/// Links to people
$modicon[]=" ";
$editmyprofile = "firstname $USER->lastname\" HREF=\"../user/view.php?id=$USER->id&course=$course->id\">".get_string("editmyprofile")."";
if ($USER->description) {
$moddata[]= $editmyprofile;
} else {
$moddata[]= $editmyprofile." ";
$modicon[]=" ";
print_side_block(get_string("people"), "", $moddata, $modicon);
/// Then all the links to activities by type
$moddata = array();
$modicon = array();
if ($modnamesused) {
foreach ($modnamesused as $modname => $modfullname) {
$moddata[] = "id\">".$modnamesplural[$modname]."";
$modicon[] = " ";
print_side_block($stractivities, "", $moddata, $modicon);
/// Print a form to search forums
$searchform = forum_print_search_form($course, "", true);
$searchform = "$searchform ";
print_side_block(get_string("search","forum"), $searchform);
/// Admin links and controls
if (isteacher($course->id)) {
/// Start main column
echo " | ";
print_heading_block(get_string("weeklyoutline"), "100%", "outlineheadingblock");
print_spacer(8, 1, true);
echo "";
/// Print Week 0 with general activities
$week = 0;
$thisweek = $sections[$week];
if ($thisweek->summary or $thisweek->sequence or isediting($course->id)) {
echo "";
echo "cellheading\" class=\"weeklyoutlineside\" VALIGN=top WIDTH=20> | ";
echo "cellcontent\" class=\"weeklyoutlinecontent\" WIDTH=\"100%\">";
if (isediting($course->id)) {
$thisweek->summary .= " id\"> ";
echo text_to_html($thisweek->summary);
print_section($course, $thisweek, $mods, $modnamesused);
if (isediting($course->id)) {
echo "";
$modnames, "section$week", "", "$stradd...", "mods", $stractivities);
echo " ";
echo " | ";
echo "cellheading\" class=\"weeklyoutlineside\" VALIGN=top ALIGN=CENTER WIDTH=10>";
echo " | ";
echo " ";
echo " | ";
/// Now all the weekly sections
$timenow = time();
$weekdate = $course->startdate; // this should be 0:00 Monday of that week
$week = 1;
$weekofseconds = 604800;
$course->enddate = $course->startdate + ($weekofseconds * $course->numsections);
while ($weekdate < $course->enddate) {
$nextweekdate = $weekdate + ($weekofseconds);
if (isset($USER->section)) { // Just display a single week
if ($USER->section != $week) {
$weekdate = $nextweekdate;
$thisweek = (($weekdate <= $timenow) && ($timenow < $nextweekdate));
$weekday = userdate($weekdate, " %d %B");
$endweekday = userdate($weekdate+518400, " %d %B");
if ($thisweek) {
$colorsides = "bgcolor=\"$THEME->cellheading2\" class=\"weeklyoutlinesidehighlight\"";
$colormain = "bgcolor=\"$THEME->cellcontent\" class=\"weeklyoutlinecontenthighlight\"";
} else {
$colorsides = "bgcolor=\"$THEME->cellheading\" class=\"weeklyoutlineside\"";
$colormain = "bgcolor=\"$THEME->cellcontent\" class=\"weeklyoutlinecontent\"";
echo "";
echo "";
echo " $week ";
echo " | ";
echo "";
echo " cellheading2\">$weekday - $endweekday ";
if (! $thisweek = $sections[$week]) {
$thisweek->course = $course->id; // Create a new week structure
$thisweek->section = $week;
$thisweek->summary = "";
if (!$thisweek->id = insert_record("course_sections", $thisweek)) {
notify("Error inserting new week!");
if (isediting($course->id)) {
$thisweek->summary .= " id\"> ";
echo text_to_html($thisweek->summary);
print_section($course, $thisweek, $mods, $modnamesused);
if (isediting($course->id)) {
echo "";
$modnames, "section$week", "", "$stradd...", "mods", $stractivities);
echo " ";
echo " | ";
echo "";
echo "";
if (isset($USER->section)) {
$strshowallweeks = get_string("showallweeks");
echo "id&week=all\" TITLE=\"$strshowallweeks\"> ";
} else {
$strshowonlyweek = get_string("showonlyweek", "", $week);
echo "id&week=$week\" TITLE=\"$strshowonlyweek\"> ";
echo " | ";
echo " ";
echo " | ";
$weekdate = $nextweekdate;
echo " ";
if ($news or $course->showrecent) {
echo " | ";
// Print all the news items.
if ($news) {
print_side_block_start(get_string("latestnews"), 210, "sideblocklatestnews");
echo "";
forum_print_latest_discussions($news->id, $course->newsitems, "minimal", "DESC", false);
echo "";
// Print all the recent activity
if ($course->showrecent) {
print_side_block_start(get_string("recentactivity"), 210, "sideblockrecentactivity");
print_spacer(1, 120, true);
echo " |