enablestats)) { return STATS_RUN_ABORTED; } if (!$timestart = stats_get_start_from('daily')) { return STATS_RUN_ABORTED; } $midnight = stats_getmidnight(time()); // check to make sure we're due to run, at least one day after last run if (isset($CFG->statslastdaily) and ((time() - 24*60*60) < $CFG->statslastdaily)) { return STATS_RUN_ABORTED; } mtrace("Running daily statistics gathering..."); set_config('statslastdaily',time()); $return = STATS_RUN_COMPLETE; // optimistic static $daily_modules; if (empty($daily_modules)) { $daily_modules = array(); $mods = get_records("modules"); foreach ($mods as $mod) { require_once($CFG->dirroot.'/mod/'.$mod->name.'/lib.php'); $fname = $mod->name.'_get_daily_stats'; if (function_exists($fname)) { $daily_modules[$mod] = $fname; } } } $nextmidnight = stats_get_next_dayend($timestart); if (!$courses = get_records('course','','','','id,1')) { return STATS_RUN_ABORTED; } $days = 0; mtrace("starting at $timestart"); while ($midnight > $nextmidnight && $timestart < $nextmidnight) { $timesql = " (l.time > $timestart AND l.time < $nextmidnight) "; begin_sql(); foreach ($courses as $course) { //do this first. if ($course->id == SITEID) { $stat = new StdClass; $stat->courseid = $course->id; $stat->timeend = $nextmidnight; $stat->roleid = 0; // all users $stat->stattype = 'logins'; $sql = 'SELECT count(l.id) FROM '.$CFG->prefix.'log l WHERE l.action = \'login\' AND '.$timesql; $stat->stat1 = count_records_sql($sql); $sql = 'SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(l.userid)) FROM '.$CFG->prefix.'log l WHERE l.action = \'login\' AND '.$timesql; $stat->stat2 = count_records_sql($sql); insert_record('stats_daily',$stat,false); // don't worry about the return id, we don't need it. // and now user logins... $sql = 'SELECT l.userid,count(l.id) as count FROM '.$CFG->prefix.'log l WHERE action = \'login\' AND '.$timesql.' GROUP BY userid'; if ($logins = get_records_sql($sql)) { foreach ($logins as $l) { $stat->statsreads = $l->count; $stat->userid = $l->userid; $stat->timeend = $nextmidnight; $stat->courseid = SITEID; $stat->statswrites = 0; $stat->stattype = 'logins'; $stat->roleid = 0; insert_record('stats_user_daily',$stat,false); } } } $context = get_record('context','instanceid',$course->id,'contextlevel',CONTEXT_COURSE); if (!$roles = get_roles_on_exact_context($context)) { // no roles.. nothing to log. continue; } $primary_roles = sql_primary_role_subselect(); // In dmllib.php foreach ($roles as $role) { // ENROLMENT FIRST.... // ALL users with this role... $stat = new StdClass; $stat->courseid = $course->id; $stat->roleid = $role->id; $stat->timeend = $nextmidnight; $stat->stattype = 'enrolments'; $sql = 'SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT prs.userid) FROM ('.$primary_roles.') prs WHERE prs.primary_roleid='.$role->id. ' AND prs.courseid='.$course->id.' AND prs.contextlevel = '.CONTEXT_COURSE; $stat->stat1 = count_records_sql($sql); $sql = 'SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT prs.userid) FROM ('.$primary_roles.') prs INNER JOIN '.$CFG->prefix.'log l ON (prs.userid=l.userid AND l.course=prs.courseid) WHERE prs.primary_roleid='.$role->id.' AND prs.courseid='.$course->id.' AND prs.contextlevel = '.CONTEXT_COURSE.' AND '.$timesql; $stat->stat2 = count_records_sql($sql); insert_record('stats_daily',$stat,false); // don't worry about the return id, we don't need it. // ACTIVITY $stat = new StdClass; $stat->courseid = $course->id; $stat->roleid = $role->id; $stat->timeend = $nextmidnight; $stat->stattype = 'activity'; $sql = 'SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT l.id) FROM ('.$primary_roles.') prs INNER JOIN '.$CFG->prefix.'log l ON (prs.userid=l.userid AND l.course=prs.courseid) WHERE prs.primary_roleid='.$role->id.' AND prs.courseid='.$course->id.' AND prs.contextlevel = '.CONTEXT_COURSE.' AND '.$timesql.' '.stats_get_action_sql_in('view'); $stat->stat1 = count_records_sql($sql); $sql = 'SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT l.id) FROM ('.$primary_roles.') prs INNER JOIN '.$CFG->prefix.'log l ON (prs.userid=l.userid AND l.course=prs.courseid) WHERE prs.primary_roleid='.$role->id.' AND prs.courseid='.$course->id.' AND prs.contextlevel = '.CONTEXT_COURSE.' AND '.$timesql.' '.stats_get_action_sql_in('post'); $stat->stat2 = count_records_sql($sql); insert_record('stats_daily',$stat,false); // don't worry about the return id, we don't need it. } $users = stats_get_course_users($course,$timesql); foreach ($users as $user) { stats_do_daily_user_cron($course,$user,$user->primaryrole,$timesql,$nextmidnight,$daily_modules); } } commit_sql(); $timestart = $nextmidnight; $nextmidnight = stats_get_next_dayend($nextmidnight); $days++; if (!stats_check_runtime()) { mtrace("Stopping early! reached maxruntime"); $return = STATS_RUN_ABORTED; break; } } mtrace("got up to ".$timestart); mtrace("Completed $days days"); return $return; } function stats_cron_weekly () { global $CFG; if (empty($CFG->enablestats)) { STATS_RUN_ABORTED; } if (!$timestart = stats_get_start_from('weekly')) { return STATS_RUN_ABORTED; } // check to make sure we're due to run, at least one week after last run $sunday = stats_get_base_weekly(); if (isset($CFG->statslastweekly) and ((time() - (7*24*60*60)) <= $CFG->statslastweekly)) { return STATS_RUN_ABORTED; } mtrace("Running weekly statistics gathering..."); set_config('statslastweekly',time()); $return = STATS_RUN_COMPLETE; // optimistic static $weekly_modules; if (empty($weekly_modules)) { $weekly_modules = array(); $mods = get_records("modules"); foreach ($mods as $mod) { require_once($CFG->dirroot.'/mod/'.$mod->name.'/lib.php'); $fname = $mod->name.'_get_weekly_stats'; if (function_exists($fname)) { $weekly_modules[$mod] = $fname; } } } $nextsunday = stats_get_next_weekend($timestart); if (!$courses = get_records('course','','','','id,1')) { return STATS_RUN_ABORTED; } $weeks = 0; mtrace("starting at $timestart"); while ($sunday > $nextsunday && $timestart < $nextsunday) { $timesql = " (timeend > $timestart AND timeend < $nextsunday) "; begin_sql(); foreach ($courses as $course) { // enrolment first $sql = 'SELECT roleid, ceil(avg(stat1)) AS stat1, ceil(avg(stat2)) AS stat2 FROM '.$CFG->prefix.'stats_daily WHERE courseid = '.$course->id.' AND '.$timesql.' AND stattype = \'enrolments\' GROUP BY roleid'; if ($rolestats = get_records_sql($sql)) { foreach ($rolestats as $stat) { $stat->courseid = $course->id; $stat->timeend = $nextsunday; $stat->stattype = 'enrolments'; insert_record('stats_weekly',$stat,false); // don't worry about the return id, we don't need it. } } // activity $sql = 'SELECT roleid, sum(stat1) AS stat1, sum(stat2) as stat2 FROM '.$CFG->prefix.'stats_daily WHERE courseid = '.$course->id.' AND '.$timesql.' AND stattype = \'activity\' GROUP BY roleid'; if ($rolestats = get_records_sql($sql)) { foreach ($rolestats as $stat) { $stat->courseid = $course->id; $stat->timeend = $nextsunday; $stat->stattype = 'activity'; unset($stat->id); insert_record('stats_weekly',$stat,false); // don't worry about the return id, we don't need it. } } // logins if ($course->id == SITEID) { $sql = 'SELECT sum(stat1) AS stat1 FROM '.$CFG->prefix.'stats_daily WHERE courseid = '.$course->id.' AND '.$timesql.' AND stattype = \'logins\''; if ($stat = get_record_sql($sql)) { if (empty($stat->stat1)) { $stat->stat1 = 0; } $stat->courseid = $course->id; $stat->roleid = 0; $stat->timeend = $nextsunday; $stat->stattype = 'logins'; $sql = 'SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(l.userid)) FROM '.$CFG->prefix.'log l WHERE l.action = \'login\' AND ' .str_replace('timeend','time',$timesql); $stat->stat2 = count_records_sql($sql); insert_record('stats_weekly',$stat,false); // don't worry about the return id, we don't need it. } } $users = stats_get_course_users($course,$timesql); foreach ($users as $user) { stats_do_aggregate_user_cron($course,$user,$user->primaryrole,$timesql,$nextsunday,'weekly',$weekly_modules); } } stats_do_aggregate_user_login_cron($timesql,$nextsunday,'weekly'); commit_sql(); $timestart = $nextsunday; $nextsunday = stats_get_next_weekend($nextsunday); $weeks++; if (!stats_check_runtime()) { mtrace("Stopping early! reached maxruntime"); $return = STATS_RUN_ABORTED; break; } } mtrace("got up to ".$timestart); mtrace("Completed $weeks weeks"); return $return; } function stats_cron_monthly () { global $CFG; if (empty($CFG->enablestats)) { return STATS_RUN_ABORTED; } if (!$timestart = stats_get_start_from('monthly')) { return STATS_RUN_ABORTED; } // check to make sure we're due to run, at least one month after last run $monthend = stats_get_base_monthly(); if (isset($CFG->statslastmonthly) and ((time() - (31*24*60*60)) <= $CFG->statslastmonthly)) { return STATS_RUN_ABORTED; } mtrace("Running monthly statistics gathering..."); set_config('statslastmonthly',time()); $return = STATS_RUN_COMPLETE; // optimistic static $monthly_modules; if (empty($monthly_modules)) { $monthly_modules = array(); $mods = get_records("modules"); foreach ($mods as $mod) { require_once($CFG->dirroot.'/mod/'.$mod->name.'/lib.php'); $fname = $mod->name.'_get_monthly_stats'; if (function_exists($fname)) { $monthly_modules[$mod] = $fname; } } } $nextmonthend = stats_get_next_monthend($timestart); if (!$courses = get_records('course','','','','id,1')) { return STATS_RUN_ABORTED; } $months = 0; mtrace("starting from $timestart"); while ($monthend > $nextmonthend && $timestart < $nextmonthend) { $timesql = " (timeend > $timestart AND timeend < $nextmonthend) "; begin_sql(); foreach ($courses as $course) { // enrolment first $sql = 'SELECT roleid, ceil(avg(stat1)) AS stat1, ceil(avg(stat2)) AS stat2 FROM '.$CFG->prefix.'stats_daily WHERE courseid = '.$course->id.' AND '.$timesql.' AND stattype = \'enrolments\' GROUP BY roleid'; if ($rolestats = get_records_sql($sql)) { foreach ($rolestats as $stat) { $stat->courseid = $course->id; $stat->timeend = $nextmonthend; $stat->stattype = 'enrolments'; insert_record('stats_monthly',$stat,false); // don't worry about the return id, we don't need it. } } // activity $sql = 'SELECT roleid, sum(stat1) AS stat1, sum(stat2) as stat2 FROM '.$CFG->prefix.'stats_daily WHERE courseid = '.$course->id.' AND '.$timesql.' AND stattype = \'activity\' GROUP BY roleid'; if ($rolestats = get_records_sql($sql)) { foreach ($rolestats as $stat) { $stat->courseid = $course->id; $stat->timeend = $nextmonthend; $stat->stattype = 'activity'; unset($stat->id); insert_record('stats_monthly',$stat,false); // don't worry about the return id, we don't need it. } } // logins if ($course->id == SITEID) { $sql = 'SELECT sum(stat1) AS stat1 FROM '.$CFG->prefix.'stats_daily WHERE courseid = '.$course->id.' AND '.$timesql.' AND stattype = \'logins\''; if ($stat = get_record_sql($sql)) { if (empty($stat->stat1)) { $stat->stat1 = 0; } $stat->courseid = $course->id; $stat->roleid = 0; $stat->timeend = $nextmonthend; $stat->stattype = 'logins'; $sql = 'SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(l.userid)) FROM '.$CFG->prefix.'log l WHERE l.action = \'login\' AND ' .str_replace('timeend','time',$timesql); $stat->stat2 = count_records_sql($sql); insert_record('stats_monthly',$stat,false); // don't worry about the return id, we don't need it. } } $users = stats_get_course_users($course,$timesql); foreach ($users as $user) { stats_do_aggregate_user_cron($course,$user,$user->primaryrole,$timesql,$nextmonthend,'monthly',$monthly_modules); } } stats_do_aggregate_user_login_cron($timesql,$nextmonthend,'monthly'); commit_sql(); $timestart = $nextmonthend; $nextmonthend = stats_get_next_monthend($timestart); $months++; if (!stats_check_runtime()) { mtrace("Stopping early! reached maxruntime"); break; $return = STATS_RUN_ABORTED; } } mtrace("got up to $timestart"); mtrace("Completed $months months"); return $return; } function stats_get_start_from($str) { global $CFG; // if it's not our first run, just return the most recent. if ($timeend = get_field_sql('SELECT timeend FROM '.$CFG->prefix.'stats_'.$str.' ORDER BY timeend DESC')) { return $timeend; } // decide what to do based on our config setting (either all or none or a timestamp) $function = 'stats_get_base_'.$str; switch ($CFG->statsfirstrun) { case 'all': return $function(get_field_sql('SELECT time FROM '.$CFG->prefix.'log ORDER BY time')); break; case 'none': return $function(strtotime('-1 day',time())); break; default: if (is_numeric($CFG->statsfirstrun)) { return $function(time() - $CFG->statsfirstrun); } return false; break; } } function stats_get_base_daily($time=0) { if (empty($time)) { $time = time(); } return stats_getmidnight($time); } function stats_get_base_weekly($time=0) { if (empty($time)) { $time = time(); } // if we're currently a monday, last monday will take us back a week $str = 'last monday'; if (date('D',$time) == 'Mon') $str = 'now'; return stats_getmidnight(strtotime($str,$time)); } function stats_get_base_monthly($time=0) { if (empty($time)) { $time = time(); } return stats_getmidnight(strtotime(date('1-M-Y',$time))); } function stats_get_next_monthend($lastmonth) { return stats_getmidnight(strtotime(date('1-M-Y',$lastmonth).' +1 month')); } function stats_get_next_weekend($lastweek) { return stats_getmidnight(strtotime('+1 week',$lastweek)); } function stats_get_next_dayend($lastday) { return stats_getmidnight(strtotime('+1 day',$lastday)); } function stats_clean_old() { mtrace("Running stats cleanup tasks... "); // delete dailies older than 2 months (to be safe) $deletebefore = stats_get_next_monthend(strtotime('-2 months',time())); delete_records_select('stats_daily',"timeend < $deletebefore"); delete_records_select('stats_user_daily',"timeend < $deletebefore"); // delete weeklies older than 8 months (to be safe) $deletebefore = stats_get_next_monthend(strtotime('-8 months',time())); delete_records_select('stats_weekly',"timeend < $deletebefore"); delete_records_select('stats_user_weekly',"timeend < $deletebefore"); // don't delete monthlies } function stats_get_parameters($time,$report,$courseid,$mode,$roleid=0) { global $CFG,$db; if ($time < 10) { // dailies // number of days to go back = 7* time $param->table = 'daily'; $param->timeafter = strtotime("-".($time*7)." days",stats_get_base_daily()); } elseif ($time < 20) { // weeklies // number of weeks to go back = time - 10 * 4 (weeks) + base week $param->table = 'weekly'; $param->timeafter = strtotime("-".(($time - 10)*4)." weeks",stats_get_base_weekly()); } else { // monthlies. // number of months to go back = time - 20 * months + base month $param->table = 'monthly'; $param->timeafter = strtotime("-".($time - 20)." months",stats_get_base_monthly()); } $param->extras = ''; // compatibility - if we're in postgres, cast to real for some reports. $real = ''; if ($CFG->dbtype == 'postgres7') { $real = '::real'; } switch ($report) { // ******************** STATS_MODE_GENERAL ******************** // case STATS_REPORT_LOGINS: $param->fields = 'timeend,sum(stat1) as line1,sum(stat2) as line2'; $param->fieldscomplete = true; $param->stattype = 'logins'; $param->line1 = get_string('statslogins'); $param->line2 = get_string('statsuniquelogins'); if ($courseid == SITEID) { $param->extras = 'GROUP BY timeend'; } break; case STATS_REPORT_READS: $param->fields = $db->Concat('timeend','roleid').' AS uniqueid, timeend, roleid, stat1 as line1'; $param->fieldscomplete = true; // set this to true to avoid anything adding stuff to the list and breaking complex queries. $param->aggregategroupby = 'roleid'; $param->stattype = 'activity'; $param->crosstab = true; $param->extras = 'GROUP BY timeend,roleid,stat1'; if ($courseid == SITEID) { $param->fields = $db->Concat('timeend','roleid').' AS uniqueid, timeend, roleid, sum(stat1) as line1'; $param->extras = 'GROUP BY timeend,roleid'; } break; case STATS_REPORT_WRITES: $param->fields = $db->Concat('timeend','roleid').' AS uniqueid, timeend, roleid, stat2 as line1'; $param->fieldscomplete = true; // set this to true to avoid anything adding stuff to the list and breaking complex queries. $param->aggregategroupby = 'roleid'; $param->stattype = 'activity'; $param->crosstab = true; $param->extras = 'GROUP BY timeend,roleid,stat2'; if ($courseid == SITEID) { $param->fields = $db->Concat('timeend','roleid').' AS uniqueid, timeend, roleid, sum(stat2) as line1'; $param->extras = 'GROUP BY timeend,roleid'; } break; case STATS_REPORT_ACTIVITY: $param->fields = $db->Concat('timeend','roleid').' AS uniqueid, timeend, roleid, sum(stat1+stat2) as line1'; $param->fieldscomplete = true; // set this to true to avoid anything adding stuff to the list and breaking complex queries. $param->aggregategroupby = 'roleid'; $param->stattype = 'activity'; $param->crosstab = true; $param->extras = 'GROUP BY timeend,roleid'; if ($courseid == SITEID) { $param->extras = 'GROUP BY timeend,roleid'; } break; case STATS_REPORT_ACTIVITYBYROLE; $param->fields = 'stat1 AS line1, stat2 AS line2'; $param->stattype = 'activity'; $rolename = get_field('role','name','id',$roleid); $param->line1 = $rolename . get_string('statsreads'); $param->line2 = $rolename . get_string('statswrites'); if ($courseid == SITEID) { $param->extras = 'GROUP BY timeend'; } break; // ******************** STATS_MODE_DETAILED ******************** // case STATS_REPORT_USER_ACTIVITY: $param->fields = 'statsreads as line1, statswrites as line2'; $param->line1 = get_string('statsuserreads'); $param->line2 = get_string('statsuserwrites'); $param->stattype = 'activity'; break; case STATS_REPORT_USER_ALLACTIVITY: $param->fields = 'statsreads+statswrites as line1'; $param->line1 = get_string('statsuseractivity'); $param->stattype = 'activity'; break; case STATS_REPORT_USER_LOGINS: $param->fields = 'statsreads as line1'; $param->line1 = get_string('statsuserlogins'); $param->stattype = 'logins'; break; case STATS_REPORT_USER_VIEW: $param->fields = 'statsreads as line1, statswrites as line2, statsreads+statswrites as line3'; $param->line1 = get_string('statsuserreads'); $param->line2 = get_string('statsuserwrites'); $param->line3 = get_string('statsuseractivity'); $param->stattype = 'activity'; break; // ******************** STATS_MODE_RANKED ******************** // case STATS_REPORT_ACTIVE_COURSES: $param->fields = 'sum(stat1+stat2) AS line1'; $param->stattype = 'activity'; $param->orderby = 'line1 DESC'; $param->line1 = get_string('activity'); $param->graphline = 'line1'; break; case STATS_REPORT_ACTIVE_COURSES_WEIGHTED: $threshold = 0; if (!empty($CFG->statsuserthreshold) && is_numeric($CFG->statsuserthreshold)) { $threshold = $CFG->statsuserthreshold; } $param->fields = ''; $param->sql = 'SELECT activity.courseid, activity.all_activity AS line1, enrolments.highest_enrolments AS line2, activity.all_activity / enrolments.highest_enrolments as line3 FROM ( SELECT courseid, sum(stat1+stat2) AS all_activity FROM '.$CFG->prefix.'stats_'.$param->table.' WHERE stattype=\'activity\' AND timeend >= '.$param->timeafter.' GROUP BY courseid ) activity INNER JOIN ( SELECT courseid, max(stat1) AS highest_enrolments FROM '.$CFG->prefix.'stats_'.$param->table.' WHERE stattype=\'enrolments\' AND timeend >= '.$param->timeafter.' GROUP BY courseid ) enrolments ON (activity.courseid = enrolments.courseid) WhERE enrolments.highest_enrolments > '.$threshold.' ORDER BY line3 DESC'; $param->line1 = get_string('activity'); $param->line2 = get_string('users'); $param->line3 = get_string('activityweighted'); $param->graphline = 'line3'; break; case STATS_REPORT_PARTICIPATORY_COURSES: $threshold = 0; if (!empty($CFG->statsuserthreshold) && is_numeric($CFG->statsuserthreshold)) { $threshold = $CFG->statsuserthreshold; } $param->fields = ''; $param->sql = 'SELECT courseid, ceil(avg(all_enrolments)) as line1, ceil(avg(active_enrolments)) as line2, avg(proportion_active) AS line3 FROM ( SELECT courseid, timeend, sum(stat2) as active_enrolments, sum(stat1) as all_enrolments, sum(stat2)'.$real.'/sum(stat1)'.$real.' as proportion_active FROM '.$CFG->prefix.'stats_'.$param->table.' WHERE stattype=\'enrolments\' GROUP BY courseid, timeend HAVING sum(stat1) > '.$threshold.' ) aq WHERE timeend >= '.$param->timeafter.' GROUP BY courseid ORDER BY line3 DESC'; $param->line1 = get_string('users'); $param->line2 = get_string('activeusers'); $param->line3 = get_string('participationratio'); $param->graphline = 'line3'; break; case STATS_REPORT_PARTICIPATORY_COURSES_RW: $param->fields = ''; $param->sql = 'SELECT courseid, sum(views) AS line1, sum(posts) AS line2, avg(proportion_active) AS line3 FROM ( SELECT courseid, timeend,sum(stat1) as views, sum(stat2) AS posts, sum(stat2)'.$real.'/sum(stat1)'.$real.' as proportion_active FROM '.$CFG->prefix.'stats_'.$param->table.' WHERE stattype=\'activity\' GROUP BY courseid, timeend HAVING sum(stat1) > 0 ) aq WHERE timeend >= '.$param->timeafter.' GROUP BY courseid ORDER BY line3 DESC'; $param->line1 = get_string('views'); $param->line2 = get_string('posts'); $param->line3 = get_string('participationratio'); $param->graphline = 'line3'; break; } /* if ($courseid == SITEID && $mode != STATS_MODE_RANKED) { // just aggregate all courses. $param->fields = preg_replace('/(?:sum)([a-zA-Z0-9+_]*)\W+as\W+([a-zA-Z0-9_]*)/i','sum($1) as $2',$param->fields); $param->extras = ' GROUP BY timeend'.((!empty($param->aggregategroupby)) ? ','.$param->aggregategroupby : ''); } */ //TODO must add the SITEID reports to the rest of the reports. return $param; } function stats_get_view_actions() { return array('view','view all','history'); } function stats_get_post_actions() { return array('add','delete','edit','add mod','delete mod','edit section'.'enrol','loginas','new','unenrol','update','update mod'); } function stats_get_action_sql_in($str) { global $CFG; $mods = get_records('modules'); $function = 'stats_get_'.$str.'_actions'; $actions = $function(); foreach ($mods as $mod) { require_once($CFG->dirroot.'/mod/'.$mod->name.'/lib.php'); $function = $mod->name.'_get_'.$str.'_actions'; if (function_exists($function)) { $actions = array_merge($actions,$function()); } } $actions = array_unique($actions); if (empty($actions)) { return ' '; } else if (count($actions) == 1) { return ' AND l.action = '.array_pop($actions).' '; } else { return ' AND l.action IN (\''.implode('\',\'',$actions).'\') '; } } function stats_get_course_users($course,$timesql) { global $CFG; $timesql = str_replace('timeend','l.time',$timesql); $sql = "SELECT userid, primaryrole FROM ( SELECT active_course_users.userid, (SELECT roleid FROM {$CFG->prefix}role_assignments outer_r_a INNER JOIN {$CFG->prefix}role outer_r ON outer_r_a.roleid=outer_r.id INNER JOIN {$CFG->prefix}context c ON outer_r_a.contextid = c.id WHERE c.instanceid=".$course->id." AND c.contextlevel = ".CONTEXT_COURSE." AND outer_r_a.userid=active_course_users.userid AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM {$CFG->prefix}role_assignments inner_r_a INNER JOIN {$CFG->prefix}role inner_r ON inner_r_a.roleid = inner_r.id WHERE inner_r.sortorder < outer_r.sortorder AND inner_r_a.userid = outer_r_a.userid AND inner_r_a.contextid = outer_r_a.contextid ) ) AS primaryrole FROM (SELECT DISTINCT userid FROM {$CFG->prefix}log l WHERE course=".$course->id." AND ".$timesql." ) active_course_users ) foo WHERE primaryrole IS NOT NULL"; if (!$users = get_records_sql($sql)) { $users = array(); } return $users; } function stats_do_daily_user_cron($course,$user,$roleid,$timesql,$timeend,$mods) { global $CFG; $stat = new StdClass; $stat->userid = $user->userid; $stat->roleid = $roleid; $stat->courseid = $course->id; $stat->stattype = 'activity'; $stat->timeend = $timeend; $sql = 'SELECT COUNT(l.id) FROM '.$CFG->prefix.'log l WHERE l.userid = '.$user->userid .' AND l.course = '.$course->id .' AND '.$timesql .' '.stats_get_action_sql_in('view'); $stat->statsreads = count_records_sql($sql); $sql = 'SELECT COUNT(l.id) FROM '.$CFG->prefix.'log l WHERE l.userid = '.$user->userid .' AND l.course = '.$course->id .' AND '.$timesql.' '.stats_get_action_sql_in('post'); $stat->statswrites = count_records_sql($sql); insert_record('stats_user_daily',$stat,false); // now ask the modules if they want anything. foreach ($mods as $mod => $fname) { mtrace(' doing daily statistics for '.$mod->name); $fname($course,$user,$timeend,$roleid); } } function stats_do_aggregate_user_cron($course,$user,$roleid,$timesql,$timeend,$timestr,$mods) { global $CFG; $stat = new StdClass; $stat->userid = $user->userid; $stat->roleid = $roleid; $stat->courseid = $course->id; $stat->stattype = 'activity'; $stat->timeend = $timeend; $sql = 'SELECT sum(statsreads) as statsreads, sum(statswrites) as statswrites FROM '.$CFG->prefix.'stats_user_daily WHERE courseid = '.$course->id.' AND '.$timesql ." AND roleid=".$roleid." AND userid = ".$stat->userid." AND stattype='activity'"; // add on roleid in case they have teacher and student records. $r = get_record_sql($sql); $stat->statsreads = (empty($r->statsreads)) ? 0 : $r->statsreads; $stat->statswrites = (empty($r->statswrites)) ? 0 : $r->statswrites; insert_record('stats_user_'.$timestr,$stat,false); // now ask the modules if they want anything. foreach ($mods as $mod => $fname) { mtrace(' doing '.$timestr.' statistics for '.$mod->name); $fname($course,$user,$timeend,$roleid); } } function stats_do_aggregate_user_login_cron($timesql,$timeend,$timestr) { global $CFG; $sql = 'SELECT userid,roleid,sum(statsreads) as statsreads, sum(statswrites) as writes FROM '.$CFG->prefix.'stats_user_daily WHERE stattype = \'logins\' AND '.$timesql.' GROUP BY userid,roleid'; if ($users = get_records_sql($sql)) { foreach ($users as $stat) { $stat->courseid = SITEID; $stat->timeend = $timeend; $stat->stattype = 'logins'; insert_record('stats_user_'.$timestr,$stat,false); } } } function stats_get_time_options($now,$lastweekend,$lastmonthend,$earliestday,$earliestweek,$earliestmonth) { $now = stats_get_base_daily(time()); // it's really important that it's TIMEEND in the table. ie, tuesday 00:00:00 is monday night. // so we need to take a day off here (essentially add a day to $now $now += 60*60*24; $timeoptions = array(); if ($now - (60*60*24*7) >= $earliestday) { $timeoptions[STATS_TIME_LASTWEEK] = get_string('numweeks','moodle',1); } if ($now - (60*60*24*14) >= $earliestday) { $timeoptions[STATS_TIME_LAST2WEEKS] = get_string('numweeks','moodle',2); } if ($now - (60*60*24*21) >= $earliestday) { $timeoptions[STATS_TIME_LAST3WEEKS] = get_string('numweeks','moodle',3); } if ($now - (60*60*24*28) >= $earliestday) { $timeoptions[STATS_TIME_LAST4WEEKS] = get_string('numweeks','moodle',4);// show dailies up to (including) here. } if ($lastweekend - (60*60*24*56) >= $earliestweek) { $timeoptions[STATS_TIME_LAST2MONTHS] = get_string('nummonths','moodle',2); } if ($lastweekend - (60*60*24*84) >= $earliestweek) { $timeoptions[STATS_TIME_LAST3MONTHS] = get_string('nummonths','moodle',3); } if ($lastweekend - (60*60*24*112) >= $earliestweek) { $timeoptions[STATS_TIME_LAST4MONTHS] = get_string('nummonths','moodle',4); } if ($lastweekend - (60*60*24*140) >= $earliestweek) { $timeoptions[STATS_TIME_LAST5MONTHS] = get_string('nummonths','moodle',5); } if ($lastweekend - (60*60*24*168) >= $earliestweek) { $timeoptions[STATS_TIME_LAST6MONTHS] = get_string('nummonths','moodle',6); // show weeklies up to (including) here } if (strtotime('-7 months',$lastmonthend) >= $earliestmonth) { $timeoptions[STATS_TIME_LAST7MONTHS] = get_string('nummonths','moodle',7); } if (strtotime('-8 months',$lastmonthend) >= $earliestmonth) { $timeoptions[STATS_TIME_LAST8MONTHS] = get_string('nummonths','moodle',8); } if (strtotime('-9 months',$lastmonthend) >= $earliestmonth) { $timeoptions[STATS_TIME_LAST9MONTHS] = get_string('nummonths','moodle',9); } if (strtotime('-10 months',$lastmonthend) >= $earliestmonth) { $timeoptions[STATS_TIME_LAST10MONTHS] = get_string('nummonths','moodle',10); } if (strtotime('-11 months',$lastmonthend) >= $earliestmonth) { $timeoptions[STATS_TIME_LAST11MONTHS] = get_string('nummonths','moodle',11); } if (strtotime('-1 year',$lastmonthend) >= $earliestmonth) { $timeoptions[STATS_TIME_LASTYEAR] = get_string('lastyear'); } return $timeoptions; } function stats_get_report_options($courseid,$mode) { global $CFG; $reportoptions = array(); switch ($mode) { case STATS_MODE_GENERAL: $reportoptions[STATS_REPORT_ACTIVITY] = get_string('statsreport'.STATS_REPORT_ACTIVITY); if ($courseid != SITEID && $context = get_record('context','instanceid',$courseid,'contextlevel',CONTEXT_COURSE)) { $sql = 'SELECT r.id,r.name FROM '.$CFG->prefix.'role r JOIN '.$CFG->prefix.'stats_daily s ON s.roleid = r.id WHERE s.courseid = '.$courseid; if ($roles = get_records_sql($sql)) { foreach ($roles as $role) { $reportoptions[STATS_REPORT_ACTIVITYBYROLE.$role->id] = get_string('statsreport'.STATS_REPORT_ACTIVITYBYROLE). ' '.$role->name; } } } $reportoptions[STATS_REPORT_READS] = get_string('statsreport'.STATS_REPORT_READS); $reportoptions[STATS_REPORT_WRITES] = get_string('statsreport'.STATS_REPORT_WRITES); if ($courseid == SITEID) { $reportoptions[STATS_REPORT_LOGINS] = get_string('statsreport'.STATS_REPORT_LOGINS); } break; case STATS_MODE_DETAILED: $reportoptions[STATS_REPORT_USER_ACTIVITY] = get_string('statsreport'.STATS_REPORT_USER_ACTIVITY); $reportoptions[STATS_REPORT_USER_ALLACTIVITY] = get_string('statsreport'.STATS_REPORT_USER_ALLACTIVITY); if (has_capability('moodle/site:viewreports', get_context_instance(CONTEXT_SYSTEM, SITEID))) { $site = get_site(); $reportoptions[STATS_REPORT_USER_LOGINS] = get_string('statsreport'.STATS_REPORT_USER_LOGINS); } break; case STATS_MODE_RANKED: if (has_capability('moodle/site:viewreports', get_context_instance(CONTEXT_SYSTEM, SITEID))) { $reportoptions[STATS_REPORT_ACTIVE_COURSES] = get_string('statsreport'.STATS_REPORT_ACTIVE_COURSES); $reportoptions[STATS_REPORT_ACTIVE_COURSES_WEIGHTED] = get_string('statsreport'.STATS_REPORT_ACTIVE_COURSES_WEIGHTED); $reportoptions[STATS_REPORT_PARTICIPATORY_COURSES] = get_string('statsreport'.STATS_REPORT_PARTICIPATORY_COURSES); $reportoptions[STATS_REPORT_PARTICIPATORY_COURSES_RW] = get_string('statsreport'.STATS_REPORT_PARTICIPATORY_COURSES_RW); } break; } return $reportoptions; } function stats_fix_zeros($stats,$timeafter,$timestr,$line2=true,$line3=false) { if (empty($stats)) { return; } $timestr = str_replace('user_','',$timestr); // just in case. $fun = 'stats_get_base_'.$timestr; $now = $fun(); $times = array(); // add something to timeafter since it is our absolute base $actualtimes = array(); foreach ($stats as $s) { $actualtimes[] = $s->timeend; } $timeafter = array_pop(array_values($actualtimes)); while ($timeafter < $now) { $times[] = $timeafter; if ($timestr == 'daily') { $timeafter = stats_get_next_dayend($timeafter); } else if ($timestr == 'weekly') { $timeafter = stats_get_next_weekend($timeafter); } else if ($timestr == 'monthly') { $timeafter = stats_get_next_monthend($timeafter); } else { return $stats; // this will put us in a never ending loop. } } foreach ($times as $count => $time) { if (!in_array($time,$actualtimes) && $count != count($times) -1) { $newobj = new StdClass; $newobj->timeend = $time; $newobj->id = 0; $newobj->roleid = 0; $newobj->line1 = 0; if (!empty($line2)) { $newobj->line2 = 0; } if (!empty($line3)) { $newobj->line3 = 0; } $newobj->zerofixed = true; $stats[] = $newobj; } } usort($stats,"stats_compare_times"); return $stats; } // helper function to sort arrays by $obj->timeend function stats_compare_times($a,$b) { if ($a->timeend == $b->timeend) { return 0; } return ($a->timeend > $b->timeend) ? -1 : 1; } function stats_check_runtime() { global $CFG; if (empty($CFG->statsmaxruntime)) { return true; } if ((time() - $CFG->statsrunning) < $CFG->statsmaxruntime) { return true; } return false; // we've gone over! } function stats_check_uptodate($courseid=0) { global $CFG; if (empty($courseid)) { $courseid = SITEID; } $latestday = stats_get_start_from('daily'); if ((time() - 60*60*24*2) < $latestday) { // we're ok return NULL; } $a = new object(); $a->daysdone = get_field_sql("SELECT count(distinct(timeend)) from {$CFG->prefix}stats_daily"); // how many days between the last day and now? $a->dayspending = ceil((stats_get_base_daily() - $latestday)/(60*60*24)); if ($a->dayspending == 0 && $a->daysdone != 0) { return NULL; // we've only just started... } //return error as string return get_string('statscatchupmode','error',$a); } // copied from usergetmidnight, but we ignore dst function stats_getmidnight($date, $timezone=99) { $timezone = get_user_timezone_offset($timezone); $userdate = stats_getdate($date, $timezone); return make_timestamp($userdate['year'], $userdate['mon'], $userdate['mday'], 0, 0, 0, $timezone,false ); // ignore dst for this. } function stats_getdate($time, $timezone=99) { $timezone = get_user_timezone_offset($timezone); if (abs($timezone) > 13) { // Server time return getdate($time); } // There is no gmgetdate so we use gmdate instead $time += intval((float)$timezone * HOURSECS); $datestring = strftime('%S_%M_%H_%d_%m_%Y_%w_%j_%A_%B', $time); list( $getdate['seconds'], $getdate['minutes'], $getdate['hours'], $getdate['mday'], $getdate['mon'], $getdate['year'], $getdate['wday'], $getdate['yday'], $getdate['weekday'], $getdate['month'] ) = explode('_', $datestring); return $getdate; } function stats_upgrade_for_roles_wrapper() { global $CFG; if (!empty($CFG->statsrolesupgraded)) { return true; } $result = begin_sql(); $result = $result && stats_upgrade_user_table_for_roles('daily'); $result = $result && stats_upgrade_user_table_for_roles('weekly'); $result = $result && stats_upgrade_user_table_for_roles('monthly'); $result = $result && stats_upgrade_table_for_roles('daily'); $result = $result && stats_upgrade_table_for_roles('weekly'); $result = $result && stats_upgrade_table_for_roles('monthly'); $result = $result && commit_sql(); if (!empty($result)) { set_config('statsrolesupgraded',time()); } return $result; } /** * Upgrades a prefix_stats_user_* table for the new role based permission * system. * * @param string $period daily, weekly or monthly: the stat period to upgrade * @return boolean @todo maybe something else (error message) depending on * how this will be called. */ function stats_upgrade_user_table_for_roles ($period) { global $CFG; static $teacher_role_id, $student_role_id; if (!in_array($period, array('daily', 'weekly', 'monthly'))) { error_log('stats upgrade: invalid period: ' . $period); return false; } if (!$teacher_role_id) { $role = get_roles_with_capability('moodle/legacy:editingteacher', CAP_ALLOW); $role = array_keys($role); $teacher_role_id = $role[0]; $role = get_roles_with_capability('moodle/legacy:student', CAP_ALLOW); $role = array_keys($role); $student_role_id = $role[0]; } if (empty($teacher_role_id) || empty($student_role_id)) { error_log("Couldn't find legacy roles for teacher or student"); return false; } $status = true; $status = $status && execute_sql("UPDATE {$CFG->prefix}stats_user_{$period} SET roleid = $teacher_role_id WHERE roleid = 1"); $status = $status && execute_sql("UPDATE {$CFG->prefix}stats_user_{$period} SET roleid = $student_role_id WHERE roleid = 2"); return $status; } /** * Upgrades a prefix_stats_* table for the new role based permission system. * * @param string $period daily, weekly or monthly: the stat period to upgrade * @return boolean @todo depends on how this will be called */ function stats_upgrade_table_for_roles ($period) { global $CFG; static $teacher_role_id, $student_role_id; if (!in_array($period, array('daily', 'weekly', 'monthly'))) { return false; } if (!$teacher_role_id) { $role = get_roles_with_capability('moodle/legacy:teacher', CAP_ALLOW); $role = array_keys($role); $teacher_role_id = $role[0]; $role = get_roles_with_capability('moodle/legacy:student', CAP_ALLOW); $role = array_keys($role); $student_role_id = $role[0]; } if (empty($teacher_role_id) || empty($student_role_id)) { error_log("Couldn't find legacy roles for teacher or student"); return false; } execute_sql("CREATE TABLE {$CFG->prefix}stats_{$period}_tmp AS SELECT * FROM {$CFG->prefix}stats_{$period}"); $table = new XMLDBTable('stats_' . $period); if (!drop_table($table)) { return false; } // Create a new stats table // @todo this definition I have made blindly by looking at how definitions are // made, it needs work to make sure it works properly require_once("$CFG->libdir/xmldb/classes/XMLDBTable.class.php"); $table = new XMLDBTable('stats_' . $period); $table->addFieldInfo('id', XMLDB_TYPE_INTEGER, '10', XMLDB_UNSIGNED, XMLDB_NOTNULL, XMLDB_SEQUENCE, null, null, null); $table->addFieldInfo('courseid', XMLDB_TYPE_INTEGER, '10', XMLDB_UNSIGNED, XMLDB_NOTNULL, null, null, null, null); $table->addFieldInfo('roleid', XMLDB_TYPE_INTEGER, '10', XMLDB_UNSIGNED, XMLDB_NOTNULL, null, null, null, null); $table->addFieldInfo('timeend', XMLDB_TYPE_INTEGER, '10', XMLDB_UNSIGNED, XMLDB_NOTNULL, null, null, null, null); $table->addFieldInfo('stattype', XMLDB_TYPE_CHAR, '20', null, XMLDB_NOTNULL, null, XMLDB_ENUM, array('enrolments', 'activity', 'logins'), 'activity'); $table->addFieldInfo('stat1', XMLDB_TYPE_INTEGER, '10', XMLDB_UNSIGNED, XMLDB_NOTNULL, null, null, null, null); $table->addFieldInfo('stat2', XMLDB_TYPE_INTEGER, '10', XMLDB_UNSIGNED, XMLDB_NOTNULL, null, null, null, null); /// Adding keys to table stats_daily $table->addKeyInfo('primary', XMLDB_KEY_PRIMARY, array('id')); /// Adding indexes to table stats_daily $table->addIndexInfo('courseid', XMLDB_INDEX_NOTUNIQUE, array('courseid')); $table->addIndexInfo('timeend', XMLDB_INDEX_NOTUNIQUE, array('timeend')); $table->addIndexInfo('roleid', XMLDB_INDEX_NOTUNIQUE, array('roleid')); if (!create_table($table)) { return false; } // // Now insert the data from the temporary table into the new one // // Student enrolments execute_sql("INSERT INTO {$CFG->prefix}stats_{$period} (courseid, roleid, timeend, stattype, stat1, stat2) SELECT courseid, $student_role_id, timeend, 'enrolments', students, activestudents FROM {$CFG->prefix}stats_{$period}_tmp"); // Teacher enrolments execute_sql("INSERT INTO {$CFG->prefix}stats_{$period} (courseid, roleid, timeend, stattype, stat1, stat2) SELECT courseid, $teacher_role_id, timeend, 'enrolments', teachers, activeteachers FROM {$CFG->prefix}stats_{$period}_tmp"); // Student activity execute_sql("INSERT INTO {$CFG->prefix}stats_{$period} (courseid, roleid, timeend, stattype, stat1, stat2) SELECT courseid, $student_role_id, timeend, 'activity', studentreads, studentwrites FROM {$CFG->prefix}stats_{$period}_tmp"); // Teacher activity execute_sql("INSERT INTO {$CFG->prefix}stats_{$period} (courseid, roleid, timeend, stattype, stat1, stat2) SELECT courseid, $teacher_role_id, timeend, 'activity', teacherreads, teacherwrites FROM {$CFG->prefix}stats_{$period}_tmp"); // Logins execute_sql("INSERT INTO {$CFG->prefix}stats_{$period} (courseid, roleid, timeend, stattype, stat1, stat2) SELECT courseid, 0, timeend, 'logins', logins, uniquelogins FROM {$CFG->prefix}stats_{$period}_tmp WHERE courseid = ".SITEID); // Drop the temporary table $table = new XMLDBTable('stats_' . $period . '_tmp'); if (!drop_table($table)) { return false; } return true; } ?>