. /** * recaptcha type form element * * Contains HTML class for a recaptcha type element * * @package core_form * @copyright 2008 Nicolas Connault * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ require_once('HTML/QuickForm/input.php'); /** * recaptcha type form element * * HTML class for a recaptcha type element * * @package core_form * @category form * @copyright 2008 Nicolas Connault * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ class MoodleQuickForm_recaptcha extends HTML_QuickForm_input { /** @var string html for help button, if empty then no help */ var $_helpbutton=''; /** @var bool if true, recaptcha will be servered from https */ var $_https=false; /** * constructor * * @param string $elementName (optional) name of the recaptcha element * @param string $elementLabel (optional) label for recaptcha element * @param mixed $attributes (optional) Either a typical HTML attribute string * or an associative array */ function MoodleQuickForm_recaptcha($elementName = null, $elementLabel = null, $attributes = null) { global $CFG; parent::HTML_QuickForm_input($elementName, $elementLabel, $attributes); $this->_type = 'recaptcha'; if (!empty($attributes['https']) or strpos($CFG->httpswwwroot, 'https:') === 0) { $this->_https = true; } else { $this->_https = false; } } /** * Returns the recaptcha element in HTML * * @return string */ function toHtml() { global $CFG, $PAGE; require_once $CFG->libdir . '/recaptchalib.php'; $recaptureoptions = Array('theme'=>'custom', 'custom_theme_widget'=>'recaptcha_widget'); $html = html_writer::script(js_writer::set_variable('RecaptchaOptions', $recaptureoptions)); $attributes = $this->getAttributes(); if (empty($attributes['error_message'])) { $attributes['error_message'] = null; $this->setAttributes($attributes); } $error = $attributes['error_message']; unset($attributes['error_message']); $strincorrectpleasetryagain = get_string('incorrectpleasetryagain', 'auth'); $strenterthewordsabove = get_string('enterthewordsabove', 'auth'); $strenterthenumbersyouhear = get_string('enterthenumbersyouhear', 'auth'); $strgetanothercaptcha = get_string('getanothercaptcha', 'auth'); $strgetanaudiocaptcha = get_string('getanaudiocaptcha', 'auth'); $strgetanimagecaptcha = get_string('getanimagecaptcha', 'auth'); $html .= ' '; return $html . recaptcha_get_html($CFG->recaptchapublickey, $error, $this->_https); } /** * get html for help button * * @return string html for help button */ function getHelpButton(){ return $this->_helpbutton; } /** * Checks input and challenged field * * @param string $challenge_field recaptcha shown to user * @param string $response_field input value by user * @return bool */ function verify($challenge_field, $response_field) { global $CFG; require_once $CFG->libdir . '/recaptchalib.php'; $response = recaptcha_check_answer($CFG->recaptchaprivatekey, getremoteaddr(), $challenge_field, $response_field, $this->_https); if (!$response->is_valid) { $attributes = $this->getAttributes(); $attributes['error_message'] = $response->error; $this->setAttributes($attributes); return $response->error; } return true; } }