doclinks'] = 'Show links to offsite docs'; $string['site:import'] = 'Import other courses into a course'; $string['site:langeditlocal'] = 'Customize local translation'; $string['site:langeditmaster'] = 'Edit master language packages'; $string['site:manageblocks'] = 'Manage site-level blocks'; $string['site:readallmessages'] = 'Read all messages on site'; $string['site:restore'] = 'Restore courses'; $string['site:sendmessage'] = 'Send messages to any user'; $string['site:trustcontent'] = 'Trust submitted content'; $string['site:uploadusers'] = 'Upload new users from file'; $string['site:viewfullnames'] = 'Always see full names of users'; $string['site:viewparticipants'] = 'View participants'; $string['site:viewreports'] = 'View reports'; $string['tag:manage'] = 'Manage all tags'; $string['tag:create'] = 'Create new tags'; $string['tag:edit'] = 'Edit existing tags'; $string['tag:editblocks'] = 'Edit blocks in tags pages'; $string['user:changeownpassword'] = 'Change own password'; $string['user:create'] = 'Create users'; $string['user:delete'] = 'Delete users'; $string['user:editownprofile'] = 'Edit own user profile'; $string['user:editprofile'] = 'Edit user profile'; $string['user:loginas'] = 'Login as other users'; $string['user:readuserblogs'] = 'See all user blogs'; $string['user:readuserposts'] = 'See all user posts'; $string['user:update'] = 'Update user profiles'; $string['user:viewdetails'] = 'View user profiles'; $string['user:viewhiddendetails'] = 'View hidden details of users'; $string['user:viewuseractivitiesreport'] = 'See user activity reports'; $string['userhashiddenassignments'] = 'This user has one or more hidden role assignments in this course'; $string['userswithrole'] = 'All users with a role'; $string['viewrole'] = 'View role details'; $string['xuserswiththerole'] = 'Users with the role \"$a->role\"'; $string['ingroup'] = 'in the group \"$a->group\"'; $string['inactiveformorethan'] = 'inactive for more than $a->timeperiod'; // MNET $string['site:mnetlogintoremote'] = 'Roam to a remote Moodle'; $string['site:mnetloginfromremote'] = 'Login from a remote Moodle'; // Notes $string['notes:view'] = 'View notes'; $string['notes:manage'] = 'Manage notes'; //OBSOLETED in 1.9! $string['course:viewcoursegrades'] = 'View course grades'; $string['user:viewusergrades'] = 'View user grades'; $string['course:managegrades'] = 'Manage grades'; //LUIS: new message system $string['user:editmessageprofile'] = 'Edit user messaging profile'; $string['user:editownmessageprofile'] = 'Edit own user messaging profile'; ?>