dirroot .'/blog/lib.php'); class block_blog_menu extends block_base { function init() { $this->title = get_string('blockmenutitle', 'blog'); $this->content_type = BLOCK_TYPE_TEXT; $this->version = 2004112000; } function get_content() { global $CFG, $course; if (!isset($course)) { $course = SITEID; } if ($CFG->bloglevel < BLOG_USER_LEVEL) { $this->content->text = ''; return $this->content; } // don't display menu block if block is set at site level, and user is not logged in if ($CFG->bloglevel < BLOG_GLOBAL_LEVEL && !(isloggedin() && !isguest())) { $this->content->text = ''; return $this->content; } if (!isset($userBlog)) { $userBlog ->userid = 0; } global $CFG, $USER, $course; if (!empty($USER->id)) { $userBlog->userid = $USER->id; } //what is $userBlog anyway if($this->content !== NULL) { return $this->content; } $output = ''; $this->content = new stdClass; $this->content->footer = ''; if (empty($this->instance) /*|| empty($CFG->blog_version)*/) { // Either we're being asked for content without // an associated instance of the Blog module has never been installed. $this->content->text = $output; return $this->content; } //if ( blog_isLoggedIn() && !isguest() ) { $courseviewlink = ''; $addentrylink = ''; $coursearg = ''; if((isloggedin() && !isguest()) && isset($course) && isset($course->id) && $course->id !=0 && $course->id!=SITEID && $CFG->bloglevel >= BLOG_COURSE_LEVEL) { $coursearg = '&courseid='. $course->id; // a course is specified $courseviewlink = ''; $courseviewlink .= get_string('viewcourseentries', 'blog') .'
'; } $blogmodon = false; if ((isloggedin() && !isguest()) && (isadmin() || !$blogmodon || ($blogmodon && $coursearg != '')) && $CFG->bloglevel >= BLOG_USER_LEVEL) { // show Add entry link - user is not admin, moderation is off, or moderation is on and the user is viewing the block within the context of a course $addentrylink = ''. get_string('addnewentry', 'blog') .'
'; // show View my entries link $addentrylink .= ''; $addentrylink .= get_string('viewmyentries', 'blog') .'
'; // show link to manage blog prefs $addentrylink .= ''. get_string('blogpreferences', 'blog') .'
'; $output = $addentrylink; $output .= $courseviewlink; } // show View site entries link if ($CFG->bloglevel >= BLOG_SITE_LEVEL) { $output .= ''; $output .= get_string('viewsiteentries', 'blog') .'
'; } if (isloggedin() && (!isguest())) { $output .= link_to_popup_window("/blog/tags.php",'popup',get_string('tagmanagement'), 400, 500, 'Popup window', 'none', true); } // show Help with blogging link //$output .= ''; //$output .= get_string('helpblogging', 'blog') .''; //} else { // $output = ''; //guest users and users who are not logged in do not get menus //} $this->content->text = $output; return $this->content; } } ?>