. /** * uploadlib.php - This class handles all aspects of fileuploading * * @package core * @subpackage file * @copyright 1999 onwards Martin Dougiamas {@link http://moodle.com} * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die(); /** * This class handles all aspects of fileuploading * * @package moodlecore * @copyright 1999 onwards Martin Dougiamas {@link http://moodle.com} * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ class upload_manager { /** * Array to hold local copies of stuff in $_FILES * @var array $files */ var $files; /** * Holds all configuration stuff * @var array $config */ var $config; /** * Keep track of if we're ok * (errors for each file are kept in $files['whatever']['uploadlog'] * @var boolean $status */ var $status; /** * The course this file has been uploaded for. {@link $COURSE} * (for logging and virus notifications) * @var course $course */ var $course; /** * If we're only getting one file. * (for logging and virus notifications) * @var string $inputname */ var $inputname; /** * If we're given silent=true in the constructor, this gets built * up to hold info about the process. * @var string $notify */ var $notify; /** * Constructor, sets up configuration stuff so we know how to act. * * Note: destination not taken as parameter as some modules want to use the insertid in the path and we need to check the other stuff first. * * @uses $CFG * @param string $inputname If this is given the upload manager will only process the file in $_FILES with this name. * @param boolean $deleteothers Whether to delete other files in the destination directory (optional, defaults to false) * @param boolean $handlecollisions Whether to use {@link handle_filename_collision()} or not. (optional, defaults to false) * @param course $course The course the files are being uploaded for (for logging and virus notifications) {@link $COURSE} * @param boolean $recoverifmultiple If we come across a virus, or if a file doesn't validate or whatever, do we continue? optional, defaults to true. * @param int $modbytes Max bytes for this module - this and $course->maxbytes are used to get the maxbytes from {@link get_max_upload_file_size()}. * @param boolean $silent Whether to notify errors or not. * @param boolean $allownull Whether we care if there's no file when we've set the input name. * @param boolean $allownullmultiple Whether we care if there's no files AT ALL when we've got multiples. This won't complain if we have file 1 and file 3 but not file 2, only for NO FILES AT ALL. */ function upload_manager($inputname='', $deleteothers=false, $handlecollisions=false, $course=null, $recoverifmultiple=false, $modbytes=0, $silent=false, $allownull=false, $allownullmultiple=true) { global $CFG, $SITE; if (empty($course->id)) { $course = $SITE; } $this->config->deleteothers = $deleteothers; $this->config->handlecollisions = $handlecollisions; $this->config->recoverifmultiple = $recoverifmultiple; $this->config->maxbytes = get_max_upload_file_size($CFG->maxbytes, $course->maxbytes, $modbytes); $this->config->silent = $silent; $this->config->allownull = $allownull; $this->files = array(); $this->status = false; $this->course = $course; $this->inputname = $inputname; if (empty($this->inputname)) { $this->config->allownull = $allownullmultiple; } } /** * Gets all entries out of $_FILES and stores them locally in $files and then * checks each one against {@link get_max_upload_file_size()} and calls {@link cleanfilename()} * and scans them for viruses etc. * @uses $CFG * @uses $_FILES * @return boolean */ function preprocess_files() { global $CFG, $OUTPUT; foreach ($_FILES as $name => $file) { $this->status = true; // only set it to true here so that we can check if this function has been called. if (empty($this->inputname) || $name == $this->inputname) { // if we have input name, only process if it matches. $file['originalname'] = $file['name']; // do this first for the log. $this->files[$name] = $file; // put it in first so we can get uploadlog out in print_upload_log. $this->files[$name]['uploadlog'] = ''; // initialize error log $this->status = $this->validate_file($this->files[$name]); // default to only allowing empty on multiple uploads. if (!$this->status && ($this->files[$name]['error'] == 0 || $this->files[$name]['error'] == 4) && ($this->config->allownull || empty($this->inputname))) { // this shouldn't cause everything to stop.. modules should be responsible for knowing which if any are compulsory. continue; } if ($this->status && !empty($CFG->runclamonupload)) { $this->status = clam_scan_moodle_file($this->files[$name],$this->course); } if (!$this->status) { if (!$this->config->recoverifmultiple && count($this->files) > 1) { $a = new stdClass(); $a->name = $this->files[$name]['originalname']; $a->problem = $this->files[$name]['uploadlog']; if (!$this->config->silent) { echo $OUTPUT->notification(get_string('uploadfailednotrecovering','moodle',$a)); } else { $this->notify .= '
'. get_string('uploadfailednotrecovering','moodle',$a); } $this->status = false; return false; } else if (count($this->files) == 1) { if (!$this->config->silent and !$this->config->allownull) { echo $OUTPUT->notification($this->files[$name]['uploadlog']); } else { $this->notify .= '
'. $this->files[$name]['uploadlog']; } $this->status = false; return false; } } else { $newname = clean_filename($this->files[$name]['name']); if ($newname != $this->files[$name]['name']) { $a = new stdClass(); $a->oldname = $this->files[$name]['name']; $a->newname = $newname; $this->files[$name]['uploadlog'] .= get_string('uploadrenamedchars','moodle', $a); } $this->files[$name]['name'] = $newname; $this->files[$name]['clear'] = true; // ok to save. $this->config->somethingtosave = true; } } } if (!is_array($_FILES) || count($_FILES) == 0) { return $this->config->allownull; } $this->status = true; return true; // if we've got this far it means that we're recovering so we want status to be ok. } /** * Validates a single file entry from _FILES * * @param object $file The entry from _FILES to validate * @return boolean True if ok. */ function validate_file(&$file) { if (empty($file)) { return false; } if (!is_uploaded_file($file['tmp_name']) || $file['size'] == 0) { $file['uploadlog'] .= "\n".$this->get_file_upload_error($file); return false; } if ($file['size'] > $this->config->maxbytes) { $file['uploadlog'] .= "\n". get_string('uploadedfiletoobig', 'moodle', $this->config->maxbytes); return false; } return true; } /** * Moves all the files to the destination directory. * * @uses $CFG * @uses $USER * @param string $destination The destination directory. * @return boolean status; */ function save_files($destination) { global $CFG, $USER, $OUTPUT; if (!$this->status) { // preprocess_files hasn't been run $this->preprocess_files(); } // if there are no files, bail before we create an empty directory. if (empty($this->config->somethingtosave)) { return true; } $savedsomething = false; if ($this->status) { if (!(strpos($destination, $CFG->dataroot) === false)) { // take it out for giving to make_upload_directory $destination = substr($destination, strlen($CFG->dataroot)+1); } if ($destination{strlen($destination)-1} == '/') { // strip off a trailing / if we have one $destination = substr($destination, 0, -1); } if (!make_upload_directory($destination, true)) { //TODO maybe put this function here instead of moodlelib.php now. $this->status = false; return false; } $destination = $CFG->dataroot .'/'. $destination; // now add it back in so we have a full path $exceptions = array(); //need this later if we're deleting other files. foreach (array_keys($this->files) as $i) { if (!$this->files[$i]['clear']) { // not ok to save continue; } if ($this->config->handlecollisions) { $this->handle_filename_collision($destination, $this->files[$i]); } if (move_uploaded_file($this->files[$i]['tmp_name'], $destination.'/'.$this->files[$i]['name'])) { chmod($destination .'/'. $this->files[$i]['name'], $CFG->directorypermissions); $this->files[$i]['fullpath'] = $destination.'/'.$this->files[$i]['name']; $this->files[$i]['uploadlog'] .= "\n".get_string('uploadedfile'); $this->files[$i]['saved'] = true; $exceptions[] = $this->files[$i]['name']; // now add it to the log (this is important so we know who to notify if a virus is found later on) clam_log_upload($this->files[$i]['fullpath'], $this->course); $savedsomething=true; } } if ($savedsomething && $this->config->deleteothers) { $this->delete_other_files($destination, $exceptions); } } if (empty($savedsomething)) { $this->status = false; if ((empty($this->config->allownull) && !empty($this->inputname)) || (empty($this->inputname) && empty($this->config->allownullmultiple))) { echo $OUTPUT->notification(get_string('uploadnofilefound')); } return false; } return $this->status; } /** * Wrapper function that calls {@link preprocess_files()} and {@link viruscheck_files()} and then {@link save_files()} * Modules that require the insert id in the filepath should not use this and call these functions seperately in the required order. * @parameter string $destination Where to save the uploaded files to. * @return boolean */ function process_file_uploads($destination) { if ($this->preprocess_files()) { return $this->save_files($destination); } return false; } /** * Deletes all the files in a given directory except for the files in $exceptions (full paths) * * @param string $destination The directory to clean up. * @param array $exceptions Full paths of files to KEEP. */ function delete_other_files($destination, $exceptions=null) { global $OUTPUT; $deletedsomething = false; if ($filestodel = get_directory_list($destination)) { foreach ($filestodel as $file) { if (!is_array($exceptions) || !in_array($file, $exceptions)) { unlink($destination .'/'. $file); $deletedsomething = true; } } } if ($deletedsomething) { if (!$this->config->silent) { echo $OUTPUT->notification(get_string('uploadoldfilesdeleted')); } else { $this->notify .= '
'. get_string('uploadoldfilesdeleted'); } } } /** * Handles filename collisions - if the desired filename exists it will rename it according to the pattern in $format * @param string $destination Destination directory (to check existing files against) * @param object $file Passed in by reference. The current file from $files we're processing. * @return void - modifies &$file parameter. */ function handle_filename_collision($destination, &$file) { if (!file_exists($destination .'/'. $file['name'])) { return; } $parts = explode('.', $file['name']); if (count($parts) > 1) { $extension = '.'.array_pop($parts); $name = implode('.', $parts); } else { $extension = ''; $name = $file['name']; } $current = 0; if (preg_match('/^(.*)_(\d*)$/s', $name, $matches)) { $name = $matches[1]; $current = (int)$matches[2]; } $i = $current + 1; while (!$this->check_before_renaming($destination, $name.'_'.$i.$extension, $file)) { $i++; } $a = new stdClass(); $a->oldname = $file['name']; $file['name'] = $name.'_'.$i.$extension; $a->newname = $file['name']; $file['uploadlog'] .= "\n". get_string('uploadrenamedcollision','moodle', $a); } /** * This function checks a potential filename against what's on the filesystem already and what's been saved already. * @param string $destination Destination directory (to check existing files against) * @param string $nametocheck The filename to be compared. * @param object $file The current file from $files we're processing. * return boolean */ function check_before_renaming($destination, $nametocheck, $file) { if (!file_exists($destination .'/'. $nametocheck)) { return true; } if ($this->config->deleteothers) { foreach ($this->files as $tocheck) { // if we're deleting files anyway, it's not THIS file and we care about it and it has the same name and has already been saved.. if ($file['tmp_name'] != $tocheck['tmp_name'] && $tocheck['clear'] && $nametocheck == $tocheck['name'] && $tocheck['saved']) { $collision = true; } } if (!$collision) { return true; } } return false; } /** * ? * * @param object $file Passed in by reference. The current file from $files we're processing. * @return string * @todo Finish documenting this function */ function get_file_upload_error(&$file) { switch ($file['error']) { case 0: // UPLOAD_ERR_OK if ($file['size'] > 0) { $errmessage = get_string('uploadproblem', $file['name']); } else { $errmessage = get_string('uploadnofilefound'); /// probably a dud file name } break; case 1: // UPLOAD_ERR_INI_SIZE $errmessage = get_string('uploadserverlimit'); break; case 2: // UPLOAD_ERR_FORM_SIZE $errmessage = get_string('uploadformlimit'); break; case 3: // UPLOAD_ERR_PARTIAL $errmessage = get_string('uploadpartialfile'); break; case 4: // UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE $errmessage = get_string('uploadnofilefound'); break; // Note: there is no error with a value of 5 case 6: // UPLOAD_ERR_NO_TMP_DIR $errmessage = get_string('uploadnotempdir'); break; case 7: // UPLOAD_ERR_CANT_WRITE $errmessage = get_string('uploadcantwrite'); break; case 8: // UPLOAD_ERR_EXTENSION $errmessage = get_string('uploadextension'); break; default: $errmessage = get_string('uploadproblem', $file['name']); } return $errmessage; } /** * prints a log of everything that happened (of interest) to each file in _FILES * @param $return - optional, defaults to false (log is echoed) */ function print_upload_log($return=false,$skipemptyifmultiple=false) { $str = ''; foreach (array_keys($this->files) as $i => $key) { if (count($this->files) > 1 && !empty($skipemptyifmultiple) && $this->files[$key]['error'] == 4) { continue; } $str .= ''. get_string('uploadfilelog', 'moodle', $i+1) .' ' .((!empty($this->files[$key]['originalname'])) ? '('.$this->files[$key]['originalname'].')' : '') .' :'. nl2br($this->files[$key]['uploadlog']) .'
'; } if ($return) { return $str; } echo $str; } /** * If we're only handling one file (if inputname was given in the constructor) this will return the (possibly changed) filename of the file. @return boolean */ function get_new_filename() { if (!empty($this->inputname) and count($this->files) == 1 and $this->files[$this->inputname]['error'] != 4) { return $this->files[$this->inputname]['name']; } return false; } /** * If we're only handling one file (if input name was given in the constructor) this will return the full path to the saved file. * @return boolean */ function get_new_filepath() { if (!empty($this->inputname) and count($this->files) == 1 and $this->files[$this->inputname]['error'] != 4) { return $this->files[$this->inputname]['fullpath']; } return false; } /** * If we're only handling one file (if inputname was given in the constructor) this will return the ORIGINAL filename of the file. * @return boolean */ function get_original_filename() { if (!empty($this->inputname) and count($this->files) == 1 and $this->files[$this->inputname]['error'] != 4) { return $this->files[$this->inputname]['originalname']; } return false; } /** * This function returns any errors wrapped up in red. * @return string */ function get_errors() { if (!empty($this->notify)) { return '

'. $this->notify .'

'; } else { return null; } } } /************************************************************************************** THESE FUNCTIONS ARE OUTSIDE THE CLASS BECAUSE THEY NEED TO BE CALLED FROM OTHER PLACES. FOR EXAMPLE CLAM_HANDLE_INFECTED_FILE AND CLAM_REPLACE_INFECTED_FILE USED FROM CRON UPLOAD_PRINT_FORM_FRAGMENT DOESN'T REALLY BELONG IN THE CLASS BUT CERTAINLY IN THIS FILE ***************************************************************************************/ /** * Deals with an infected file - either moves it to a quarantinedir * (specified in CFG->quarantinedir) or deletes it. * * If moving it fails, it deletes it. * * @global object * @global object * @param string $file Full path to the file * @param int $userid If not used, defaults to $USER->id (there in case called from cron) * @param boolean $basiconly Admin level reporting or user level reporting. * @return string Details of what the function did. */ function clam_handle_infected_file($file, $userid=0, $basiconly=false) { global $CFG, $USER; if ($USER && !$userid) { $userid = $USER->id; } $delete = true; if (file_exists($CFG->quarantinedir) && is_dir($CFG->quarantinedir) && is_writable($CFG->quarantinedir)) { $now = date('YmdHis'); if (rename($file, $CFG->quarantinedir .'/'. $now .'-user-'. $userid .'-infected')) { $delete = false; clam_log_infected($file, $CFG->quarantinedir.'/'. $now .'-user-'. $userid .'-infected', $userid); if ($basiconly) { $notice .= "\n". get_string('clammovedfilebasic'); } else { $notice .= "\n". get_string('clammovedfile', 'moodle', $CFG->quarantinedir.'/'. $now .'-user-'. $userid .'-infected'); } } else { if ($basiconly) { $notice .= "\n". get_string('clamdeletedfile'); } else { $notice .= "\n". get_string('clamquarantinedirfailed', 'moodle', $CFG->quarantinedir); } } } else { if ($basiconly) { $notice .= "\n". get_string('clamdeletedfile'); } else { $notice .= "\n". get_string('clamquarantinedirfailed', 'moodle', $CFG->quarantinedir); } } if ($delete) { if (unlink($file)) { clam_log_infected($file, '', $userid); $notice .= "\n". get_string('clamdeletedfile'); } else { if ($basiconly) { // still tell the user the file has been deleted. this is only for admins. $notice .= "\n". get_string('clamdeletedfile'); } else { $notice .= "\n". get_string('clamdeletedfilefailed'); } } } return $notice; } /** * Replaces the given file with a string. * * The replacement string is used to notify that the original file had a virus * This is to avoid missing files but could result in the wrong content-type. * * @param string $file Full path to the file. * @return boolean */ function clam_replace_infected_file($file) { $newcontents = get_string('virusplaceholder'); if (!$f = fopen($file, 'w')) { return false; } if (!fwrite($f, $newcontents)) { return false; } return true; } /** * If $CFG->runclamonupload is set, we scan a given file. (called from {@link preprocess_files()}) * * This function will add on a uploadlog index in $file. * * @global object * @global object * @param mixed $file The file to scan from $files. or an absolute path to a file. * @param course $course {@link $COURSE} * @return int 1 if good, 0 if something goes wrong (opposite from actual error code from clam) */ function clam_scan_moodle_file(&$file, $course) { global $CFG, $USER; if (is_array($file) && is_uploaded_file($file['tmp_name'])) { // it's from $_FILES $appendlog = true; $fullpath = $file['tmp_name']; } else if (file_exists($file)) { // it's a path to somewhere on the filesystem! $fullpath = $file; } else { return false; // erm, what is this supposed to be then, huh? } $CFG->pathtoclam = trim($CFG->pathtoclam); if (!$CFG->pathtoclam || !file_exists($CFG->pathtoclam) || !is_executable($CFG->pathtoclam)) { $newreturn = 1; $notice = get_string('clamlost', 'moodle', $CFG->pathtoclam); if ($CFG->clamfailureonupload == 'actlikevirus') { $notice .= "\n". get_string('clamlostandactinglikevirus'); $notice .= "\n". clam_handle_infected_file($fullpath); $newreturn = false; } clam_message_admins($notice); if ($appendlog) { $file['uploadlog'] .= "\n". get_string('clambroken'); $file['clam'] = 1; } return $newreturn; // return 1 if we're allowing clam failures } $cmd = $CFG->pathtoclam .' '. $fullpath ." 2>&1"; // before we do anything we need to change perms so that clamscan can read the file (clamdscan won't work otherwise) chmod($fullpath, $CFG->directorypermissions); exec($cmd, $output, $return); switch ($return) { case 0: // glee! we're ok. return 1; // translate clam return code into reasonable return code consistent with everything else. case 1: // bad wicked evil, we have a virus. $info = new stdClass(); if (!empty($course)) { $info->course = format_string($course->fullname, true, array('context' => context_course::instance($course->id))); } else { $info->course = 'No course'; } $info->user = fullname($USER); $notice = get_string('virusfound', 'moodle', $info); $notice .= "\n\n". implode("\n", $output); $notice .= "\n\n". clam_handle_infected_file($fullpath); clam_message_admins($notice); if ($appendlog) { $info->filename = $file['originalname']; $file['uploadlog'] .= "\n". get_string('virusfounduser', 'moodle', $info); $file['virus'] = 1; } return false; // in this case, 0 means bad. default: // error - clam failed to run or something went wrong $notice .= get_string('clamfailed', 'moodle', get_clam_error_code($return)); $notice .= "\n\n". implode("\n", $output); $newreturn = true; if ($CFG->clamfailureonupload == 'actlikevirus') { $notice .= "\n". clam_handle_infected_file($fullpath); $newreturn = false; } clam_message_admins($notice); if ($appendlog) { $file['uploadlog'] .= "\n". get_string('clambroken'); $file['clam'] = 1; } return $newreturn; // return 1 if we're allowing failures. } } /** * Emails admins about a clam outcome * * @param string $notice The body of the email to be sent. */ function clam_message_admins($notice) { $site = get_site(); $subject = get_string('clamemailsubject', 'moodle', format_string($site->fullname)); $admins = get_admins(); foreach ($admins as $admin) { $eventdata = new stdClass(); $eventdata->component = 'moodle'; $eventdata->name = 'errors'; $eventdata->userfrom = get_admin(); $eventdata->userto = $admin; $eventdata->subject = $subject; $eventdata->fullmessage = $notice; $eventdata->fullmessageformat = FORMAT_PLAIN; $eventdata->fullmessagehtml = ''; $eventdata->smallmessage = ''; message_send($eventdata); } } /** * Returns the string equivalent of a numeric clam error code * * @param int $returncode The numeric error code in question. * return string The definition of the error code */ function get_clam_error_code($returncode) { $returncodes = array(); $returncodes[0] = 'No virus found.'; $returncodes[1] = 'Virus(es) found.'; $returncodes[2] = ' An error occured'; // specific to clamdscan // all after here are specific to clamscan $returncodes[40] = 'Unknown option passed.'; $returncodes[50] = 'Database initialization error.'; $returncodes[52] = 'Not supported file type.'; $returncodes[53] = 'Can\'t open directory.'; $returncodes[54] = 'Can\'t open file. (ofm)'; $returncodes[55] = 'Error reading file. (ofm)'; $returncodes[56] = 'Can\'t stat input file / directory.'; $returncodes[57] = 'Can\'t get absolute path name of current working directory.'; $returncodes[58] = 'I/O error, please check your filesystem.'; $returncodes[59] = 'Can\'t get information about current user from /etc/passwd.'; $returncodes[60] = 'Can\'t get information about user \'clamav\' (default name) from /etc/passwd.'; $returncodes[61] = 'Can\'t fork.'; $returncodes[63] = 'Can\'t create temporary files/directories (check permissions).'; $returncodes[64] = 'Can\'t write to temporary directory (please specify another one).'; $returncodes[70] = 'Can\'t allocate and clear memory (calloc).'; $returncodes[71] = 'Can\'t allocate memory (malloc).'; if ($returncodes[$returncode]) return $returncodes[$returncode]; return get_string('clamunknownerror'); } /** * Adds a file upload to the log table so that clam can resolve the filename to the user later if necessary * * @global object * @global object * @param string $newfilepath ? * @param course $course {@link $COURSE} * @param boolean $nourl ? * @todo Finish documenting this function */ function clam_log_upload($newfilepath, $course=null, $nourl=false) { global $CFG, $USER; // get rid of any double // that might have appeared $newfilepath = preg_replace('/\/\//', '/', $newfilepath); if (strpos($newfilepath, $CFG->dataroot) === false) { $newfilepath = $CFG->dataroot .'/'. $newfilepath; } $courseid = 0; if ($course) { $courseid = $course->id; } add_to_log($courseid, 'upload', 'upload', ((!$nourl) ? substr($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], 0, 100) : ''), $newfilepath); } /** * This function logs to error_log and to the log table that an infected file has been found and what's happened to it. * * @global object * @param string $oldfilepath Full path to the infected file before it was moved. * @param string $newfilepath Full path to the infected file since it was moved to the quarantine directory (if the file was deleted, leave empty). * @param int $userid The user id of the user who uploaded the file. */ function clam_log_infected($oldfilepath='', $newfilepath='', $userid=0) { global $DB; add_to_log(0, 'upload', 'infected', $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], $oldfilepath, 0, $userid); $user = $DB->get_record('user', array('id'=>$userid)); $errorstr = 'Clam AV has found a file that is infected with a virus. It was uploaded by ' . ((empty($user)) ? ' an unknown user ' : fullname($user)) . ((empty($oldfilepath)) ? '. The infected file was caught on upload ('.$oldfilepath.')' : '. The original file path of the infected file was '. $oldfilepath) . ((empty($newfilepath)) ? '. The file has been deleted ' : '. The file has been moved to a quarantine directory and the new path is '. $newfilepath); error_log($errorstr); } /** * Some of the modules allow moving attachments (glossary), in which case we need to hunt down an original log and change the path. * * @global object * @param string $oldpath The old path to the file (should be in the log) * @param string $newpath The new path to the file * @param boolean $update If true this function will overwrite old record (used for forum moving etc). */ function clam_change_log($oldpath, $newpath, $update=true) { global $DB; if (!$record = $DB->get_record('log', array('info'=>$oldpath, 'module'=>'upload'))) { return false; } $record->info = $newpath; if ($update) { $DB->update_record('log', $record); } else { unset($record->id); $DB->insert_record('log', $record); } }