libdir.'/adminlib.php'); require_once($CFG->dirroot.'/user/selector/lib.php'); // Classes for producing tables with one row per capability ==================== /** * This class represents a table with one row for each of a list of capabilities * where the first cell in the row contains the capability name, and there is * arbitrary stuff in the rest of the row. This class is used by * admin/roles/manage.php, override.php and check.php. * * An ajaxy search UI shown at the top, if JavaScript is on. */ abstract class capability_table_base { /** The context this table relates to. */ protected $context; /** The capabilities to display. Initialised as fetch_context_capabilities($context). */ protected $capabilities = array(); /** Added as an id="" attribute to the table on output. */ protected $id; /** Added to the class="" attribute on output. */ protected $classes = array('rolecap'); /** Default number of capabilities in the table for the search UI to be shown. */ const NUM_CAPS_FOR_SEARCH = 12; /** * Constructor * @param object $context the context this table relates to. * @param string $id what to put in the id="" attribute. */ public function __construct($context, $id) { $this->context = $context; $this->capabilities = fetch_context_capabilities($context); $this->id = $id; } /** * Use this to add class="" attributes to the table. You get the rolecap by * default. * @param array $classnames of class names. */ public function add_classes($classnames) { $this->classes = array_unique(array_merge($this->classes, $classnames)); } /** * Display the table. */ public function display() { echo '' . "\n\n"; echo ''; $this->add_header_cells(); echo "\n\n\n"; /// Loop over capabilities. $contextlevel = 0; $component = ''; foreach ($this->capabilities as $capability) { if ($this->skip_row($capability)) { continue; } /// Prints a breaker if component or name or context level has changed if (component_level_changed($capability, $component, $contextlevel)) { $this->print_heading_row($capability); } $contextlevel = $capability->contextlevel; $component = $capability->component; /// Start the row. echo ''; /// Table cell for the capability name. echo '\n"; } /// End of the table. echo "\n
' . get_string('capability','role') . '
' . get_capability_docs_link($capability) . '' . $capability->name . ''; /// Add the cells specific to this table. $this->add_row_cells($capability); /// End the row. echo "
\n"; if (count($this->capabilities) > capability_table_base::NUM_CAPS_FOR_SEARCH) { global $CFG; require_js(array('yui_yahoo', 'yui_dom', 'yui_event')); require_js($CFG->admin . '/roles/roles.js'); print_js_call('cap_table_filter.init', array($this->id, get_string('filter'), get_string('clear'))); } } /** * Used to output a heading rows when the context level or component changes. * @param object $capability gives the new component and contextlevel. */ protected function print_heading_row($capability) { echo '' . get_component_string($capability->component, $capability->contextlevel) . ''; } /** For subclasses to override, output header cells, after the initial capability one. */ protected abstract function add_header_cells(); /** For subclasses to override, return the number of cells that add_header_cells/add_row_cells output. */ protected abstract function num_extra_columns(); /** * For subclasses to override. Allows certain capabilties (e.g. legacy capabilities) * to be left out of the table. * * @param object $capability the capability this row relates to. * @return boolean. If true, this row is omitted from the table. */ protected function skip_row($capability) { return false; } /** * For subclasses to override. A change to reaturn class names that are added * to the class="" attribute on the <tr> for this capability. * * @param object $capability the capability this row relates to. * @return array of class name strings. */ protected function get_row_classes($capability) { return array(); } /** * For subclasses to override. Output the data cells for this capability. The * capability name cell will already have been output. * * You can rely on get_row_classes always being called before add_row_cells. * * @param object $capability the capability this row relates to. */ protected abstract function add_row_cells($capability); } /** * Subclass of capability_table_base for use on the Check permissions page. * * We have two additional columns, Allowed, which contains yes/no, and Explanation, * which contains a pop-up link to explainhascapability.php. */ class explain_capability_table extends capability_table_base { protected $user; protected $fullname; protected $baseurl; protected $contextname; protected $stryes; protected $strno; protected $strexplanation; private $hascap; /** * Constructor * @param object $context the context this table relates to. * @param object $user the user we are generating the results for. * @param string $contextname print_context_name($context) - to save recomputing. */ public function __construct($context, $user, $contextname) { global $CFG; parent::__construct($context, 'explaincaps'); $this->user = $user; $this->fullname = fullname($user); $this->contextname = $contextname; $this->baseurl = $CFG->wwwroot . '/' . $CFG->admin . '/roles/explain.php?user=' . $user->id . '&contextid=' . $context->id . '&capability='; $this->stryes = get_string('yes'); $this->strno = get_string('no'); $this->strexplanation = get_string('explanation'); } protected function add_header_cells() { echo '' . get_string('allowed', 'role') . ''; echo '' . $this->strexplanation . ''; } protected function num_extra_columns() { return 2; } protected function skip_row($capability) { return $capability->name != 'moodle/site:doanything' && is_legacy($capability->name); } protected function get_row_classes($capability) { $this->hascap = has_capability($capability->name, $this->context, $this->user->id); if ($this->hascap) { return array('yes'); } else { return array('no'); } } protected function add_row_cells($capability) { if ($this->hascap) { $result = $this->stryes; $tooltip = 'whydoesuserhavecap'; } else { $result = $this->strno; $tooltip = 'whydoesusernothavecap'; } $a = new stdClass; $a->fullname = $this->fullname; $a->capability = $capability->name; $a->context = $this->contextname; echo '' . $result . ''; echo ''; link_to_popup_window($this->baseurl . $capability->name, 'hascapabilityexplanation', $this->strexplanation, 600, 600, get_string($tooltip, 'role', $a)); echo ''; } } /** * This subclass is the bases for both the define roles and override roles * pages. As well as adding the risks columns, this also provides generic * facilities for showing a certain number of permissions columns, and * recording the current and submitted permissions for each capability. */ abstract class capability_table_with_risks extends capability_table_base { protected $allrisks; protected $allpermissions; // We don't need perms ourself, but all our subclasses do. protected $strperms; // Language string cache. protected $risksurl; // URL in moodledocs about risks. protected $riskicons = array(); // Cache to avoid regenerating the HTML for each risk icon. /** The capabilities to highlight as default/interited. */ protected $parentpermissions; protected $displaypermissions; protected $permissions; protected $changed; protected $roleid; public function __construct($context, $id, $roleid) { parent::__construct($context, $id); $this->allrisks = get_all_risks(); $this->risksurl = get_docs_url(s(get_string('risks', 'role'))); $this->allpermissions = array( CAP_INHERIT => 'inherit', CAP_ALLOW => 'allow', CAP_PREVENT => 'prevent' , CAP_PROHIBIT => 'prohibit', ); $this->strperms = array(); foreach ($this->allpermissions as $permname) { $this->strperms[$permname] = get_string($permname, 'role'); } $this->roleid = $roleid; $this->load_current_permissions(); /// Fill in any blank permissions with an explicit CAP_INHERIT, and init a locked field. foreach ($this->capabilities as $capid => $cap) { if (!isset($this->permissions[$cap->name])) { $this->permissions[$cap->name] = CAP_INHERIT; } $this->capabilities[$capid]->locked = false; } } protected function load_current_permissions() { global $DB; /// Load the overrides/definition in this context. if ($this->roleid) { $this->permissions = $DB->get_records_menu('role_capabilities', array('roleid' => $this->roleid, 'contextid' => $this->context->id), '', 'capability,permission'); } else { $this->permissions = array(); } } protected abstract function load_parent_permissions(); /** * Update $this->permissions based on submitted data, while making a list of * changed capabilities in $this->changed. */ public function read_submitted_permissions() { $this->changed = array(); foreach ($this->capabilities as $cap) { if ($cap->locked || $this->skip_row($cap)) { /// The user is not allowed to change the permission for this capapability continue; } $permission = optional_param($cap->name, null, PARAM_PERMISSION); if (is_null($permission)) { /// A permission was not specified in submitted data. continue; } /// If the permission has changed, update $this->permissions and /// Record the fact there is data to save. if ($this->permissions[$cap->name] != $permission) { $this->permissions[$cap->name] = $permission; $this->changed[] = $cap->name; } } } /** * Save the new values of any permissions that have been changed. */ public function save_changes() { /// Set the permissions. foreach ($this->changed as $changedcap) { assign_capability($changedcap, $this->permissions[$changedcap], $this->roleid, $this->context->id, true); } /// Force accessinfo refresh for users visiting this context. mark_context_dirty($this->context->path); } public function display() { $this->load_parent_permissions(); foreach ($this->capabilities as $cap) { if (!isset($this->parentpermissions[$cap->name])) { $this->parentpermissions[$cap->name] = CAP_INHERIT; } } parent::display(); } protected function add_header_cells() { echo '' . get_string('permission', 'role') . ' ' . helpbutton('permissions', get_string('permissions', 'role'), '', true, false, '', true) . ''; echo '' . get_string('risks','role') . ''; } protected function num_extra_columns() { return count($this->displaypermissions) + count($this->allrisks); } protected function get_row_classes($capability) { $rowclasses = array(); foreach ($this->allrisks as $riskname => $risk) { if ($risk & (int)$capability->riskbitmask) { $rowclasses[] = $riskname; } } return $rowclasses; } protected abstract function add_permission_cells($capability); protected function add_row_cells($capability) { $this->add_permission_cells($capability); /// One cell for each possible risk. foreach ($this->allrisks as $riskname => $risk) { echo ''; if ($risk & (int)$capability->riskbitmask) { echo $this->get_risk_icon($riskname); } echo ''; } } /** * Print a risk icon, as a link to the Risks page on Moodle Docs. * * @param string $type the type of risk, will be one of the keys from the * get_all_risks array. Must start with 'risk'. */ function get_risk_icon($type) { global $CFG; if (!isset($this->riskicons[$type])) { $iconurl = $CFG->pixpath . '/i/' . str_replace('risk', 'risk_', $type) . '.gif'; $this->riskicons[$type] = link_to_popup_window($this->risksurl, 'docspopup', '' . get_string($type . 'short', 'admin') . '', 0, 0, get_string($type, 'admin'), null, true); } return $this->riskicons[$type]; } } /** * As well as tracking the permissions information about the role we are creating * or editing, we aslo track the other infromation about the role. (This class is * starting to be more and more like a formslib form in some respects.) */ class define_role_table_advanced extends capability_table_with_risks { /** Used to store other information (besides permissions) about the role we are creating/editing. */ protected $role; /** Used to store errors found when validating the data. */ protected $errors; protected $contextlevels; protected $allcontextlevels; protected $legacyroles; protected $disabled = ''; public function __construct($context, $roleid) { $this->roleid = $roleid; parent::__construct($context, 'defineroletable', $roleid); $this->displaypermissions = $this->allpermissions; $this->strperms[$this->allpermissions[CAP_INHERIT]] = get_string('notset', 'role'); $this->allcontextlevels = array( CONTEXT_SYSTEM => get_string('coresystem'), CONTEXT_USER => get_string('user'), CONTEXT_COURSECAT => get_string('category'), CONTEXT_COURSE => get_string('course'), CONTEXT_MODULE => get_string('activitymodule'), CONTEXT_BLOCK => get_string('block') ); $this->legacyroles = get_legacy_roles(); } protected function load_current_permissions() { global $DB; if ($this->roleid) { if (!$this->role = $DB->get_record('role', array('id' => $this->roleid))) { throw new moodle_exception('invalidroleid'); } $this->role->legacytype = get_legacy_type($this->roleid); $contextlevels = get_role_contextlevels($this->roleid); // Put the contextlevels in the array keys, as well as the values. $this->contextlevels = array_combine($contextlevels, $contextlevels); } else { $this->role = new stdClass; $this->role->name = ''; $this->role->shortname = ''; $this->role->description = ''; $this->role->legacytype = ''; $this->contextlevels = array(); } parent::load_current_permissions(); } public function read_submitted_permissions() { global $DB; $this->errors = array(); // Role name. $name = optional_param('name', null, PARAM_MULTILANG); if (!is_null($name)) { $this->role->name = $name; if (html_is_blank($this->role->name)) { $this->errors['name'] = get_string('errorbadrolename', 'role'); } } if ($DB->record_exists_select('role', 'name = ? and id <> ?', array($this->role->name, $this->roleid))) { $this->errors['name'] = get_string('errorexistsrolename', 'role'); } // Role short name. We clean this in a special way. We want to end up // with only lowercase safe ASCII characters. $shortname = optional_param('shortname', null, PARAM_RAW); if (!is_null($shortname)) { $this->role->shortname = $shortname; $this->role->shortname = textlib_get_instance()->specialtoascii($this->role->shortname); $this->role->shortname = moodle_strtolower(clean_param($this->role->shortname, PARAM_ALPHANUMEXT)); if (empty($this->role->shortname)) { $this->errors['shortname'] = get_string('errorbadroleshortname', 'role'); } } if ($DB->record_exists_select('role', 'shortname = ? and id <> ?', array($this->role->shortname, $this->roleid))) { $this->errors['shortname'] = get_string('errorexistsroleshortname', 'role'); } // Description. $description = optional_param('description', null, PARAM_CLEAN); if (!is_null($description)) { $this->role->description = $description; } // Legacy type. $legacytype = optional_param('legacytype', null, PARAM_RAW); if (!is_null($legacytype)) { if (array_key_exists($legacytype, $this->legacyroles)) { $this->role->legacytype = $legacytype; } else { $this->role->legacytype = ''; } } // Assignable context levels. foreach ($this->allcontextlevels as $cl => $notused) { $assignable = optional_param('contextlevel' . $cl, null, PARAM_BOOL); if (!is_null($assignable)) { if ($assignable) { $this->contextlevels[$cl] = $cl; } else { unset($this->contextlevels[$cl]); } } } // Now read the permissions for each capability. parent::read_submitted_permissions(); } public function is_submission_valid() { return empty($this->errors); } /** * Call this after the table has been initialised, so to indicate that * when save is called, we want to make a duplicate role. */ public function make_copy() { $this->roleid = 0; unset($this->role->id); $this->role->name .= ' ' . get_string('copyasnoun'); $this->role->shortname .= 'copy'; } public function get_role_name() { return $this->role->name; } public function get_role_id() { return $this->role->id; } public function get_legacy_type() { return $this->role->legacytype; } protected function load_parent_permissions() { if ($this->role->legacytype) { $this->parentpermissions = get_default_capabilities($this->role->legacytype); } else { $this->parentpermissions = array(); } } public function save_changes() { global $DB; if (!$this->roleid) { // Creating role if ($this->legacyroles[$this->role->legacytype]) { $legacycap = $this->legacyroles[$this->role->legacytype]; } else { $legacycap = ''; } if (!$this->role->id = create_role($this->role->name, $this->role->shortname, $this->role->description, $legacycap)) { throw new moodle_exception('errorcreatingrole'); } $this->roleid = $this->role->id; // Needed to make the parent::save_changes(); call work. } else { // Updating role if (!$DB->update_record('role', $this->role)) { throw new moodle_exception('cannotupdaterole'); } // Legacy type foreach($this->legacyroles as $type => $cap) { if ($type == $this->role->legacytype) { assign_capability($cap, CAP_ALLOW, $this->role->id, $this->context->id); } else { unassign_capability($cap, $this->role->id); } } } // Assignable contexts. set_role_contextlevels($this->role->id, $this->contextlevels); // Permissions. parent::save_changes(); } protected function skip_row($capability) { return is_legacy($capability->name); } protected function get_name_field($id) { return ''; } protected function get_shortname_field($id) { return ''; } protected function get_description_field($id) { return print_textarea(true, 10, 50, 50, 10, 'description', $this->role->description, 0, true); } protected function get_legacy_type_field($id) { $options = array(); $options[''] = get_string('none'); foreach($this->legacyroles as $type => $cap) { $options[$type] = get_string('legacy:'.$type, 'role'); } return choose_from_menu($options, 'legacytype', $this->role->legacytype, '', '', 0, true); } protected function get_assignable_levels_control() { $output = ''; foreach ($this->allcontextlevels as $cl => $clname) { $extraarguments = $this->disabled; if (in_array($cl, $this->contextlevels)) { $extraarguments .= 'checked="checked" '; } if (!$this->disabled) { $output .= ''; } $output .= ' '; $output .= '
\n"; } return $output; } protected function print_field($name, $caption, $field) { // Attempt to generate HTML like formslib. echo '
'; echo '
'; if ($name) { echo '\n"; } echo '
'; if (isset($this->errors[$name])) { $extraclass = ' error'; } else { $extraclass = ''; } echo '
'; if (isset($this->errors[$name])) { formerr($this->errors[$name]); } echo $field; echo '
'; echo '
'; } protected function print_show_hide_advanced_button() { echo '

' . get_string('highlightedcellsshowdefault', 'role') . '

'; echo '
'; echo ''; echo '
'; } public function display() { // Extra fields at the top of the page. echo '
'; $this->print_field('name', get_string('name'), $this->get_name_field('name')); $this->print_field('shortname', get_string('shortname'), $this->get_shortname_field('shortname')); $this->print_field('edit-description', get_string('description'), $this->get_description_field('description')); $this->print_field('menulegacytype', get_string('legacytype', 'role'), $this->get_legacy_type_field('legacytype')); $this->print_field('', get_string('maybeassignedin', 'role'), $this->get_assignable_levels_control()); echo "
"; $this->print_show_hide_advanced_button(); // Now the permissions table. parent::display(); } protected function add_permission_cells($capability) { /// One cell for each possible permission. foreach ($this->displaypermissions as $perm => $permname) { $strperm = $this->strperms[$permname]; $extraclass = ''; if ($perm == $this->parentpermissions[$capability->name]) { $extraclass = ' capdefault'; } $checked = ''; if ($this->permissions[$capability->name] == $perm) { $checked = ' checked="checked"'; } echo ''; echo ''; } } } class define_role_table_basic extends define_role_table_advanced { protected $stradvmessage; protected $strallow; public function __construct($context, $roleid) { parent::__construct($context, $roleid); $this->displaypermissions = array(CAP_ALLOW => $this->allpermissions[CAP_ALLOW]); $this->stradvmessage = get_string('useshowadvancedtochange', 'role'); $this->strallow = $this->strperms[$this->allpermissions[CAP_ALLOW]]; } protected function print_show_hide_advanced_button() { echo '
'; echo ''; echo '
'; } protected function add_permission_cells($capability) { $perm = $this->permissions[$capability->name]; $permname = $this->allpermissions[$perm]; $defaultperm = $this->allpermissions[$this->parentpermissions[$capability->name]]; echo ''; if ($perm == CAP_ALLOW || $perm == CAP_INHERIT) { $checked = ''; if ($perm == CAP_ALLOW) { $checked = 'checked="checked" '; } echo ''; echo ''; } else { echo ''; echo $this->strperms[$permname] . '' . $this->stradvmessage . ''; } echo ''; } } class view_role_definition_table extends define_role_table_advanced { public function __construct($context, $roleid) { parent::__construct($context, $roleid); $this->displaypermissions = array(CAP_ALLOW => $this->allpermissions[CAP_ALLOW]); $this->disabled = 'disabled="disabled" '; } public function save_changes() { throw new moodle_exception('invalidaccess'); } protected function get_name_field($id) { return strip_tags(format_string($this->role->name)); } protected function get_shortname_field($id) { return $this->role->shortname; } protected function get_description_field($id) { return format_text($this->role->description, FORMAT_HTML); } protected function get_legacy_type_field($id) { if (empty($this->role->legacytype)) { return get_string('none'); } else { return get_string('legacy:'.$this->role->legacytype, 'role'); } } protected function print_show_hide_advanced_button() { // Do nothing. } protected function add_permission_cells($capability) { $perm = $this->permissions[$capability->name]; $permname = $this->allpermissions[$perm]; $defaultperm = $this->allpermissions[$this->parentpermissions[$capability->name]]; if ($permname != $defaultperm) { $default = get_string('defaultx', 'role', $this->strperms[$defaultperm]); } else { $default = " "; } echo '' . $this->strperms[$permname] . '' . $default . ''; } } class override_permissions_table_advanced extends capability_table_with_risks { protected $strnotset; protected $haslockedcapabiltites = false; /** * Constructor * * This method loads loads all the information about the current state of * the overrides, then updates that based on any submitted data. It also * works out which capabilities should be locked for this user. * * @param object $context the context this table relates to. * @param integer $roleid the role being overridden. * @param boolean $safeoverridesonly If true, the user is only allowed to override * capabilities with no risks. */ public function __construct($context, $roleid, $safeoverridesonly) { parent::__construct($context, 'overriderolestable', $roleid); $this->displaypermissions = $this->allpermissions; $this->strnotset = get_string('notset', 'role'); /// Determine which capabilities should be locked. if ($safeoverridesonly) { foreach ($this->capabilities as $capid => $cap) { if (!is_safe_capability($cap)) { $this->capabilities[$capid]->locked = true; $this->haslockedcapabiltites = true; } } } } protected function load_parent_permissions() { global $DB; /// Get the capabiltites from the parent context, so that can be shown in the interface. $parentcontext = get_context_instance_by_id(get_parent_contextid($this->context)); $this->parentpermissions = role_context_capabilities($this->roleid, $parentcontext); } public function has_locked_capabiltites() { return $this->haslockedcapabiltites; } protected function skip_row($capability) { return is_legacy($capability->name); } protected function add_permission_cells($capability) { $disabled = ''; if ($capability->locked || $this->parentpermissions[$capability->name] == CAP_PROHIBIT) { $disabled = ' disabled="disabled"'; } /// One cell for each possible permission. foreach ($this->displaypermissions as $perm => $permname) { $strperm = $this->strperms[$permname]; $extraclass = ''; if ($perm != CAP_INHERIT && $perm == $this->parentpermissions[$capability->name]) { $extraclass = ' capcurrent'; } $checked = ''; if ($this->permissions[$capability->name] == $perm) { $checked = ' checked="checked"'; } echo ''; echo ''; } } } class override_permissions_table_basic extends override_permissions_table_advanced { protected $stradvmessage; public function __construct($context, $roleid, $safeoverridesonly) { parent::__construct($context, $roleid, $safeoverridesonly); unset($this->displaypermissions[CAP_PROHIBIT]); $this->stradvmessage = get_string('useshowadvancedtochange', 'role'); } protected function add_permission_cells($capability) { if ($this->permissions[$capability->name] == CAP_PROHIBIT) { $permname = $this->allpermissions[CAP_PROHIBIT]; echo ''; echo ''; echo $this->strperms[$permname] . '' . $this->stradvmessage . ''; echo ''; } else { parent::add_permission_cells($capability); } } } // User selectors for managing role assignments ================================ /** * Base class to avoid duplicating code. */ abstract class role_assign_user_selector_base extends user_selector_base { const MAX_USERS_PER_PAGE = 100; protected $roleid; protected $context; /** * @param string $name control name * @param array $options should have two elements with keys groupid and courseid. */ public function __construct($name, $options) { global $CFG; parent::__construct($name, $options); $this->roleid = $options['roleid']; if (isset($options['context'])) { $this->context = $options['context']; } else { $this->context = get_context_instance_by_id($options['contextid']); } require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/group/lib.php'); } protected function get_options() { global $CFG; $options = parent::get_options(); $options['file'] = $CFG->admin . '/roles/lib.php'; $options['roleid'] = $this->roleid; $options['contextid'] = $this->context->id; return $options; } } /** * User selector subclass for the list of potential users on the assign roles page, * when we are assigning in a context below the course level. (CONTEXT_MODULE and * CONTEXT_BLOCK). * * In this case we replicate part of get_users_by_capability() get the users * with moodle/course:view (or moodle/site:doanything). We can't use * get_users_by_capability() becuase * 1) get_users_by_capability() does not deal with searching by name * 2) exceptions array can be potentially large for large courses */ class potential_assignees_below_course extends role_assign_user_selector_base { public function find_users($search) { global $DB; // Get roles with some assignement to the 'moodle/course:view' capability. $possibleroles = get_roles_with_capability('moodle/course:view', CAP_ALLOW, $this->context); if (empty($possibleroles)) { // If there aren't any, we are done. return array(); } // Now exclude the admin roles, and check the actual permission on // 'moodle/course:view' to make sure it is allow. $doanythingroles = get_roles_with_capability('moodle/site:doanything', CAP_ALLOW, get_context_instance(CONTEXT_SYSTEM)); $validroleids = array(); foreach ($possibleroles as $possiblerole) { if (isset($doanythingroles[$possiblerole->id])) { continue; } if ($caps = role_context_capabilities($possiblerole->id, $this->context, 'moodle/course:view')) { // resolved list if (isset($caps['moodle/course:view']) && $caps['moodle/course:view'] > 0) { // resolved capability > 0 $validroleids[] = $possiblerole->id; } } } // If there are no valid roles, we are done. if (!$validroleids) { return array(); } // Now we have to go to the database. list($wherecondition, $params) = $this->search_sql($search, 'u'); if ($wherecondition) { $wherecondition = ' AND ' . $wherecondition; } $roleids = '('.implode(',', $validroleids).')'; $fields = 'SELECT ' . $this->required_fields_sql('u'); $countfields = 'SELECT COUNT(1)'; $sql = " FROM {user} u JOIN {role_assignments} ra ON ra.userid = JOIN {role} r ON = ra.roleid WHERE ra.contextid " . get_related_contexts_string($this->context)." $wherecondition AND ra.roleid IN $roleids AND NOT IN ( SELECT FROM {role_assignments} r, {user} u WHERE r.contextid = ? AND = r.userid AND r.roleid = ?)"; $order = ' ORDER BY lastname ASC, firstname ASC'; $params[] = $this->context->id; $params[] = $this->roleid; // Check to see if there are too many to show sensibly. if (!$this->is_validating()) { $potentialmemberscount = $DB->count_records_sql($countfields . $sql, $params); if ($potentialmemberscount > role_assign_user_selector_base::MAX_USERS_PER_PAGE) { return $this->too_many_results($search, $potentialmemberscount); } } // If not, show them. $availableusers = $DB->get_records_sql($fields . $sql . $order, $params); if (empty($availableusers)) { return array(); } if ($search) { $groupname = get_string('potusersmatching', 'role', $search); } else { $groupname = get_string('potusers', 'role'); } return array($groupname => $availableusers); } } /** * User selector subclass for the list of potential users on the assign roles page, * when we are assigning in a context at or above the course level. In this case we * show all the users in the system who do not already have the role. */ class potential_assignees_course_and_above extends role_assign_user_selector_base { public function find_users($search) { global $DB; list($wherecondition, $params) = $this->search_sql($search, ''); $fields = 'SELECT ' . $this->required_fields_sql(''); $countfields = 'SELECT COUNT(1)'; $sql = " FROM {user} WHERE $wherecondition AND id NOT IN ( SELECT FROM {role_assignments} r, {user} u WHERE r.contextid = ? AND = r.userid AND r.roleid = ?)"; $order = ' ORDER BY lastname ASC, firstname ASC'; $params[] = $this->context->id; $params[] = $this->roleid; if (!$this->is_validating()) { $potentialmemberscount = $DB->count_records_sql($countfields . $sql, $params); if ($potentialmemberscount > role_assign_user_selector_base::MAX_USERS_PER_PAGE) { return $this->too_many_results($search, $potentialmemberscount); } } $availableusers = $DB->get_records_sql($fields . $sql . $order, $params); if (empty($availableusers)) { return array(); } if ($search) { $groupname = get_string('potusersmatching', 'role', $search); } else { $groupname = get_string('potusers', 'role'); } return array($groupname => $availableusers); } } /** * User selector subclass for the list of users who already have the role in * question on the assign roles page. */ class existing_role_holders extends role_assign_user_selector_base { protected $strhidden; public function __construct($name, $options) { parent::__construct($name, $options); $this->strhidden = get_string('hiddenassign'); } public function find_users($search) { global $DB; list($wherecondition, $params) = $this->search_sql($search, 'u'); list($ctxcondition, $ctxparams) = $DB->get_in_or_equal(get_parent_contexts($this->context, true)); $params = array_merge($params, $ctxparams); $params[] = $this->roleid; $sql = "SELECT as raid," . $this->required_fields_sql('u') . ",ra.hidden,ra.contextid FROM {role_assignments} ra JOIN {user} u ON = ra.userid JOIN {context} ctx ON ra.contextid = WHERE $wherecondition AND $ctxcondition AND ra.roleid = ? ORDER BY ctx.depth DESC, u.lastname, u.firstname"; $contextusers = $DB->get_records_sql($sql, $params); // No users at all. if (empty($contextusers)) { return array(); } // We have users. Out put them in groups by context depth. // To help the loop below, tack a dummy user on the end of the results // array, to trigger output of the last group. $dummyuser = new stdClass; $dummyuser->contextid = 0; $dummyuser->id = 0; $contextusers[] = $dummyuser; $results = array(); // The results array we are building up. $doneusers = array(); // Ensures we only list each user at most once. $currentcontextid = $this->context->id; $currentgroup = array(); foreach ($contextusers as $user) { if (isset($doneusers[$user->id])) { continue; } $doneusers[$user->id] = 1; if ($user->contextid != $currentcontextid) { // We have got to the end of the previous group. Add it to the results array. if ($currentcontextid == $this->context->id) { $groupname = $this->this_con_group_name($search, count($currentgroup)); } else { $groupname = $this->parent_con_group_name($search, $currentcontextid); } $results[$groupname] = $currentgroup; // Get ready for the next group. $currentcontextid = $user->contextid; $currentgroup = array(); } // Add this user to the group we are building up. unset($user->contextid); if ($currentcontextid != $this->context->id) { $user->disabled = true; } $currentgroup[$user->id] = $user; } return $results; } protected function this_con_group_name($search, $numusers) { if ($search) { if ($numusers) { return get_string('usersinthiscontextmatching', 'role', $search); } else { return get_string('noneinthiscontextmatching', 'role', $search); } } else { if ($numusers) { return get_string('usersinthiscontext', 'role'); } else { return get_string('noneinthiscontext', 'role'); } } } protected function parent_con_group_name($search, $contextid) { $context = get_context_instance_by_id($contextid); $contextname = print_context_name($context, true, true); if ($search) { $a = new stdClass; $a->contextname = $contextname; $a->search = $search; return get_string('usersfrommatching', 'role', $a); } else { return get_string('usersfrom', 'role', $contextname); } } // Override to add (hidden) to hidden role assignments. public function output_user($user) { $output = parent::output_user($user); if ($user->hidden) { $output .= ' (' . $this->strhidden . ')'; } return $output; } } /** * A special subclass to use when unassigning admins at site level. Disables * the option for admins to unassign themselves. */ class existing_role_holders_site_admin extends existing_role_holders { public function find_users($search) { global $USER; $groupedusers = parent::find_users($search); foreach ($groupedusers as $group) { foreach ($group as &$user) { if ($user->id == $USER->id) { $user->disabled = true; } } } return $groupedusers; } } ?>