. /** * This script creates config.php file during installation. * * @package core * @subpackage install * @copyright 2009 Petr Skoda (http://skodak.org) * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ if (isset($_REQUEST['lang'])) { $lang = preg_replace('/[^A-Za-z0-9_-]/i', '', $_REQUEST['lang']); } else { $lang = 'en'; } if (isset($_REQUEST['admin'])) { $admin = preg_replace('/[^A-Za-z0-9_-]/i', '', $_REQUEST['admin']); } else { $admin = 'admin'; } // If config.php exists we just created config.php and need to redirect to continue installation $configfile = './config.php'; if (file_exists($configfile)) { header("Location: $admin/index.php?lang=$lang"); die; } define('CLI_SCRIPT', false); // prevents some warnings later define('AJAX_SCRIPT', false); // prevents some warnings later define('CACHE_DISABLE_ALL', true); // Disables caching.. just in case. define('PHPUNIT_TEST', false); define('IGNORE_COMPONENT_CACHE', true); // Servers should define a default timezone in php.ini, but if they don't then make sure something is defined. // This is a quick hack. Ideally we should ask the admin for a value. See MDL-22625 for more on this. if (function_exists('date_default_timezone_set') and function_exists('date_default_timezone_get')) { @date_default_timezone_set(@date_default_timezone_get()); } // make sure PHP errors are displayed - helps with diagnosing of problems @error_reporting(E_ALL); @ini_set('display_errors', '1'); // Check that PHP is of a sufficient version. if (version_compare(phpversion(), '5.3.3') < 0) { $phpversion = phpversion(); // do NOT localise - lang strings would not work here and we CAN not move it after installib echo "Moodle 2.5 or later requires at least PHP 5.3.3 (currently using version $phpversion).
"; echo "Please upgrade your server software or install older Moodle version."; die; } // make sure iconv is available and actually works if (!function_exists('iconv')) { // this should not happen, this must be very borked install echo 'Moodle requires the iconv PHP extension. Please install or enable the iconv extension.'; die(); } if (PHP_INT_SIZE > 4) { // most probably 64bit PHP - we need a lot more memory $minrequiredmemory = '70M'; } else { // 32bit PHP $minrequiredmemory = '40M'; } // increase or decrease available memory - we need to make sure moodle // installs even with low memory, otherwise developers would overlook // sudden increases of memory needs ;-) @ini_set('memory_limit', $minrequiredmemory); /** Used by library scripts to check they are being called by Moodle */ define('MOODLE_INTERNAL', true); require_once(__DIR__.'/lib/classes/component.php'); require_once(__DIR__.'/lib/installlib.php'); // TODO: add lang detection here if empty $_REQUEST['lang'] // distro specific customisation $distro = null; if (file_exists('install/distrolib.php')) { require_once('install/distrolib.php'); if (function_exists('distro_get_config')) { $distro = distro_get_config(); } } $config = new stdClass(); $config->lang = $lang; if (!empty($_POST)) { if (install_ini_get_bool('magic_quotes_gpc')) { $_POST = array_map('stripslashes', $_POST); } $config->stage = (int)$_POST['stage']; if (isset($_POST['previous'])) { $config->stage--; if (INSTALL_DATABASETYPE and !empty($distro->dbtype)) { $config->stage--; } if ($config->stage == INSTALL_ENVIRONMENT or $config->stage == INSTALL_DOWNLOADLANG) { $config->stage--; } } else if (isset($_POST['next'])) { $config->stage++; } $config->dbtype = trim($_POST['dbtype']); $config->dbhost = trim($_POST['dbhost']); $config->dbuser = trim($_POST['dbuser']); $config->dbpass = trim($_POST['dbpass']); $config->dbname = trim($_POST['dbname']); $config->prefix = trim($_POST['prefix']); $config->dbport = (int)trim($_POST['dbport']); $config->dbsocket = trim($_POST['dbsocket']); if ($config->dbport <= 0) { $config->dbport = ''; } $config->admin = empty($_POST['admin']) ? 'admin' : trim($_POST['admin']); $config->dataroot = trim($_POST['dataroot']); } else { $config->stage = INSTALL_WELCOME; $config->dbtype = empty($distro->dbtype) ? '' : $distro->dbtype; // let distro skip dbtype selection $config->dbhost = empty($distro->dbhost) ? 'localhost' : $distro->dbhost; // let distros set dbhost $config->dbuser = empty($distro->dbuser) ? '' : $distro->dbuser; // let distros set dbuser $config->dbpass = ''; $config->dbname = 'moodle'; $config->prefix = 'mdl_'; $config->dbport = empty($distro->dbport) ? '' : $distro->dbport; $config->dbsocket = empty($distro->dbsocket) ? '' : $distro->dbsocket; $config->admin = 'admin'; $config->dataroot = empty($distro->dataroot) ? null : $distro->dataroot; // initialised later after including libs or by distro } // Fake some settings so that we can use selected functions from moodlelib.php, weblib.php and filelib.php. $CFG = new stdClass(); $CFG->lang = $config->lang; $CFG->dirroot = dirname(__FILE__); $CFG->libdir = "$CFG->dirroot/lib"; $CFG->wwwroot = install_guess_wwwroot(); // can not be changed - ppl must use the real address when installing $CFG->httpswwwroot = $CFG->wwwroot; $CFG->dataroot = $config->dataroot; $CFG->tempdir = $CFG->dataroot.'/temp'; $CFG->cachedir = $CFG->dataroot.'/cache'; $CFG->localcachedir = $CFG->dataroot.'/localcache'; $CFG->admin = $config->admin; $CFG->docroot = 'http://docs.moodle.org'; $CFG->langotherroot = $CFG->dataroot.'/lang'; $CFG->langlocalroot = $CFG->dataroot.'/lang'; $CFG->directorypermissions = isset($distro->directorypermissions) ? $distro->directorypermissions : 00777; // let distros set dir permissions $CFG->running_installer = true; $CFG->early_install_lang = true; $CFG->ostype = (stristr(PHP_OS, 'win') && !stristr(PHP_OS, 'darwin')) ? 'WINDOWS' : 'UNIX'; // Require all needed libs require_once($CFG->libdir.'/setuplib.php'); // we need to make sure we have enough memory to load all libraries $memlimit = @ini_get('memory_limit'); if (!empty($memlimit) and $memlimit != -1) { if (get_real_size($memlimit) < get_real_size($minrequiredmemory)) { // do NOT localise - lang strings would not work here and we CAN not move it to later place echo "Moodle requires at least {$minrequiredmemory}B of PHP memory.
"; echo "Please contact server administrator to fix PHP.ini memory settings."; die; } } // Continue with lib loading require_once($CFG->libdir.'/classes/text.php'); require_once($CFG->libdir.'/weblib.php'); require_once($CFG->libdir.'/outputlib.php'); require_once($CFG->libdir.'/dmllib.php'); require_once($CFG->libdir.'/moodlelib.php'); require_once($CFG->libdir .'/pagelib.php'); require_once($CFG->libdir.'/deprecatedlib.php'); require_once($CFG->libdir.'/adminlib.php'); require_once($CFG->libdir.'/environmentlib.php'); require_once($CFG->libdir.'/componentlib.class.php'); require_once($CFG->dirroot.'/cache/lib.php'); //point pear include path to moodles lib/pear so that includes and requires will search there for files before anywhere else //the problem is that we need specific version of quickforms and hacked excel files :-( ini_set('include_path', $CFG->libdir.'/pear' . PATH_SEPARATOR . ini_get('include_path')); //point zend include path to moodles lib/zend so that includes and requires will search there for files before anywhere else ini_set('include_path', $CFG->libdir.'/zend' . PATH_SEPARATOR . ini_get('include_path')); require('version.php'); $CFG->target_release = $release; $SESSION = new stdClass(); $SESSION->lang = $CFG->lang; $USER = new stdClass(); $USER->id = 0; $COURSE = new stdClass(); $COURSE->id = 0; $SITE = $COURSE; define('SITEID', 0); $hint_dataroot = ''; $hint_admindir = ''; $hint_database = ''; // Are we in help mode? if (isset($_GET['help'])) { install_print_help_page($_GET['help']); } //first time here? find out suitable dataroot if (is_null($CFG->dataroot)) { $CFG->dataroot = dirname(dirname(__FILE__)).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'moodledata'; $i = 0; //safety check - dirname might return some unexpected results while(is_dataroot_insecure()) { $parrent = dirname($CFG->dataroot); $i++; if ($parrent == '/' or $parrent == '.' or preg_match('/^[a-z]:\\\?$/i', $parrent) or ($i > 100)) { $CFG->dataroot = ''; //can not find secure location for dataroot break; } $CFG->dataroot = dirname($parrent).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'moodledata'; } $config->dataroot = $CFG->dataroot; $config->stage = INSTALL_WELCOME; } // now let's do the stage work if ($config->stage < INSTALL_WELCOME) { $config->stage = INSTALL_WELCOME; } if ($config->stage > INSTALL_SAVE) { $config->stage = INSTALL_SAVE; } if ($config->stage == INSTALL_SAVE) { $CFG->early_install_lang = false; $database = moodle_database::get_driver_instance($config->dbtype, 'native'); if (!$database->driver_installed()) { $config->stage = INSTALL_DATABASETYPE; } else { if (function_exists('distro_pre_create_db')) { // Hook for distros needing to do something before DB creation $distro = distro_pre_create_db($database, $config->dbhost, $config->dbuser, $config->dbpass, $config->dbname, $config->prefix, array('dbpersist'=>0, 'dbport'=>$config->dbport, 'dbsocket'=>$config->dbsocket), $distro); } $hint_database = install_db_validate($database, $config->dbhost, $config->dbuser, $config->dbpass, $config->dbname, $config->prefix, array('dbpersist'=>0, 'dbport'=>$config->dbport, 'dbsocket'=>$config->dbsocket)); if ($hint_database === '') { $configphp = install_generate_configphp($database, $CFG); umask(0137); if (($fh = @fopen($configfile, 'w')) !== false) { fwrite($fh, $configphp); fclose($fh); } if (file_exists($configfile)) { // config created, let's continue! redirect("$CFG->wwwroot/$config->admin/index.php?lang=$config->lang"); } install_print_header($config, 'config.php', get_string('configurationcompletehead', 'install'), get_string('configurationcompletesub', 'install').get_string('configfilenotwritten', 'install')); echo '
            echo p($configphp);
            echo '
'; install_print_footer($config); die; } else { $config->stage = INSTALL_DATABASE; } } } if ($config->stage == INSTALL_DOWNLOADLANG) { if (empty($CFG->dataroot)) { $config->stage = INSTALL_PATHS; } else if (is_dataroot_insecure()) { $hint_dataroot = get_string('pathsunsecuredataroot', 'install'); $config->stage = INSTALL_PATHS; } else if (!file_exists($CFG->dataroot)) { $a = new stdClass(); $a->parent = dirname($CFG->dataroot); $a->dataroot = $CFG->dataroot; if (!is_writable($a->parent)) { $hint_dataroot = get_string('pathsroparentdataroot', 'install', $a); $config->stage = INSTALL_PATHS; } else { if (!install_init_dataroot($CFG->dataroot, $CFG->directorypermissions)) { $hint_dataroot = get_string('pathserrcreatedataroot', 'install', $a); $config->stage = INSTALL_PATHS; } } } else if (!install_init_dataroot($CFG->dataroot, $CFG->directorypermissions)) { $hint_dataroot = get_string('pathserrcreatedataroot', 'install', array('dataroot' => $CFG->dataroot)); $config->stage = INSTALL_PATHS; } if (empty($hint_dataroot) and !is_writable($CFG->dataroot)) { $hint_dataroot = get_string('pathsrodataroot', 'install'); $config->stage = INSTALL_PATHS; } if ($config->admin === '' or !file_exists($CFG->dirroot.'/'.$config->admin.'/environment.xml')) { $hint_admindir = get_string('pathswrongadmindir', 'install'); $config->stage = INSTALL_PATHS; } } if ($config->stage == INSTALL_DOWNLOADLANG) { // no need to download anything if en lang selected if ($CFG->lang == 'en') { $config->stage = INSTALL_DATABASETYPE; } } if ($config->stage == INSTALL_DATABASETYPE) { // skip db selection if distro package supports only one db if (!empty($distro->dbtype)) { $config->stage = INSTALL_DATABASE; } } if ($config->stage == INSTALL_DOWNLOADLANG) { $downloaderror = ''; // download and install required lang packs, the lang dir has already been created in install_init_dataroot $installer = new lang_installer($CFG->lang); $results = $installer->run(); foreach ($results as $langcode => $langstatus) { if ($langstatus === lang_installer::RESULT_DOWNLOADERROR) { $a = new stdClass(); $a->url = $installer->lang_pack_url($langcode); $a->dest = $CFG->dataroot.'/lang'; $downloaderror = get_string('remotedownloaderror', 'error', $a); } } if ($downloaderror !== '') { install_print_header($config, get_string('language'), get_string('langdownloaderror', 'install', $CFG->lang), $downloaderror); install_print_footer($config); die; } else { if (empty($distro->dbtype)) { $config->stage = INSTALL_DATABASETYPE; } else { $config->stage = INSTALL_DATABASE; } } // switch the string_manager instance to stop using install/lang/ $CFG->early_install_lang = false; $CFG->langotherroot = $CFG->dataroot.'/lang'; $CFG->langlocalroot = $CFG->dataroot.'/lang'; get_string_manager(true); } if ($config->stage == INSTALL_DATABASE) { $CFG->early_install_lang = false; $database = moodle_database::get_driver_instance($config->dbtype, 'native'); $sub = '


'.$database->get_configuration_help(); install_print_header($config, get_string('database', 'install'), get_string('databasehead', 'install'), $sub); $strdbhost = get_string('databasehost', 'install'); $strdbname = get_string('databasename', 'install'); $strdbuser = get_string('databaseuser', 'install'); $strdbpass = get_string('databasepass', 'install'); $strprefix = get_string('dbprefix', 'install'); $strdbport = get_string('databaseport', 'install'); $strdbsocket = get_string('databasesocket', 'install'); echo '
'; $disabled = empty($distro->dbhost) ? '' : 'disabled="disabled'; echo '
'; echo ''; echo '
'; echo '
'; echo ''; echo '
'; $disabled = empty($distro->dbuser) ? '' : 'disabled="disabled'; echo '
'; echo ''; echo '
'; echo '
'; // no password field here, the password may be visible in config.php if we can not write it to disk echo ''; echo '
'; echo '
'; echo ''; echo '
'; echo '
'; echo ''; echo '
'; if (!(stristr(PHP_OS, 'win') && !stristr(PHP_OS, 'darwin'))) { echo '
'; echo ''; echo '
'; } echo '
'; echo '
'; install_print_footer($config); die; } if ($config->stage == INSTALL_DATABASETYPE) { $CFG->early_install_lang = false; // Finally ask for DB type install_print_header($config, get_string('database', 'install'), get_string('databasetypehead', 'install'), get_string('databasetypesub', 'install')); $databases = array('mysqli' => moodle_database::get_driver_instance('mysqli', 'native'), 'mariadb'=> moodle_database::get_driver_instance('mariadb', 'native'), 'pgsql' => moodle_database::get_driver_instance('pgsql', 'native'), 'oci' => moodle_database::get_driver_instance('oci', 'native'), 'sqlsrv' => moodle_database::get_driver_instance('sqlsrv', 'native'), // MS SQL*Server PHP driver 'mssql' => moodle_database::get_driver_instance('mssql', 'native'), // FreeTDS driver ); echo '
'; echo '
'; echo '
'; echo '
'; install_print_footer($config); die; } if ($config->stage == INSTALL_ENVIRONMENT or $config->stage == INSTALL_PATHS) { $version_fail = (version_compare(phpversion(), "5.3.3") < 0); $curl_fail = ($lang !== 'en' and !extension_loaded('curl')); // needed for lang pack download $zip_fail = ($lang !== 'en' and !extension_loaded('zip')); // needed for lang pack download if ($version_fail or $curl_fail or $zip_fail) { $config->stage = INSTALL_ENVIRONMENT; install_print_header($config, get_string('environmenthead', 'install'), get_string('errorsinenvironment', 'install'), get_string('environmentsub2', 'install')); echo '
'; if ($version_fail) { $a = (object)array('needed'=>'5.3.3', 'current'=>phpversion()); echo '
'.get_string('phpversion', 'install').'
'.get_string('environmentrequireversion', 'admin', $a).'
'; } if ($curl_fail) { echo '
'.get_string('phpextension', 'install', 'cURL').'
'.get_string('environmentrequireinstall', 'admin').'
'; } if ($zip_fail) { echo '
'.get_string('phpextension', 'install', 'Zip').'
'.get_string('environmentrequireinstall', 'admin').'
'; } echo '
'; install_print_footer($config, true); die; } else { $config->stage = INSTALL_PATHS; } } if ($config->stage == INSTALL_PATHS) { $paths = array('wwwroot' => get_string('wwwroot', 'install'), 'dirroot' => get_string('dirroot', 'install'), 'dataroot' => get_string('dataroot', 'install')); $sub = '
'; foreach ($paths as $path=>$name) { $sub .= '
'.get_string('pathssub'.$path, 'install').'
'; } if (!file_exists("$CFG->dirroot/admin/environment.xml")) { $sub .= '
'.get_string('admindirname', 'install').'
'.get_string('pathssubadmindir', 'install').'
'; } $sub .= '
'; install_print_header($config, get_string('paths', 'install'), get_string('pathshead', 'install'), $sub); $strwwwroot = get_string('wwwroot', 'install'); $strdirroot = get_string('dirroot', 'install'); $strdataroot = get_string('dataroot', 'install'); $stradmindirname = get_string('admindirname', 'install'); echo '
'; echo '
'; echo ''; echo '
'; echo '
'; echo ''; echo '
'; echo '
'; echo ''; if ($hint_dataroot !== '') { echo '
'; } echo '
'; if (!file_exists("$CFG->dirroot/admin/environment.xml")) { echo '
'; echo ''; if ($hint_admindir !== '') { echo '
'; } echo '
'; } echo '
'; install_print_footer($config); die; } $config->stage = INSTALL_WELCOME; if ($distro) { ob_start(); include('install/distribution.html'); $sub = ob_get_clean(); install_print_header($config, get_string('language'), get_string('chooselanguagehead', 'install'), $sub); } else { install_print_header($config, get_string('language'), get_string('chooselanguagehead', 'install'), get_string('chooselanguagesub', 'install')); } $languages = get_string_manager()->get_list_of_translations(); echo '
'; echo '
'; echo '
'; echo '
'; install_print_footer($config); die;