. /** * Authorize enrolment plugin. * * This plugin allows you to set up paid courses, using authorize.net. * * @package enrol_authorize * @copyright 2010 Eugene Venter * @author Eugene Venter * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ if (!defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL')) { die('Direct access to this script is forbidden.'); } require_once($CFG->dirroot.'/enrol/authorize/const.php'); require_once($CFG->dirroot.'/enrol/authorize/localfuncs.php'); class AuthorizeNet { const AN_DELIM = '|'; const AN_ENCAP = '"'; const AN_REASON_NOCCTYPE = 17; const AN_REASON_NOCCTYPE2 = 28; const AN_REASON_NOACH = 18; const AN_REASON_ACHONLY = 56; const AN_REASON_NOACHTYPE = 245; const AN_REASON_NOACHTYPE2 = 246; /** * Gets settlement time * * @param int $time Time processed, usually now. * @return int Settlement time */ public static function getsettletime($time) { $mconfig = get_config('enrol_authorize'); $cutoff_hour = intval($mconfig->an_cutoff_min); $cutoff_min = intval($mconfig->an_cutoff_hour); $cutofftime = strtotime("{$cutoff_hour}:{$cutoff_min}", $time); if ($cutofftime < $time) { $cutofftime = strtotime("{$cutoff_hour}:{$cutoff_min}", $time + (24 * 3600)); } return $cutofftime; } /** * Is order settled? Status must be auth_captured or credited. * * @param object $order Order details * @return bool true, if settled, false otherwise. */ public static function settled($order) { return ((AN_STATUS_AUTHCAPTURE == $order->status || AN_STATUS_CREDIT == $order->status) and ($order->settletime > 0) and ($order->settletime < time())); } /** * Is order expired? 'Authorized/Pending Capture' transactions are expired after 30 days. * * @param object &$order Order details. * @return bool true, transaction is expired, false otherwise. */ public static function expired(&$order) { global $DB; static $timediff30 = 0; if ($order->status == AN_STATUS_EXPIRE) { return true; } elseif ($order->status != AN_STATUS_AUTH) { return false; } if (0 == $timediff30) { $timediff30 = self::getsettletime(time()) - (30 * 24 * 3600); } $expired = self::getsettletime($order->timecreated) < $timediff30; if ($expired) { $order->status = AN_STATUS_EXPIRE; $DB->update_record('enrol_authorize', $order); } return $expired; } /** * Performs an action on authorize.net and updates/inserts records. If record update fails, * sends email to admin. * * @param object &$order Which transaction data will be sent. See enrol_authorize table. * @param string &$message Information about error message. * @param object &$extra Extra data that used for refunding and credit card information. * @param int $action Which action will be performed. See AN_ACTION_* * @param string $cctype Used internally to configure credit types automatically. * @return int AN_APPROVED Transaction was successful, AN_RETURNZERO otherwise. Use $message for reason. */ public static function process(&$order, &$message, &$extra, $action=AN_ACTION_NONE, $cctype=NULL) { global $CFG, $DB; static $constpd = array(); require_once($CFG->libdir.'/filelib.php'); $mconfig = get_config('enrol_authorize'); if (empty($constpd)) { $mconfig = get_config('enrol_authorize'); $constpd = array( 'x_version' => '3.1', 'x_delim_data' => 'True', 'x_delim_char' => self::AN_DELIM, 'x_encap_char' => self::AN_ENCAP, 'x_relay_response' => 'FALSE', 'x_login' => $mconfig->an_login ); if (!empty($mconfig->an_tran_key)) { $constpd['x_tran_key'] = $mconfig->an_tran_key; } else { $constpd['x_password'] = $mconfig->an_password; } } if (empty($order) or empty($order->id)) { $message = "Check order->id!"; return AN_RETURNZERO; } $method = $order->paymentmethod; if (empty($method)) { $method = AN_METHOD_CC; } elseif ($method != AN_METHOD_CC && $method != AN_METHOD_ECHECK) { $message = "Invalid method: $method"; return AN_RETURNZERO; } $action = intval($action); if ($method == AN_METHOD_ECHECK) { if ($action != AN_ACTION_AUTH_CAPTURE && $action != AN_ACTION_CREDIT) { $message = "Please perform AUTH_CAPTURE or CREDIT for echecks"; return AN_RETURNZERO; } } $pd = $constpd; $pd['x_method'] = $method; $test = !empty($mconfig->an_test); $pd['x_test_request'] = ($test ? 'TRUE' : 'FALSE'); switch ($action) { case AN_ACTION_AUTH_ONLY: case AN_ACTION_CAPTURE_ONLY: case AN_ACTION_AUTH_CAPTURE: { if ($order->status != AN_STATUS_NONE) { $message = "Order status must be AN_STATUS_NONE(0)!"; return AN_RETURNZERO; } elseif (empty($extra)) { $message = "Need extra fields!"; return AN_RETURNZERO; } elseif (($action == AN_ACTION_CAPTURE_ONLY) and empty($extra->x_auth_code)) { $message = "x_auth_code is required for capture only transactions!"; return AN_RETURNZERO; } $ext = (array)$extra; $pd['x_type'] = (($action==AN_ACTION_AUTH_ONLY) ? 'AUTH_ONLY' :( ($action==AN_ACTION_CAPTURE_ONLY) ? 'CAPTURE_ONLY' : 'AUTH_CAPTURE')); foreach($ext as $k => $v) { $pd[$k] = $v; } } break; case AN_ACTION_PRIOR_AUTH_CAPTURE: { if ($order->status != AN_STATUS_AUTH) { $message = "Order status must be authorized!"; return AN_RETURNZERO; } if (self::expired($order)) { $message = "Transaction must be captured within 30 days. EXPIRED!"; return AN_RETURNZERO; } $pd['x_type'] = 'PRIOR_AUTH_CAPTURE'; $pd['x_trans_id'] = $order->transid; } break; case AN_ACTION_CREDIT: { if ($order->status != AN_STATUS_AUTHCAPTURE) { $message = "Order status must be authorized/captured!"; return AN_RETURNZERO; } if (!self::settled($order)) { $message = "Order must be settled. Try VOID, check Cut-Off time if it fails!"; return AN_RETURNZERO; } if (empty($extra->amount)) { $message = "No valid amount!"; return AN_RETURNZERO; } $timenowsettle = self::getsettletime(time()); $timediff = $timenowsettle - (120 * 3600 * 24); if ($order->settletime < $timediff) { $message = "Order must be credited within 120 days!"; return AN_RETURNZERO; } $pd['x_type'] = 'CREDIT'; $pd['x_trans_id'] = $order->transid; $pd['x_currency_code'] = $order->currency; $pd['x_invoice_num'] = $extra->orderid; $pd['x_amount'] = $extra->amount; if ($method == AN_METHOD_CC) { $pd['x_card_num'] = sprintf("%04d", intval($order->refundinfo)); } elseif ($method == AN_METHOD_ECHECK && empty($order->refundinfo)) { $message = "Business checkings can be refunded only."; return AN_RETURNZERO; } } break; case AN_ACTION_VOID: { if (self::expired($order) || self::settled($order)) { $message = "The transaction cannot be voided due to the fact that it is expired or settled."; return AN_RETURNZERO; } $pd['x_type'] = 'VOID'; $pd['x_trans_id'] = $order->transid; } break; default: { $message = "Invalid action: $action"; return AN_RETURNZERO; } } $headers = array('Connection' => 'close'); if (! (empty($mconfig->an_referer) || $mconfig->an_referer == "http://")) { $headers['Referer'] = $mconfig->an_referer; } @ignore_user_abort(true); if (intval(ini_get('max_execution_time')) > 0) { @set_time_limit(300); } $host = $test ? 'test.authorize.net' : 'secure.authorize.net'; $data = download_file_content("https://$host:443/gateway/transact.dll", $headers, $pd, false, 300, 60, true); if (!$data) { $message = "No connection to https://$host:443"; return AN_RETURNZERO; } $response = explode(self::AN_ENCAP.self::AN_DELIM.self::AN_ENCAP, $data); if ($response === false) { $message = "response error"; return AN_RETURNZERO; } $rcount = count($response) - 1; if ($response[0]{0} == self::AN_ENCAP) { $response[0] = substr($response[0], 1); } if (substr($response[$rcount], -1) == self::AN_ENCAP) { $response[$rcount] = substr($response[$rcount], 0, -1); } $responsecode = intval($response[0]); if ($responsecode == AN_APPROVED || $responsecode == AN_REVIEW) { $transid = floatval($response[6]); if ($test || $transid == 0) { return $responsecode; // don't update original transaction in test mode. } switch ($action) { case AN_ACTION_AUTH_ONLY: case AN_ACTION_CAPTURE_ONLY: case AN_ACTION_AUTH_CAPTURE: case AN_ACTION_PRIOR_AUTH_CAPTURE: { $order->transid = $transid; if ($method == AN_METHOD_CC) { if ($action == AN_ACTION_AUTH_ONLY || $responsecode == AN_REVIEW) { $order->status = AN_STATUS_AUTH; } else { $order->status = AN_STATUS_AUTHCAPTURE; $order->settletime = self::getsettletime(time()); } } elseif ($method == AN_METHOD_ECHECK) { $order->status = AN_STATUS_UNDERREVIEW; } $DB->update_record('enrol_authorize', $order); } break; case AN_ACTION_CREDIT: { // Credit generates new transaction id. // So, $extra must be updated, not $order. $extra->status = AN_STATUS_CREDIT; $extra->transid = $transid; $extra->settletime = self::getsettletime(time()); $extra->id = $DB->insert_record('enrol_authorize_refunds', $extra); } break; case AN_ACTION_VOID: { $tableupdate = 'enrol_authorize'; if ($order->status == AN_STATUS_CREDIT) { $tableupdate = 'enrol_authorize_refunds'; unset($order->paymentmethod); } $order->status = AN_STATUS_VOID; $DB->update_record($tableupdate, $order); } break; } } else { $reasonno = $response[2]; $reasonstr = "reason" . $reasonno; $message = get_string($reasonstr, "enrol_authorize"); if ($message == '[[' . $reasonstr . ']]') { $message = isset($response[3]) ? $response[3] : 'unknown error'; } if ($method == AN_METHOD_CC && !empty($mconfig->an_avs) && $response[5] != "P") { $avs = "avs" . strtolower($response[5]); $stravs = get_string($avs, "enrol_authorize"); $message .= "
" . get_string("avsresult", "enrol_authorize", $stravs); } if (!$test) { // Autoconfigure :) switch($reasonno) { // Credit card type isn't accepted case self::AN_REASON_NOCCTYPE: case self::AN_REASON_NOCCTYPE2: { if (!empty($cctype)) { $ccaccepts = get_list_of_creditcards(); unset($ccaccepts[$cctype]); set_config("an_acceptcc_{$cctype}", 0, 'enrol_authorize'); foreach ($ccaccepts as $key=>$val) { set_config("an_acceptcc_{$key}", 1, 'enrol_authorize'); } message_to_admin("$message ($cctype) This is new config(an_acceptccs):", $ccaccepts); } break; } // Echecks only case self::AN_REASON_ACHONLY: { set_config("an_acceptmethod_".AN_METHOD_ECHECK, 1, 'enrol_authorize'); message_to_admin("$message This is new config(an_acceptmethods):", array(AN_METHOD_ECHECK)); break; } // Echecks aren't accepted case self::AN_REASON_NOACH: { set_config("an_acceptmethod_".AN_METHOD_CC, 1, 'enrol_authorize'); message_to_admin("$message This is new config(an_acceptmethods):", array(AN_METHOD_CC)); break; } // This echeck type isn't accepted case self::AN_REASON_NOACHTYPE: case self::AN_REASON_NOACHTYPE2: { if (!empty($extra->x_echeck_type)) { switch ($extra->x_echeck_type) { // CCD=BUSINESSCHECKING case 'CCD': { set_config('an_acceptecheck_CHECKING', 1, 'enrol_authorize'); set_config('an_acceptecheck_SAVINGS', 1, 'enrol_authorize'); message_to_admin("$message This is new config(an_acceptechecktypes):", array('CHECKING','SAVINGS')); } break; // WEB=CHECKING or SAVINGS case 'WEB': { set_config('an_acceptecheck_BUSINESSCHECKING', 1, 'enrol_authorize'); message_to_admin("$message This is new config(an_acceptechecktypes):", array('BUSINESSCHECKING')); } break; } } break; } } } } return $responsecode; } }