. /** * This installs Moodle into empty database, config.php must already exist. * * This script is intended for advanced usage such as in Debian packages. * - sudo to www-data (apache account) before * - not compatible with Windows platform * * @package core * @subpackage cli * @copyright 2010 Petr Skoda (http://skodak.org) * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ define('CLI_SCRIPT', true); // extra execution prevention - we can not just require config.php here if (isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])) { exit(1); } $help = "Advanced command line Moodle database installer. Please note you must execute this script with the same uid as apache. Site defaults may be changed via local/defaults.php. Options: --lang=CODE Installation and default site language. Default is en. --adminuser=USERNAME Username for the moodle admin account. Default is admin. --adminpass=PASSWORD Password for the moodle admin account. --agree-license Indicates agreement with software license. -h, --help Print out this help Example: \$sudo -u www-data /usr/bin/php admin/cli/install_database.php --lang=cs --adminpass=soMePass123 --agree-license "; // Check that PHP is of a sufficient version if (version_compare(phpversion(), "5.2.8") < 0) { $phpversion = phpversion(); // do NOT localise - lang strings would not work here and we CAN NOT move it after installib fwrite(STDERR, "Sorry, Moodle 2.0 requires PHP 5.2.8 or later (currently using version $phpversion).\n"); fwrite(STDERR, "Please upgrade your server software or install latest Moodle 1.9.x instead.\n"); die(1); } // Nothing to do if config.php does not exist $configfile = dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))).'/config.php'; if (!file_exists($configfile)) { fwrite(STDERR, 'config.php does not exist, can not continue'); // do not localize fwrite(STDERR, "\n"); die(1); } // Include necessary libs require($configfile); require_once($CFG->libdir.'/clilib.php'); require_once($CFG->libdir.'/installlib.php'); require_once($CFG->libdir.'/adminlib.php'); require_once($CFG->libdir.'/componentlib.class.php'); // make sure no tables are installed yet if ($DB->get_tables() ) { cli_error(get_string('clitablesexist', 'install')); } $CFG->early_install_lang = true; get_string_manager(true); raise_memory_limit(MEMORY_EXTRA); // now get cli options list($options, $unrecognized) = cli_get_params( array( 'lang' => 'en', 'adminuser' => 'admin', 'adminpass' => '', 'agree-license' => false, 'help' => false ), array( 'h' => 'help' ) ); if ($options['help']) { echo $help; die; } if (!$options['agree-license']) { cli_error('You have to agree to the license. --help prints out the help'); // TODO: localize } if ($options['adminpass'] === true or $options['adminpass'] === '') { cli_error('You have to specify admin password. --help prints out the help'); // TODO: localize } $options['lang'] = clean_param($options['lang'], PARAM_SAFEDIR); if (!file_exists($CFG->dirroot.'/install/lang/'.$options['lang'])) { $options['lang'] = 'en'; } $CFG->lang = $options['lang']; //download lang pack with optional notification if ($CFG->lang != 'en') { make_upload_directory('lang'); if ($cd = new component_installer('http://download.moodle.org', 'langpack/2.0', $CFG->lang.'.zip', 'languages.md5', 'lang')) { if ($cd->install() == COMPONENT_ERROR) { if ($cd->get_error() == 'remotedownloaderror') { $a = new stdClass(); $a->url = 'http://download.moodle.org/langpack/2.0/'.$CFG->lang.'.zip'; $a->dest = $CFG->dataroot.'/lang'; cli_problem(get_string($cd->get_error(), 'error', $a)); } else { cli_problem(get_string($cd->get_error(), 'error')); } } else { // install parent lang if defined if ($parentlang = get_parent_language()) { if ($cd = new component_installer('http://download.moodle.org', 'langpack/2.0', $parentlang.'.zip', 'languages.md5', 'lang')) { $cd->install(); } } } } } // switch the string_manager instance to stop using install/lang/ $CFG->early_install_lang = false; get_string_manager(true); install_cli_database($options, true); echo get_string('cliinstallfinished', 'install')."\n"; exit(0); // 0 means success