. /** * This file contains the settings for the Nonzero theme. * * Currently you can set the following settings: * - Region pre width * - Region post width * - Some custom CSS * * @package theme_nonzero * @copyright 2010 Dietmar Wagner * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die; if ($ADMIN->fulltree) { // Block region-pre width $name = 'theme_nonzero/regionprewidth'; $title = get_string('regionprewidth','theme_nonzero'); $description = get_string('regionprewidthdesc', 'theme_nonzero'); $default = 200; $choices = array(180=>'180px', 190=>'190px', 200=>'200px', 210=>'210px', 220=>'220px', 230=>'230px', 240=>'240px', 250=>'250px', 260=>'260px'); $setting = new admin_setting_configselect($name, $title, $description, $default, $choices); $setting->set_updatedcallback('theme_reset_all_caches'); $settings->add($setting); // Block region-post width $name = 'theme_nonzero/regionpostwidth'; $title = get_string('regionpostwidth','theme_nonzero'); $description = get_string('regionpostwidthdesc', 'theme_nonzero'); $default = 200; $choices = array(180=>'180px', 190=>'190px', 200=>'200px', 210=>'210px', 220=>'220px', 230=>'230px', 240=>'240px', 250=>'250px', 260=>'260px'); $setting = new admin_setting_configselect($name, $title, $description, $default, $choices); $setting->set_updatedcallback('theme_reset_all_caches'); $settings->add($setting); // Custom CSS file $name = 'theme_nonzero/customcss'; $title = get_string('customcss','theme_nonzero'); $description = get_string('customcssdesc', 'theme_nonzero'); $setting = new admin_setting_configtextarea($name, $title, $description, ''); $setting->set_updatedcallback('theme_reset_all_caches'); $settings->add($setting); }