libdir .'/blocklib.php'); require_once($CFG->libdir .'/pagelib.php'); require_once($CFG->dirroot .'/blog/rsslib.php'); require_once($CFG->dirroot .'/blog/blogpage.php'); /** * Blog access level constant declaration */ define ('BLOG_USER_LEVEL', 1); define ('BLOG_GROUP_LEVEL', 2); define ('BLOG_COURSE_LEVEL', 3); define ('BLOG_SITE_LEVEL', 4); define ('BLOG_GLOBAL_LEVEL', 5); /** * Definition of blogcourse page type (blog page with course id present). */ //not used at the moment, and may not need to be define('PAGE_BLOG_COURSE_VIEW', 'blog_course-view'); /** * Checks to see if user has visited blogpages before, if not, install 2 * default blocks (blog_menu and blog_tags). */ function blog_check_and_install_blocks() { global $USER; if (isloggedin() && !isguest()) { // if this user has not visited this page before if (!get_user_preferences('blogpagesize')) { // find the correct ids for blog_menu and blog_from blocks $menublock = get_record('block','name','blog_menu'); $tagsblock = get_record('block','name','blog_tags'); // add those 2 into block_instance page // add blog_menu block $newblock = new object(); $newblock -> blockid = $menublock->id; $newblock -> pageid = $USER->id; $newblock -> pagetype = 'blog-view'; $newblock -> position = 'r'; $newblock -> weight = 0; $newblock -> visible = 1; insert_record('block_instance', $newblock); // add blog_tags menu $newblock -> blockid = $tagsblock->id; $newblock -> weight = 1; insert_record('block_instance', $newblock); // finally we set the page size pref set_user_preference('blogpagesize', 10); } } } /** * Adaptation of isediting in moodlelib.php for blog module * @return bool */ function blog_isediting() { global $SESSION; return !empty($SESSION->blog_editing_enabled); } /** * This function is in lib and not in BlogInfo because entries being searched * might be found in any number of blogs rather than just one. * * $@param ... */ function blog_print_html_formatted_entries($postid, $filtertype, $filterselect, $tagid, $tag) { global $CFG, $USER; $blogpage = optional_param('blogpage', 0, PARAM_INT); $bloglimit = optional_param('limit', get_user_preferences('blogpagesize', 10), PARAM_INT); $start = $blogpage * $bloglimit; $sitecontext = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_SYSTEM, SITEID); $morelink = '
  '; $blogEntries = fetch_entries($postid, $bloglimit, $start, $filtertype, $filterselect, $tagid, $tag, $sort='lastmodified DESC', true); print_paging_bar(count($blogEntries), $blogpage, $bloglimit, get_baseurl($filtertype, $filterselect), 'blogpage'); if ($CFG->enablerssfeeds) { blog_rss_print_link($filtertype, $filterselect, $tag); } if (has_capability('moodle/blog:create', $sitecontext)) { //the user's blog is enabled and they are viewing their own blog $addlink = '
'; $addlink .= ''. get_string('addnewentry', 'blog').''; $addlink .= '
'; echo $addlink; } if ($blogEntries) { $count = 0; foreach ($blogEntries as $blogEntry) { blog_print_entry($blogEntry, 'list', $filtertype, $filterselect); //print this entry. $count++; } if (!$count) { print '
'. get_string('noentriesyet', 'blog') .'

'; } print $morelink.'
'."\n"; return; } $output = '
'. get_string('noentriesyet', 'blog') .'

'; print $output; } /** * This function is in lib and not in BlogInfo because entries being searched * might be found in any number of blogs rather than just one. * * This function builds an array which can be used by the included * template file, making predefined and nicely formatted variables available * to the template. Template creators will not need to become intimate * with the internal objects and vars of moodle blog nor will they need to worry * about properly formatting their data * * @param BlogEntry blogEntry - a hopefully fully populated BlogEntry object * @param string viewtype Default is 'full'. If 'full' then display this blog entry * in its complete form (eg. archive page). If anything other than 'full' * display the entry in its abbreviated format (eg. index page) */ function blog_print_entry($blogEntry, $viewtype='full', $filtertype='', $filterselect='', $mode='loud') { global $USER, $CFG, $COURSE, $ME; $template['body'] = format_text($blogEntry->summary, $blogEntry->format); $template['title'] = ''; //enclose the title in nolink tags so that moodle formatting doesn't autolink the text $template['title'] .= ''.$blogEntry->subject.''; $template['userid'] = $blogEntry->userid; $template['author'] = fullname(get_record('user','id',$blogEntry->userid)); $template['lastmod'] = userdate($blogEntry->lastmodified); $template['created'] = userdate($blogEntry->created); $template['publishstate'] = $blogEntry->publishstate; /// preventing user to browse blogs that they aren't supposed to see /// This might not be too good since there are multiple calls per page /* if (!blog_user_can_view_user_post($template['userid'])) { error ('you can not view this post'); }*/ $stredit = get_string('edit'); $strdelete = get_string('delete'); $user = get_record('user','id',$template['userid']); /// Start printing of the blog echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo '
'; print_user_picture($template['userid'], SITEID, $user->picture); echo '
'; $fullname = fullname($user, $template['userid']); $by = new object(); $by->name = ''.$fullname.''; $by->date = $template['lastmod']; print_string('bynameondate', 'forum', $by); echo '
'; /// Actual content echo ''."\n"; switch ($template['publishstate']) { case 'draft': $blogtype = get_string('publishtonoone', 'blog'); break; case 'site': $blogtype = get_string('publishtosite', 'blog'); break; case 'public': $blogtype = get_string('publishtoworld', 'blog'); break; default: $blogtype = ''; break; } echo '
'; // Print whole message echo format_text($template['body']); /// Links to tags if ($blogtags = get_records_sql('SELECT t.* FROM '.$CFG->prefix.'tags t, '.$CFG->prefix.'blog_tag_instance ti WHERE = ti.tagid AND ti.entryid = '.$blogEntry->id)) { echo '
'; if ($blogtags) { print_string('tags'); echo ': '; foreach ($blogtags as $key => $blogtag) { $taglist[] = ''.$blogtag->text.''; } echo implode(', ', $taglist); } echo '
'; } /// Commands echo '
'; if (blog_user_can_edit_post($blogEntry)) { echo ''.$stredit.''; echo '| '.$strdelete.''; } echo '
'; echo '
'."\n\n"; } /** * Use this function to retrieve a list of publish states available for * the currently logged in user. * * @return array This function returns an array ideal for sending to moodles' * choose_from_menu function. */ function blog_applicable_publish_states($courseid='') { global $CFG; // everyone gets draft access $options = array ( 'draft' => get_string('publishtonoone', 'blog') ); $options['site'] = get_string('publishtosite', 'blog'); $options['public'] = get_string('publishtoworld', 'blog'); return $options; } /** * User can edit a blog entry if this is their own blog post and they have * the capability moodle/blog:create, or if they have the capability * moodle/blog:manageentries. * * This also applies to deleting of posts. */ function blog_user_can_edit_post($blogEntry) { global $CFG, $USER; $sitecontext = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_SYSTEM, SITEID); if (has_capability('moodle/blog:manageentries', $sitecontext)) { return true; // can edit any blog post } if ($blogEntry->userid == $USER->id and has_capability('moodle/blog:create', $sitecontext)) { return true; // can edit own when having blog:create capability } return false; } /** * Checks to see if a user can view the blogs of another user. * Only blog level is checked here, the capabilities are enforced * in blog/index.php */ function blog_user_can_view_user_post($targetuserid, $blogEntry=null) { global $CFG, $USER; if (empty($CFG->bloglevel)) { return false; // blog system disabled } if (!empty($USER->id) and $USER->id == $targetuserid) { return true; // can view own posts in any case } $sitecontext = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_SYSTEM, SITEID); if (has_capability('moodle/blog:manageentries', $sitecontext)) { return true; // can manage all posts } if ($blogEntry and $blogEntry->publishstate == 'draft') { return false; // can not view draft of others } switch ($CFG->bloglevel) { case BLOG_GLOBAL_LEVEL: return true; break; case BLOG_SITE_LEVEL: if (!empty($USER->id)) { // not logged in viewers forbidden return true; } return false; break; case BLOG_COURSE_LEVEL: $mycourses = array_keys(get_my_courses($targetuserid)); $usercourses = array_keys(get_my_courses($targetuserid)); $shared = array_intersect($mycourses, $usercourses); if (!empty($shared)) { return true; } return false; break; case BLOG_GROUP_LEVEL: $mycourses = array_keys(get_my_courses($targetuserid)); $usercourses = array_keys(get_my_courses($targetuserid)); $shared = array_intersect($mycourses, $usercourses); foreach ($shared as $courseid) { $coursecontext = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $courseid); if (has_capability('moodle/site:accessallgroups', $coursecontext) or groupmode($courseid) != SEPARATEGROUPS) { return true; } else { if ($usergroups = user_group($courseid, $targetuserid)) { foreach ($usergroups as $usergroup) { if (ismember($usergroup->id)) { return true; } } } } } return false; break; case BLOG_USER_LEVEL: default: $personalcontext = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_USER, $targetuserid); return has_capability('moodle/user:readuserblogs', $personalcontext); break; } } /** * Main filter function. */ function fetch_entries($postid='', $fetchlimit=10, $fetchstart='', $filtertype='', $filterselect='', $tagid='', $tag ='', $sort='lastmodified DESC', $limit=true) { global $CFG, $USER; /// set the tag id for searching if ($tagid) { $tag = $tagid; } else if ($tag) { if ($tagrec = get_record_sql('SELECT * FROM '.$CFG->prefix.'tags WHERE text LIKE "'.$tag.'"')) { $tag = $tagrec->id; } else { $tag = -1; //no records found } } // If we have specified an ID // Just return 1 entry if ($postid) { if ($post = get_record('post', 'id', $postid)) { if (blog_user_can_view_user_post($post->userid)) { if ($user = get_record('user', 'id', $post->userid)) { $post->email = $user->email; $post->firstname = $user->firstname; $post->lastname = $user->lastname; } $retarray[] = $post; return $retarray; } else { return null; } } else { // bad postid return null; } } if ($tag) { $tagtablesql = $CFG->prefix.'blog_tag_instance bt, '; $tagquerysql = ' AND bt.entryid = AND bt.tagid = '.$tag.' '; } else { $tagtablesql = ''; $tagquerysql = ''; } /**************************************** * depending on the type, there are 4 * * different possible sqls * ****************************************/ $requiredfields = 'p.*, u.firstname,u.lastname,'; switch ($filtertype) { case 'site': if (isloggedin()) { $SQL = 'SELECT '.$requiredfields.' FROM '.$CFG->prefix.'post p, '.$tagtablesql .$CFG->prefix.'user u WHERE p.userid = '.$tagquerysql.' AND (p.publishstate = \'site\' OR p.publishstate = \'public\' OR p.userid = '.$USER->id.') AND u.deleted = 0'; } else { $SQL = 'SELECT '.$requiredfields.' FROM '.$CFG->prefix.'post p, '.$tagtablesql .$CFG->prefix.'user u WHERE p.userid = '.$tagquerysql.' AND p.publishstate = \'public\' AND u.deleted = 0'; } break; case 'course': if ($filterselect != SITEID) { // all users with a role assigned $context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $filterselect); $SQL = '(SELECT '.$requiredfields.' FROM '.$CFG->prefix.'post p, '.$tagtablesql .$CFG->prefix.'role_assignments ra, '.$CFG->prefix.'user u WHERE p.userid = ra.userid '.$tagquerysql.' AND ra.contextid '.get_related_contexts_string($context).' AND = p.userid AND (p.publishstate = \'site\' OR p.publishstate = \'public\' OR p.userid = '.$USER->id.'))'; } else { if (isloggedin()) { $SQL = 'SELECT '.$requiredfields.' FROM '.$CFG->prefix.'post p, '.$tagtablesql .$CFG->prefix.'user u WHERE p.userid = '.$tagquerysql.' AND (p.publishstate = \'site\' OR p.publishstate = \'public\' OR p.userid = '.$USER->id.') AND u.deleted = 0'; } else { $SQL = 'SELECT '.$requiredfields.' FROM '.$CFG->prefix.'post p, '.$tagtablesql .$CFG->prefix.'user u WHERE p.userid = '.$tagquerysql.' AND p.publishstate = \'public\' AND u.deleted = 0'; } } break; case 'group': $SQL = 'SELECT '.$requiredfields.' FROM '.$CFG->prefix.'post p, '.$tagtablesql .$CFG->prefix.'groups_members m, '.$CFG->prefix.'user u WHERE p.userid = m.userid '.$tagquerysql.' AND = p.userid AND m.groupid = '.$filterselect.' AND (p.publishstate = \'site\' OR p.publishstate = \'public\' OR p.userid = '.$USER->id.')'; break; case 'user': if (isloggedin()) { $SQL = 'SELECT '.$requiredfields.' FROM '.$CFG->prefix.'post p, '.$tagtablesql .$CFG->prefix.'user u WHERE p.userid = '.$tagquerysql.' AND = '.$filterselect.' AND (p.publishstate = \'site\' OR p.publishstate = \'public\' OR p.userid = '.$USER->id.')'; } else { $SQL = 'SELECT '.$requiredfields.' FROM '.$CFG->prefix.'post p, '.$tagtablesql .$CFG->prefix.'user u WHERE p.userid = '.$tagquerysql.' AND = '.$filterselect.' AND p.publishstate = \'public\''; } break; } if ($fetchstart !== '' && $limit) { $limit = sql_paging_limit($fetchstart, $fetchlimit); } else { $limit = ''; } $orderby = ' ORDER BY '. $sort .' '; //echo 'Debug: BlogFilter fetch_entries() sql="'. $SQL . $orderby . $limit .'"
'. $this->categoryid; //debug $records = get_records_sql($SQL . $orderby . $limit); // print_object($records); //debug if (empty($records)) { return array(); } return $records; } /** * get the count of viewable entries, easiest way is to count fetch_entries * this is used for print_paging_bar * this is not ideal, but because of the UNION in the sql in fetch_entries, * it is hard to use count_records_sql */ function get_viewable_entry_count($postid='', $fetchlimit=10, $fetchstart='', $filtertype='', $filterselect='', $tagid='', $tag ='', $sort='lastmodified DESC') { $blogEntries = fetch_entries($postid, $fetchlimit, $fetchstart, $filtertype, $filterselect, $tagid, $tag, $sort='lastmodified DESC', false); return count($blogEntries); } /// Find the base url from $_GET variables, for print_paging_bar function get_baseurl($filtertype, $filterselect) { $getcopy = $_GET; unset($getcopy['blogpage']); $strippedurl = strip_querystring(qualified_me()); if(!empty($getcopy)) { $first = false; $querystring = ''; foreach($getcopy as $var => $val) { if(!$first) { $first = true; if ($var != 'filterselect' && $var != 'filtertype') { $querystring .= '?'.$var.'='.$val; $hasparam = true; } else { $querystring .= '?'; } } else { if ($var != 'filterselect' && $var != 'filtertype') { $querystring .= '&'.$var.'='.$val; $hasparam = true; } } } if (isset($hasparam)) { $querystring .= '&'; } else { $querystring = '?'; } } else { $querystring = '?'; } return strip_querystring(qualified_me()) . $querystring. 'filtertype='. $filtertype.'&filterselect='.$filterselect.'&'; } ?>