name (id: $a->id)'; $string['actwebserviceshhdr'] = 'Active web service protocols'; $string['apiexplorer'] = 'API explorer'; $string['apiexplorernotavalaible'] = 'API explorer not available yet.'; $string['arguments'] = 'Arguments'; $string['configwebserviceplugins'] = 'For security reasons enable only protocols that are used.'; $string['context'] = 'Context'; $string['deleteservice'] = 'Delete the service: $a->name (id: $a->id)'; $string['deleteserviceconfirm'] = 'Do you really want to delete external service \"$a\"?'; $string['disabledwarning'] = 'All webs service protocols are disabled, the \Enable web services\" setting can be found in the \"Advanced features\" section.'; $string['editservice'] = 'Edit the service: $a->name (id: $a->id)'; $string['enabled'] = 'Enabled'; $string['error'] = 'Error: $a'; $string['errorcodes'] = 'Error message'; $string['execute'] = 'Execute'; $string['executewarnign'] = 'WARNING: if you press execute your database will be modified and changes can not be reverted automatically!'; $string['externalservices'] = 'External services'; $string['externalservice'] = 'External service'; $string['externalservicefunctions'] = 'External service functions'; $string['externalserviceusers'] = 'External service users'; $string['function'] = 'Function'; $string['functions'] = 'Functions'; $string['generalstructure'] = 'General structure'; $string['httpswarning'] = 'Token strings are only displayed if your connection is secured (https)'; $string['iprestriction'] = 'IP restriction'; $string['manageprotocols'] = 'Manage protocols'; $string['managetokens'] = 'Manage tokens'; $string['norequiredcapability'] = 'No required capability'; $string['notoken'] = 'You have created no token.'; $string['operation'] = 'Operation'; $string['optional'] = 'Optional'; $string['phpparam'] = 'XML-RPC (PHP structure)'; $string['phpresponse'] = 'XML-RPC (PHP structure)'; $string['postrestparam'] = 'PHP code for REST (POST request)'; $string['potusers'] = 'Not authorised users'; $string['potusersmatching'] = 'Not authorised users matching'; $string['print'] = 'Print All'; $string['protocol'] = 'Protocol'; $string['removefunction'] = 'Remove'; $string['removefunctionconfirm'] = 'Do you really want to remove function \"$a->function\" from service \"$a->service\"?'; $string['requireauthentication'] = 'This method requires authentication with xxx permission.'; $string['required'] = 'Required'; $string['requiredcapability'] = 'Required capability'; $string['response'] = 'Response'; $string['restcode'] = 'REST'; $string['restexception'] = 'REST'; $string['restparam'] = 'REST (POST parameters)'; $string['restrictedusers'] = 'Authorised users only'; $string['selectedcapabilitydoesntexit'] = 'The currently set required capability ($a) doesn\'t exist anymore. Please change it and save the changes.'; $string['selectedcapability'] = 'Selected'; $string['service'] = 'Service'; $string['servicename'] = 'Service name'; $string['servicesbuiltin'] = 'Built-in services'; $string['servicescustom'] = 'Custom services'; $string['serviceusers'] = 'Authorised users'; $string['serviceusersmatching'] = 'Authorised users matching'; $string['serviceuserssettings'] = 'Change settings for the authorised users'; $string['testclient'] = 'Web service test client'; $string['token'] = 'Token'; $string['validuntil'] = 'Valid until'; $string['webservices'] = 'Web services'; $string['webservicetokens'] = 'Web service tokens'; $string['wsdocumentation'] = 'Web service documentation'; $string['wsdocumentationdisable'] = 'Web service documentation is disabled.'; $string['wsdocumentationintro'] = 'Following is a listing of web service functions available for the username $a.
To create a client we advise you to read the Moodle documentation'; $string['wsdocumentationlogin'] = 'Enter your web service username and password.'; $string['wspassword'] = 'Web service password'; $string['wsusername'] = 'Web service username';