<?php /** * Graph Class. PHP Class to draw line, point, bar, and area graphs, including numeric x-axis and double y-axis. * Version: 1.6.3 * Copyright (C) 2000 Herman Veluwenkamp * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * Copy of GNU Lesser General Public License at: http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.txt * Contact author at: hermanV@mindless.com * * @package core * @subpackage lib */ defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die(); /* This file contains modifications by Martin Dougiamas * as part of Moodle (http://moodle.com). Modified lines * are marked with "Moodle". */ /** * @package moodlecore */ class graph { var $image; var $debug = FALSE; // be careful!! var $calculated = array(); // array of computed values for chart var $parameter = array( // input parameters 'width' => 320, // default width of image 'height' => 240, // default height of image 'file_name' => 'none', // name of file for file to be saved as. // NOTE: no suffix required. this is determined from output_format below. 'output_format' => 'PNG', // image output format. 'GIF', 'PNG', 'JPEG'. default 'PNG'. 'seconds_to_live' => 0, // expiry time in seconds (for HTTP header) 'hours_to_live' => 0, // expiry time in hours (for HTTP header) 'path_to_fonts' => 'fonts/', // path to fonts folder. don't forget *trailing* slash!! // for WINDOZE this may need to be the full path, not relative. 'title' => 'Graph Title', // text for graph title 'title_font' => 'default.ttf', // title text font. don't forget to set 'path_to_fonts' above. 'title_size' => 16, // title text point size 'title_colour' => 'black', // colour for title text 'x_label' => '', // if this is set then this text is printed on bottom axis of graph. 'y_label_left' => '', // if this is set then this text is printed on left axis of graph. 'y_label_right' => '', // if this is set then this text is printed on right axis of graph. 'label_size' => 8, // label text point size 'label_font' => 'default.ttf', // label text font. don't forget to set 'path_to_fonts' above. 'label_colour' => 'gray33', // label text colour 'y_label_angle' => 90, // rotation of y axis label 'x_label_angle' => 90, // rotation of y axis label 'outer_padding' => 5, // padding around outer text. i.e. title, y label, and x label. 'inner_padding' => 0, // padding beteen axis text and graph. 'x_inner_padding' => 5, // padding beteen axis text and graph. 'y_inner_padding' => 6, // padding beteen axis text and graph. 'outer_border' => 'none', // colour of border aound image, or 'none'. 'inner_border' => 'black', // colour of border around actual graph, or 'none'. 'inner_border_type' => 'box', // 'box' for all four sides, 'axis' for x/y axis only, // 'y' or 'y-left' for y axis only, 'y-right' for right y axis only, // 'x' for x axis only, 'u' for both left and right y axis and x axis. 'outer_background' => 'none', // background colour of entire image. 'inner_background' => 'none', // background colour of plot area. 'y_min_left' => 0, // this will be reset to minimum value if there is a value lower than this. 'y_max_left' => 0, // this will be reset to maximum value if there is a value higher than this. 'y_min_right' => 0, // this will be reset to minimum value if there is a value lower than this. 'y_max_right' => 0, // this will be reset to maximum value if there is a value higher than this. 'x_min' => 0, // only used if x axis is numeric. 'x_max' => 0, // only used if x axis is numeric. 'y_resolution_left' => 1, // scaling for rounding of y axis max value. // if max y value is 8645 then // if y_resolution is 0, then y_max becomes 9000. // if y_resolution is 1, then y_max becomes 8700. // if y_resolution is 2, then y_max becomes 8650. // if y_resolution is 3, then y_max becomes 8645. // get it? 'y_decimal_left' => 0, // number of decimal places for y_axis text. 'y_resolution_right' => 2, // ... same for right hand side 'y_decimal_right' => 0, // ... same for right hand side 'x_resolution' => 2, // only used if x axis is numeric. 'x_decimal' => 0, // only used if x axis is numeric. 'point_size' => 4, // default point size. use even number for diamond or triangle to get nice look. 'brush_size' => 4, // default brush size for brush line. 'brush_type' => 'circle', // type of brush to use to draw line. choose from the following // 'circle', 'square', 'horizontal', 'vertical', 'slash', 'backslash' 'bar_size' => 0.8, // size of bar to draw. <1 bars won't touch // 1 is full width - i.e. bars will touch. // >1 means bars will overlap. 'bar_spacing' => 10, // space in pixels between group of bars for each x value. 'shadow_offset' => 3, // draw shadow at this offset, unless overidden by data parameter. 'shadow' => 'grayCC', // 'none' or colour of shadow. 'shadow_below_axis' => true, // whether to draw shadows of bars and areas below the x/zero axis. 'x_axis_gridlines' => 'auto', // if set to a number then x axis is treated as numeric. 'y_axis_gridlines' => 6, // number of gridlines on y axis. 'zero_axis' => 'none', // colour to draw zero-axis, or 'none'. 'axis_font' => 'default.ttf', // axis text font. don't forget to set 'path_to_fonts' above. 'axis_size' => 8, // axis text font size in points 'axis_colour' => 'gray33', // colour of axis text. 'y_axis_angle' => 0, // rotation of axis text. 'x_axis_angle' => 0, // rotation of axis text. 'y_axis_text_left' => 1, // whether to print left hand y axis text. if 0 no text, if 1 all ticks have text, 'x_axis_text' => 1, // if 4 then print every 4th tick and text, etc... 'y_axis_text_right' => 0, // behaviour same as above for right hand y axis. 'x_offset' => 0.5, // x axis tick offset from y axis as fraction of tick spacing. 'y_ticks_colour' => 'black', // colour to draw y ticks, or 'none' 'x_ticks_colour' => 'black', // colour to draw x ticks, or 'none' 'y_grid' => 'line', // grid lines. set to 'line' or 'dash'... 'x_grid' => 'line', // or if set to 'none' print nothing. 'grid_colour' => 'grayEE', // default grid colour. 'tick_length' => 4, // length of ticks in pixels. can be negative. i.e. outside data drawing area. 'legend' => 'none', // default. no legend. // otherwise: 'top-left', 'top-right', 'bottom-left', 'bottom-right', // 'outside-top', 'outside-bottom', 'outside-left', or 'outside-right'. 'legend_offset' => 10, // offset in pixels from graph or outside border. 'legend_padding' => 5, // padding around legend text. 'legend_font' => 'default.ttf', // legend text font. don't forget to set 'path_to_fonts' above. 'legend_size' => 8, // legend text point size. 'legend_colour' => 'black', // legend text colour. 'legend_border' => 'none', // legend border colour, or 'none'. 'decimal_point' => '.', // symbol for decimal separation '.' or ',' *european support. 'thousand_sep' => ',', // symbol for thousand separation ',' or '' ); var $y_tick_labels = null; // array of text values for y-axis tick labels var $offset_relation = null; // array of offsets for different sets of data // init all text - title, labels, and axis text. function init() { /// Moodle mods: overrides the font path and encodings global $CFG; /// A default.ttf is searched for in this order: /// dataroot/lang/xx_local/fonts /// dataroot/lang/xx/fonts /// dirroot/lang/xx/fonts /// dataroot/lang /// lib/ $currlang = current_language(); if (file_exists("$CFG->dataroot/lang/".$currlang."_local/fonts/default.ttf")) { $fontpath = "$CFG->dataroot/lang/".$currlang."_local/fonts/"; } else if (file_exists("$CFG->dataroot/lang/$currlang/fonts/default.ttf")) { $fontpath = "$CFG->dataroot/lang/$currlang/fonts/"; } else if (file_exists("$CFG->dirroot/lang/$currlang/fonts/default.ttf")) { $fontpath = "$CFG->dirroot/lang/$currlang/fonts/"; } else if (file_exists("$CFG->dataroot/lang/default.ttf")) { $fontpath = "$CFG->dataroot/lang/"; } else { $fontpath = "$CFG->libdir/"; } $this->parameter['path_to_fonts'] = $fontpath; /// End Moodle mods $this->calculated['outer_border'] = $this->calculated['boundary_box']; // outer padding $this->calculated['boundary_box']['left'] += $this->parameter['outer_padding']; $this->calculated['boundary_box']['top'] += $this->parameter['outer_padding']; $this->calculated['boundary_box']['right'] -= $this->parameter['outer_padding']; $this->calculated['boundary_box']['bottom'] -= $this->parameter['outer_padding']; $this->init_x_axis(); $this->init_y_axis(); $this->init_legend(); $this->init_labels(); // take into account tick lengths $this->calculated['bottom_inner_padding'] = $this->parameter['x_inner_padding']; if (($this->parameter['x_ticks_colour'] != 'none') && ($this->parameter['tick_length'] < 0)) $this->calculated['bottom_inner_padding'] -= $this->parameter['tick_length']; $this->calculated['boundary_box']['bottom'] -= $this->calculated['bottom_inner_padding']; $this->calculated['left_inner_padding'] = $this->parameter['y_inner_padding']; if ($this->parameter['y_axis_text_left']) { if (($this->parameter['y_ticks_colour'] != 'none') && ($this->parameter['tick_length'] < 0)) $this->calculated['left_inner_padding'] -= $this->parameter['tick_length']; } $this->calculated['boundary_box']['left'] += $this->calculated['left_inner_padding']; $this->calculated['right_inner_padding'] = $this->parameter['y_inner_padding']; if ($this->parameter['y_axis_text_right']) { if (($this->parameter['y_ticks_colour'] != 'none') && ($this->parameter['tick_length'] < 0)) $this->calculated['right_inner_padding'] -= $this->parameter['tick_length']; } $this->calculated['boundary_box']['right'] -= $this->calculated['right_inner_padding']; // boundaryBox now has coords for plotting area. $this->calculated['inner_border'] = $this->calculated['boundary_box']; $this->init_data(); $this->init_x_ticks(); $this->init_y_ticks(); } function draw_text() { $colour = $this->parameter['outer_background']; if ($colour != 'none') $this->draw_rectangle($this->calculated['outer_border'], $colour, 'fill'); // graph background // draw border around image $colour = $this->parameter['outer_border']; if ($colour != 'none') $this->draw_rectangle($this->calculated['outer_border'], $colour, 'box'); // graph border $this->draw_title(); $this->draw_x_label(); $this->draw_y_label_left(); $this->draw_y_label_right(); $this->draw_x_axis(); $this->draw_y_axis(); if ($this->calculated['y_axis_left']['has_data']) $this->draw_zero_axis_left(); // either draw zero axis on left else if ($this->calculated['y_axis_right']['has_data']) $this->draw_zero_axis_right(); // ... or right. $this->draw_legend(); // draw border around plot area $colour = $this->parameter['inner_background']; if ($colour != 'none') $this->draw_rectangle($this->calculated['inner_border'], $colour, 'fill'); // graph background // draw border around image $colour = $this->parameter['inner_border']; if ($colour != 'none') $this->draw_rectangle($this->calculated['inner_border'], $colour, $this->parameter['inner_border_type']); // graph border } function draw_stack() { $this->init(); $this->draw_text(); $yOrder = $this->y_order; // save y_order data. // iterate over each data set. order is very important if you want to see data correctly. remember shadows!! foreach ($yOrder as $set) { $this->y_order = array($set); $this->init_data(); $this->draw_data(); } $this->y_order = $yOrder; // revert y_order data. $this->output(); } function draw() { $this->init(); $this->draw_text(); $this->draw_data(); $this->output(); } // draw a data set function draw_set($order, $set, $offset) { if ($offset) @$this->init_variable($colour, $this->y_format[$set]['shadow'], $this->parameter['shadow']); else $colour = $this->y_format[$set]['colour']; @$this->init_variable($point, $this->y_format[$set]['point'], 'none'); @$this->init_variable($pointSize, $this->y_format[$set]['point_size'], $this->parameter['point_size']); @$this->init_variable($line, $this->y_format[$set]['line'], 'none'); @$this->init_variable($brushType, $this->y_format[$set]['brush_type'], $this->parameter['brush_type']); @$this->init_variable($brushSize, $this->y_format[$set]['brush_size'], $this->parameter['brush_size']); @$this->init_variable($bar, $this->y_format[$set]['bar'], 'none'); @$this->init_variable($barSize, $this->y_format[$set]['bar_size'], $this->parameter['bar_size']); @$this->init_variable($area, $this->y_format[$set]['area'], 'none'); $lastX = 0; $lastY = 'none'; $fromX = 0; $fromY = 'none'; //print "set $set<br />"; //expand_pre($this->calculated['y_plot']); foreach ($this->x_data as $index => $x) { //print "index $index<br />"; $thisY = $this->calculated['y_plot'][$set][$index]; $thisX = $this->calculated['x_plot'][$index]; //print "$thisX, $thisY <br />"; if (($bar!='none') && (string)$thisY != 'none') { if ($relatedset = $this->offset_relation[$set]) { // Moodle $yoffset = $this->calculated['y_plot'][$relatedset][$index]; // Moodle } else { // Moodle $yoffset = 0; // Moodle } // Moodle //$this->bar($thisX, $thisY, $bar, $barSize, $colour, $offset, $set); // Moodle $this->bar($thisX, $thisY, $bar, $barSize, $colour, $offset, $set, $yoffset); // Moodle } if (($area!='none') && (((string)$lastY != 'none') && ((string)$thisY != 'none'))) $this->area($lastX, $lastY, $thisX, $thisY, $area, $colour, $offset); if (($point!='none') && (string)$thisY != 'none') $this->plot($thisX, $thisY, $point, $pointSize, $colour, $offset); if (($line!='none') && ((string)$thisY != 'none')) { if ((string)$fromY != 'none') $this->line($fromX, $fromY, $thisX, $thisY, $line, $brushType, $brushSize, $colour, $offset); $fromY = $thisY; // start next line from here $fromX = $thisX; // ... } else { $fromY = 'none'; $fromX = 'none'; } $lastX = $thisX; $lastY = $thisY; } } function draw_data() { // cycle thru y data to be plotted // first check for drop shadows... foreach ($this->y_order as $order => $set) { @$this->init_variable($offset, $this->y_format[$set]['shadow_offset'], $this->parameter['shadow_offset']); @$this->init_variable($colour, $this->y_format[$set]['shadow'], $this->parameter['shadow']); if ($colour != 'none') $this->draw_set($order, $set, $offset); } // then draw data foreach ($this->y_order as $order => $set) { $this->draw_set($order, $set, 0); } } function draw_legend() { $position = $this->parameter['legend']; if ($position == 'none') return; // abort if no border $borderColour = $this->parameter['legend_border']; $offset = $this->parameter['legend_offset']; $padding = $this->parameter['legend_padding']; $height = $this->calculated['legend']['boundary_box_all']['height']; $width = $this->calculated['legend']['boundary_box_all']['width']; $graphTop = $this->calculated['boundary_box']['top']; $graphBottom = $this->calculated['boundary_box']['bottom']; $graphLeft = $this->calculated['boundary_box']['left']; $graphRight = $this->calculated['boundary_box']['right']; $outsideRight = $this->calculated['outer_border']['right']; $outsideBottom = $this->calculated['outer_border']['bottom']; switch ($position) { case 'top-left': $top = $graphTop + $offset; $bottom = $graphTop + $height + $offset; $left = $graphLeft + $offset; $right = $graphLeft + $width + $offset; break; case 'top-right': $top = $graphTop + $offset; $bottom = $graphTop + $height + $offset; $left = $graphRight - $width - $offset; $right = $graphRight - $offset; break; case 'bottom-left': $top = $graphBottom - $height - $offset; $bottom = $graphBottom - $offset; $left = $graphLeft + $offset; $right = $graphLeft + $width + $offset; break; case 'bottom-right': $top = $graphBottom - $height - $offset; $bottom = $graphBottom - $offset; $left = $graphRight - $width - $offset; $right = $graphRight - $offset; break; case 'outside-top' : $top = $graphTop; $bottom = $graphTop + $height; $left = $outsideRight - $width - $offset; $right = $outsideRight - $offset; break; case 'outside-bottom' : $top = $graphBottom - $height; $bottom = $graphBottom; $left = $outsideRight - $width - $offset; $right = $outsideRight - $offset; break; case 'outside-left' : $top = $outsideBottom - $height - $offset; $bottom = $outsideBottom - $offset; $left = $graphLeft; $right = $graphLeft + $width; break; case 'outside-right' : $top = $outsideBottom - $height - $offset; $bottom = $outsideBottom - $offset; $left = $graphRight - $width; $right = $graphRight; break; default: // default is top left. no particular reason. $top = $this->calculated['boundary_box']['top']; $bottom = $this->calculated['boundary_box']['top'] + $this->calculated['legend']['boundary_box_all']['height']; $left = $this->calculated['boundary_box']['left']; $right = $this->calculated['boundary_box']['right'] + $this->calculated['legend']['boundary_box_all']['width']; } // legend border if($borderColour!='none') $this->draw_rectangle(array('top' => $top, 'left' => $left, 'bottom' => $bottom, 'right' => $right), $this->parameter['legend_border'], 'box'); // legend text $legendText = array('points' => $this->parameter['legend_size'], 'angle' => 0, 'font' => $this->parameter['legend_font'], 'colour' => $this->parameter['legend_colour']); $box = $this->calculated['legend']['boundary_box_max']['height']; // use max height for legend square size. $x = $left + $padding; $x_text = $x + $box * 2; $y = $top + $padding; foreach ($this->y_order as $set) { $legendText['text'] = $this->calculated['legend']['text'][$set]; if ($legendText['text'] != 'none') { // if text exists then draw box and text $boxColour = $this->colour[$this->y_format[$set]['colour']]; // draw box ImageFilledRectangle($this->image, $x, $y, $x + $box, $y + $box, $boxColour); // draw text $coords = array('x' => $x + $box * 2, 'y' => $y, 'reference' => 'top-left'); $legendText['boundary_box'] = $this->calculated['legend']['boundary_box'][$set]; $this->update_boundaryBox($legendText['boundary_box'], $coords); $this->print_TTF($legendText); $y += $padding + $box; } } } function draw_y_label_right() { if (!$this->parameter['y_label_right']) return; $x = $this->calculated['boundary_box']['right'] + $this->parameter['y_inner_padding']; if ($this->parameter['y_axis_text_right']) $x += $this->calculated['y_axis_right']['boundary_box_max']['width'] + $this->calculated['right_inner_padding']; $y = ($this->calculated['boundary_box']['bottom'] + $this->calculated['boundary_box']['top']) / 2; $label = $this->calculated['y_label_right']; $coords = array('x' => $x, 'y' => $y, 'reference' => 'left-center'); $this->update_boundaryBox($label['boundary_box'], $coords); $this->print_TTF($label); } function draw_y_label_left() { if (!$this->parameter['y_label_left']) return; $x = $this->calculated['boundary_box']['left'] - $this->parameter['y_inner_padding']; if ($this->parameter['y_axis_text_left']) $x -= $this->calculated['y_axis_left']['boundary_box_max']['width'] + $this->calculated['left_inner_padding']; $y = ($this->calculated['boundary_box']['bottom'] + $this->calculated['boundary_box']['top']) / 2; $label = $this->calculated['y_label_left']; $coords = array('x' => $x, 'y' => $y, 'reference' => 'right-center'); $this->update_boundaryBox($label['boundary_box'], $coords); $this->print_TTF($label); } function draw_title() { if (!$this->parameter['title']) return; //$y = $this->calculated['outside_border']['top'] + $this->parameter['outer_padding']; $y = $this->calculated['boundary_box']['top'] - $this->parameter['outer_padding']; $x = ($this->calculated['boundary_box']['right'] + $this->calculated['boundary_box']['left']) / 2; $label = $this->calculated['title']; $coords = array('x' => $x, 'y' => $y, 'reference' => 'bottom-center'); $this->update_boundaryBox($label['boundary_box'], $coords); $this->print_TTF($label); } function draw_x_label() { if (!$this->parameter['x_label']) return; $y = $this->calculated['boundary_box']['bottom'] + $this->parameter['x_inner_padding']; if ($this->parameter['x_axis_text']) $y += $this->calculated['x_axis']['boundary_box_max']['height'] + $this->calculated['bottom_inner_padding']; $x = ($this->calculated['boundary_box']['right'] + $this->calculated['boundary_box']['left']) / 2; $label = $this->calculated['x_label']; $coords = array('x' => $x, 'y' => $y, 'reference' => 'top-center'); $this->update_boundaryBox($label['boundary_box'], $coords); $this->print_TTF($label); } function draw_zero_axis_left() { $colour = $this->parameter['zero_axis']; if ($colour == 'none') return; // draw zero axis on left hand side $this->calculated['zero_axis'] = round($this->calculated['boundary_box']['top'] + ($this->calculated['y_axis_left']['max'] * $this->calculated['y_axis_left']['factor'])); ImageLine($this->image, $this->calculated['boundary_box']['left'], $this->calculated['zero_axis'], $this->calculated['boundary_box']['right'], $this->calculated['zero_axis'], $this->colour[$colour]); } function draw_zero_axis_right() { $colour = $this->parameter['zero_axis']; if ($colour == 'none') return; // draw zero axis on right hand side $this->calculated['zero_axis'] = round($this->calculated['boundary_box']['top'] + ($this->calculated['y_axis_right']['max'] * $this->calculated['y_axis_right']['factor'])); ImageLine($this->image, $this->calculated['boundary_box']['left'], $this->calculated['zero_axis'], $this->calculated['boundary_box']['right'], $this->calculated['zero_axis'], $this->colour[$colour]); } function draw_x_axis() { $gridColour = $this->colour[$this->parameter['grid_colour']]; $tickColour = $this->colour[$this->parameter['x_ticks_colour']]; $axis_colour = $this->parameter['axis_colour']; $xGrid = $this->parameter['x_grid']; $gridTop = $this->calculated['boundary_box']['top']; $gridBottom = $this->calculated['boundary_box']['bottom']; if ($this->parameter['tick_length'] >= 0) { $tickTop = $this->calculated['boundary_box']['bottom'] - $this->parameter['tick_length']; $tickBottom = $this->calculated['boundary_box']['bottom']; $textBottom = $tickBottom + $this->calculated['bottom_inner_padding']; } else { $tickTop = $this->calculated['boundary_box']['bottom']; $tickBottom = $this->calculated['boundary_box']['bottom'] - $this->parameter['tick_length']; $textBottom = $tickBottom + $this->calculated['bottom_inner_padding']; } $axis_font = $this->parameter['axis_font']; $axis_size = $this->parameter['axis_size']; $axis_angle = $this->parameter['x_axis_angle']; if ($axis_angle == 0) $reference = 'top-center'; if ($axis_angle > 0) $reference = 'top-right'; if ($axis_angle < 0) $reference = 'top-left'; if ($axis_angle == 90) $reference = 'top-center'; //generic tag information. applies to all axis text. $axisTag = array('points' => $axis_size, 'angle' => $axis_angle, 'font' => $axis_font, 'colour' => $axis_colour); foreach ($this->calculated['x_axis']['tick_x'] as $set => $tickX) { // draw x grid if colour specified if ($xGrid != 'none') { switch ($xGrid) { case 'line': ImageLine($this->image, round($tickX), round($gridTop), round($tickX), round($gridBottom), $gridColour); break; case 'dash': ImageDashedLine($this->image, round($tickX), round($gridTop), round($tickX), round($gridBottom), $gridColour); break; } } if ($this->parameter['x_axis_text'] && !($set % $this->parameter['x_axis_text'])) { // test if tick should be displayed // draw tick if ($tickColour != 'none') ImageLine($this->image, round($tickX), round($tickTop), round($tickX), round($tickBottom), $tickColour); // draw axis text $coords = array('x' => $tickX, 'y' => $textBottom, 'reference' => $reference); $axisTag['text'] = $this->calculated['x_axis']['text'][$set]; $axisTag['boundary_box'] = $this->calculated['x_axis']['boundary_box'][$set]; $this->update_boundaryBox($axisTag['boundary_box'], $coords); $this->print_TTF($axisTag); } } } function draw_y_axis() { $gridColour = $this->colour[$this->parameter['grid_colour']]; $tickColour = $this->colour[$this->parameter['y_ticks_colour']]; $axis_colour = $this->parameter['axis_colour']; $yGrid = $this->parameter['y_grid']; $gridLeft = $this->calculated['boundary_box']['left']; $gridRight = $this->calculated['boundary_box']['right']; // axis font information $axis_font = $this->parameter['axis_font']; $axis_size = $this->parameter['axis_size']; $axis_angle = $this->parameter['y_axis_angle']; $axisTag = array('points' => $axis_size, 'angle' => $axis_angle, 'font' => $axis_font, 'colour' => $axis_colour); if ($this->calculated['y_axis_left']['has_data']) { // LEFT HAND SIDE // left and right coords for ticks if ($this->parameter['tick_length'] >= 0) { $tickLeft = $this->calculated['boundary_box']['left']; $tickRight = $this->calculated['boundary_box']['left'] + $this->parameter['tick_length']; } else { $tickLeft = $this->calculated['boundary_box']['left'] + $this->parameter['tick_length']; $tickRight = $this->calculated['boundary_box']['left']; } $textRight = $tickLeft - $this->calculated['left_inner_padding']; if ($axis_angle == 0) $reference = 'right-center'; if ($axis_angle > 0) $reference = 'right-top'; if ($axis_angle < 0) $reference = 'right-bottom'; if ($axis_angle == 90) $reference = 'right-center'; foreach ($this->calculated['y_axis']['tick_y'] as $set => $tickY) { // draw y grid if colour specified if ($yGrid != 'none') { switch ($yGrid) { case 'line': ImageLine($this->image, round($gridLeft), round($tickY), round($gridRight), round($tickY), $gridColour); break; case 'dash': ImageDashedLine($this->image, round($gridLeft), round($tickY), round($gridRight), round($tickY), $gridColour); break; } } // y axis text if ($this->parameter['y_axis_text_left'] && !($set % $this->parameter['y_axis_text_left'])) { // test if tick should be displayed // draw tick if ($tickColour != 'none') ImageLine($this->image, round($tickLeft), round($tickY), round($tickRight), round($tickY), $tickColour); // draw axis text... $coords = array('x' => $textRight, 'y' => $tickY, 'reference' => $reference); $axisTag['text'] = $this->calculated['y_axis_left']['text'][$set]; $axisTag['boundary_box'] = $this->calculated['y_axis_left']['boundary_box'][$set]; $this->update_boundaryBox($axisTag['boundary_box'], $coords); $this->print_TTF($axisTag); } } } if ($this->calculated['y_axis_right']['has_data']) { // RIGHT HAND SIDE // left and right coords for ticks if ($this->parameter['tick_length'] >= 0) { $tickLeft = $this->calculated['boundary_box']['right'] - $this->parameter['tick_length']; $tickRight = $this->calculated['boundary_box']['right']; } else { $tickLeft = $this->calculated['boundary_box']['right']; $tickRight = $this->calculated['boundary_box']['right'] - $this->parameter['tick_length']; } $textLeft = $tickRight+ $this->calculated['left_inner_padding']; if ($axis_angle == 0) $reference = 'left-center'; if ($axis_angle > 0) $reference = 'left-bottom'; if ($axis_angle < 0) $reference = 'left-top'; if ($axis_angle == 90) $reference = 'left-center'; foreach ($this->calculated['y_axis']['tick_y'] as $set => $tickY) { if (!$this->calculated['y_axis_left']['has_data'] && $yGrid != 'none') { // draw grid if not drawn already (above) switch ($yGrid) { case 'line': ImageLine($this->image, round($gridLeft), round($tickY), round($gridRight), round($tickY), $gridColour); break; case 'dash': ImageDashedLine($this->image, round($gridLeft), round($tickY), round($gridRight), round($tickY), $gridColour); break; } } if ($this->parameter['y_axis_text_right'] && !($set % $this->parameter['y_axis_text_right'])) { // test if tick should be displayed // draw tick if ($tickColour != 'none') ImageLine($this->image, round($tickLeft), round($tickY), round($tickRight), round($tickY), $tickColour); // draw axis text... $coords = array('x' => $textLeft, 'y' => $tickY, 'reference' => $reference); $axisTag['text'] = $this->calculated['y_axis_right']['text'][$set]; $axisTag['boundary_box'] = $this->calculated['y_axis_left']['boundary_box'][$set]; $this->update_boundaryBox($axisTag['boundary_box'], $coords); $this->print_TTF($axisTag); } } } } function init_data() { $this->calculated['y_plot'] = array(); // array to hold pixel plotting coords for y axis $height = $this->calculated['boundary_box']['bottom'] - $this->calculated['boundary_box']['top']; $width = $this->calculated['boundary_box']['right'] - $this->calculated['boundary_box']['left']; // calculate pixel steps between axis ticks. $this->calculated['y_axis']['step'] = $height / ($this->parameter['y_axis_gridlines'] - 1); // calculate x ticks spacing taking into account x offset for ticks. $extraTick = 2 * $this->parameter['x_offset']; // extra tick to account for padding $numTicks = $this->calculated['x_axis']['num_ticks'] - 1; // number of x ticks // Hack by rodger to avoid division by zero, see bug 1231 if ($numTicks==0) $numTicks=1; $this->calculated['x_axis']['step'] = $width / ($numTicks + $extraTick); $widthPlot = $width - ($this->calculated['x_axis']['step'] * $extraTick); $this->calculated['x_axis']['step'] = $widthPlot / $numTicks; //calculate factor for transforming x,y physical coords to logical coords for right hand y_axis. $y_range = $this->calculated['y_axis_right']['max'] - $this->calculated['y_axis_right']['min']; $y_range = ($y_range ? $y_range : 1); $this->calculated['y_axis_right']['factor'] = $height / $y_range; //calculate factor for transforming x,y physical coords to logical coords for left hand axis. $yRange = $this->calculated['y_axis_left']['max'] - $this->calculated['y_axis_left']['min']; $yRange = ($yRange ? $yRange : 1); $this->calculated['y_axis_left']['factor'] = $height / $yRange; if ($this->parameter['x_axis_gridlines'] != 'auto') { $xRange = $this->calculated['x_axis']['max'] - $this->calculated['x_axis']['min']; $xRange = ($xRange ? $xRange : 1); $this->calculated['x_axis']['factor'] = $widthPlot / $xRange; } //expand_pre($this->calculated['boundary_box']); // cycle thru all data sets... $this->calculated['num_bars'] = 0; foreach ($this->y_order as $order => $set) { // determine how many bars there are if (isset($this->y_format[$set]['bar']) && ($this->y_format[$set]['bar'] != 'none')) { $this->calculated['bar_offset_index'][$set] = $this->calculated['num_bars']; // index to relate bar with data set. $this->calculated['num_bars']++; } // calculate y coords for plotting data foreach ($this->x_data as $index => $x) { $this->calculated['y_plot'][$set][$index] = $this->y_data[$set][$index]; if ((string)$this->y_data[$set][$index] != 'none') { if (isset($this->y_format[$set]['y_axis']) && $this->y_format[$set]['y_axis'] == 'right') { $this->calculated['y_plot'][$set][$index] = round(($this->y_data[$set][$index] - $this->calculated['y_axis_right']['min']) * $this->calculated['y_axis_right']['factor']); } else { //print "$set $index<br />"; $this->calculated['y_plot'][$set][$index] = round(($this->y_data[$set][$index] - $this->calculated['y_axis_left']['min']) * $this->calculated['y_axis_left']['factor']); } } } } //print "factor ".$this->calculated['x_axis']['factor']."<br />"; //expand_pre($this->calculated['x_plot']); // calculate bar parameters if bars are to be drawn. if ($this->calculated['num_bars']) { $xStep = $this->calculated['x_axis']['step']; $totalWidth = $this->calculated['x_axis']['step'] - $this->parameter['bar_spacing']; $barWidth = $totalWidth / $this->calculated['num_bars']; $barX = ($barWidth - $totalWidth) / 2; // starting x offset for ($i=0; $i < $this->calculated['num_bars']; $i++) { $this->calculated['bar_offset_x'][$i] = $barX; $barX += $barWidth; // add width of bar to x offset. } $this->calculated['bar_width'] = $barWidth; } } function init_x_ticks() { // get coords for x axis ticks and data plots //$xGrid = $this->parameter['x_grid']; $xStep = $this->calculated['x_axis']['step']; $ticksOffset = $this->parameter['x_offset']; // where to start drawing ticks relative to y axis. $gridLeft = $this->calculated['boundary_box']['left'] + ($xStep * $ticksOffset); // grid x start $tickX = $gridLeft; // tick x coord foreach ($this->calculated['x_axis']['text'] as $set => $value) { //print "index: $set<br />"; // x tick value $this->calculated['x_axis']['tick_x'][$set] = $tickX; // if num ticks is auto then x plot value is same as x tick if ($this->parameter['x_axis_gridlines'] == 'auto') $this->calculated['x_plot'][$set] = round($tickX); //print $this->calculated['x_plot'][$set].'<br />'; $tickX += $xStep; } //print "xStep: $xStep <br />"; // if numeric x axis then calculate x coords for each data point. this is seperate from x ticks. $gridX = $gridLeft; if (empty($this->calculated['x_axis']['factor'])) { $this->calculated['x_axis']['factor'] = 0; } if (empty($this->calculated['x_axis']['min'])) { $this->calculated['x_axis']['min'] = 0; } $factor = $this->calculated['x_axis']['factor']; $min = $this->calculated['x_axis']['min']; if ($this->parameter['x_axis_gridlines'] != 'auto') { foreach ($this->x_data as $index => $x) { //print "index: $index, x: $x<br />"; $offset = $x - $this->calculated['x_axis']['min']; //$gridX = ($offset * $this->calculated['x_axis']['factor']); //print "offset: $offset <br />"; //$this->calculated['x_plot'][$set] = $gridLeft + ($offset * $this->calculated['x_axis']['factor']); $this->calculated['x_plot'][$index] = $gridLeft + ($x - $min) * $factor; //print $this->calculated['x_plot'][$set].'<br />'; } } //expand_pre($this->calculated['boundary_box']); //print "factor ".$this->calculated['x_axis']['factor']."<br />"; //expand_pre($this->calculated['x_plot']); } function init_y_ticks() { // get coords for y axis ticks $yStep = $this->calculated['y_axis']['step']; $gridBottom = $this->calculated['boundary_box']['bottom']; $tickY = $gridBottom; // tick y coord for ($i = 0; $i < $this->parameter['y_axis_gridlines']; $i++) { $this->calculated['y_axis']['tick_y'][$i] = $tickY; $tickY -= $yStep; } } function init_labels() { if ($this->parameter['title']) { $size = $this->get_boundaryBox( array('points' => $this->parameter['title_size'], 'angle' => 0, 'font' => $this->parameter['title_font'], 'text' => $this->parameter['title'])); $this->calculated['title']['boundary_box'] = $size; $this->calculated['title']['text'] = $this->parameter['title']; $this->calculated['title']['font'] = $this->parameter['title_font']; $this->calculated['title']['points'] = $this->parameter['title_size']; $this->calculated['title']['colour'] = $this->parameter['title_colour']; $this->calculated['title']['angle'] = 0; $this->calculated['boundary_box']['top'] += $size['height'] + $this->parameter['outer_padding']; //$this->calculated['boundary_box']['top'] += $size['height']; } else $this->calculated['title']['boundary_box'] = $this->get_null_size(); if ($this->parameter['y_label_left']) { $this->calculated['y_label_left']['text'] = $this->parameter['y_label_left']; $this->calculated['y_label_left']['angle'] = $this->parameter['y_label_angle']; $this->calculated['y_label_left']['font'] = $this->parameter['label_font']; $this->calculated['y_label_left']['points'] = $this->parameter['label_size']; $this->calculated['y_label_left']['colour'] = $this->parameter['label_colour']; $size = $this->get_boundaryBox($this->calculated['y_label_left']); $this->calculated['y_label_left']['boundary_box'] = $size; //$this->calculated['boundary_box']['left'] += $size['width'] + $this->parameter['inner_padding']; $this->calculated['boundary_box']['left'] += $size['width']; } else $this->calculated['y_label_left']['boundary_box'] = $this->get_null_size(); if ($this->parameter['y_label_right']) { $this->calculated['y_label_right']['text'] = $this->parameter['y_label_right']; $this->calculated['y_label_right']['angle'] = $this->parameter['y_label_angle']; $this->calculated['y_label_right']['font'] = $this->parameter['label_font']; $this->calculated['y_label_right']['points'] = $this->parameter['label_size']; $this->calculated['y_label_right']['colour'] = $this->parameter['label_colour']; $size = $this->get_boundaryBox($this->calculated['y_label_right']); $this->calculated['y_label_right']['boundary_box'] = $size; //$this->calculated['boundary_box']['right'] -= $size['width'] + $this->parameter['inner_padding']; $this->calculated['boundary_box']['right'] -= $size['width']; } else $this->calculated['y_label_right']['boundary_box'] = $this->get_null_size(); if ($this->parameter['x_label']) { $this->calculated['x_label']['text'] = $this->parameter['x_label']; $this->calculated['x_label']['angle'] = $this->parameter['x_label_angle']; $this->calculated['x_label']['font'] = $this->parameter['label_font']; $this->calculated['x_label']['points'] = $this->parameter['label_size']; $this->calculated['x_label']['colour'] = $this->parameter['label_colour']; $size = $this->get_boundaryBox($this->calculated['x_label']); $this->calculated['x_label']['boundary_box'] = $size; //$this->calculated['boundary_box']['bottom'] -= $size['height'] + $this->parameter['inner_padding']; $this->calculated['boundary_box']['bottom'] -= $size['height']; } else $this->calculated['x_label']['boundary_box'] = $this->get_null_size(); } function init_legend() { $this->calculated['legend'] = array(); // array to hold calculated values for legend. //$this->calculated['legend']['boundary_box_max'] = array('height' => 0, 'width' => 0); $this->calculated['legend']['boundary_box_max'] = $this->get_null_size(); if ($this->parameter['legend'] == 'none') return; $position = $this->parameter['legend']; $numSets = 0; // number of data sets with legends. $sumTextHeight = 0; // total of height of all legend text items. $width = 0; $height = 0; foreach ($this->y_order as $set) { $text = isset($this->y_format[$set]['legend']) ? $this->y_format[$set]['legend'] : 'none'; $size = $this->get_boundaryBox( array('points' => $this->parameter['legend_size'], 'angle' => 0, 'font' => $this->parameter['legend_font'], 'text' => $text)); $this->calculated['legend']['boundary_box'][$set] = $size; $this->calculated['legend']['text'][$set] = $text; //$this->calculated['legend']['font'][$set] = $this->parameter['legend_font']; //$this->calculated['legend']['points'][$set] = $this->parameter['legend_size']; //$this->calculated['legend']['angle'][$set] = 0; if ($text && $text!='none') { $numSets++; $sumTextHeight += $size['height']; } if ($size['width'] > $this->calculated['legend']['boundary_box_max']['width']) $this->calculated['legend']['boundary_box_max'] = $size; } $offset = $this->parameter['legend_offset']; // offset in pixels of legend box from graph border. $padding = $this->parameter['legend_padding']; // padding in pixels around legend text. $textWidth = $this->calculated['legend']['boundary_box_max']['width']; // width of largest legend item. $textHeight = $this->calculated['legend']['boundary_box_max']['height']; // use height as size to use for colour square in legend. $width = $padding * 2 + $textWidth + $textHeight * 2; // left and right padding + maximum text width + space for square $height = ($padding + $textHeight) * $numSets + $padding; // top and bottom padding + padding between text + text. $this->calculated['legend']['boundary_box_all'] = array('width' => $width, 'height' => $height, 'offset' => $offset, 'reference' => $position); switch ($position) { // move in right or bottom if legend is outside data plotting area. case 'outside-top' : $this->calculated['boundary_box']['right'] -= $offset + $width; // move in right hand side break; case 'outside-bottom' : $this->calculated['boundary_box']['right'] -= $offset + $width; // move in right hand side break; case 'outside-left' : $this->calculated['boundary_box']['bottom'] -= $offset + $height; // move in right hand side break; case 'outside-right' : $this->calculated['boundary_box']['bottom'] -= $offset + $height; // move in right hand side break; } } function init_y_axis() { $this->calculated['y_axis_left'] = array(); // array to hold calculated values for y_axis on left. $this->calculated['y_axis_left']['boundary_box_max'] = $this->get_null_size(); $this->calculated['y_axis_right'] = array(); // array to hold calculated values for y_axis on right. $this->calculated['y_axis_right']['boundary_box_max'] = $this->get_null_size(); $axis_font = $this->parameter['axis_font']; $axis_size = $this->parameter['axis_size']; $axis_colour = $this->parameter['axis_colour']; $axis_angle = $this->parameter['y_axis_angle']; $y_tick_labels = $this->y_tick_labels; $this->calculated['y_axis_left']['has_data'] = FALSE; $this->calculated['y_axis_right']['has_data'] = FALSE; // find min and max y values. $minLeft = $this->parameter['y_min_left']; $maxLeft = $this->parameter['y_max_left']; $minRight = $this->parameter['y_min_right']; $maxRight = $this->parameter['y_max_right']; $dataLeft = array(); $dataRight = array(); foreach ($this->y_order as $order => $set) { if (isset($this->y_format[$set]['y_axis']) && $this->y_format[$set]['y_axis'] == 'right') { $this->calculated['y_axis_right']['has_data'] = TRUE; $dataRight = array_merge($dataRight, $this->y_data[$set]); } else { $this->calculated['y_axis_left']['has_data'] = TRUE; $dataLeft = array_merge($dataLeft, $this->y_data[$set]); } } $dataLeftRange = $this->find_range($dataLeft, $minLeft, $maxLeft, $this->parameter['y_resolution_left']); $dataRightRange = $this->find_range($dataRight, $minRight, $maxRight, $this->parameter['y_resolution_right']); $minLeft = $dataLeftRange['min']; $maxLeft = $dataLeftRange['max']; $minRight = $dataRightRange['min']; $maxRight = $dataRightRange['max']; $this->calculated['y_axis_left']['min'] = $minLeft; $this->calculated['y_axis_left']['max'] = $maxLeft; $this->calculated['y_axis_right']['min'] = $minRight; $this->calculated['y_axis_right']['max'] = $maxRight; $stepLeft = ($maxLeft - $minLeft) / ($this->parameter['y_axis_gridlines'] - 1); $startLeft = $minLeft; $step_right = ($maxRight - $minRight) / ($this->parameter['y_axis_gridlines'] - 1); $start_right = $minRight; if ($this->parameter['y_axis_text_left']) { for ($i = 0; $i < $this->parameter['y_axis_gridlines']; $i++) { // calculate y axis text sizes // left y axis if ($y_tick_labels) { $value = $y_tick_labels[$i]; } else { $value = number_format($startLeft, $this->parameter['y_decimal_left'], $this->parameter['decimal_point'], $this->parameter['thousand_sep']); } $this->calculated['y_axis_left']['data'][$i] = $startLeft; $this->calculated['y_axis_left']['text'][$i] = $value; // text is formatted raw data $size = $this->get_boundaryBox( array('points' => $axis_size, 'font' => $axis_font, 'angle' => $axis_angle, 'colour' => $axis_colour, 'text' => $value)); $this->calculated['y_axis_left']['boundary_box'][$i] = $size; if ($size['height'] > $this->calculated['y_axis_left']['boundary_box_max']['height']) $this->calculated['y_axis_left']['boundary_box_max']['height'] = $size['height']; if ($size['width'] > $this->calculated['y_axis_left']['boundary_box_max']['width']) $this->calculated['y_axis_left']['boundary_box_max']['width'] = $size['width']; $startLeft += $stepLeft; } $this->calculated['boundary_box']['left'] += $this->calculated['y_axis_left']['boundary_box_max']['width'] + $this->parameter['y_inner_padding']; } if ($this->parameter['y_axis_text_right']) { for ($i = 0; $i < $this->parameter['y_axis_gridlines']; $i++) { // calculate y axis text sizes // right y axis $value = number_format($start_right, $this->parameter['y_decimal_right'], $this->parameter['decimal_point'], $this->parameter['thousand_sep']); $this->calculated['y_axis_right']['data'][$i] = $start_right; $this->calculated['y_axis_right']['text'][$i] = $value; // text is formatted raw data $size = $this->get_boundaryBox( array('points' => $axis_size, 'font' => $axis_font, 'angle' => $axis_angle, 'colour' => $axis_colour, 'text' => $value)); $this->calculated['y_axis_right']['boundary_box'][$i] = $size; if ($size['height'] > $this->calculated['y_axis_right']['boundary_box_max']['height']) $this->calculated['y_axis_right']['boundary_box_max'] = $size; if ($size['width'] > $this->calculated['y_axis_right']['boundary_box_max']['width']) $this->calculated['y_axis_right']['boundary_box_max']['width'] = $size['width']; $start_right += $step_right; } $this->calculated['boundary_box']['right'] -= $this->calculated['y_axis_right']['boundary_box_max']['width'] + $this->parameter['y_inner_padding']; } } function init_x_axis() { $this->calculated['x_axis'] = array(); // array to hold calculated values for x_axis. $this->calculated['x_axis']['boundary_box_max'] = array('height' => 0, 'width' => 0); $axis_font = $this->parameter['axis_font']; $axis_size = $this->parameter['axis_size']; $axis_colour = $this->parameter['axis_colour']; $axis_angle = $this->parameter['x_axis_angle']; // check whether to treat x axis as numeric if ($this->parameter['x_axis_gridlines'] == 'auto') { // auto means text based x_axis, not numeric... $this->calculated['x_axis']['num_ticks'] = sizeof($this->x_data); $data = $this->x_data; for ($i=0; $i < $this->calculated['x_axis']['num_ticks']; $i++) { $value = array_shift($data); // grab value from begin of array $this->calculated['x_axis']['data'][$i] = $value; $this->calculated['x_axis']['text'][$i] = $value; // raw data and text are both the same in this case $size = $this->get_boundaryBox( array('points' => $axis_size, 'font' => $axis_font, 'angle' => $axis_angle, 'colour' => $axis_colour, 'text' => $value)); $this->calculated['x_axis']['boundary_box'][$i] = $size; if ($size['height'] > $this->calculated['x_axis']['boundary_box_max']['height']) $this->calculated['x_axis']['boundary_box_max'] = $size; } } else { // x axis is numeric so find max min values... $this->calculated['x_axis']['num_ticks'] = $this->parameter['x_axis_gridlines']; $min = $this->parameter['x_min']; $max = $this->parameter['x_max']; $data = array(); $data = $this->find_range($this->x_data, $min, $max, $this->parameter['x_resolution']); $min = $data['min']; $max = $data['max']; $this->calculated['x_axis']['min'] = $min; $this->calculated['x_axis']['max'] = $max; $step = ($max - $min) / ($this->calculated['x_axis']['num_ticks'] - 1); $start = $min; for ($i = 0; $i < $this->calculated['x_axis']['num_ticks']; $i++) { // calculate x axis text sizes $value = number_format($start, $this->parameter['xDecimal'], $this->parameter['decimal_point'], $this->parameter['thousand_sep']); $this->calculated['x_axis']['data'][$i] = $start; $this->calculated['x_axis']['text'][$i] = $value; // text is formatted raw data $size = $this->get_boundaryBox( array('points' => $axis_size, 'font' => $axis_font, 'angle' => $axis_angle, 'colour' => $axis_colour, 'text' => $value)); $this->calculated['x_axis']['boundary_box'][$i] = $size; if ($size['height'] > $this->calculated['x_axis']['boundary_box_max']['height']) $this->calculated['x_axis']['boundary_box_max'] = $size; $start += $step; } } if ($this->parameter['x_axis_text']) $this->calculated['boundary_box']['bottom'] -= $this->calculated['x_axis']['boundary_box_max']['height'] + $this->parameter['x_inner_padding']; } // find max and min values for a data array given the resolution. function find_range($data, $min, $max, $resolution) { if (sizeof($data) == 0 ) return array('min' => 0, 'max' => 0); foreach ($data as $key => $value) { if ($value=='none') continue; if ($value > $max) $max = $value; if ($value < $min) $min = $value; } if ($max == 0) { $factor = 1; } else { if ($max < 0) $factor = - pow(10, (floor(log10(abs($max))) + $resolution) ); else $factor = pow(10, (floor(log10(abs($max))) - $resolution) ); } if ($factor > 0.1) { // To avoid some wierd rounding errors (Moodle) $factor = round($factor * 1000.0) / 1000.0; // To avoid some wierd rounding errors (Moodle) } // To avoid some wierd rounding errors (Moodle) $max = $factor * @ceil($max / $factor); $min = $factor * @floor($min / $factor); //print "max=$max, min=$min<br />"; return array('min' => $min, 'max' => $max); } function graph() { if (func_num_args() == 2) { $this->parameter['width'] = func_get_arg(0); $this->parameter['height'] = func_get_arg(1); } //$this->boundaryBox = array( $this->calculated['boundary_box'] = array( 'left' => 0, 'top' => 0, 'right' => $this->parameter['width'] - 1, 'bottom' => $this->parameter['height'] - 1); $this->init_colours(); //ImageColorTransparent($this->image, $this->colour['white']); // colour for transparency } function print_TTF($message) { $points = $message['points']; $angle = $message['angle']; $text = $message['text']; $colour = $this->colour[$message['colour']]; $font = $this->parameter['path_to_fonts'].$message['font']; $x = $message['boundary_box']['x']; $y = $message['boundary_box']['y']; $offsetX = $message['boundary_box']['offsetX']; $offsetY = $message['boundary_box']['offsetY']; $height = $message['boundary_box']['height']; $width = $message['boundary_box']['width']; $reference = $message['boundary_box']['reference']; switch ($reference) { case 'top-left': case 'left-top': $y += $height - $offsetY; //$y += $offsetY; $x += $offsetX; break; case 'left-center': $y += ($height / 2) - $offsetY; $x += $offsetX; break; case 'left-bottom': $y -= $offsetY; $x += $offsetX; break; case 'top-center': $y += $height - $offsetY; $x -= ($width / 2) - $offsetX; break; case 'top-right': case 'right-top': $y += $height - $offsetY; $x -= $width - $offsetX; break; case 'right-center': $y += ($height / 2) - $offsetY; $x -= $width - $offsetX; break; case 'right-bottom': $y -= $offsetY; $x -= $width - $offsetX; break; case 'bottom-center': $y -= $offsetY; $x -= ($width / 2) - $offsetX; break; default: $y = 0; $x = 0; break; } // start of Moodle addition $textlib = textlib_get_instance(); $text = $textlib->utf8_to_entities($text, true, true); //does not work with hex entities! // end of Moodle addition ImageTTFText($this->image, $points, $angle, $x, $y, $colour, $font, $text); } // move boundaryBox to coordinates specified function update_boundaryBox(&$boundaryBox, $coords) { $width = $boundaryBox['width']; $height = $boundaryBox['height']; $x = $coords['x']; $y = $coords['y']; $reference = $coords['reference']; switch ($reference) { case 'top-left': case 'left-top': $top = $y; $bottom = $y + $height; $left = $x; $right = $x + $width; break; case 'left-center': $top = $y - ($height / 2); $bottom = $y + ($height / 2); $left = $x; $right = $x + $width; break; case 'left-bottom': $top = $y - $height; $bottom = $y; $left = $x; $right = $x + $width; break; case 'top-center': $top = $y; $bottom = $y + $height; $left = $x - ($width / 2); $right = $x + ($width / 2); break; case 'right-top': case 'top-right': $top = $y; $bottom = $y + $height; $left = $x - $width; $right = $x; break; case 'right-center': $top = $y - ($height / 2); $bottom = $y + ($height / 2); $left = $x - $width; $right = $x; break; case 'bottom=right': case 'right-bottom': $top = $y - $height; $bottom = $y; $left = $x - $width; $right = $x; break; default: $top = 0; $bottom = $height; $left = 0; $right = $width; break; } $boundaryBox = array_merge($boundaryBox, array('top' => $top, 'bottom' => $bottom, 'left' => $left, 'right' => $right, 'x' => $x, 'y' => $y, 'reference' => $reference)); } function get_null_size() { return array('width' => 0, 'height' => 0, 'offsetX' => 0, 'offsetY' => 0, //'fontHeight' => 0 ); } function get_boundaryBox($message) { $points = $message['points']; $angle = $message['angle']; $font = $this->parameter['path_to_fonts'].$message['font']; $text = $message['text']; //print ('get_boundaryBox'); //expandPre($message); // get font size $bounds = ImageTTFBBox($points, $angle, $font, "W"); if ($angle < 0) { $fontHeight = abs($bounds[7]-$bounds[1]); } else if ($angle > 0) { $fontHeight = abs($bounds[1]-$bounds[7]); } else { $fontHeight = abs($bounds[7]-$bounds[1]); } // get boundary box and offsets for printing at an angle // start of Moodle addition $textlib = textlib_get_instance(); $text = $textlib->utf8_to_entities($text, true, true); //gd does not work with hex entities! // end of Moodle addition $bounds = ImageTTFBBox($points, $angle, $font, $text); if ($angle < 0) { $width = abs($bounds[4]-$bounds[0]); $height = abs($bounds[3]-$bounds[7]); $offsetY = abs($bounds[3]-$bounds[1]); $offsetX = 0; } else if ($angle > 0) { $width = abs($bounds[2]-$bounds[6]); $height = abs($bounds[1]-$bounds[5]); $offsetY = 0; $offsetX = abs($bounds[0]-$bounds[6]); } else { $width = abs($bounds[4]-$bounds[6]); $height = abs($bounds[7]-$bounds[1]); $offsetY = $bounds[1]; $offsetX = 0; } //return values return array('width' => $width, 'height' => $height, 'offsetX' => $offsetX, 'offsetY' => $offsetY, //'fontHeight' => $fontHeight ); } function draw_rectangle($border, $colour, $type) { $colour = $this->colour[$colour]; switch ($type) { case 'fill': // fill the rectangle ImageFilledRectangle($this->image, $border['left'], $border['top'], $border['right'], $border['bottom'], $colour); break; case 'box': // all sides ImageRectangle($this->image, $border['left'], $border['top'], $border['right'], $border['bottom'], $colour); break; case 'axis': // bottom x axis and left y axis ImageLine($this->image, $border['left'], $border['top'], $border['left'], $border['bottom'], $colour); ImageLine($this->image, $border['left'], $border['bottom'], $border['right'], $border['bottom'], $colour); break; case 'y': // left y axis only case 'y-left': ImageLine($this->image, $border['left'], $border['top'], $border['left'], $border['bottom'], $colour); break; case 'y-right': // right y axis only ImageLine($this->image, $border['right'], $border['top'], $border['right'], $border['bottom'], $colour); break; case 'x': // bottom x axis only ImageLine($this->image, $border['left'], $border['bottom'], $border['right'], $border['bottom'], $colour); break; case 'u': // u shaped. bottom x axis and both left and right y axis. ImageLine($this->image, $border['left'], $border['top'], $border['left'], $border['bottom'], $colour); ImageLine($this->image, $border['right'], $border['top'], $border['right'], $border['bottom'], $colour); ImageLine($this->image, $border['left'], $border['bottom'], $border['right'], $border['bottom'], $colour); break; } } function init_colours() { $this->image = ImageCreate($this->parameter['width'], $this->parameter['height']); // standard colours $this->colour['white'] = ImageColorAllocate ($this->image, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF); // first colour is background colour. $this->colour['black'] = ImageColorAllocate ($this->image, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00); $this->colour['maroon'] = ImageColorAllocate ($this->image, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00); $this->colour['green'] = ImageColorAllocate ($this->image, 0x00, 0x80, 0x00); $this->colour['ltgreen'] = ImageColorAllocate ($this->image, 0x52, 0xF1, 0x7F); $this->colour['ltltgreen']= ImageColorAllocate ($this->image, 0x99, 0xFF, 0x99); $this->colour['olive'] = ImageColorAllocate ($this->image, 0x80, 0x80, 0x00); $this->colour['navy'] = ImageColorAllocate ($this->image, 0x00, 0x00, 0x80); $this->colour['purple'] = ImageColorAllocate ($this->image, 0x80, 0x00, 0x80); $this->colour['gray'] = ImageColorAllocate ($this->image, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80); $this->colour['red'] = ImageColorAllocate ($this->image, 0xFF, 0x00, 0x00); $this->colour['ltred'] = ImageColorAllocate ($this->image, 0xFF, 0x99, 0x99); $this->colour['ltltred'] = ImageColorAllocate ($this->image, 0xFF, 0xCC, 0xCC); $this->colour['orange'] = ImageColorAllocate ($this->image, 0xFF, 0x66, 0x00); $this->colour['ltorange'] = ImageColorAllocate ($this->image, 0xFF, 0x99, 0x66); $this->colour['ltltorange'] = ImageColorAllocate ($this->image, 0xFF, 0xcc, 0x99); $this->colour['lime'] = ImageColorAllocate ($this->image, 0x00, 0xFF, 0x00); $this->colour['yellow'] = ImageColorAllocate ($this->image, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x00); $this->colour['blue'] = ImageColorAllocate ($this->image, 0x00, 0x00, 0xFF); $this->colour['ltblue'] = ImageColorAllocate ($this->image, 0x00, 0xCC, 0xFF); $this->colour['ltltblue'] = ImageColorAllocate ($this->image, 0x99, 0xFF, 0xFF); $this->colour['fuchsia'] = ImageColorAllocate ($this->image, 0xFF, 0x00, 0xFF); $this->colour['aqua'] = ImageColorAllocate ($this->image, 0x00, 0xFF, 0xFF); //$this->colour['white'] = ImageColorAllocate ($this->image, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF); // shades of gray $this->colour['grayF0'] = ImageColorAllocate ($this->image, 0xF0, 0xF0, 0xF0); $this->colour['grayEE'] = ImageColorAllocate ($this->image, 0xEE, 0xEE, 0xEE); $this->colour['grayDD'] = ImageColorAllocate ($this->image, 0xDD, 0xDD, 0xDD); $this->colour['grayCC'] = ImageColorAllocate ($this->image, 0xCC, 0xCC, 0xCC); $this->colour['gray33'] = ImageColorAllocate ($this->image, 0x33, 0x33, 0x33); $this->colour['gray66'] = ImageColorAllocate ($this->image, 0x66, 0x66, 0x66); $this->colour['gray99'] = ImageColorAllocate ($this->image, 0x99, 0x99, 0x99); $this->colour['none'] = 'none'; return true; } function output() { if ($this->debug) { // for debugging purposes. //expandPre($this->graph); //expandPre($this->y_data); //expandPre($this->x_data); //expandPre($this->parameter); } else { $expiresSeconds = $this->parameter['seconds_to_live']; $expiresHours = $this->parameter['hours_to_live']; if ($expiresHours || $expiresSeconds) { $now = mktime (date("H"),date("i"),date("s"),date("m"),date("d"),date("Y")); $expires = mktime (date("H")+$expiresHours,date("i"),date("s")+$expiresSeconds,date("m"),date("d"),date("Y")); $expiresGMT = gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', $expires).' GMT'; $lastModifiedGMT = gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', $now).' GMT'; Header('Last-modified: '.$lastModifiedGMT); Header('Expires: '.$expiresGMT); } if ($this->parameter['file_name'] == 'none') { switch ($this->parameter['output_format']) { case 'GIF': Header("Content-type: image/gif"); // GIF??. switch to PNG guys!! ImageGIF($this->image); break; case 'JPEG': Header("Content-type: image/jpeg"); // JPEG for line art??. included for completeness. ImageJPEG($this->image); break; default: Header("Content-type: image/png"); // preferred output format ImagePNG($this->image); break; } } else { switch ($this->parameter['output_format']) { case 'GIF': ImageGIF($this->image, $this->parameter['file_name'].'.gif'); break; case 'JPEG': ImageJPEG($this->image, $this->parameter['file_name'].'.jpg'); break; default: ImagePNG($this->image, $this->parameter['file_name'].'.png'); break; } } ImageDestroy($this->image); } } // function output function init_variable(&$variable, $value, $default) { if (!empty($value)) $variable = $value; else if (isset($default)) $variable = $default; else unset($variable); } // plot a point. options include square, circle, diamond, triangle, and dot. offset is used for drawing shadows. // for diamonds and triangles the size should be an even number to get nice look. if odd the points are crooked. function plot($x, $y, $type, $size, $colour, $offset) { //print("drawing point of type: $type, at offset: $offset"); $u = $x + $offset; $v = $this->calculated['inner_border']['bottom'] - $y + $offset; $half = $size / 2; switch ($type) { case 'square': ImageFilledRectangle($this->image, $u-$half, $v-$half, $u+$half, $v+$half, $this->colour[$colour]); break; case 'square-open': ImageRectangle($this->image, $u-$half, $v-$half, $u+$half, $v+$half, $this->colour[$colour]); break; case 'circle': ImageArc($this->image, $u, $v, $size, $size, 0, 360, $this->colour[$colour]); ImageFillToBorder($this->image, $u, $v, $this->colour[$colour], $this->colour[$colour]); break; case 'circle-open': ImageArc($this->image, $u, $v, $size, $size, 0, 360, $this->colour[$colour]); break; case 'diamond': ImageFilledPolygon($this->image, array($u, $v-$half, $u+$half, $v, $u, $v+$half, $u-$half, $v), 4, $this->colour[$colour]); break; case 'diamond-open': ImagePolygon($this->image, array($u, $v-$half, $u+$half, $v, $u, $v+$half, $u-$half, $v), 4, $this->colour[$colour]); break; case 'triangle': ImageFilledPolygon($this->image, array($u, $v-$half, $u+$half, $v+$half, $u-$half, $v+$half), 3, $this->colour[$colour]); break; case 'triangle-open': ImagePolygon($this->image, array($u, $v-$half, $u+$half, $v+$half, $u-$half, $v+$half), 3, $this->colour[$colour]); break; case 'dot': ImageSetPixel($this->image, $u, $v, $this->colour[$colour]); break; } } function bar($x, $y, $type, $size, $colour, $offset, $index, $yoffset) { $index_offset = $this->calculated['bar_offset_index'][$index]; if ( $yoffset ) { $bar_offsetx = 0; } else { $bar_offsetx = $this->calculated['bar_offset_x'][$index_offset]; } //$this->dbug("drawing bar at offset = $offset : index = $index: bar_offsetx = $bar_offsetx"); $span = ($this->calculated['bar_width'] * $size) / 2; $x_left = $x + $bar_offsetx - $span; $x_right = $x + $bar_offsetx + $span; if ($this->parameter['zero_axis'] != 'none') { $zero = $this->calculated['zero_axis']; if ($this->parameter['shadow_below_axis'] ) $zero += $offset; $u_left = $x_left + $offset; $u_right = $x_right + $offset - 1; $v = $this->calculated['boundary_box']['bottom'] - $y + $offset; if ($v > $zero) { $top = $zero +1; $bottom = $v; } else { $top = $v; $bottom = $zero - 1; } switch ($type) { case 'open': //ImageRectangle($this->image, round($u_left), $top, round($u_right), $bottom, $this->colour[$colour]); if ($v > $zero) ImageRectangle($this->image, round($u_left), $bottom, round($u_right), $bottom, $this->colour[$colour]); else ImageRectangle($this->image, round($u_left), $top, round($u_right), $top, $this->colour[$colour]); ImageRectangle($this->image, round($u_left), $top, round($u_left), $bottom, $this->colour[$colour]); ImageRectangle($this->image, round($u_right), $top, round($u_right), $bottom, $this->colour[$colour]); break; case 'fill': ImageFilledRectangle($this->image, round($u_left), $top, round($u_right), $bottom, $this->colour[$colour]); break; } } else { $bottom = $this->calculated['boundary_box']['bottom']; if ($this->parameter['shadow_below_axis'] ) $bottom += $offset; if ($this->parameter['inner_border'] != 'none') $bottom -= 1; // 1 pixel above bottom if border is to be drawn. $u_left = $x_left + $offset; $u_right = $x_right + $offset - 1; $v = $this->calculated['boundary_box']['bottom'] - $y + $offset; // Moodle addition, plus the function parameter yoffset if ($yoffset) { // Moodle $yoffset = $yoffset - round(($bottom - $v) / 2.0); // Moodle $bottom -= $yoffset; // Moodle $v -= $yoffset; // Moodle } // Moodle switch ($type) { case 'open': ImageRectangle($this->image, round($u_left), $v, round($u_right), $bottom, $this->colour[$colour]); break; case 'fill': ImageFilledRectangle($this->image, round($u_left), $v, round($u_right), $bottom, $this->colour[$colour]); break; } } } function area($x_start, $y_start, $x_end, $y_end, $type, $colour, $offset) { //dbug("drawing area type: $type, at offset: $offset"); if ($this->parameter['zero_axis'] != 'none') { $bottom = $this->calculated['boundary_box']['bottom']; $zero = $this->calculated['zero_axis']; if ($this->parameter['shadow_below_axis'] ) $zero += $offset; $u_start = $x_start + $offset; $u_end = $x_end + $offset; $v_start = $bottom - $y_start + $offset; $v_end = $bottom - $y_end + $offset; switch ($type) { case 'fill': // draw it this way 'cos the FilledPolygon routine seems a bit buggy. ImageFilledPolygon($this->image, array($u_start, $v_start, $u_end, $v_end, $u_end, $zero, $u_start, $zero), 4, $this->colour[$colour]); ImagePolygon($this->image, array($u_start, $v_start, $u_end, $v_end, $u_end, $zero, $u_start, $zero), 4, $this->colour[$colour]); break; case 'open': //ImagePolygon($this->image, array($u_start, $v_start, $u_end, $v_end, $u_end, $zero, $u_start, $zero), 4, $this->colour[$colour]); ImageLine($this->image, $u_start, $v_start, $u_end, $v_end, $this->colour[$colour]); ImageLine($this->image, $u_start, $v_start, $u_start, $zero, $this->colour[$colour]); ImageLine($this->image, $u_end, $v_end, $u_end, $zero, $this->colour[$colour]); break; } } else { $bottom = $this->calculated['boundary_box']['bottom']; $u_start = $x_start + $offset; $u_end = $x_end + $offset; $v_start = $bottom - $y_start + $offset; $v_end = $bottom - $y_end + $offset; if ($this->parameter['shadow_below_axis'] ) $bottom += $offset; if ($this->parameter['inner_border'] != 'none') $bottom -= 1; // 1 pixel above bottom if border is to be drawn. switch ($type) { case 'fill': ImageFilledPolygon($this->image, array($u_start, $v_start, $u_end, $v_end, $u_end, $bottom, $u_start, $bottom), 4, $this->colour[$colour]); break; case 'open': ImagePolygon($this->image, array($u_start, $v_start, $u_end, $v_end, $u_end, $bottom, $u_start, $bottom), 4, $this->colour[$colour]); break; } } } function line($x_start, $y_start, $x_end, $y_end, $type, $brush_type, $brush_size, $colour, $offset) { //dbug("drawing line of type: $type, at offset: $offset"); $u_start = $x_start + $offset; $v_start = $this->calculated['boundary_box']['bottom'] - $y_start + $offset; $u_end = $x_end + $offset; $v_end = $this->calculated['boundary_box']['bottom'] - $y_end + $offset; switch ($type) { case 'brush': $this->draw_brush_line($u_start, $v_start, $u_end, $v_end, $brush_size, $brush_type, $colour); break; case 'line' : ImageLine($this->image, $u_start, $v_start, $u_end, $v_end, $this->colour[$colour]); break; case 'dash': ImageDashedLine($this->image, $u_start, $v_start, $u_end, $v_end, $this->colour[$colour]); break; } } // function to draw line. would prefer to use gdBrush but this is not supported yet. function draw_brush_line($x0, $y0, $x1, $y1, $size, $type, $colour) { //$this->dbug("line: $x0, $y0, $x1, $y1"); $dy = $y1 - $y0; $dx = $x1 - $x0; $t = 0; $watchdog = 1024; // precaution to prevent infinite loops. $this->draw_brush($x0, $y0, $size, $type, $colour); if (abs($dx) > abs($dy)) { // slope < 1 //$this->dbug("slope < 1"); $m = $dy / $dx; // compute slope $t += $y0; $dx = ($dx < 0) ? -1 : 1; $m *= $dx; while (round($x0) != round($x1)) { if (!$watchdog--) break; $x0 += $dx; // step to next x value $t += $m; // add slope to y value $y = round($t); //$this->dbug("x0=$x0, x1=$x1, y=$y watchdog=$watchdog"); $this->draw_brush($x0, $y, $size, $type, $colour); } } else { // slope >= 1 //$this->dbug("slope >= 1"); $m = $dx / $dy; // compute slope $t += $x0; $dy = ($dy < 0) ? -1 : 1; $m *= $dy; while (round($y0) != round($y1)) { if (!$watchdog--) break; $y0 += $dy; // step to next y value $t += $m; // add slope to x value $x = round($t); //$this->dbug("x=$x, y0=$y0, y1=$y1 watchdog=$watchdog"); $this->draw_brush($x, $y0, $size, $type, $colour); } } } function draw_brush($x, $y, $size, $type, $colour) { $x = round($x); $y = round($y); $half = round($size / 2); switch ($type) { case 'circle': ImageArc($this->image, $x, $y, $size, $size, 0, 360, $this->colour[$colour]); ImageFillToBorder($this->image, $x, $y, $this->colour[$colour], $this->colour[$colour]); break; case 'square': ImageFilledRectangle($this->image, $x-$half, $y-$half, $x+$half, $y+$half, $this->colour[$colour]); break; case 'vertical': ImageFilledRectangle($this->image, $x, $y-$half, $x+1, $y+$half, $this->colour[$colour]); break; case 'horizontal': ImageFilledRectangle($this->image, $x-$half, $y, $x+$half, $y+1, $this->colour[$colour]); break; case 'slash': ImageFilledPolygon($this->image, array($x+$half, $y-$half, $x+$half+1, $y-$half, $x-$half+1, $y+$half, $x-$half, $y+$half ), 4, $this->colour[$colour]); break; case 'backslash': ImageFilledPolygon($this->image, array($x-$half, $y-$half, $x-$half+1, $y-$half, $x+$half+1, $y+$half, $x+$half, $y+$half ), 4, $this->colour[$colour]); break; default: @eval($type); // user can create own brush script. } } } // class graph