$strlanguage -> $strmissingstrings"; $title = $strmissingstrings; $button = '
'; break; case "compare": $navigation = "$strlanguage -> $strcomparelanguage"; $title = $strcomparelanguage; $button = ''; break; default: $title = $strlanguage; $navigation = $strlanguage; $button = ''; break; } $currentlang = current_language(); print_header("$site->shortname: $title", "$site->fullname", "$stradministration -> ". "$strconfiguration -> $navigation", '', '', true, $button); if (!$mode) { $currlang = current_language(); $langs = get_list_of_languages(); echo ""; echo "$strcurrentlanguage:"; echo " | "; echo popup_form ("$CFG->wwwroot/$CFG->admin/lang.php?lang=", $langs, "chooselang", $currlang, "", "", "", true); echo " |
".get_string("filemissing", "", "$langdir/$file")."
"; continue; } } unset($string); include("$enlangdir/$file"); $enstring = $string; unset($string); include("$langdir/$file"); $first = true; foreach ($enstring as $key => $value) { if (!isset($string[$key]) or $string[$key] == "") { $value = htmlspecialchars($value); $value = str_replace("$"."a", "\\$"."a", $value); $value = str_replace("%%","%",$value); if ($first) { echo "".get_string("stringsnotset","","$langdir/$file")."
"; $first = false; $somethingfound = true; } echo "$"."string['$key'] = \"$value\";
"; } } if (!$first) { echo '
".get_string("filemissing", "", "$langdir/help/$file")."
"; $somethingfound = true; continue; } } if (! $files = get_directory_list("$CFG->dirroot/lang/en/docs", "CVS")) { error("Could not find English language docs files!"); } foreach ($files as $filekey => $file) { // check all the docs files. if (!file_exists("$langdir/docs/$file")) { echo "".get_string("filemissing", "", "$langdir/docs/$file")."
"; $somethingfound = true; continue; } } if (!empty($somethingfound)) { print_continue("lang.php"); } else { notice(get_string("languagegood"), "lang.php"); } } else if ($mode == "compare" and confirm_sesskey()) { if (isset($_POST['currentfile'])){ // Save a file $newstrings = $_POST; unset($newstrings['currentfile']); if (lang_save_file($langdir, $currentfile, $newstrings)) { notify(get_string("changessaved")." ($langdir/$currentfile)", "green"); } else { error("Could not save the file '$currentfile'!", "lang.php?mode=compare¤tfile=$currentfile&sesskey=$USER->sesskey"); } } print_heading_with_help($strcomparelanguage, "langedit"); print_simple_box_start("center", "80%"); echo '".get_string("filemissing", "", "$langdir/$currentfile")."
"; continue; } } error_reporting(0); if ($f = fopen("$langdir/$currentfile","r+")) { $editable = true; fclose($f); } else { $editable = false; echo "".get_string("makeeditable", "", "$langdir/$currentfile")."
"; } error_reporting(7); unset($string); include("$enlangdir/$currentfile"); $enstring = $string; if ($currentlang != 'en' and $currentfile == 'moodle.php') { $enstring['thislanguage'] = "<< TRANSLATORS: Specify the name of your language here. If possible use Unicode Numeric Character References >>"; $enstring['thischarset'] = "<< TRANSLATORS: Specify the character set of your language here. Note that all text created while this language is active will be stored using this character set, so don't change it once you have set it. Example: iso-8859-1 >>"; $enstring['thisdirection'] = "<< TRANSLATORS: This string specifies the direction of your text, either left-to-right or right-to-left. Insert either 'ltr' or 'rtl' here. >>"; $enstring['parentlanguage'] = "<< TRANSLATORS: If your language has a Parent Language that Moodle should use when strings are missing from your language pack, then specify the code for it here. If you leave this blank then English will be used. Example: nl >>"; } ksort($enstring); unset($string); include("$langdir/$currentfile"); if ($editable) { echo ""; } print_footer(); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function lang_save_file($path, $file, $strings) { // Thanks to Petri Asikainen for the original version of code // used to save language files. // // $path is a full pathname to the file // $file is the file to overwrite. // $strings is an array of strings to write global $CFG, $USER; error_reporting(0); if (!$f = fopen("$path/$file","w")) { return false; } error_reporting(7); fwrite($f, "release ($CFG->version)\n\n\n"); ksort($strings); foreach ($strings as $key => $value) { list($id, $stringname) = explode("-",$key); if ($CFG->lang != "zh_hk" and $CFG->lang != "zh_tw") { // Some MB languages include backslash bytes $value = str_replace("\\","",$value); // Delete all slashes } $value = str_replace("'", "\\'", $value); // Add slashes for ' $value = str_replace('"', "\\\"", $value); // Add slashes for " $value = str_replace("%","%%",$value); // Escape % characters $value = str_replace("\r", "",$value); // Remove linefeed characters if ($id == "string" and $value != ""){ fwrite($f,"\$string['$stringname'] = '$value';\n"); } } fwrite($f,"\n?>\n"); fclose($f); return true; } ?>