parent->template_dirpath.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$filename; // try and open the template file if (!file_exists($filepath) || !is_readable($filepath)) { print_error('cannotopentemplate', '', $this->parent->course_homeurl, $filepath); } // read in the template and close the file $this->$tag = file_get_contents($filepath); // expand the blocks and strings in the template $this->expand_blocks($tag); $this->expand_strings($tag); if ($tag=='temporary') { $template = $this->$tag; $this->$tag = ''; return $template; } } function expand_blocks($tag) { // get block $names // [1] the full block name (including optional leading 'str' or 'incl') // [2] leading 'incl' or 'str', if any // [3] the real block name ([1] without [2]) $search = '/\[\/((incl|str)?((?:\w|\.)+))\]/'; preg_match_all($search, $this->$tag, $names); $i_max = count($names[0]); for ($i=0; $i<$i_max; $i++) { $method = $this->parent->template_dir.'_expand_'.str_replace('.', '', $names[3][$i]); if (method_exists($this, $method)) { eval('$value=$this->'.$method.'();'); $search = '/\['.$names[1][$i].'\](.*?)\[\/'.$names[1][$i].'\]/s'; preg_match_all($search, $this->$tag, $blocks); $ii_max = count($blocks[0]); for ($ii=0; $ii<$ii_max; $ii++) { $replace = empty($value) ? '' : $blocks[1][$ii]; $this->$tag = str_replace($blocks[0][$ii], $replace, $this->$tag); } } else { print_error('cannotfindmethod', 'hotpot', $this->parent->course_homeurl, $method); } } } function expand_strings($tag, $search='') { if (empty($search)) { // default $search $pattern $search = '/\[(?:bool|int|str)(\\w+)\]/'; } preg_match_all($search, $this->$tag, $matches); $i_max = count($matches[0]); for ($i=0; $i<$i_max; $i++) { $method = $this->parent->template_dir.'_expand_'.$matches[1][$i]; if (method_exists($this, $method)) { eval('$replace=$this->'.$method.'();'); $this->$tag = str_replace($matches[0][$i], $replace, $this->$tag); } } } function bool_value($tags, $more_tags="[0]['#']") { $value = $this->parent->xml_value($tags, $more_tags); return empty($value) ? 'false' : 'true'; } function int_value($tags, $more_tags="[0]['#']") { return intval($this->parent->xml_value($tags, $more_tags)); } function js_value($tags, $more_tags="[0]['#']", $convert_to_unicode=false) { return $this->js_safe($this->parent->xml_value($tags, $more_tags), $convert_to_unicode); } function js_safe($str, $convert_to_unicode=false) { // encode a string for javascript // decode "<" and ">" - not necesary as it was done by xml_value() // $str = strtr($str, array('<' => '<', '>' => '>')); // escape single quotes and backslashes $str = strtr($str, array("'"=>"\\'", '\\'=>'\\\\')); // convert newlines (win = "\r\n", mac="\r", linix/unix="\n") $nl = '\\n'; // javascript newline $str = strtr($str, array("\r\n"=>$nl, "\r"=>$nl, "\n"=>$nl)); // convert (hex and decimal) html entities to unicode, if required if ($convert_to_unicode) { $str = preg_replace('/&#x([0-9A-F]+);/i', '\\u\\1', $str); $str = preg_replace_callback('/&#(\d+);/', array(&$this, 'js_safe_callback'), $str); } return $str; } function js_safe_callback(&$matches) { return '\\u'.sprintf('%04X', $matches[1]); } function get_halfway_color($x, $y) { // returns the $color that is half way between $x and $y $color = $x; // default $rgb = '/^\#?([0-9a-f])([0-9a-f])([0-9a-f])$/i'; $rrggbb = '/^\#?([0-9a-f]{2})([0-9a-f]{2})([0-9a-f]{2})$/i'; if (( preg_match($rgb, $x, $x_matches) || preg_match($rrggbb, $x, $x_matches) ) && ( preg_match($rgb, $y, $y_matches) || preg_match($rrggbb, $y, $y_matches) )) { $color = '#'; for ($i=1; $i<=3; $i++) { $x_dec = hexdec($x_matches[$i]); $y_dec = hexdec($y_matches[$i]); $color .= sprintf('%02x', min($x_dec, $y_dec) + abs($x_dec-$y_dec)/2); } } return $color; } }