. /** * Library functions to facilitate the use of JavaScript in Moodle. * * Note: you can find history of this file in lib/ajax/ajaxlib.php * * @copyright 2009 Tim Hunt, 2010 Petr Skoda * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later * @package core * @category output */ defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die(); /** * This class tracks all the things that are needed by the current page. * * Normally, the only instance of this class you will need to work with is the * one accessible via $PAGE->requires. * * Typical usage would be *
* $PAGE->requires->js_call_amd('mod_forum/view', 'init'); ** * It also supports obsoleted coding style with/without YUI3 modules. *
* $PAGE->requires->js_init_call('M.mod_forum.init_view'); * $PAGE->requires->css('/mod/mymod/userstyles.php?id='.$id); // not overridable via themes! * $PAGE->requires->js('/mod/mymod/script.js'); * $PAGE->requires->js('/mod/mymod/small_but_urgent.js', true); * $PAGE->requires->js_function_call('init_mymod', array($data), true); ** * There are some natural restrictions on some methods. For example, {@link css()} * can only be called before the tag is output. See the comments on the * individual methods for details. * * @copyright 2009 Tim Hunt, 2010 Petr Skoda * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later * @since Moodle 2.0 * @package core * @category output */ class page_requirements_manager { /** * @var array List of string available from JS */ protected $stringsforjs = array(); /** * @var array List of get_string $a parameters - used for validation only. */ protected $stringsforjs_as = array(); /** * @var array List of JS variables to be initialised */ protected $jsinitvariables = array('head'=>array(), 'footer'=>array()); /** * @var array Included JS scripts */ protected $jsincludes = array('head'=>array(), 'footer'=>array()); /** * @var array Inline scripts using RequireJS module loading. */ protected $amdjscode = array(''); /** * @var array List of needed function calls */ protected $jscalls = array('normal'=>array(), 'ondomready'=>array()); /** * @var array List of skip links, those are needed for accessibility reasons */ protected $skiplinks = array(); /** * @var array Javascript code used for initialisation of page, it should * be relatively small */ protected $jsinitcode = array(); /** * @var array of moodle_url Theme sheets, initialised only from core_renderer */ protected $cssthemeurls = array(); /** * @var array of moodle_url List of custom theme sheets, these are strongly discouraged! * Useful mostly only for CSS submitted by teachers that is not part of the theme. */ protected $cssurls = array(); /** * @var array List of requested event handlers */ protected $eventhandlers = array(); /** * @var array Extra modules */ protected $extramodules = array(); /** * @var array trackes the names of bits of HTML that are only required once * per page. See {@link has_one_time_item_been_created()}, * {@link set_one_time_item_created()} and {@link should_create_one_time_item_now()}. */ protected $onetimeitemsoutput = array(); /** * @var bool Flag indicated head stuff already printed */ protected $headdone = false; /** * @var bool Flag indicating top of body already printed */ protected $topofbodydone = false; /** * @var stdClass YUI PHPLoader instance responsible for YUI3 loading from PHP only */ protected $yui3loader; /** * @var YUI_config default YUI loader configuration */ protected $YUI_config; /** * @var array $yuicssmodules */ protected $yuicssmodules = array(); /** * @var array Some config vars exposed in JS, please no secret stuff there */ protected $M_cfg; /** * @var array list of requested jQuery plugins */ protected $jqueryplugins = array(); /** * @var array list of jQuery plugin overrides */ protected $jquerypluginoverrides = array(); /** * Page requirements constructor. */ public function __construct() { global $CFG; // You may need to set up URL rewrite rule because oversized URLs might not be allowed by web server. $sep = empty($CFG->yuislasharguments) ? '?' : '/'; $this->yui3loader = new stdClass(); $this->YUI_config = new YUI_config(); if (is_https() && !empty($CFG->useexternalyui)) { // On HTTPS sites all JS must be loaded from https sites, // YUI CDN does not support https yet, sorry. $CFG->useexternalyui = 0; } // Set up some loader options. $this->yui3loader->local_base = $CFG->wwwroot . '/lib/yuilib/'. $CFG->yui3version . '/'; $this->yui3loader->local_comboBase = $CFG->wwwroot . '/theme/yui_combo.php'.$sep; if (!empty($CFG->useexternalyui)) { $this->yui3loader->base = 'http://yui.yahooapis.com/' . $CFG->yui3version . '/'; $this->yui3loader->comboBase = 'http://yui.yahooapis.com/combo?'; } else { $this->yui3loader->base = $this->yui3loader->local_base; $this->yui3loader->comboBase = $this->yui3loader->local_comboBase; } // Enable combo loader? This significantly helps with caching and performance! $this->yui3loader->combine = !empty($CFG->yuicomboloading); $jsrev = $this->get_jsrev(); // Set up JS YUI loader helper object. $this->YUI_config->base = $this->yui3loader->base; $this->YUI_config->comboBase = $this->yui3loader->comboBase; $this->YUI_config->combine = $this->yui3loader->combine; // If we've had to patch any YUI modules between releases, we must override the YUI configuration to include them. // For important information on patching YUI modules, please see http://docs.moodle.org/dev/YUI/Patching. if (!empty($CFG->yuipatchedmodules) && !empty($CFG->yuipatchlevel)) { $this->YUI_config->define_patched_core_modules($this->yui3loader->local_comboBase, $CFG->yui3version, $CFG->yuipatchlevel, $CFG->yuipatchedmodules); } $configname = $this->YUI_config->set_config_source('lib/yui/config/yui2.js'); $this->YUI_config->add_group('yui2', array( // Loader configuration for our 2in3, for now ignores $CFG->useexternalyui. 'base' => $CFG->wwwroot . '/lib/yuilib/2in3/' . $CFG->yui2version . '/build/', 'comboBase' => $CFG->wwwroot . '/theme/yui_combo.php'.$sep, 'combine' => $this->yui3loader->combine, 'ext' => false, 'root' => '2in3/' . $CFG->yui2version .'/build/', 'patterns' => array( 'yui2-' => array( 'group' => 'yui2', 'configFn' => $configname, ) ) )); $configname = $this->YUI_config->set_config_source('lib/yui/config/moodle.js'); $this->YUI_config->add_group('moodle', array( 'name' => 'moodle', 'base' => $CFG->wwwroot . '/theme/yui_combo.php' . $sep . 'm/' . $jsrev . '/', 'combine' => $this->yui3loader->combine, 'comboBase' => $CFG->wwwroot . '/theme/yui_combo.php'.$sep, 'ext' => false, 'root' => 'm/'.$jsrev.'/', // Add the rev to the root path so that we can control caching. 'patterns' => array( 'moodle-' => array( 'group' => 'moodle', 'configFn' => $configname, ) ) )); $this->YUI_config->add_group('gallery', array( 'name' => 'gallery', 'base' => $CFG->wwwroot . '/lib/yuilib/gallery/', 'combine' => $this->yui3loader->combine, 'comboBase' => $CFG->wwwroot . '/theme/yui_combo.php' . $sep, 'ext' => false, 'root' => 'gallery/' . $jsrev . '/', 'patterns' => array( 'gallery-' => array( 'group' => 'gallery', ) ) )); // Set some more loader options applying to groups too. if ($CFG->debugdeveloper) { // When debugging is enabled, we want to load the non-minified (RAW) versions of YUI library modules rather // than the DEBUG versions as these generally generate too much logging for our purposes. // However we do want the DEBUG versions of our Moodle-specific modules. // To debug a YUI-specific issue, change the yui3loader->filter value to DEBUG. $this->YUI_config->filter = 'RAW'; $this->YUI_config->groups['moodle']['filter'] = 'DEBUG'; // We use the yui3loader->filter setting when writing the YUI3 seed scripts into the header. $this->yui3loader->filter = $this->YUI_config->filter; $this->YUI_config->debug = true; } else { $this->yui3loader->filter = null; $this->YUI_config->groups['moodle']['filter'] = null; $this->YUI_config->debug = false; } // Include the YUI config log filters. if (!empty($CFG->yuilogexclude) && is_array($CFG->yuilogexclude)) { $this->YUI_config->logExclude = $CFG->yuilogexclude; } if (!empty($CFG->yuiloginclude) && is_array($CFG->yuiloginclude)) { $this->YUI_config->logInclude = $CFG->yuiloginclude; } if (!empty($CFG->yuiloglevel)) { $this->YUI_config->logLevel = $CFG->yuiloglevel; } // Add the moodle group's module data. $this->YUI_config->add_moodle_metadata(); // Every page should include definition of following modules. $this->js_module($this->find_module('core_filepicker')); $this->js_module($this->find_module('core_comment')); } /** * Return the safe config values that get set for javascript in "M.cfg". * * @since 2.9 * @return array List of safe config values that are available to javascript. */ public function get_config_for_javascript(moodle_page $page, renderer_base $renderer) { global $CFG; if (empty($this->M_cfg)) { $iconsystem = \core\output\icon_system::instance(); // It is possible that the $page->context is null, so we can't use $page->context->id. $contextid = null; $contextinstanceid = null; if (!is_null($page->context)) { $contextid = $page->context->id; $contextinstanceid = $page->context->instanceid; $courseid = $page->course->id; $coursecontext = context_course::instance($courseid); } $this->M_cfg = array( 'wwwroot' => $CFG->wwwroot, 'homeurl' => $page->navigation->action, 'sesskey' => sesskey(), 'sessiontimeout' => $CFG->sessiontimeout, 'sessiontimeoutwarning' => $CFG->sessiontimeoutwarning, 'themerev' => theme_get_revision(), 'slasharguments' => (int)(!empty($CFG->slasharguments)), 'theme' => $page->theme->name, 'iconsystemmodule' => $iconsystem->get_amd_name(), 'jsrev' => $this->get_jsrev(), 'admin' => $CFG->admin, 'svgicons' => $page->theme->use_svg_icons(), 'usertimezone' => usertimezone(), 'courseId' => isset($courseid) ? (int) $courseid : 0, 'courseContextId' => isset($coursecontext) ? $coursecontext->id : 0, 'contextid' => $contextid, 'contextInstanceId' => (int) $contextinstanceid, 'langrev' => get_string_manager()->get_revision(), 'templaterev' => $this->get_templaterev() ); if ($CFG->debugdeveloper) { $this->M_cfg['developerdebug'] = true; } if (defined('BEHAT_SITE_RUNNING')) { $this->M_cfg['behatsiterunning'] = true; } } return $this->M_cfg; } /** * Initialise with the bits of JavaScript that every Moodle page should have. * * @param moodle_page $page * @param core_renderer $renderer */ protected function init_requirements_data(moodle_page $page, core_renderer $renderer) { global $CFG; // Init the js config. $this->get_config_for_javascript($page, $renderer); // Accessibility stuff. $this->skip_link_to('maincontent', get_string('tocontent', 'access')); // Add strings used on many pages. $this->string_for_js('confirmation', 'admin'); $this->string_for_js('cancel', 'moodle'); $this->string_for_js('yes', 'moodle'); // Alter links in top frame to break out of frames. if ($page->pagelayout === 'frametop') { $this->js_init_call('M.util.init_frametop'); } // Include block drag/drop if editing is on if ($page->user_is_editing()) { $params = array( 'courseid' => $page->course->id, 'pagetype' => $page->pagetype, 'pagelayout' => $page->pagelayout, 'subpage' => $page->subpage, 'regions' => $page->blocks->get_regions(), 'contextid' => $page->context->id, ); if (!empty($page->cm->id)) { $params['cmid'] = $page->cm->id; } // Strings for drag and drop. $this->strings_for_js(array('movecontent', 'tocontent', 'emptydragdropregion'), 'moodle'); $page->requires->yui_module('moodle-core-blocks', 'M.core_blocks.init_dragdrop', array($params), null, true); } // Include the YUI CSS Modules. $page->requires->set_yuicssmodules($page->theme->yuicssmodules); } /** * Determine the correct JS Revision to use for this load. * * @return int the jsrev to use. */ public function get_jsrev() { global $CFG; if (empty($CFG->cachejs)) { $jsrev = -1; } else if (empty($CFG->jsrev)) { $jsrev = 1; } else { $jsrev = $CFG->jsrev; } return $jsrev; } /** * Determine the correct Template revision to use for this load. * * @return int the templaterev to use. */ protected function get_templaterev() { global $CFG; if (empty($CFG->cachetemplates)) { $templaterev = -1; } else if (empty($CFG->templaterev)) { $templaterev = 1; } else { $templaterev = $CFG->templaterev; } return $templaterev; } /** * Ensure that the specified JavaScript file is linked to from this page. * * NOTE: This function is to be used in RARE CASES ONLY, please store your JS in module.js file * and use $PAGE->requires->js_init_call() instead or use /yui/ subdirectories for YUI modules. * * By default the link is put at the end of the page, since this gives best page-load performance. * * Even if a particular script is requested more than once, it will only be linked * to once. * * @param string|moodle_url $url The path to the .js file, relative to $CFG->dirroot / $CFG->wwwroot. * For example '/mod/mymod/customscripts.js'; use moodle_url for external scripts * @param bool $inhead initialise in head */ public function js($url, $inhead = false) { $url = $this->js_fix_url($url); $where = $inhead ? 'head' : 'footer'; $this->jsincludes[$where][$url->out()] = $url; } /** * Request inclusion of jQuery library in the page. * * NOTE: this should not be used in official Moodle distribution! * * {@see http://docs.moodle.org/dev/jQuery} */ public function jquery() { $this->jquery_plugin('jquery'); } /** * Request inclusion of jQuery plugin. * * NOTE: this should not be used in official Moodle distribution! * * jQuery plugins are located in plugin/jquery/* subdirectory, * plugin/jquery/plugins.php lists all available plugins. * * Included core plugins: * - jQuery UI * * Add-ons may include extra jQuery plugins in jquery/ directory, * plugins.php file defines the mapping between plugin names and * necessary page includes. * * Examples: *
* // file: mod/xxx/view.php
* $PAGE->requires->jquery();
* $PAGE->requires->jquery_plugin('ui');
* $PAGE->requires->jquery_plugin('ui-css');
* // file: theme/yyy/lib.php
* function theme_yyy_page_init(moodle_page $page) {
* $page->requires->jquery();
* $page->requires->jquery_plugin('ui');
* $page->requires->jquery_plugin('ui-css');
* }
* // file: blocks/zzz/block_zzz.php
* public function get_required_javascript() {
* parent::get_required_javascript();
* $this->page->requires->jquery();
* $page->requires->jquery_plugin('ui');
* $page->requires->jquery_plugin('ui-css');
* }
* {@see http://docs.moodle.org/dev/jQuery}
* @param string $plugin name of the jQuery plugin as defined in jquery/plugins.php
* @param string $component name of the component
* @return bool success
public function jquery_plugin($plugin, $component = 'core') {
global $CFG;
if ($this->headdone) {
debugging('Can not add jQuery plugins after starting page output!');
return false;
if ($component !== 'core' and in_array($plugin, array('jquery', 'ui', 'ui-css'))) {
debugging("jQuery plugin '$plugin' is included in Moodle core, other components can not use the same name.", DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
$component = 'core';
} else if ($component !== 'core' and strpos($component, '_') === false) {
// Let's normalise the legacy activity names, Frankenstyle rulez!
$component = 'mod_' . $component;
if (empty($this->jqueryplugins) and ($component !== 'core' or $plugin !== 'jquery')) {
// Make sure the jQuery itself is always loaded first,
// the order of all other plugins depends on order of $PAGE_>requires->.
$this->jquery_plugin('jquery', 'core');
if (isset($this->jqueryplugins[$plugin])) {
// No problem, we already have something, first Moodle plugin to register the jQuery plugin wins.
return true;
$componentdir = core_component::get_component_directory($component);
if (!file_exists($componentdir) or !file_exists("$componentdir/jquery/plugins.php")) {
debugging("Can not load jQuery plugin '$plugin', missing plugins.php in component '$component'.", DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
return false;
$plugins = array();
if (!isset($plugins[$plugin])) {
debugging("jQuery plugin '$plugin' can not be found in component '$component'.", DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
return false;
$this->jqueryplugins[$plugin] = new stdClass();
$this->jqueryplugins[$plugin]->plugin = $plugin;
$this->jqueryplugins[$plugin]->component = $component;
$this->jqueryplugins[$plugin]->urls = array();
foreach ($plugins[$plugin]['files'] as $file) {
if ($CFG->debugdeveloper) {
if (!file_exists("$componentdir/jquery/$file")) {
debugging("Invalid file '$file' specified in jQuery plugin '$plugin' in component '$component'");
$file = str_replace('.min.css', '.css', $file);
$file = str_replace('.min.js', '.js', $file);
if (!file_exists("$componentdir/jquery/$file")) {
debugging("Invalid file '$file' specified in jQuery plugin '$plugin' in component '$component'");
if (!empty($CFG->slasharguments)) {
$url = new moodle_url("/theme/jquery.php");
} else {
// This is not really good, we need slasharguments for relative links, this means no caching...
$path = realpath("$componentdir/jquery/$file");
if (strpos($path, $CFG->dirroot) === 0) {
$url = $CFG->wwwroot.preg_replace('/^'.preg_quote($CFG->dirroot, '/').'/', '', $path);
// Replace all occurences of backslashes characters in url to forward slashes.
$url = str_replace('\\', '/', $url);
$url = new moodle_url($url);
} else {
// Bad luck, fix your server!
debugging("Moodle jQuery integration requires 'slasharguments' setting to be enabled.");
$this->jqueryplugins[$plugin]->urls[] = $url;
return true;
* Request replacement of one jQuery plugin by another.
* This is useful when themes want to replace the jQuery UI theme,
* the problem is that theme can not prevent others from including the core ui-css plugin.
* Example:
* 1/ generate new jQuery UI theme and place it into theme/yourtheme/jquery/
* 2/ write theme/yourtheme/jquery/plugins.php
* 3/ init jQuery from theme
* // file theme/yourtheme/lib.php
* function theme_yourtheme_page_init($page) {
* $page->requires->jquery_plugin('yourtheme-ui-css', 'theme_yourtheme');
* $page->requires->jquery_override_plugin('ui-css', 'yourtheme-ui-css');
* }
* This code prevents loading of standard 'ui-css' which my be requested by other plugins,
* the 'yourtheme-ui-css' gets loaded only if some other code requires jquery.
* {@see http://docs.moodle.org/dev/jQuery}
* @param string $oldplugin original plugin
* @param string $newplugin the replacement
public function jquery_override_plugin($oldplugin, $newplugin) {
if ($this->headdone) {
debugging('Can not override jQuery plugins after starting page output!');
$this->jquerypluginoverrides[$oldplugin] = $newplugin;
* Return jQuery related markup for page start.
* @return string
protected function get_jquery_headcode() {
if (empty($this->jqueryplugins['jquery'])) {
// If nobody requested jQuery then do not bother to load anything.
// This may be useful for themes that want to override 'ui-css' only if requested by something else.
return '';
$included = array();
$urls = array();
foreach ($this->jqueryplugins as $name => $unused) {
if (isset($included[$name])) {
if (array_key_exists($name, $this->jquerypluginoverrides)) {
// The following loop tries to resolve the replacements,
// use max 100 iterations to prevent infinite loop resulting
// in blank page.
$cyclic = true;
$oldname = $name;
for ($i=0; $i<100; $i++) {
$name = $this->jquerypluginoverrides[$name];
if (!array_key_exists($name, $this->jquerypluginoverrides)) {
$cyclic = false;
if ($cyclic) {
// We can not do much with cyclic references here, let's use the old plugin.
$name = $oldname;
debugging("Cyclic overrides detected for jQuery plugin '$name'");
} else if (empty($name)) {
// Developer requested removal of the plugin.
} else if (!isset($this->jqueryplugins[$name])) {
debugging("Unknown jQuery override plugin '$name' detected");
$name = $oldname;
} else if (isset($included[$name])) {
// The plugin was already included, easy.
$plugin = $this->jqueryplugins[$name];
$urls = array_merge($urls, $plugin->urls);
$included[$name] = true;
$output = '';
$attributes = array('rel' => 'stylesheet', 'type' => 'text/css');
foreach ($urls as $url) {
if (preg_match('/\.js$/', $url)) {
$output .= html_writer::script('', $url);
} else if (preg_match('/\.css$/', $url)) {
$attributes['href'] = $url;
$output .= html_writer::empty_tag('link', $attributes) . "\n";
return $output;
* Returns the actual url through which a script is served.
* @param moodle_url|string $url full moodle url, or shortened path to script
* @return moodle_url
protected function js_fix_url($url) {
global $CFG;
if ($url instanceof moodle_url) {
return $url;
} else if (strpos($url, '/') === 0) {
// Fix the admin links if needed.
if ($CFG->admin !== 'admin') {
if (strpos($url, "/admin/") === 0) {
$url = preg_replace("|^/admin/|", "/$CFG->admin/", $url);
if (debugging()) {
// Check file existence only when in debug mode.
if (!file_exists($CFG->dirroot . strtok($url, '?'))) {
throw new coding_exception('Attempt to require a JavaScript file that does not exist.', $url);
if (substr($url, -3) === '.js') {
$jsrev = $this->get_jsrev();
if (empty($CFG->slasharguments)) {
return new moodle_url('/lib/javascript.php', array('rev'=>$jsrev, 'jsfile'=>$url));
} else {
$returnurl = new moodle_url('/lib/javascript.php');
return $returnurl;
} else {
return new moodle_url($url);
} else {
throw new coding_exception('Invalid JS url, it has to be shortened url starting with / or moodle_url instance.', $url);
* Find out if JS module present and return details.
* @param string $component name of component in frankenstyle, ex: core_group, mod_forum
* @return array description of module or null if not found
protected function find_module($component) {
global $CFG, $PAGE;
$module = null;
if (strpos($component, 'core_') === 0) {
// Must be some core stuff - list here is not complete, this is just the stuff used from multiple places
// so that we do nto have to repeat the definition of these modules over and over again.
switch($component) {
case 'core_filepicker':
$module = array('name' => 'core_filepicker',
'fullpath' => '/repository/filepicker.js',
'requires' => array(
'base', 'node', 'node-event-simulate', 'json', 'async-queue', 'io-base', 'io-upload-iframe', 'io-form',
'yui2-treeview', 'panel', 'cookie', 'datatable', 'datatable-sort', 'resize-plugin', 'dd-plugin',
'escape', 'moodle-core_filepicker', 'moodle-core-notification-dialogue'
'strings' => array(array('lastmodified', 'moodle'), array('name', 'moodle'), array('type', 'repository'), array('size', 'repository'),
array('invalidjson', 'repository'), array('error', 'moodle'), array('info', 'moodle'),
array('nofilesattached', 'repository'), array('filepicker', 'repository'), array('logout', 'repository'),
array('nofilesavailable', 'repository'), array('norepositoriesavailable', 'repository'),
array('fileexistsdialogheader', 'repository'), array('fileexistsdialog_editor', 'repository'),
array('fileexistsdialog_filemanager', 'repository'), array('renameto', 'repository'),
array('referencesexist', 'repository'), array('select', 'repository')
case 'core_comment':
$module = array('name' => 'core_comment',
'fullpath' => '/comment/comment.js',
'requires' => array('base', 'io-base', 'node', 'json', 'yui2-animation', 'overlay', 'escape'),
'strings' => array(array('confirmdeletecomments', 'admin'), array('yes', 'moodle'), array('no', 'moodle'))
case 'core_role':
$module = array('name' => 'core_role',
'fullpath' => '/admin/roles/module.js',
'requires' => array('node', 'cookie'));
case 'core_completion':
case 'core_message':
$module = array('name' => 'core_message',
'requires' => array('base', 'node', 'event', 'node-event-simulate'),
'fullpath' => '/message/module.js');
case 'core_group':
$module = array('name' => 'core_group',
'fullpath' => '/group/module.js',
'requires' => array('node', 'overlay', 'event-mouseenter'));
case 'core_question_engine':
$module = array('name' => 'core_question_engine',
'fullpath' => '/question/qengine.js',
'requires' => array('node', 'event'));
case 'core_rating':
$module = array('name' => 'core_rating',
'fullpath' => '/rating/module.js',
'requires' => array('node', 'event', 'overlay', 'io-base', 'json'));
case 'core_dndupload':
$module = array('name' => 'core_dndupload',
'fullpath' => '/lib/form/dndupload.js',
'requires' => array('node', 'event', 'json', 'core_filepicker'),
'strings' => array(array('uploadformlimit', 'moodle'), array('droptoupload', 'moodle'), array('maxfilesreached', 'moodle'),
array('dndenabled_inbox', 'moodle'), array('fileexists', 'moodle'), array('maxbytesfile', 'error'),
array('sizegb', 'moodle'), array('sizemb', 'moodle'), array('sizekb', 'moodle'), array('sizeb', 'moodle'),
array('maxareabytesreached', 'moodle'), array('serverconnection', 'error'),
array('changesmadereallygoaway', 'moodle'), array('complete', 'moodle')
} else {
if ($dir = core_component::get_component_directory($component)) {
if (file_exists("$dir/module.js")) {
if (strpos($dir, $CFG->dirroot.'/') === 0) {
$dir = substr($dir, strlen($CFG->dirroot));
$module = array('name'=>$component, 'fullpath'=>"$dir/module.js", 'requires' => array());
return $module;
* Append YUI3 module to default YUI3 JS loader.
* The structure of module array is described at {@link http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/3/yui/}
* @param string|array $module name of module (details are autodetected), or full module specification as array
* @return void
public function js_module($module) {
global $CFG;
if (empty($module)) {
throw new coding_exception('Missing YUI3 module name or full description.');
if (is_string($module)) {
$module = $this->find_module($module);
if (empty($module) or empty($module['name']) or empty($module['fullpath'])) {
throw new coding_exception('Missing YUI3 module details.');
$module['fullpath'] = $this->js_fix_url($module['fullpath'])->out(false);
// Add all needed strings.
if (!empty($module['strings'])) {
foreach ($module['strings'] as $string) {
$identifier = $string[0];
$component = isset($string[1]) ? $string[1] : 'moodle';
$a = isset($string[2]) ? $string[2] : null;
$this->string_for_js($identifier, $component, $a);
// Process module requirements and attempt to load each. This allows
// moodle modules to require each other.
if (!empty($module['requires'])){
foreach ($module['requires'] as $requirement) {
$rmodule = $this->find_module($requirement);
if (is_array($rmodule)) {
if ($this->headdone) {
$this->extramodules[$module['name']] = $module;
} else {
$this->YUI_config->add_module_config($module['name'], $module);
* Returns true if the module has already been loaded.
* @param string|array $module
* @return bool True if the module has already been loaded
protected function js_module_loaded($module) {
if (is_string($module)) {
$modulename = $module;
} else {
$modulename = $module['name'];
return array_key_exists($modulename, $this->YUI_config->modules) ||
array_key_exists($modulename, $this->extramodules);
* Ensure that the specified CSS file is linked to from this page.
* Because stylesheet links must go in the part of the HTML, you must call
* this function before {@link get_head_code()} is called. That normally means before
* the call to print_header. If you call it when it is too late, an exception
* will be thrown.
* Even if a particular style sheet is requested more than once, it will only
* be linked to once.
* Please note use of this feature is strongly discouraged,
* it is suitable only for places where CSS is submitted directly by teachers.
* (Students must not be allowed to submit any external CSS because it may
* contain embedded javascript!). Example of correct use is mod/data.
* @param string $stylesheet The path to the .css file, relative to $CFG->wwwroot.
* For example:
* $PAGE->requires->css('mod/data/css.php?d='.$data->id);
public function css($stylesheet) {
global $CFG;
if ($this->headdone) {
throw new coding_exception('Cannot require a CSS file after <head> has been printed.', $stylesheet);
if ($stylesheet instanceof moodle_url) {
// ok
} else if (strpos($stylesheet, '/') === 0) {
$stylesheet = new moodle_url($stylesheet);
} else {
throw new coding_exception('Invalid stylesheet parameter.', $stylesheet);
$this->cssurls[$stylesheet->out()] = $stylesheet;
* Add theme stylesheet to page - do not use from plugin code,
* this should be called only from the core renderer!
* @param moodle_url $stylesheet
* @return void
public function css_theme(moodle_url $stylesheet) {
$this->cssthemeurls[] = $stylesheet;
* Ensure that a skip link to a given target is printed at the top of the .
* You must call this function before {@link get_top_of_body_code()}, (if not, an exception
* will be thrown). That normally means you must call this before the call to print_header.
* If you ask for a particular skip link to be printed, it is then your responsibility
* to ensure that the appropriate tag is printed in the body of the
* page, so that the skip link goes somewhere.
* Even if a particular skip link is requested more than once, only one copy of it will be output.
* @param string $target the name of anchor this link should go to. For example 'maincontent'.
* @param string $linktext The text to use for the skip link. Normally get_string('skipto', 'access', ...);
public function skip_link_to($target, $linktext) {
if ($this->topofbodydone) {
debugging('Page header already printed, can not add skip links any more, code needs to be fixed.');
$this->skiplinks[$target] = $linktext;
* !!!DEPRECATED!!! please use js_init_call() if possible
* Ensure that the specified JavaScript function is called from an inline script
* somewhere on this page.
* By default the call will be put in a script tag at the
* end of the page after initialising Y instance, since this gives best page-load
* performance and allows you to use YUI3 library.
* If you request that a particular function is called several times, then
* that is what will happen (unlike linking to a CSS or JS file, where only
* one link will be output).
* The main benefit of the method is the automatic encoding of all function parameters.
* @deprecated
* @param string $function the name of the JavaScritp function to call. Can
* be a compound name like 'Y.Event.purgeElement'. Can also be
* used to create and object by using a 'function name' like 'new user_selector'.
* @param array $arguments and array of arguments to be passed to the function.
* When generating the function call, this will be escaped using json_encode,
* so passing objects and arrays should work.
* @param bool $ondomready If tru the function is only called when the dom is
* ready for manipulation.
* @param int $delay The delay before the function is called.
public function js_function_call($function, array $arguments = null, $ondomready = false, $delay = 0) {
$where = $ondomready ? 'ondomready' : 'normal';
$this->jscalls[$where][] = array($function, $arguments, $delay);
* This function appends a block of code to the AMD specific javascript block executed
* in the page footer, just after loading the requirejs library.
* The code passed here can rely on AMD module loading, e.g. require('jquery', function($) {...});
* @param string $code The JS code to append.
public function js_amd_inline($code) {
$this->amdjscode[] = $code;
* Load an AMD module and eventually call its method.
* This function creates a minimal inline JS snippet that requires an AMD module and eventually calls a single
* function from the module with given arguments. If it is called multiple times, it will be create multiple
* snippets.
* @param string $fullmodule The name of the AMD module to load, formatted as
* $PAGE->requires->strings_for_js(array('one', 'two', 'three'), 'mymod', array('a', null, 3));
* // The above is identical to calling:
* $PAGE->requires->string_for_js('one', 'mymod', 'a');
* $PAGE->requires->string_for_js('two', 'mymod');
* $PAGE->requires->string_for_js('three', 'mymod', 3);
* @param array $identifiers An array of desired strings
* @param string $component The module to load for
* @param mixed $a This can either be a single variable that gets passed as extra
* information for every string or it can be an array of mixed data where the
* key for the data matches that of the identifier it is meant for.
public function strings_for_js($identifiers, $component, $a = null) {
foreach ($identifiers as $key => $identifier) {
if (is_array($a) && array_key_exists($key, $a)) {
$extra = $a[$key];
} else {
$extra = $a;
$this->string_for_js($identifier, $component, $extra);
* !!!!!!DEPRECATED!!!!!! please use js_init_call() for everything now.
* Make some data from PHP available to JavaScript code.
* For example, if you call
* * $PAGE->requires->data_for_js('mydata', array('name' => 'Moodle')); ** then in JavsScript mydata.name will be 'Moodle'. * * @deprecated * @param string $variable the the name of the JavaScript variable to assign the data to. * Will probably work if you use a compound name like 'mybuttons.button[1]', but this * should be considered an experimental feature. * @param mixed $data The data to pass to JavaScript. This will be escaped using json_encode, * so passing objects and arrays should work. * @param bool $inhead initialise in head * @return void */ public function data_for_js($variable, $data, $inhead=false) { $where = $inhead ? 'head' : 'footer'; $this->jsinitvariables[$where][] = array($variable, $data); } /** * Creates a YUI event handler. * * @param mixed $selector standard YUI selector for elements, may be array or string, element id is in the form "#idvalue" * @param string $event A valid DOM event (click, mousedown, change etc.) * @param string $function The name of the function to call * @param array $arguments An optional array of argument parameters to pass to the function */ public function event_handler($selector, $event, $function, array $arguments = null) { $this->eventhandlers[] = array('selector'=>$selector, 'event'=>$event, 'function'=>$function, 'arguments'=>$arguments); } /** * Returns code needed for registering of event handlers. * @return string JS code */ protected function get_event_handler_code() { $output = ''; foreach ($this->eventhandlers as $h) { $output .= js_writer::event_handler($h['selector'], $h['event'], $h['function'], $h['arguments']); } return $output; } /** * Get the inline JavaScript code that need to appear in a particular place. * @param bool $ondomready * @return string */ protected function get_javascript_code($ondomready) { $where = $ondomready ? 'ondomready' : 'normal'; $output = ''; if ($this->jscalls[$where]) { foreach ($this->jscalls[$where] as $data) { $output .= js_writer::function_call($data[0], $data[1], $data[2]); } if (!empty($ondomready)) { $output = " Y.on('domready', function() {\n$output\n});"; } } return $output; } /** * Returns js code to be executed when Y is available. * @return string */ protected function get_javascript_init_code() { if (count($this->jsinitcode)) { return implode("\n", $this->jsinitcode) . "\n"; } return ''; } /** * Returns js code to load amd module loader, then insert inline script tags * that contain require() calls using RequireJS. * @return string */ protected function get_amd_footercode() { global $CFG; $output = ''; // We will cache JS if cachejs is not set, or it is true. $cachejs = !isset($CFG->cachejs) || $CFG->cachejs; $jsrev = $this->get_jsrev(); $jsloader = new moodle_url('/lib/javascript.php'); $jsloader->set_slashargument('/' . $jsrev . '/'); $requirejsloader = new moodle_url('/lib/requirejs.php'); $requirejsloader->set_slashargument('/' . $jsrev . '/'); $requirejsconfig = file_get_contents($CFG->dirroot . '/lib/requirejs/moodle-config.js'); // No extension required unless slash args is disabled. $jsextension = '.js'; if (!empty($CFG->slasharguments)) { $jsextension = ''; } $minextension = '.min'; if (!$cachejs) { $minextension = ''; } $requirejsconfig = str_replace('[BASEURL]', $requirejsloader, $requirejsconfig); $requirejsconfig = str_replace('[JSURL]', $jsloader, $requirejsconfig); $requirejsconfig = str_replace('[JSMIN]', $minextension, $requirejsconfig); $requirejsconfig = str_replace('[JSEXT]', $jsextension, $requirejsconfig); $output .= html_writer::script($requirejsconfig); if ($cachejs) { $output .= html_writer::script('', $this->js_fix_url('/lib/requirejs/require.min.js')); } else { $output .= html_writer::script('', $this->js_fix_url('/lib/requirejs/require.js')); } // First include must be to a module with no dependencies, this prevents multiple requests. $prefix = <<
* if (!$this->page->requires->should_create_one_time_item_now($thing)) { * return ''; * } * // Else generate it. ** * @param string $thing identifier for the bit of content. Should be of the form * frankenstyle_things, e.g. core_course_modchooser. * @return bool if true, the caller should generate that bit of output now, otherwise don't. */ public function should_create_one_time_item_now($thing) { if ($this->has_one_time_item_been_created($thing)) { return false; } $this->set_one_time_item_created($thing); return true; } /** * Has a particular bit of HTML that is only required once on this page * (e.g. the contents of the modchooser) already been generated? * * Normally, you can use the {@link should_create_one_time_item_now()} helper * method rather than calling this method directly. * * @param string $thing identifier for the bit of content. Should be of the form * frankenstyle_things, e.g. core_course_modchooser. * @return bool whether that bit of output has been created. */ public function has_one_time_item_been_created($thing) { return isset($this->onetimeitemsoutput[$thing]); } /** * Indicate that a particular bit of HTML that is only required once on this * page (e.g. the contents of the modchooser) has been generated (or is about to be)? * * Normally, you can use the {@link should_create_one_time_item_now()} helper * method rather than calling this method directly. * * @param string $thing identifier for the bit of content. Should be of the form * frankenstyle_things, e.g. core_course_modchooser. */ public function set_one_time_item_created($thing) { if ($this->has_one_time_item_been_created($thing)) { throw new coding_exception($thing . ' is only supposed to be ouput ' . 'once per page, but it seems to be being output again.'); } return $this->onetimeitemsoutput[$thing] = true; } } /** * This class represents the YUI configuration. * * @copyright 2013 Andrew Nicols * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later * @since Moodle 2.5 * @package core * @category output */ class YUI_config { /** * These settings must be public so that when the object is converted to json they are exposed. * Note: Some of these are camelCase because YUI uses camelCase variable names. * * The settings are described and documented in the YUI API at: * - http://yuilibrary.com/yui/docs/api/classes/config.html * - http://yuilibrary.com/yui/docs/api/classes/Loader.html */ public $debug = false; public $base; public $comboBase; public $combine; public $filter = null; public $insertBefore = 'firstthemesheet'; public $groups = array(); public $modules = array(); /** * @var array List of functions used by the YUI Loader group pattern recognition. */ protected $jsconfigfunctions = array(); /** * Create a new group within the YUI_config system. * * @param String $name The name of the group. This must be unique and * not previously used. * @param Array $config The configuration for this group. * @return void */ public function add_group($name, $config) { if (isset($this->groups[$name])) { throw new coding_exception("A YUI configuration group for '{$name}' already exists. To make changes to this group use YUI_config->update_group()."); } $this->groups[$name] = $config; } /** * Update an existing group configuration * * Note, any existing configuration for that group will be wiped out. * This includes module configuration. * * @param String $name The name of the group. This must be unique and * not previously used. * @param Array $config The configuration for this group. * @return void */ public function update_group($name, $config) { if (!isset($this->groups[$name])) { throw new coding_exception('The Moodle YUI module does not exist. You must define the moodle module config using YUI_config->add_module_config first.'); } $this->groups[$name] = $config; } /** * Set the value of a configuration function used by the YUI Loader's pattern testing. * * Only the body of the function should be passed, and not the whole function wrapper. * * The JS function your write will be passed a single argument 'name' containing the * name of the module being loaded. * * @param $function String the body of the JavaScript function. This should be used i * @return String the name of the function to use in the group pattern configuration. */ public function set_config_function($function) { $configname = 'yui' . (count($this->jsconfigfunctions) + 1) . 'ConfigFn'; if (isset($this->jsconfigfunctions[$configname])) { throw new coding_exception("A YUI config function with this name already exists. Config function names must be unique."); } $this->jsconfigfunctions[$configname] = $function; return '@' . $configname . '@'; } /** * Allow setting of the config function described in {@see set_config_function} from a file. * The contents of this file are then passed to set_config_function. * * When jsrev is positive, the function is minified and stored in a MUC cache for subsequent uses. * * @param $file The path to the JavaScript function used for YUI configuration. * @return String the name of the function to use in the group pattern configuration. */ public function set_config_source($file) { global $CFG; $cache = cache::make('core', 'yuimodules'); // Attempt to get the metadata from the cache. $keyname = 'configfn_' . $file; $fullpath = $CFG->dirroot . '/' . $file; if (!isset($CFG->jsrev) || $CFG->jsrev == -1) { $cache->delete($keyname); $configfn = file_get_contents($fullpath); } else { $configfn = $cache->get($keyname); if ($configfn === false) { require_once($CFG->libdir . '/jslib.php'); $configfn = core_minify::js_files(array($fullpath)); $cache->set($keyname, $configfn); } } return $this->set_config_function($configfn); } /** * Retrieve the list of JavaScript functions for YUI_config groups. * * @return String The complete set of config functions */ public function get_config_functions() { $configfunctions = ''; foreach ($this->jsconfigfunctions as $functionname => $function) { $configfunctions .= "var {$functionname} = function(me) {"; $configfunctions .= $function; $configfunctions .= "};\n"; } return $configfunctions; } /** * Update the header JavaScript with any required modification for the YUI Loader. * * @param $js String The JavaScript to manipulate. * @return String the modified JS string. */ public function update_header_js($js) { // Update the names of the the configFn variables. // The PHP json_encode function cannot handle literal names so we have to wrap // them in @ and then replace them with literals of the same function name. foreach ($this->jsconfigfunctions as $functionname => $function) { $js = str_replace('"@' . $functionname . '@"', $functionname, $js); } return $js; } /** * Add configuration for a specific module. * * @param String $name The name of the module to add configuration for. * @param Array $config The configuration for the specified module. * @param String $group The name of the group to add configuration for. * If not specified, then this module is added to the global * configuration. * @return void */ public function add_module_config($name, $config, $group = null) { if ($group) { if (!isset($this->groups[$name])) { throw new coding_exception('The Moodle YUI module does not exist. You must define the moodle module config using YUI_config->add_module_config first.'); } if (!isset($this->groups[$group]['modules'])) { $this->groups[$group]['modules'] = array(); } $modules = &$this->groups[$group]['modules']; } else { $modules = &$this->modules; } $modules[$name] = $config; } /** * Add the moodle YUI module metadata for the moodle group to the YUI_config instance. * * If js caching is disabled, metadata will not be served causing YUI to calculate * module dependencies as each module is loaded. * * If metadata does not exist it will be created and stored in a MUC entry. * * @return void */ public function add_moodle_metadata() { global $CFG; if (!isset($this->groups['moodle'])) { throw new coding_exception('The Moodle YUI module does not exist. You must define the moodle module config using YUI_config->add_module_config first.'); } if (!isset($this->groups['moodle']['modules'])) { $this->groups['moodle']['modules'] = array(); } $cache = cache::make('core', 'yuimodules'); if (!isset($CFG->jsrev) || $CFG->jsrev == -1) { $metadata = array(); $metadata = $this->get_moodle_metadata(); $cache->delete('metadata'); } else { // Attempt to get the metadata from the cache. if (!$metadata = $cache->get('metadata')) { $metadata = $this->get_moodle_metadata(); $cache->set('metadata', $metadata); } } // Merge with any metadata added specific to this page which was added manually. $this->groups['moodle']['modules'] = array_merge($this->groups['moodle']['modules'], $metadata); } /** * Determine the module metadata for all moodle YUI modules. * * This works through all modules capable of serving YUI modules, and attempts to get * metadata for each of those modules. * * @return Array of module metadata */ private function get_moodle_metadata() { $moodlemodules = array(); // Core isn't a plugin type or subsystem - handle it seperately. if ($module = $this->get_moodle_path_metadata(core_component::get_component_directory('core'))) { $moodlemodules = array_merge($moodlemodules, $module); } // Handle other core subsystems. $subsystems = core_component::get_core_subsystems(); foreach ($subsystems as $subsystem => $path) { if (is_null($path)) { continue; } if ($module = $this->get_moodle_path_metadata($path)) { $moodlemodules = array_merge($moodlemodules, $module); } } // And finally the plugins. $plugintypes = core_component::get_plugin_types(); foreach ($plugintypes as $plugintype => $pathroot) { $pluginlist = core_component::get_plugin_list($plugintype); foreach ($pluginlist as $plugin => $path) { if ($module = $this->get_moodle_path_metadata($path)) { $moodlemodules = array_merge($moodlemodules, $module); } } } return $moodlemodules; } /** * Helper function process and return the YUI metadata for all of the modules under the specified path. * * @param String $path the UNC path to the YUI src directory. * @return Array the complete array for frankenstyle directory. */ private function get_moodle_path_metadata($path) { // Add module metadata is stored in frankenstyle_modname/yui/src/yui_modname/meta/yui_modname.json. $baseyui = $path . '/yui/src'; $modules = array(); if (is_dir($baseyui)) { $items = new DirectoryIterator($baseyui); foreach ($items as $item) { if ($item->isDot() or !$item->isDir()) { continue; } $metafile = realpath($baseyui . '/' . $item . '/meta/' . $item . '.json'); if (!is_readable($metafile)) { continue; } $metadata = file_get_contents($metafile); $modules = array_merge($modules, (array) json_decode($metadata)); } } return $modules; } /** * Define YUI modules which we have been required to patch between releases. * * We must do this because we aggressively cache content on the browser, and we must also override use of the * external CDN which will serve the true authoritative copy of the code without our patches. * * @param String combobase The local combobase * @param String yuiversion The current YUI version * @param Int patchlevel The patch level we're working to for YUI * @param Array patchedmodules An array containing the names of the patched modules * @return void */ public function define_patched_core_modules($combobase, $yuiversion, $patchlevel, $patchedmodules) { // The version we use is suffixed with a patchlevel so that we can get additional revisions between YUI releases. $subversion = $yuiversion . '_' . $patchlevel; if ($this->comboBase == $combobase) { // If we are using the local combobase in the loader, we can add a group and still make use of the combo // loader. We just need to specify a different root which includes a slightly different YUI version number // to include our patchlevel. $patterns = array(); $modules = array(); foreach ($patchedmodules as $modulename) { // We must define the pattern and module here so that the loader uses our group configuration instead of // the standard module definition. We may lose some metadata provided by upstream but this will be // loaded when the module is loaded anyway. $patterns[$modulename] = array( 'group' => 'yui-patched', ); $modules[$modulename] = array(); } // Actually add the patch group here. $this->add_group('yui-patched', array( 'combine' => true, 'root' => $subversion . '/', 'patterns' => $patterns, 'modules' => $modules, )); } else { // The CDN is in use - we need to instead use the local combobase for this module and override the modules // definition. We cannot use the local base - we must use the combobase because we cannot invalidate the // local base in browser caches. $fullpathbase = $combobase . $subversion . '/'; foreach ($patchedmodules as $modulename) { $this->modules[$modulename] = array( 'fullpath' => $fullpathbase . $modulename . '/' . $modulename . '-min.js' ); } } } } /** * Invalidate all server and client side template caches. */ function template_reset_all_caches() { global $CFG; $next = time(); if (isset($CFG->templaterev) and $next <= $CFG->templaterev and $CFG->templaterev - $next < 60 * 60) { // This resolves problems when reset is requested repeatedly within 1s, // the < 1h condition prevents accidental switching to future dates // because we might not recover from it. $next = $CFG->templaterev + 1; } set_config('templaterev', $next); } /** * Invalidate all server and client side JS caches. */ function js_reset_all_caches() { global $CFG; $next = time(); if (isset($CFG->jsrev) and $next <= $CFG->jsrev and $CFG->jsrev - $next < 60*60) { // This resolves problems when reset is requested repeatedly within 1s, // the < 1h condition prevents accidental switching to future dates // because we might not recover from it. $next = $CFG->jsrev+1; } set_config('jsrev', $next); }