category$a->itemmodule $a->itemname'; $string['editfeedback'] = 'Edit feedback'; $string['editgrade'] = 'Edit grade'; $string['editoutcomes'] = 'Edit outcomes'; $string['edittree'] = 'Categories and items'; $string['editverbose'] = 'Edit $a->category$a->itemmodule $a->itemname'; $string['enableajax'] = 'Enable AJAX'; $string['enableoutcomes'] = 'Enable outcomes'; $string['encoding'] = 'Encoding'; $string['errorgradevaluenonnumeric'] = 'Received non-numeric for low or high grade for'; $string['errorcalculationnoequal'] = 'Formula must start with equal sign (=1+2)'; $string['errorcalculationunknown'] = 'Invalid formula'; $string['errornocalculationallowed'] = 'Calculations are not allowed for this item'; $string['errornocategorisedid'] = 'Could not get an uncategorised id!'; $string['errornocourse'] = 'Could not get course information'; $string['errorreprintheadersnonnumeric'] = 'Received non-numeric value for reprint-headers'; $string['exceptions'] = 'Exceptions'; $string['excluded'] = 'Excluded'; $string['excludedhelp'] = 'If -excluded- is switched on, this grade will be excluded from any aggregation performed by any parent grade item or category.'; $string['expand'] = 'Expand Category'; $string['export'] = 'Export'; $string['exportfeedback'] = 'Include feedback in export'; $string['exportplugins'] = 'Export plugins'; $string['exportalloutcomes'] = 'Export all outcomes'; $string['exportsettings'] = 'Export settings'; $string['exportto'] = 'Export to'; $string['extracredit'] = 'Extra Credit'; $string['extracreditwarning'] = 'Note: Setting all items for a category to extra credit will effectively remove them from the grade calculation. Since there will be no point total'; $string['feedback'] = 'Feedback'; $string['feedbackhelp'] = 'Notes added to the grade by the teacher. They can be extensive, personalised feedback or a simple code that refers to an internal system of feedback.'; $string['feedbackadd'] = 'Add feedback'; $string['feedbackedit'] = 'Edit feedback'; $string['feedbackview'] = 'View feedback'; $string['feedbacksaved'] = 'Feedback saved'; $string['finalgrade'] = 'Final grade'; $string['finalgradehelp'] = 'The final grade (cached) after all calculations are performed.'; $string['forceoff'] = 'Force: Off'; $string['forceon'] = 'Force: On'; $string['forelementtypes'] = ' for the selected $a'; $string['forstudents'] = 'For students'; $string['full'] = 'Full'; $string['fullmode'] = 'Full view'; $string['generalsettings'] = 'General settings'; $string['grade'] = 'Grade'; $string['gradebook'] = 'Gradebook'; $string['gradebookhiddenerror'] = 'The gradebook is currently set to hide everything from students.'; $string['gradebookhistories'] = 'Grade histories'; $string['gradeboundary'] = 'Letter grade boundary'; $string['gradecategories'] = 'Grade categories'; $string['gradecategory'] = 'Grade category'; $string['gradecategoryhelp'] = 'Grade category help'; $string['gradecategorysettings'] = 'Grade category settings'; $string['gradedon'] = 'Graded: $a'; $string['gradedisplay'] = 'Grade display'; $string['gradedisplaytype'] = 'Grade display type'; $string['gradeexceptions'] = 'Grade exceptions'; $string['gradeexceptionshelp'] = 'Grade exceptions Help'; $string['gradeexportdisplaytype'] = 'Grade export display type'; $string['gradeexportdecimalpoints'] = 'Grade export decimal points'; $string['gradehelp'] = 'Grade Help'; $string['gradehistorylifetime'] = 'Grade history lifetime'; $string['gradeitem'] = 'Grade item'; $string['gradeitemadvanced'] = 'Advanced grade item options'; $string['gradeitemislocked'] = 'This activity is locked in the gradebook. Changes that are made to grades in this activity will not be copied to the gradebook until it is unlocked.'; $string['gradeitemlocked'] = 'Grading locked'; $string['gradeitemsinc'] = 'Grade items to be included'; $string['gradeitemaddusers'] = 'Exclude from grading'; $string['gradeitemmembersselected'] = 'Excluded from grading'; $string['gradeitemnonmembers'] = 'Included in grading'; $string['gradeitemremovemembers'] = 'Include in grading'; $string['gradeitems'] = 'Grade items'; $string['gradeitemsettings'] = 'Grade item settings'; $string['gradeletter'] = 'Grade letter'; $string['gradeletters'] = 'Grade letters'; $string['gradeletterhelp'] = 'Grade letter Help'; $string['gradeletternote'] = 'To delete a grade letter just empty any of the
three text areas for that letter and click submit.'; $string['gradelocked'] = 'Grade is locked'; $string['gradelong'] = '$a->grade / $a->max'; $string['grademax'] = 'Maximum grade'; $string['grademaxhelp'] = 'When using the value grade type, a maximum grade can be set. The maximum grade for an activity-based grade item is set on the update activity page.'; $string['grademin'] = 'Minimum grade'; $string['grademinhelp'] = 'When using the value grade type, a minimum grade can be set.'; $string['gradeoutcomeitem'] = 'Grade outcome item'; $string['gradeoutcomes'] = 'Outcomes'; $string['gradeoutcomescourses'] = 'Course outcomes'; $string['gradepass'] = 'Grade to pass'; $string['gradepasshelp'] = 'If an item has a grade that users must equal or exceed to pass that item, you can set that here.'; $string['gradepublishing'] = 'Enable publishing'; $string['graderreport'] = 'Grader report'; $string['gradessettings'] = 'Grade settings'; $string['gradepreferences'] = 'Grade preferences'; $string['gradepreferenceshelp'] = 'Grade preferences Help'; $string['grades'] = 'Grades'; $string['gradesonly'] = 'Grades only'; $string['gradetype'] = 'Grade type'; $string['gradetypehelp'] = 'Specifies the type of grade used: none (no grading possible), value (enables the maximum and minimum grade settings), scale (enables the scale setting) or text (feedback only). Only value and scale grade types may be aggregated. The grade type for an activity-based grade item is set on the update activity page.'; $string['gradeview'] = 'View Grade'; $string['gradeweighthelp'] = 'Grade weight Help'; $string['groupavg'] = 'Group average'; $string['hidden'] = 'Hidden'; $string['hiddenasdate'] = 'Show submitted date for hidden grades'; $string['hiddenuntil'] = 'Hidden until'; $string['hiddenuntildate'] = 'Hidden until: $a'; $string['hideadvanced'] = 'Hide advanced features'; $string['hidecalculations'] = 'Hide calculations'; $string['hidecategory'] = 'Hidden'; $string['hideeyecons'] = 'Hide show/hide icons'; $string['hideaverages'] = 'Hide averages'; $string['hidegroups'] = 'Hide groups'; $string['hidelocks'] = 'Hide locks'; $string['hidenooutcomes'] = 'Show outcomes'; $string['hidefeedback'] = 'Hide feedback'; $string['hideranges'] = 'Hide ranges'; $string['hideverbose'] = 'Hide $a->category$a->itemmodule $a->itemname'; $string['highgradeascending'] = 'Sort by high grade ascending'; $string['highgradedescending'] = 'Sort by high grade descending'; $string['highgradeletter'] = 'High'; $string['hidequickfeedback'] = 'Hide Quick Feedback'; $string['idnumberhelp'] = 'Setting an ID number provides a way of identifying the activity for grade calculation purposes. If the activity is not included in any grade calculation then the ID number field can be left blank. The ID number for an activity-based grade item may be set on the update activity page.'; $string['idnumbers'] = 'Id numbers'; $string['identifier'] = 'Identify user by'; $string['import'] = 'Import'; $string['importcsv'] = 'Import CSV'; $string['importcustom'] = 'Import as custom outcomes (only this course)'; $string['importerror'] = 'An error occurred, this script wasn\'t called with the right parameters.'; $string['importfrom'] = 'Import from'; $string['importfailed'] = 'Import failed'; $string['importfeedback'] = 'Import feedback'; $string['importfile'] = 'Import file'; $string['importfilemissing'] = 'No file was received, go back to the form and make sure to upload a valid file.'; $string['importoutcomenofile'] = 'The uploaded file is empty or corrupted. Please verify this is a valid file. The problem was detected at line $a; this is triggered by the data lines not having as many columns as the first line (the header line) or if the imported file is missing expected headers. Look at the exported file for an example of a file with valid header.'; $string['importoutcomes'] = 'Import outcomes'; $string['importoutcomesuccess'] = 'Imported outcome \"$a->name\" with ID #$a->id'; $string['importplugins'] = 'Import plugins'; $string['importpreview'] = 'Import preview'; $string['importsettings'] = 'Import settings'; $string['importstandard'] = 'Import as standard outcomes'; $string['importskippednomanagescale'] = 'You don\'t have permission to add a new scale, so outcome "$a" was skipped as it required creating a new scale'; $string['importskippedoutcome'] = 'An outcome with shortname \"$a\" already exists in this context, the one in the imported file was skipped.'; $string['importsuccess'] = 'Grade import success'; $string['importxml'] = 'Import XML'; $string['includescalesinaggregation'] = 'Include scales in aggregation'; $string['incorrectcourseid'] = 'Course ID was incorrect'; $string['incorrectminmax'] = 'The minimum must be lower than the maximum'; $string['inherit'] = 'Inherit'; $string['item'] = 'Item'; $string['iteminfo'] = 'Item info'; $string['iteminfohelp'] = 'A space for entering information about the item. Text entered does not appear anywhere else.'; $string['itemname'] = 'Item name'; $string['itemnamehelp'] = 'The name of this item, pushed in by the module.'; $string['items'] = 'Items'; $string['itemsedit'] = 'Edit grade item'; $string['keephigh'] = 'Keep the highest'; $string['keephighhelp'] = 'If set, this option will only keep the X highest grades, X being the selected value for this option.'; $string['keymanager'] = 'Key manager'; $string['lessthanmin'] = 'The grade entered for $a->itemname for $a->username is less than the minimum allowed'; $string['lettergrade'] = 'Letter grade'; $string['lettergradenonnumber'] = 'Low and/or High grade were non-numeric for'; $string['letter'] = 'Letter'; $string['letters'] = 'Letters'; $string['linkedactivity'] = 'Linked activity'; $string['linkedactivityhelp'] = 'Specifies an optional activity to which this outcome item is linked. This is used to measure student performance on criteria not assessed by the activity grade.'; $string['lock'] = 'Lock'; $string['locked'] = 'Locked'; $string['locktime'] = 'Lock after'; $string['locktimedate'] = 'Locked after: $a'; $string['lockverbose'] = 'Lock $a->category$a->itemmodule $a->itemname'; $string['lowest'] = 'Lowest'; $string['lowgradeletter'] = 'Low'; $string['manualitem'] = 'Manual item'; $string['mapfrom'] = 'Map from'; $string['mapto'] = 'Map to'; $string['max'] = 'Highest'; $string['maxgrade'] = 'Max grade'; $string['mappings'] = 'Grade item mappings'; $string['meanall'] = 'All grades'; $string['meangraded'] = 'Non-empty grades'; $string['meanselection'] = 'Grades selected for column averages'; $string['median'] = 'Median'; $string['min'] = 'Lowest'; $string['missingscale'] = 'Scale must be selected'; $string['mode'] = 'Mode'; $string['morethanmax'] = 'The grade entered for $a->itemname for $a->username is more than the maximum allowed'; $string['movingelement'] = 'Moving $a'; $string['multfactor'] = 'Multiplicator'; $string['multfactorhelp'] = 'Factor by which all grades for this grade item will be multiplied.'; $string['myreportpreferences'] = 'My report preferences'; $string['neverdeletehistory'] = 'Never delete history'; $string['newcategory'] = 'New category'; $string['newuserkey'] = 'New user key'; $string['no'] = 'No'; $string['nocategories'] = 'Grade categories could not be added or found for this course'; $string['nocategoryname'] = 'No category name was given.'; $string['nocategoryview'] = 'No category to view by'; $string['nocourses'] = 'There are no courses yet'; $string['noforce'] = 'Do not force'; $string['nogradeletters'] = 'No grade letters set'; $string['nogradesreturned'] = 'No grades returned'; $string['noidnumber'] = 'No id number'; $string['nolettergrade'] = 'No letter grade for'; $string['nomode'] = 'NA'; $string['nonnumericweight'] = 'Received non-numeric value for'; $string['nonunlockableverbose'] = 'This grade cannot be unlocked until $a->itemname is unlocked.'; $string['nonweightedpct'] = 'non-weighted %%'; $string['nooutcome'] = 'No outcome'; $string['nopublish'] = 'Do not publish'; $string['noselectedcategories'] = 'no categories were selected.'; $string['noselecteditems'] = 'no items were selected.'; $string['notteachererror'] = 'You must be a teacher to use this feature.'; $string['nousersloaded'] = 'No users loaded'; $string['numberofgrades'] = 'Number of grades'; $string['onascaleof'] = ' on a scale of $a->grademin to $a->grademax'; $string['operations'] = 'Operations'; $string['options'] = 'Options'; $string['outcome'] = 'Outcome'; $string['outcomecategory'] = 'Create outcomes in category'; $string['outcomecategorynew'] = 'New category'; $string['outcomeconfirmdelete'] = 'Are you sure you wish to delete the outcome \"$a\"?'; $string['outcomecreate'] = 'Add a new outcome'; $string['outcomedelete'] = 'Delete Outcome'; $string['outcomeidhelp'] = 'Specifies the Outcome which this grade item will represent in the gradebook. Only outcomes associated with this course and site-wide outcomes are available'; $string['outcomeitem'] = 'Outcome item'; $string['outcomeitemsedit'] = 'Edit outcome item'; $string['outcomes'] = 'Outcomes'; $string['outcomescustom'] = 'Custom outcomes'; $string['outcomescourse'] = 'Outcomes used in course'; $string['outcomescoursecustom'] = 'Custom used (no remove)'; $string['outcomescoursenotused'] = 'Standard not used'; $string['outcomescourseused'] = 'Standard used (no remove)'; $string['outcomescourse'] = 'Outcomes used in course'; $string['outcomename'] = 'Outcome name'; $string['outcomereport'] = 'Outcome report'; $string['outcomesstandard'] = 'Standard outcomes'; $string['outcomesstandardavailable'] = 'Available standard outcomes'; $string['outcomestandard'] = 'Standard outcome'; $string['outcomestandardhelp'] = 'A Standard outcome is available site-wide, for all courses.'; $string['outcomes'] = 'Outcomes'; $string['overallaverage'] = 'Overall average'; $string['overridesitedefaultgradedisplaytype'] = 'Override site defaults'; $string['overridesitedefaultgradedisplaytypehelp'] = 'Tick this checkbox to enable the overriding of the site defaults for the display of grades in the gradebook. This activates form elements allowing you to define the grade letters and boundaries of your choice.'; $string['overridden'] = 'Overridden'; $string['overriddenhelp'] = 'When on, the overridden flag prevents any future attempts to automatically adjust the value of the grade. This flag is often set internally by the gradebook, but can be switched on and off manually using this form element.'; $string['overriddennotice'] = 'Your final grade from this activity was manually adjusted.'; $string['courseavg'] = 'Course average'; $string['parentcategory'] = 'Parent category'; $string['pctoftotalgrade'] = '%% of total grade'; $string['percent'] = 'Percent'; $string['percentage'] = 'Percentage'; $string['percentascending'] = 'Sort by percent ascending'; $string['percentdescending'] = 'Sort by percent descending'; $string['percentshort'] = '%%'; $string['plusfactor'] = 'Offset'; $string['plusfactorhelp'] = 'Number that will be added to every grade for this grade item, after the Multiplicator is applied.'; $string['points'] = 'points'; $string['pointsascending'] = 'Sort by points ascending'; $string['pointsdescending'] = 'Sort by points descending'; $string['positionfirst'] = 'First'; $string['positionlast'] = 'Last'; $string['preferences'] = 'Preferences'; $string['prefgeneral'] = 'General'; $string['prefletters'] = 'Grade letters and boundaries'; $string['prefrows'] = 'Special rows'; $string['prefshow'] = 'Show/hide toggles'; $string['previewrows'] = 'Preview rows'; $string['profilereport'] = 'User profile report'; $string['publishing'] = 'Publishing'; $string['quickfeedback'] = 'Quick Feedback'; $string['quickgrading'] = 'Quick Grading'; $string['range'] = 'Range'; $string['rangesdecimalpoints'] = 'Decimals shown in ranges'; $string['rangesdisplaytype'] = 'Range display type'; $string['rank'] = 'Rank'; $string['rawpct'] = 'Raw %%'; $string['real'] = 'Real'; $string['regradeanyway'] = 'Regrade anyway'; $string['removeallcoursegrades'] = 'Delete all grades'; $string['removeallcourseitems'] = 'Delete all items and categories'; $string['hideforcedsettings'] = 'Hide forced settings'; $string['report'] = 'Report'; $string['reportdefault'] = 'Report default ($a)'; $string['reportplugins'] = 'Report plugins'; $string['reportsettings'] = 'Report settings'; $string['reprintheaders'] = 'Reprint Headers'; $string['respectingcurrentdata'] = 'leaving current configuration unmodified'; $string['rowpreviewnum'] = 'Preview rows'; $string['savechanges'] = 'Save changes'; $string['savepreferences'] = 'Save preferences'; $string['scaledpct'] = 'Scaled %%'; $string['scaleidhelp'] = 'When using the scale grade type, a scale can be selected. The scale for an activity-based grade item is selected on the update activity page.'; $string['scalestandardhelp'] = 'A standard scale is one that is available site-wide, for all courses.'; $string['seeallcoursegrades'] = 'See all course grades'; $string['selectdestination'] = 'Select destination of $a'; $string['selectalloroneuser'] = 'Select all or one user'; $string['septab'] = 'Tab'; $string['sepcomma'] = 'Comma'; $string['separator'] = 'Separator'; $string['setcategories'] = 'Set categories'; $string['setcategorieserror'] = 'You must first set the categories for your course before you can give weights to them.'; $string['setgradeletters'] = 'Set grade letters'; $string['setpreferences'] = 'Set preferences'; $string['setting'] = 'Setting'; $string['settings'] = 'Settings'; $string['setweights'] = 'Set weights'; $string['showallhidden'] = 'All hidden'; $string['showallstudents'] = 'Show all Students'; $string['showactivityicons'] = 'Show activity icons'; $string['showaverages'] = 'Show column averages'; $string['showcalculations'] = 'Show calculations'; $string['showeyecons'] = 'Show show/hide icons'; $string['showfeedback'] = 'Show feedback'; $string['showgroups'] = 'Show groups'; $string['showhiddenitems'] = 'Show hidden items'; $string['showhiddenuntilonly'] = 'Only hidden until'; $string['showlocks'] = 'Show locks'; $string['shownohidden'] = 'No hidden'; $string['shownooutcomes'] = 'Hide outcomes'; $string['shownumberofgrades'] = 'Show number of grades in averages'; $string['showquickfeedback'] = 'Show Quick Feedback'; $string['showranges'] = 'Show ranges'; $string['showrank'] = 'Show rank'; $string['showuseridnumber'] = 'Show user idnumber'; $string['showuserimage'] = 'Show user profile images'; $string['showverbose'] = 'Show $a->category$a->itemmodule $a->itemname'; $string['sitewide'] = 'Site-wide'; $string['sort'] = 'sort'; $string['sortasc'] = 'Sort in ascending order'; $string['sortdesc'] = 'Sort in descending order'; $string['sortbyfirstname'] = 'Sort by first name'; $string['sortbylastname'] = 'Sort by last name'; $string['standarddeviation'] = 'Standard deviation'; $string['stats'] = 'Statistics'; $string['statslink'] = 'Stats'; $string['student'] = 'Student'; $string['studentsperpage'] = 'Students per page'; $string['subcategory'] = 'Normal category'; $string['submissions'] = 'Submissions'; $string['submittedon'] = 'Submitted: $a'; $string['synclegacygrades'] = 'Synchronise legacy grades'; $string['topcategory'] = 'Super category'; $string['total'] = 'Total'; $string['totalweight100'] = 'The total weight is equal to 100'; $string['totalweightnot100'] = 'The total weight is not equal to 100'; $string['turnfeedbackoff'] = 'Turn feedback off'; $string['turnfeedbackon'] = 'Turn feedback on'; $string['typenone'] = 'None'; $string['typescale'] = 'Scale'; $string['typetext'] = 'Text'; $string['typevalue'] = 'Value'; $string['updatedgradesonly'] = 'Export new or updated grades only'; $string['uncategorised'] = 'Uncategorised'; $string['unchangedgrade'] = 'Grade unchanged'; $string['unenrolledusersinimport'] = 'This import included the following grades for users not currently enrolled in this course: $a'; $string['unlock'] = 'Unlock'; $string['unlockverbose'] = 'Unlock $a->category$a->itemmodule $a->itemname'; $string['unused'] = 'Unused'; $string['uploadgrades'] = 'Upload grades'; $string['useadvanced'] = 'Use Advanced Features'; $string['usedcourses'] = 'Used courses'; $string['usedgradeitem'] = 'Used grade item'; $string['usenooutcome'] = 'Use no outcome'; $string['usenoscale'] = 'Use no scale'; $string['usepercent'] = 'Use percent'; $string['user'] = 'User'; $string['usergrade'] = 'User $a->fullname ($a->useridnumber) on item $a->gradeidnumber'; $string['userkeyhelp'] = 'Select a saved key that will give users access to the data published by this export plugin, without having to log into Moodle. Select `create a new user key` to generate a new key when submitting this form.'; $string['userpreferences'] = 'User preferences'; $string['useweighted'] = 'Use weighted'; $string['viewbygroup'] = 'Group'; $string['viewgrades'] = 'View grades'; $string['weight'] = 'weight'; $string['weightcourse'] = 'Use weighted grades for course'; $string['weightedascending'] = 'Sort by weighted percent ascending'; $string['weighteddescending'] = 'Sort by weighted percent descending'; $string['weightedpct'] = 'weighted %%'; $string['weightedpctcontribution'] = 'weighted %% contribution'; $string['writinggradebookinfo'] = 'Writing gradebook settings'; $string['xml'] = 'XML'; $string['yes'] = 'Yes'; $string['yourgrade'] = 'Your grade'; ?>