. /** * Contains unit tests for core_completion/activity_custom_completion. * * @package mod_assign * @copyright Simey Lameze * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ declare(strict_types=1); namespace mod_assign; use advanced_testcase; use cm_info; use coding_exception; use mod_assign\completion\custom_completion; use moodle_exception; defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die(); global $CFG; require_once($CFG->libdir . '/completionlib.php'); require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/mod/assign/tests/generator.php'); /** * Class for unit testing mod_assign/activity_custom_completion. * * @package mod_assign * @copyright Simey Lameze * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ class custom_completion_test extends advanced_testcase { // Use the generator helper. use \mod_assign_test_generator; /** * Data provider for get_state(). * * @return array[] */ public function get_state_provider(): array { return [ 'Undefined rule' => [ 'somenonexistentrule', COMPLETION_DISABLED, false, null, coding_exception::class ], 'Rule not available' => [ 'completionsubmit', COMPLETION_DISABLED, false, null, moodle_exception::class ], 'Rule available, user has not submitted' => [ 'completionsubmit', COMPLETION_ENABLED, false, COMPLETION_INCOMPLETE, null ], 'Rule available, user has submitted' => [ 'completionsubmit', COMPLETION_ENABLED, true, COMPLETION_COMPLETE, null ], ]; } /** * Test for get_state(). * * @dataProvider get_state_provider * @param string $rule The custom completion rule. * @param int $available Whether this rule is available. * @param bool $submitted * @param int|null $status Expected status. * @param string|null $exception Expected exception. */ public function test_get_state(string $rule, int $available, ?bool $submitted, ?int $status, ?string $exception): void { if (!is_null($exception)) { $this->expectException($exception); } $this->resetAfterTest(); $course = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course(['enablecompletion' => 1]); $student = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_and_enrol($course, 'student'); $assign = $this->create_instance($course, ['completion' => COMPLETION_TRACKING_AUTOMATIC, $rule => $available]); // Submit the assignment as the student. $this->setUser($student); if ($submitted == true) { $this->add_submission($student, $assign); $this->submit_for_grading($student, $assign); } $cm = cm_info::create($assign->get_course_module()); $customcompletion = new custom_completion($cm, (int)$student->id); $this->assertEquals($status, $customcompletion->get_state($rule)); } /** * Test for get_state(). * * @dataProvider get_state_provider * @param string $rule The custom completion rule. * @param int $available Whether this rule is available. * @param bool $submitted * @param int|null $status Expected status. * @param string|null $exception Expected exception. */ public function test_get_state_group(string $rule, int $available, ?bool $submitted, ?int $status, ?string $exception): void { if (!is_null($exception)) { $this->expectException($exception); } $this->resetAfterTest(); $course = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course(['enablecompletion' => 1]); $student = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_and_enrol($course, 'student'); $assign = $this->create_instance($course, ['completion' => COMPLETION_TRACKING_AUTOMATIC, $rule => $available, 'teamsubmission' => 1]); // Submit the assignment as the student. $this->setUser($student); if ($submitted == true) { $this->add_submission($student, $assign); $this->submit_for_grading($student, $assign); } $cm = cm_info::create($assign->get_course_module()); $customcompletion = new custom_completion($cm, (int)$student->id); $this->assertEquals($status, $customcompletion->get_state($rule)); } /** * Test for get_defined_custom_rules(). */ public function test_get_defined_custom_rules(): void { $rules = custom_completion::get_defined_custom_rules(); $this->assertCount(1, $rules); $this->assertEquals('completionsubmit', reset($rules)); } /** * Test for get_defined_custom_rule_descriptions(). */ public function test_get_custom_rule_descriptions(): void { $this->resetAfterTest(); // Get defined custom rules. $rules = custom_completion::get_defined_custom_rules(); // Get custom rule descriptions. $course = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course(['enablecompletion' => 1]); $assign = $this->create_instance($course, [ 'submissiondrafts' => 0, 'completionusegrade' => 1 ]); $cm = cm_info::create($assign->get_course_module()); $customcompletion = new custom_completion($cm, 1); $ruledescriptions = $customcompletion->get_custom_rule_descriptions(); // Confirm that defined rules and rule descriptions are consistent with each other. $this->assertEquals(count($rules), count($ruledescriptions)); foreach ($rules as $rule) { $this->assertArrayHasKey($rule, $ruledescriptions); } } /** * Test for is_defined(). */ public function test_is_defined(): void { $this->resetAfterTest(); $course = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course(['enablecompletion' => 1]); $assign = $this->create_instance($course, [ 'submissiondrafts' => 0, 'completionsubmit' => 1 ]); $cm = cm_info::create($assign->get_course_module()); $customcompletion = new custom_completion($cm, 1); // Rule is defined. $this->assertTrue($customcompletion->is_defined('completionsubmit')); // Undefined rule. $this->assertFalse($customcompletion->is_defined('somerandomrule')); } /** * Data provider for test_get_available_custom_rules(). * * @return array[] */ public function get_available_custom_rules_provider(): array { return [ 'Completion submit available' => [ COMPLETION_ENABLED, ['completionsubmit'] ], 'Completion submit not available' => [ COMPLETION_DISABLED, [] ], ]; } /** * Test for get_available_custom_rules(). * * @dataProvider get_available_custom_rules_provider * @param int $status * @param array $expected */ public function test_get_available_custom_rules(int $status, array $expected): void { $this->resetAfterTest(); $course = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course(['enablecompletion' => $status]); $params = []; if ($status == COMPLETION_ENABLED ) { $params = [ 'completion' => COMPLETION_TRACKING_AUTOMATIC, 'completionsubmit' => 1 ]; } $assign = $this->create_instance($course, $params); $cm = cm_info::create($assign->get_course_module()); $customcompletion = new custom_completion($cm, 1); $this->assertEquals($expected, $customcompletion->get_available_custom_rules()); } }