// Miscellaneous core Javascript functions for Moodle // Global M object is initilised in inline javascript /** * Add module to list of available modules that can be loaded from YUI. * @param {Array} modules */ M.yui.add_module = function(modules) { for (var modname in modules) { YUI_config.modules[modname] = modules[modname]; } }; /** * The gallery version to use when loading YUI modules from the gallery. * Will be changed every time when using local galleries. */ M.yui.galleryversion = '2010.04.21-21-51'; /** * Various utility functions */ M.util = M.util || {}; /** * Language strings - initialised from page footer. */ M.str = M.str || {}; /** * Returns url for images. * @param {String} imagename * @param {String} component * @return {String} */ M.util.image_url = function(imagename, component) { if (!component || component == '' || component == 'moodle' || component == 'core') { component = 'core'; } var url = M.cfg.wwwroot + '/theme/image.php'; if (M.cfg.themerev > 0 && M.cfg.slasharguments == 1) { if (!M.cfg.svgicons) { url += '/_s'; } url += '/' + M.cfg.theme + '/' + component + '/' + M.cfg.themerev + '/' + imagename; } else { url += '?theme=' + M.cfg.theme + '&component=' + component + '&rev=' + M.cfg.themerev + '&image=' + imagename; if (!M.cfg.svgicons) { url += '&svg=0'; } } return url; }; M.util.in_array = function(item, array){ for( var i = 0; i'); a.setAttribute('title', strtooltip); // Get all the nodes from caption, remove them and append them to while (caption.hasChildNodes()) { child = caption.get('firstChild'); child.remove(); a.append(child); } caption.append(a); // Get the height of the div at this point before we shrink it if required var height = this.div.get('offsetHeight'); var collapsedimage = 't/collapsed'; // ltr mode if (right_to_left()) { collapsedimage = 't/collapsed_rtl'; } else { collapsedimage = 't/collapsed'; } if (this.div.hasClass('collapsed')) { // Add the correct image and record the YUI node created in the process this.icon = Y.Node.create(''); // Shrink the div as it is collapsed by default this.div.setStyle('height', caption.get('offsetHeight')+'px'); } else { // Add the correct image and record the YUI node created in the process this.icon = Y.Node.create(''); } a.append(this.icon); // Create the animation. var animation = new Y.Anim({ node: this.div, duration: 0.3, easing: Y.Easing.easeBoth, to: {height:caption.get('offsetHeight')}, from: {height:height} }); // Handler for the animation finishing. animation.on('end', function() { this.div.toggleClass('collapsed'); var collapsedimage = 't/collapsed'; // ltr mode if (right_to_left()) { collapsedimage = 't/collapsed_rtl'; } else { collapsedimage = 't/collapsed'; } if (this.div.hasClass('collapsed')) { this.icon.set('src', M.util.image_url(collapsedimage, 'moodle')); } else { this.icon.set('src', M.util.image_url('t/expanded', 'moodle')); } }, this); // Hook up the event handler. a.on('click', function(e, animation) { e.preventDefault(); // Animate to the appropriate size. if (animation.get('running')) { animation.stop(); } animation.set('reverse', this.div.hasClass('collapsed')); // Update the user preference. if (this.userpref) { M.util.set_user_preference(this.userpref, !this.div.hasClass('collapsed')); } animation.run(); }, this, animation); }; /** * The user preference that stores the state of this box. * @property userpref * @type String */ M.util.CollapsibleRegion.prototype.userpref = null; /** * The key divs that make up this * @property div * @type Y.Node */ M.util.CollapsibleRegion.prototype.div = null; /** * The key divs that make up this * @property icon * @type Y.Node */ M.util.CollapsibleRegion.prototype.icon = null; /** * Makes a best effort to connect back to Moodle to update a user preference, * however, there is no mechanism for finding out if the update succeeded. * * Before you can use this function in your JavsScript, you must have called * user_preference_allow_ajax_update from moodlelib.php to tell Moodle that * the udpate is allowed, and how to safely clean and submitted values. * * @param String name the name of the setting to udpate. * @param String the value to set it to. */ M.util.set_user_preference = function(name, value) { YUI().use('io', function(Y) { var url = M.cfg.wwwroot + '/lib/ajax/setuserpref.php?sesskey=' + M.cfg.sesskey + '&pref=' + encodeURI(name) + '&value=' + encodeURI(value); // If we are a developer, ensure that failures are reported. var cfg = { method: 'get', on: {} }; if (M.cfg.developerdebug) { cfg.on.failure = function(id, o, args) { alert("Error updating user preference '" + name + "' using ajax. Clicking this link will repeat the Ajax call that failed so you can see the error: "); } } // Make the request. Y.io(url, cfg); }); }; /** * Prints a confirmation dialog in the style of DOM.confirm(). * * @method show_confirm_dialog * @param {EventFacade} e * @param {Object} args * @param {String} args.message The question to ask the user * @param {Function} [args.callback] A callback to apply on confirmation. * @param {Object} [args.scope] The scope to use when calling the callback. * @param {Object} [args.callbackargs] Any arguments to pass to the callback. * @param {String} [args.cancellabel] The label to use on the cancel button. * @param {String} [args.continuelabel] The label to use on the continue button. */ M.util.show_confirm_dialog = function(e, args) { var target = e.target; if (e.preventDefault) { e.preventDefault(); } YUI().use('moodle-core-notification-confirm', function(Y) { var confirmationDialogue = new M.core.confirm({ width: '300px', center: true, modal: true, visible: false, draggable: false, title: M.util.get_string('confirmation', 'admin'), noLabel: M.util.get_string('cancel', 'moodle'), question: args.message }); // The dialogue was submitted with a positive value indication. confirmationDialogue.on('complete-yes', function(e) { // Handle any callbacks. if (args.callback) { if (!Y.Lang.isFunction(args.callback)) { Y.log('Callbacks to show_confirm_dialog must now be functions. Please update your code to pass in a function instead.', 'warn', 'M.util.show_confirm_dialog'); return; } var scope = e.target; if (Y.Lang.isObject(args.scope)) { scope = args.scope; } var callbackargs = args.callbackargs || []; args.callback.apply(scope, callbackargs); return; } var targetancestor = null, targetform = null; if (target.test('a')) { window.location = target.get('href'); } else if ((targetancestor = target.ancestor('a')) !== null) { window.location = targetancestor.get('href'); } else if (target.test('input')) { targetform = target.ancestor('form', true); if (!targetform) { return; } if (target.get('name') && target.get('value')) { targetform.append(''); } targetform.submit(); } else if (target.test('form')) { target.submit(); } else { Y.log("Element of type " + target.get('tagName') + " is not supported by the M.util.show_confirm_dialog function. Use A, INPUT, or FORM", 'warn', 'javascript-static'); } }, this); if (args.cancellabel) { confirmationDialogue.set('noLabel', args.cancellabel); } if (args.continuelabel) { confirmationDialogue.set('yesLabel', args.continuelabel); } confirmationDialogue.render() .show(); }); }; /** Useful for full embedding of various stuff */ M.util.init_maximised_embed = function(Y, id) { var obj = Y.one('#'+id); if (!obj) { return; } var get_htmlelement_size = function(el, prop) { if (Y.Lang.isString(el)) { el = Y.one('#' + el); } // Ensure element exists. if (el) { var val = el.getStyle(prop); if (val == 'auto') { val = el.getComputedStyle(prop); } val = parseInt(val); if (isNaN(val)) { return 0; } return val; } else { return 0; } }; var resize_object = function() { obj.setStyle('width', '0px'); obj.setStyle('height', '0px'); var newwidth = get_htmlelement_size('maincontent', 'width') - 35; if (newwidth > 500) { obj.setStyle('width', newwidth + 'px'); } else { obj.setStyle('width', '500px'); } var headerheight = get_htmlelement_size('page-header', 'height'); var footerheight = get_htmlelement_size('page-footer', 'height'); var newheight = parseInt(Y.one('body').get('docHeight')) - footerheight - headerheight - 100; if (newheight < 400) { newheight = 400; } obj.setStyle('height', newheight+'px'); }; resize_object(); // fix layout if window resized too window.onresize = function() { resize_object(); }; }; /** * Breaks out all links to the top frame - used in frametop page layout. */ M.util.init_frametop = function(Y) { Y.all('a').each(function(node) { node.set('target', '_top'); }); Y.all('form').each(function(node) { node.set('target', '_top'); }); }; /** * Finds all nodes that match the given CSS selector and attaches events to them * so that they toggle a given classname when clicked. * * @param {YUI} Y * @param {string} id An id containing elements to target * @param {string} cssselector A selector to use to find targets * @param {string} toggleclassname A classname to toggle */ M.util.init_toggle_class_on_click = function(Y, id, cssselector, toggleclassname, togglecssselector) { if (togglecssselector == '') { togglecssselector = cssselector; } var node = Y.one('#'+id); node.all(cssselector).each(function(n){ n.on('click', function(e){ e.stopPropagation(); if (e.target.test(cssselector) && !e.target.test('a') && !e.target.test('img')) { if (this.test(togglecssselector)) { this.toggleClass(toggleclassname); } else { this.ancestor(togglecssselector).toggleClass(toggleclassname); } } }, n); }); // Attach this click event to the node rather than all selectors... will be much better // for performance node.on('click', function(e){ if (e.target.hasClass('addtoall')) { this.all(togglecssselector).addClass(toggleclassname); } else if (e.target.hasClass('removefromall')) { this.all(togglecssselector+'.'+toggleclassname).removeClass(toggleclassname); } }, node); }; /** * Initialises a colour picker * * Designed to be used with admin_setting_configcolourpicker although could be used * anywhere, just give a text input an id and insert a div with the class admin_colourpicker * above or below the input (must have the same parent) and then call this with the * id. * * This code was mostly taken from my [Sam Hemelryk] css theme tool available in * contrib/blocks. For better docs refer to that. * * @param {YUI} Y * @param {int} id * @param {object} previewconf */ M.util.init_colour_picker = function(Y, id, previewconf) { /** * We need node and event-mouseenter */ Y.use('node', 'event-mouseenter', function(){ /** * The colour picker object */ var colourpicker = { box : null, input : null, image : null, preview : null, current : null, eventClick : null, eventMouseEnter : null, eventMouseLeave : null, eventMouseMove : null, width : 300, height : 100, factor : 5, /** * Initalises the colour picker by putting everything together and wiring the events */ init : function() { this.input = Y.one('#'+id); this.box = this.input.ancestor().one('.admin_colourpicker'); this.image = Y.Node.create(''); this.image.setAttribute('src', M.util.image_url('i/colourpicker', 'moodle')); this.preview = Y.Node.create('
'); this.preview.setStyle('width', this.height/2).setStyle('height', this.height/2).setStyle('backgroundColor', this.input.get('value')); this.current = Y.Node.create('
'); this.current.setStyle('width', this.height/2).setStyle('height', this.height/2 -1).setStyle('backgroundColor', this.input.get('value')); this.box.setContent('').append(this.image).append(this.preview).append(this.current); if (typeof(previewconf) === 'object' && previewconf !== null) { Y.one('#'+id+'_preview').on('click', function(e){ if (Y.Lang.isString(previewconf.selector)) { Y.all(previewconf.selector).setStyle(previewconf.style, this.input.get('value')); } else { for (var i in previewconf.selector) { Y.all(previewconf.selector[i]).setStyle(previewconf.style, this.input.get('value')); } } }, this); } this.eventClick = this.image.on('click', this.pickColour, this); this.eventMouseEnter = Y.on('mouseenter', this.startFollow, this.image, this); }, /** * Starts to follow the mouse once it enter the image */ startFollow : function(e) { this.eventMouseEnter.detach(); this.eventMouseLeave = Y.on('mouseleave', this.endFollow, this.image, this); this.eventMouseMove = this.image.on('mousemove', function(e){ this.preview.setStyle('backgroundColor', this.determineColour(e)); }, this); }, /** * Stops following the mouse */ endFollow : function(e) { this.eventMouseMove.detach(); this.eventMouseLeave.detach(); this.eventMouseEnter = Y.on('mouseenter', this.startFollow, this.image, this); }, /** * Picks the colour the was clicked on */ pickColour : function(e) { var colour = this.determineColour(e); this.input.set('value', colour); this.current.setStyle('backgroundColor', colour); }, /** * Calculates the colour fromthe given co-ordinates */ determineColour : function(e) { var eventx = Math.floor(e.pageX-e.target.getX()); var eventy = Math.floor(e.pageY-e.target.getY()); var imagewidth = this.width; var imageheight = this.height; var factor = this.factor; var colour = [255,0,0]; var matrices = [ [ 0, 1, 0], [ -1, 0, 0], [ 0, 0, 1], [ 0, -1, 0], [ 1, 0, 0], [ 0, 0, -1] ]; var matrixcount = matrices.length; var limit = Math.round(imagewidth/matrixcount); var heightbreak = Math.round(imageheight/2); for (var x = 0; x < imagewidth; x++) { var divisor = Math.floor(x / limit); var matrix = matrices[divisor]; colour[0] += matrix[0]*factor; colour[1] += matrix[1]*factor; colour[2] += matrix[2]*factor; if (eventx==x) { break; } } var pixel = [colour[0], colour[1], colour[2]]; if (eventy < heightbreak) { pixel[0] += Math.floor(((255-pixel[0])/heightbreak) * (heightbreak - eventy)); pixel[1] += Math.floor(((255-pixel[1])/heightbreak) * (heightbreak - eventy)); pixel[2] += Math.floor(((255-pixel[2])/heightbreak) * (heightbreak - eventy)); } else if (eventy > heightbreak) { pixel[0] = Math.floor((imageheight-eventy)*(pixel[0]/heightbreak)); pixel[1] = Math.floor((imageheight-eventy)*(pixel[1]/heightbreak)); pixel[2] = Math.floor((imageheight-eventy)*(pixel[2]/heightbreak)); } return this.convert_rgb_to_hex(pixel); }, /** * Converts an RGB value to Hex */ convert_rgb_to_hex : function(rgb) { var hex = '#'; var hexchars = "0123456789ABCDEF"; for (var i=0; i<3; i++) { var number = Math.abs(rgb[i]); if (number == 0 || isNaN(number)) { hex += '00'; } else { hex += hexchars.charAt((number-number%16)/16)+hexchars.charAt(number%16); } } return hex; } }; /** * Initialise the colour picker :) Hoorah */ colourpicker.init(); }); }; M.util.init_block_hider = function(Y, config) { Y.use('base', 'node', function(Y) { M.util.block_hider = M.util.block_hider || (function(){ var blockhider = function() { blockhider.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments); }; blockhider.prototype = { initializer : function(config) { this.set('block', '#'+this.get('id')); var b = this.get('block'), t = b.one('.title'), a = null, hide, show; if (t && (a = t.one('.block_action'))) { hide = Y.Node.create('') .addClass('block-hider-hide') .setAttrs({ alt: config.tooltipVisible, src: this.get('iconVisible'), tabindex: 0, 'title': config.tooltipVisible }); hide.on('keypress', this.updateStateKey, this, true); hide.on('click', this.updateState, this, true); show = Y.Node.create('') .addClass('block-hider-show') .setAttrs({ alt: config.tooltipHidden, src: this.get('iconHidden'), tabindex: 0, 'title': config.tooltipHidden }); show.on('keypress', this.updateStateKey, this, false); show.on('click', this.updateState, this, false); a.insert(show, 0).insert(hide, 0); } }, updateState : function(e, hide) { M.util.set_user_preference(this.get('preference'), hide); if (hide) { this.get('block').addClass('hidden'); } else { this.get('block').removeClass('hidden'); } }, updateStateKey : function(e, hide) { if (e.keyCode == 13) { //allow hide/show via enter key this.updateState(this, hide); } } }; Y.extend(blockhider, Y.Base, blockhider.prototype, { NAME : 'blockhider', ATTRS : { id : {}, preference : {}, iconVisible : { value : M.util.image_url('t/switch_minus', 'moodle') }, iconHidden : { value : M.util.image_url('t/switch_plus', 'moodle') }, block : { setter : function(node) { return Y.one(node); } } } }); return blockhider; })(); new M.util.block_hider(config); }); }; /** * @var pending_js - The keys are the list of all pending js actions. * @type Object */ M.util.pending_js = []; M.util.complete_js = []; /** * Register any long running javascript code with a unique identifier. * Should be followed with a call to js_complete with a matching * idenfitier when the code is complete. May also be called with no arguments * to test if there is any js calls pending. This is relied on by behat so that * it can wait for all pending updates before interacting with a page. * @param String uniqid - optional, if provided, * registers this identifier until js_complete is called. * @return boolean - True if there is any pending js. */ M.util.js_pending = function(uniqid) { if (uniqid !== false) { M.util.pending_js.push(uniqid); } return M.util.pending_js.length; }; // Start this asap. M.util.js_pending('init'); /** * Register listeners for Y.io start/end so we can wait for them in behat. */ YUI.add('moodle-core-io', function(Y) { Y.on('io:start', function(id) { M.util.js_pending('io:' + id); }); Y.on('io:end', function(id) { M.util.js_complete('io:' + id); }); }, '@VERSION@', { condition: { trigger: 'io-base', when: 'after' } }); /** * Unregister any long running javascript code by unique identifier. * This function should form a matching pair with js_pending * * @param String uniqid - required, unregisters this identifier * @return boolean - True if there is any pending js. */ M.util.js_complete = function(uniqid) { // Use the Y.Array.indexOf instead of the native because some older browsers do not support // the native function. Y.Array polyfills the native function if it does not exist. var index = Y.Array.indexOf(M.util.pending_js, uniqid); if (index >= 0) { M.util.complete_js.push(M.util.pending_js.splice(index, 1)); } return M.util.pending_js.length; }; /** * Returns a string registered in advance for usage in JavaScript * * If you do not pass the third parameter, the function will just return * the corresponding value from the M.str object. If the third parameter is * provided, the function performs {$a} placeholder substitution in the * same way as PHP get_string() in Moodle does. * * @param {String} identifier string identifier * @param {String} component the component providing the string * @param {Object|String} a optional variable to populate placeholder with */ M.util.get_string = function(identifier, component, a) { var stringvalue; if (M.cfg.developerdebug) { // creating new instance if YUI is not optimal but it seems to be better way then // require the instance via the function API - note that it is used in rare cases // for debugging only anyway // To ensure we don't kill browser performance if hundreds of get_string requests // are made we cache the instance we generate within the M.util namespace. // We don't publicly define the variable so that it doesn't get abused. if (typeof M.util.get_string_yui_instance === 'undefined') { M.util.get_string_yui_instance = new YUI({ debug : true }); } var Y = M.util.get_string_yui_instance; } if (!M.str.hasOwnProperty(component) || !M.str[component].hasOwnProperty(identifier)) { stringvalue = '[[' + identifier + ',' + component + ']]'; if (M.cfg.developerdebug) { Y.log('undefined string ' + stringvalue, 'warn', 'M.util.get_string'); } return stringvalue; } stringvalue = M.str[component][identifier]; if (typeof a == 'undefined') { // no placeholder substitution requested return stringvalue; } if (typeof a == 'number' || typeof a == 'string') { // replace all occurrences of {$a} with the placeholder value stringvalue = stringvalue.replace(/\{\$a\}/g, a); return stringvalue; } if (typeof a == 'object') { // replace {$a->key} placeholders for (var key in a) { if (typeof a[key] != 'number' && typeof a[key] != 'string') { if (M.cfg.developerdebug) { Y.log('invalid value type for $a->' + key, 'warn', 'M.util.get_string'); } continue; } var search = '{$a->' + key + '}'; search = search.replace(/[-[\]{}()*+?.,\\^$|#\s]/g, '\\$&'); search = new RegExp(search, 'g'); stringvalue = stringvalue.replace(search, a[key]); } return stringvalue; } if (M.cfg.developerdebug) { Y.log('incorrect placeholder type', 'warn', 'M.util.get_string'); } return stringvalue; }; /** * Set focus on username or password field of the login form */ M.util.focus_login_form = function(Y) { var username = Y.one('#username'); var password = Y.one('#password'); if (username == null || password == null) { // something is wrong here return; } var curElement = document.activeElement if (curElement == 'undefined') { // legacy browser - skip refocus protection } else if (curElement.tagName == 'INPUT') { // user was probably faster to focus something, do not mess with focus return; } if (username.get('value') == '') { username.focus(); } else { password.focus(); } } /** * Set focus on login error message */ M.util.focus_login_error = function(Y) { var errorlog = Y.one('#loginerrormessage'); if (errorlog) { errorlog.focus(); } } /** * Adds lightbox hidden element that covers the whole node. * * @param {YUI} Y * @param {Node} the node lightbox should be added to * @retun {Node} created lightbox node */ M.util.add_lightbox = function(Y, node) { var WAITICON = {'pix':"i/loading_small",'component':'moodle'}; // Check if lightbox is already there if (node.one('.lightbox')) { return node.one('.lightbox'); } node.setStyle('position', 'relative'); var waiticon = Y.Node.create('') .setAttrs({ 'src' : M.util.image_url(WAITICON.pix, WAITICON.component) }) .setStyles({ 'position' : 'relative', 'top' : '50%' }); var lightbox = Y.Node.create('
') .setStyles({ 'opacity' : '.75', 'position' : 'absolute', 'width' : '100%', 'height' : '100%', 'top' : 0, 'left' : 0, 'backgroundColor' : 'white', 'textAlign' : 'center' }) .setAttribute('class', 'lightbox') .hide(); lightbox.appendChild(waiticon); node.append(lightbox); return lightbox; } /** * Appends a hidden spinner element to the specified node. * * @param {YUI} Y * @param {Node} the node the spinner should be added to * @return {Node} created spinner node */ M.util.add_spinner = function(Y, node) { var WAITICON = {'pix':"i/loading_small",'component':'moodle'}; // Check if spinner is already there if (node.one('.spinner')) { return node.one('.spinner'); } var spinner = Y.Node.create('') .setAttribute('src', M.util.image_url(WAITICON.pix, WAITICON.component)) .addClass('spinner') .addClass('iconsmall') .hide(); node.append(spinner); return spinner; } //=== old legacy JS code, hopefully to be replaced soon by M.xx.yy and YUI3 code === function checkall() { var inputs = document.getElementsByTagName('input'); for (var i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++) { if (inputs[i].type == 'checkbox') { if (inputs[i].disabled || inputs[i].readOnly) { continue; } inputs[i].checked = true; } } } function checknone() { var inputs = document.getElementsByTagName('input'); for (var i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++) { if (inputs[i].type == 'checkbox') { if (inputs[i].disabled || inputs[i].readOnly) { continue; } inputs[i].checked = false; } } } /** * Either check, or uncheck, all checkboxes inside the element with id is * @param id the id of the container * @param checked the new state, either '' or 'checked'. */ function select_all_in_element_with_id(id, checked) { var container = document.getElementById(id); if (!container) { return; } var inputs = container.getElementsByTagName('input'); for (var i = 0; i < inputs.length; ++i) { if (inputs[i].type == 'checkbox' || inputs[i].type == 'radio') { inputs[i].checked = checked; } } } function select_all_in(elTagName, elClass, elId) { var inputs = document.getElementsByTagName('input'); inputs = filterByParent(inputs, function(el) {return findParentNode(el, elTagName, elClass, elId);}); for(var i = 0; i < inputs.length; ++i) { if(inputs[i].type == 'checkbox' || inputs[i].type == 'radio') { inputs[i].checked = 'checked'; } } } function deselect_all_in(elTagName, elClass, elId) { var inputs = document.getElementsByTagName('INPUT'); inputs = filterByParent(inputs, function(el) {return findParentNode(el, elTagName, elClass, elId);}); for(var i = 0; i < inputs.length; ++i) { if(inputs[i].type == 'checkbox' || inputs[i].type == 'radio') { inputs[i].checked = ''; } } } function confirm_if(expr, message) { if(!expr) { return true; } return confirm(message); } /* findParentNode (start, elementName, elementClass, elementID) Travels up the DOM hierarchy to find a parent element with the specified tag name, class, and id. All conditions must be met, but any can be ommitted. Returns the BODY element if no match found. */ function findParentNode(el, elName, elClass, elId) { while (el.nodeName.toUpperCase() != 'BODY') { if ((!elName || el.nodeName.toUpperCase() == elName) && (!elClass || el.className.indexOf(elClass) != -1) && (!elId || el.id == elId)) { break; } el = el.parentNode; } return el; } function unmaskPassword(id) { var pw = document.getElementById(id); var chb = document.getElementById(id+'unmask'); // MDL-30438 - The capability to changing the value of input type is not supported by IE8 or lower. // Replacing existing child with a new one, removed all yui properties for the node. Therefore, this // functionality won't work in IE8 or lower. // This is a temporary fixed to allow other browsers to function properly. if (Y.UA.ie == 0 || Y.UA.ie >= 9) { if (chb.checked) { pw.type = "text"; } else { pw.type = "password"; } } else { //IE Browser version 8 or lower try { // first try IE way - it can not set name attribute later if (chb.checked) { var newpw = document.createElement(''); } else { var newpw = document.createElement(''); } newpw.attributes['class'].nodeValue = pw.attributes['class'].nodeValue; } catch (e) { var newpw = document.createElement('input'); newpw.setAttribute('autocomplete', 'off'); newpw.setAttribute('name', pw.name); if (chb.checked) { newpw.setAttribute('type', 'text'); } else { newpw.setAttribute('type', 'password'); } newpw.setAttribute('class', pw.getAttribute('class')); } newpw.id = pw.id; newpw.size = pw.size; newpw.onblur = pw.onblur; newpw.onchange = pw.onchange; newpw.value = pw.value; pw.parentNode.replaceChild(newpw, pw); } } function filterByParent(elCollection, parentFinder) { var filteredCollection = []; for (var i = 0; i < elCollection.length; ++i) { var findParent = parentFinder(elCollection[i]); if (findParent.nodeName.toUpperCase() != 'BODY') { filteredCollection.push(elCollection[i]); } } return filteredCollection; } /* All this is here just so that IE gets to handle oversized blocks in a visually pleasing manner. It does a browser detect. So sue me. */ function fix_column_widths() { var agt = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); if ((agt.indexOf("msie") != -1) && (agt.indexOf("opera") == -1)) { fix_column_width('left-column'); fix_column_width('right-column'); } } function fix_column_width(colName) { if(column = document.getElementById(colName)) { if(!column.offsetWidth) { setTimeout("fix_column_width('" + colName + "')", 20); return; } var width = 0; var nodes = column.childNodes; for(i = 0; i < nodes.length; ++i) { if(nodes[i].className.indexOf("block") != -1 ) { if(width < nodes[i].offsetWidth) { width = nodes[i].offsetWidth; } } } for(i = 0; i < nodes.length; ++i) { if(nodes[i].className.indexOf("block") != -1 ) { nodes[i].style.width = width + 'px'; } } } } /* Insert myValue at current cursor position */ function insertAtCursor(myField, myValue) { // IE support if (document.selection) { myField.focus(); sel = document.selection.createRange(); sel.text = myValue; } // Mozilla/Netscape support else if (myField.selectionStart || myField.selectionStart == '0') { var startPos = myField.selectionStart; var endPos = myField.selectionEnd; myField.value = myField.value.substring(0, startPos) + myValue + myField.value.substring(endPos, myField.value.length); } else { myField.value += myValue; } } /** * Increment a file name. * * @param string file name. * @param boolean ignoreextension do not extract the extension prior to appending the * suffix. Useful when incrementing folder names. * @return string the incremented file name. */ function increment_filename(filename, ignoreextension) { var extension = ''; var basename = filename; // Split the file name into the basename + extension. if (!ignoreextension) { var dotpos = filename.lastIndexOf('.'); if (dotpos !== -1) { basename = filename.substr(0, dotpos); extension = filename.substr(dotpos, filename.length); } } // Look to see if the name already has (NN) at the end of it. var number = 0; var hasnumber = basename.match(/^(.*) \((\d+)\)$/); if (hasnumber !== null) { // Note the current number & remove it from the basename. number = parseInt(hasnumber[2], 10); basename = hasnumber[1]; } number++; var newname = basename + ' (' + number + ')' + extension; return newname; } /** * Return whether we are in right to left mode or not. * * @return boolean */ function right_to_left() { var body = Y.one('body'); var rtl = false; if (body && body.hasClass('dir-rtl')) { rtl = true; } return rtl; } function openpopup(event, args) { if (event) { if (event.preventDefault) { event.preventDefault(); } else { event.returnValue = false; } } // Make sure the name argument is set and valid. var nameregex = /[^a-z0-9_]/i; if (typeof args.name !== 'string') { args.name = '_blank'; } else if (args.name.match(nameregex)) { // Cleans window name because IE does not support funky ones. if (M.cfg.developerdebug) { alert('DEVELOPER NOTICE: Invalid \'name\' passed to openpopup(): ' + args.name); } args.name = args.name.replace(nameregex, '_'); } var fullurl = args.url; if (!args.url.match(/https?:\/\//)) { fullurl = M.cfg.wwwroot + args.url; } if (args.fullscreen) { args.options = args.options. replace(/top=\d+/, 'top=0'). replace(/left=\d+/, 'left=0'). replace(/width=\d+/, 'width=' + screen.availWidth). replace(/height=\d+/, 'height=' + screen.availHeight); } var windowobj = window.open(fullurl,args.name,args.options); if (!windowobj) { return true; } if (args.fullscreen) { // In some browser / OS combinations (E.g. Chrome on Windows), the // window initially opens slighly too big. The width and heigh options // seem to control the area inside the browser window, so what with // scroll-bars, etc. the actual window is bigger than the screen. // Therefore, we need to fix things up after the window is open. var hackcount = 100; var get_size_exactly_right = function() { windowobj.moveTo(0, 0); windowobj.resizeTo(screen.availWidth, screen.availHeight); // Unfortunately, it seems that in Chrome on Ubuntu, if you call // something like windowobj.resizeTo(1280, 1024) too soon (up to // about 50ms) after the window is open, then it actually behaves // as if you called windowobj.resizeTo(0, 0). Therefore, we need to // check that the resize actually worked, and if not, repeatedly try // again after a short delay until it works (but with a limit of // hackcount repeats. if (hackcount > 0 && (windowobj.innerHeight < 10 || windowobj.innerWidth < 10)) { hackcount -= 1; setTimeout(get_size_exactly_right, 10); } } setTimeout(get_size_exactly_right, 0); } windowobj.focus(); return false; } /** Close the current browser window. */ function close_window(e) { if (e.preventDefault) { e.preventDefault(); } else { e.returnValue = false; } window.close(); } /** * Tranfer keyboard focus to the HTML element with the given id, if it exists. * @param controlid the control id. */ function focuscontrol(controlid) { var control = document.getElementById(controlid); if (control) { control.focus(); } } /** * Transfers keyboard focus to an HTML element based on the old style style of focus * This function should be removed as soon as it is no longer used */ function old_onload_focus(formid, controlname) { if (document.forms[formid] && document.forms[formid].elements && document.forms[formid].elements[controlname]) { document.forms[formid].elements[controlname].focus(); } } function build_querystring(obj) { return convert_object_to_string(obj, '&'); } function build_windowoptionsstring(obj) { return convert_object_to_string(obj, ','); } function convert_object_to_string(obj, separator) { if (typeof obj !== 'object') { return null; } var list = []; for(var k in obj) { k = encodeURIComponent(k); var value = obj[k]; if(obj[k] instanceof Array) { for(var i in value) { list.push(k+'[]='+encodeURIComponent(value[i])); } } else { list.push(k+'='+encodeURIComponent(value)); } } return list.join(separator); } function stripHTML(str) { var re = /<\S[^><]*>/g; var ret = str.replace(re, ""); return ret; } function updateProgressBar(id, percent, msg, estimate) { var progressIndicator = Y.one('#' + id); if (!progressIndicator) { return; } var progressBar = progressIndicator.one('.bar'), statusIndicator = progressIndicator.one('h2'), estimateIndicator = progressIndicator.one('p'); statusIndicator.set('innerHTML', Y.Escape.html(msg)); progressBar.set('innerHTML', Y.Escape.html('' + percent + '%')); if (percent === 100) { progressIndicator.addClass('progress-success'); estimateIndicator.set('innerHTML', null); } else { if (estimate) { estimateIndicator.set('innerHTML', Y.Escape.html(estimate)); } else { estimateIndicator.set('innerHTML', null); } progressIndicator.removeClass('progress-success'); } progressBar.setAttribute('aria-valuenow', percent); progressBar.setStyle('width', percent + '%'); } // ===== Deprecated core Javascript functions for Moodle ==== // DO NOT USE!!!!!!! // Do not put this stuff in separate file because it only adds extra load on servers! /** * @method show_item * @deprecated since Moodle 2.7. * @see Y.Node.show */ function show_item() { throw new Error('show_item can not be used any more. Please use Y.Node.show.'); } /** * @method destroy_item * @deprecated since Moodle 2.7. * @see Y.Node.destroy */ function destroy_item() { throw new Error('destroy_item can not be used any more. Please use Y.Node.destroy.'); } /** * @method hide_item * @deprecated since Moodle 2.7. * @see Y.Node.hide */ function hide_item() { throw new Error('hide_item can not be used any more. Please use Y.Node.hide.'); } /** * @method addonload * @deprecated since Moodle 2.7 - please do not use this function any more. */ function addonload() { throw new Error('addonload can not be used any more.'); } /** * @method getElementsByClassName * @deprecated Since Moodle 2.7 - please do not use this function any more. * @see Y.one * @see Y.all */ function getElementsByClassName() { throw new Error('getElementsByClassName can not be used any more. Please use Y.one or Y.all.'); } /** * @method findChildNodes * @deprecated since Moodle 2.7 - please do not use this function any more. * @see Y.all */ function findChildNodes() { throw new Error('findChildNodes can not be used any more. Please use Y.all.'); } M.util.help_popups = { setup : function(Y) { Y.one('body').delegate('click', this.open_popup, 'a.helplinkpopup', this); }, open_popup : function(e) { // Prevent the default page action e.preventDefault(); // Grab the anchor that was clicked var anchor = e.target.ancestor('a', true); var args = { 'name' : 'popup', 'url' : anchor.getAttribute('href'), 'options' : '' }; var options = [ 'height=600', 'width=800', 'top=0', 'left=0', 'menubar=0', 'location=0', 'scrollbars', 'resizable', 'toolbar', 'status', 'directories=0', 'fullscreen=0', 'dependent' ] args.options = options.join(','); openpopup(e, args); } } /** * Custom menu namespace */ M.core_custom_menu = { /** * This method is used to initialise a custom menu given the id that belongs * to the custom menu's root node. * * @param {YUI} Y * @param {string} nodeid */ init : function(Y, nodeid) { var node = Y.one('#'+nodeid); if (node) { Y.use('node-menunav', function(Y) { // Get the node // Remove the javascript-disabled class.... obviously javascript is enabled. node.removeClass('javascript-disabled'); // Initialise the menunav plugin node.plug(Y.Plugin.NodeMenuNav); }); } } }; /** * Used to store form manipulation methods and enhancments */ M.form = M.form || {}; /** * Converts a nbsp indented select box into a multi drop down custom control much * like the custom menu. It also selectable categories on or off. * * $form->init_javascript_enhancement('elementname','smartselect', array('selectablecategories'=>true|false, 'mode'=>'compact'|'spanning')); * * @param {YUI} Y * @param {string} id * @param {Array} options */ M.form.init_smartselect = function(Y, id, options) { if (!id.match(/^id_/)) { id = 'id_'+id; } var select = Y.one('select#'+id); if (!select) { return false; } Y.use('event-delegate',function(){ var smartselect = { id : id, structure : [], options : [], submenucount : 0, currentvalue : null, currenttext : null, shownevent : null, cfg : { selectablecategories : true, mode : null }, nodes : { select : null, loading : null, menu : null }, init : function(Y, id, args, nodes) { if (typeof(args)=='object') { for (var i in this.cfg) { if (args[i] || args[i]===false) { this.cfg[i] = args[i]; } } } // Display a loading message first up this.nodes.select = nodes.select; this.currentvalue = this.nodes.select.get('selectedIndex'); this.currenttext = this.nodes.select.all('option').item(this.currentvalue).get('innerHTML'); var options = Array(); options[''] = {text:this.currenttext,value:'',depth:0,children:[]}; this.nodes.select.all('option').each(function(option, index) { var rawtext = option.get('innerHTML'); var text = rawtext.replace(/^( )*/, ''); if (rawtext === text) { text = rawtext.replace(/^(\s)*/, ''); var depth = (rawtext.length - text.length ) + 1; } else { var depth = ((rawtext.length - text.length )/12)+1; } option.set('innerHTML', text); options['i'+index] = {text:text,depth:depth,index:index,children:[]}; }, this); this.structure = []; var structcount = 0; for (var i in options) { var o = options[i]; if (o.depth == 0) { this.structure.push(o); structcount++; } else { var d = o.depth; var current = this.structure[structcount-1]; for (var j = 0; j < o.depth-1;j++) { if (current && current.children) { current = current.children[current.children.length-1]; } } if (current && current.children) { current.children.push(o); } } } this.nodes.menu = Y.Node.create(this.generate_menu_content()); this.nodes.menu.one('.smartselect_mask').setStyle('opacity', 0.01); this.nodes.menu.one('.smartselect_mask').setStyle('width', (this.nodes.select.get('offsetWidth')+5)+'px'); this.nodes.menu.one('.smartselect_mask').setStyle('height', (this.nodes.select.get('offsetHeight'))+'px'); if (this.cfg.mode == null) { var formwidth = this.nodes.select.ancestor('form').get('offsetWidth'); if (formwidth < 400 || this.nodes.menu.get('offsetWidth') < formwidth*2) { this.cfg.mode = 'compact'; } else { this.cfg.mode = 'spanning'; } } if (this.cfg.mode == 'compact') { this.nodes.menu.addClass('compactmenu'); } else { this.nodes.menu.addClass('spanningmenu'); this.nodes.menu.delegate('mouseover', this.show_sub_menu, '.smartselect_submenuitem', this); } Y.one(document.body).append(this.nodes.menu); var pos = this.nodes.select.getXY(); pos[0] += 1; this.nodes.menu.setXY(pos); this.nodes.menu.on('click', this.handle_click, this); Y.one(window).on('resize', function(){ var pos = this.nodes.select.getXY(); pos[0] += 1; this.nodes.menu.setXY(pos); }, this); }, generate_menu_content : function() { var content = '
'; content += this.generate_submenu_content(this.structure[0], true); content += '
'; return content; }, generate_submenu_content : function(item, rootelement) { this.submenucount++; var content = ''; if (item.children.length > 0) { if (rootelement) { content += '
'; content += '
'; content += '
'; } else { content += '
  • '; var categoryclass = (this.cfg.selectablecategories)?'selectable':'notselectable'; content += ''+item.text+''; content += '
    '; content += '
    '; } content += '
      '; for (var i in item.children) { content += this.generate_submenu_content(item.children[i],false); } content += '
    '; content += '
    '; content += '
    '; if (rootelement) { } else { content += '
  • '; } } else { content += '
  • '; content += ''+item.text+''; content += '
  • '; } return content; }, select : function(e) { var t = e.target; e.halt(); this.currenttext = t.get('innerHTML'); this.currentvalue = t.getAttribute('value'); this.nodes.select.set('selectedIndex', this.currentvalue); this.hide_menu(); }, handle_click : function(e) { var target = e.target; if (target.hasClass('smartselect_mask')) { this.show_menu(e); } else if (target.hasClass('selectable') || target.hasClass('smartselect_menuitem')) { this.select(e); } else if (target.hasClass('smartselect_menuitem_label') || target.hasClass('smartselect_submenuitem')) { this.show_sub_menu(e); } }, show_menu : function(e) { e.halt(); var menu = e.target.ancestor().one('.smartselect_menu'); menu.addClass('visible'); this.shownevent = Y.one(document.body).on('click', this.hide_menu, this); }, show_sub_menu : function(e) { e.halt(); var target = e.target; if (!target.hasClass('smartselect_submenuitem')) { target = target.ancestor('.smartselect_submenuitem'); } if (this.cfg.mode == 'compact' && target.one('.smartselect_submenu').hasClass('visible')) { target.ancestor('ul').all('.smartselect_submenu.visible').removeClass('visible'); return; } target.ancestor('ul').all('.smartselect_submenu.visible').removeClass('visible'); target.one('.smartselect_submenu').addClass('visible'); }, hide_menu : function() { this.nodes.menu.all('.visible').removeClass('visible'); if (this.shownevent) { this.shownevent.detach(); } } }; smartselect.init(Y, id, options, {select:select}); }); }; /** List of flv players to be loaded */ M.util.video_players = []; /** List of mp3 players to be loaded */ M.util.audio_players = []; /** * Add video player * @param id element id * @param fileurl media url * @param width * @param height * @param autosize true means detect size from media */ M.util.add_video_player = function (id, fileurl, width, height, autosize) { M.util.video_players.push({id: id, fileurl: fileurl, width: width, height: height, autosize: autosize, resized: false}); }; /** * Add audio player. * @param id * @param fileurl * @param small */ M.util.add_audio_player = function (id, fileurl, small) { M.util.audio_players.push({id: id, fileurl: fileurl, small: small}); }; /** * Initialise all audio and video player, must be called from page footer. */ M.util.load_flowplayer = function() { if (M.util.video_players.length == 0 && M.util.audio_players.length == 0) { return; } if (typeof(flowplayer) == 'undefined') { var loaded = false; var embed_function = function() { if (loaded || typeof(flowplayer) == 'undefined') { return; } loaded = true; var controls = { autoHide: true } /* TODO: add CSS color overrides for the flv flow player */ for(var i=0; i 0 && video.height > 0) { var src = {src: M.cfg.wwwroot + '/lib/flowplayer/flowplayer-3.2.18.swf', width: video.width, height: video.height}; } else { var src = M.cfg.wwwroot + '/lib/flowplayer/flowplayer-3.2.18.swf'; } flowplayer(video.id, src, { plugins: {controls: controls}, clip: { url: video.fileurl, autoPlay: false, autoBuffering: true, scaling: 'fit', mvideo: video, onMetaData: function(clip) { if (clip.mvideo.autosize && !clip.mvideo.resized) { clip.mvideo.resized = true; //alert("metadata!!! "+clip.width+' '+clip.height+' '+JSON.stringify(clip.metaData)); if (typeof(clip.metaData.width) == 'undefined' || typeof(clip.metaData.height) == 'undefined') { // bad luck, we have to guess - we may not get metadata at all var width = clip.width; var height = clip.height; } else { var width = clip.metaData.width; var height = clip.metaData.height; } var minwidth = 300; // controls are messed up in smaller objects if (width < minwidth) { height = (height * minwidth) / width; width = minwidth; } var object = this._api(); object.width = width; object.height = height; } } } }); } if (M.util.audio_players.length == 0) { return; } var controls = { autoHide: false, fullscreen: false, next: false, previous: false, scrubber: true, play: true, pause: true, volume: true, mute: false, backgroundGradient: [0.5,0,0.3] }; var rule; for (var j=0; j < document.styleSheets.length; j++) { // To avoid javascript security violation accessing cross domain stylesheets var allrules = false; try { if (typeof (document.styleSheets[j].rules) != 'undefined') { allrules = document.styleSheets[j].rules; } else if (typeof (document.styleSheets[j].cssRules) != 'undefined') { allrules = document.styleSheets[j].cssRules; } else { // why?? continue; } } catch (e) { continue; } // On cross domain style sheets Chrome V8 allows access to rules but returns null if (!allrules) { continue; } for(var i=0; i