'Subscribe to this service to allow authenticated users in your site to push content to $a
' .
- Dependency: You must also publish the SSO (Identify Provider) service to $a.
' .
'- Dependency: You must also subscribe to the SSO (Service Provider) service on $a
' .
'- Dependency: You must also enable the mnet authentication plugin.
$string['pluginname'] = 'Mahara ePortfolio';
$string['mnet_notoken'] = 'Could not find token matching this transfer';
$string['mnet_noid'] = 'Could not find the matching transfer record for this token';
$string['mnet_wronghost'] = 'Remote host did not match the transfer record for this token';
$string['mnet_nofile'] = 'Could not find file in transfer object - weird error';
$string['mnet_nofilecontents'] = 'Found file in transfer object, but could not get contents - weird error: $a';