. /** * Adds or updates modules in a course using new formslib * * @package moodlecore * @copyright 1999 onwards Martin Dougiamas (http://dougiamas.com) * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ require_once("../config.php"); require_once("lib.php"); require_once($CFG->libdir.'/filelib.php'); require_once($CFG->libdir.'/gradelib.php'); require_once($CFG->libdir.'/completionlib.php'); require_once($CFG->libdir.'/plagiarismlib.php'); require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/course/modlib.php'); $add = optional_param('add', '', PARAM_ALPHANUM); // Module name. $update = optional_param('update', 0, PARAM_INT); $return = optional_param('return', 0, PARAM_BOOL); //return to course/view.php if false or mod/modname/view.php if true $type = optional_param('type', '', PARAM_ALPHANUM); //TODO: hopefully will be removed in 2.0 $sectionreturn = optional_param('sr', null, PARAM_INT); $beforemod = optional_param('beforemod', 0, PARAM_INT); $showonly = optional_param('showonly', '', PARAM_TAGLIST); // Settings group to show expanded and hide the rest. // Force it to be null if it's not a valid section number. if ($sectionreturn < 0) { $sectionreturn = null; } $url = new moodle_url('/course/modedit.php'); if (!is_null($sectionreturn)) { $url->param('sr', $sectionreturn); } if (!empty($return)) { $url->param('return', $return); } if (!empty($showonly)) { $url->param('showonly', $showonly); } if (!empty($add)) { $section = required_param('section', PARAM_INT); $course = required_param('course', PARAM_INT); $url->param('add', $add); $url->param('section', $section); $url->param('course', $course); $PAGE->set_url($url); $course = $DB->get_record('course', array('id'=>$course), '*', MUST_EXIST); require_login($course); // There is no page for this in the navigation. The closest we'll have is the course section. // If the course section isn't displayed on the navigation this will fall back to the course which // will be the closest match we have. navigation_node::override_active_url(course_get_url($course, $section)); // MDL-69431 Validate that $section (url param) does not exceed the maximum for this course / format. // If too high (e.g. section *id* not number) non-sequential sections inserted in course_sections table. // Then on import, backup fills 'gap' with empty sections (see restore_rebuild_course_cache). Avoid this. $courseformat = course_get_format($course); $maxsections = $courseformat->get_max_sections(); if ($section > $maxsections) { throw new \moodle_exception('maxsectionslimit', 'moodle', '', $maxsections); } list($module, $context, $cw, $cm, $data) = prepare_new_moduleinfo_data($course, $add, $section); $data->return = 0; if (!is_null($sectionreturn)) { $data->sr = $sectionreturn; } $data->add = $add; $data->beforemod = $beforemod; if (!empty($type)) { //TODO: hopefully will be removed in 2.0 $data->type = $type; } $sectionname = get_section_name($course, $cw); $fullmodulename = get_string('modulename', $module->name); $pageheading = $pagetitle = get_string('addinganew', 'moodle', $fullmodulename); $navbaraddition = $pageheading; } else if (!empty($update)) { $url->param('update', $update); $PAGE->set_url($url); // Select the "Edit settings" from navigation. navigation_node::override_active_url(new moodle_url('/course/modedit.php', array('update'=>$update, 'return'=>1))); // Check the course module exists. $cm = get_coursemodule_from_id('', $update, 0, false, MUST_EXIST); // Check the course exists. $course = $DB->get_record('course', array('id'=>$cm->course), '*', MUST_EXIST); // require_login require_login($course, false, $cm); // needed to setup proper $COURSE list($cm, $context, $module, $data, $cw) = get_moduleinfo_data($cm, $course); $data->return = $return; if (!is_null($sectionreturn)) { $data->sr = $sectionreturn; } $data->update = $update; if (!empty($showonly)) { $data->showonly = $showonly; } $sectionname = get_section_name($course, $cw); $fullmodulename = get_string('modulename', $module->name); $pageheading = get_string('editsettings', 'moodle'); $pagetitle = get_string('edita', 'moodle', $fullmodulename) . ': ' . $cm->name; $navbaraddition = null; } else { require_login(); throw new \moodle_exception('invalidaction'); } $pagepath = 'mod-' . $module->name . '-'; if (!empty($type)) { //TODO: hopefully will be removed in 2.0 $pagepath .= $type; } else { $pagepath .= 'mod'; } $PAGE->set_pagetype($pagepath); $PAGE->set_pagelayout('admin'); $PAGE->add_body_class('limitedwidth'); $modmoodleform = "$CFG->dirroot/mod/$module->name/mod_form.php"; if (file_exists($modmoodleform)) { require_once($modmoodleform); } else { throw new \moodle_exception('noformdesc'); } $mformclassname = 'mod_'.$module->name.'_mod_form'; $mform = new $mformclassname($data, $cw->section, $cm, $course); $mform->set_data($data); if (!empty($showonly)) { $mform->filter_shown_headers(explode(',', $showonly)); } if ($mform->is_cancelled()) { if ($return && !empty($cm->id)) { $urlparams = [ 'id' => $cm->id, // We always need the activity id. 'forceview' => 1, // Stop file downloads in resources. ]; $activityurl = new moodle_url("/mod/$module->name/view.php", $urlparams); redirect($activityurl); } else { $options = []; if (!is_null($sectionreturn)) { $options['sr'] = $sectionreturn; } redirect(course_get_url($course, $cw->section, $options)); } } else if ($fromform = $mform->get_data()) { // Mark that this is happening in the front-end UI. This is used to indicate that we are able to // do regrading with a progress bar and redirect, if necessary. $fromform->frontend = true; if (!empty($fromform->update)) { list($cm, $fromform) = update_moduleinfo($cm, $fromform, $course, $mform); } else if (!empty($fromform->add)) { $fromform = add_moduleinfo($fromform, $course, $mform); } else { throw new \moodle_exception('invaliddata'); } if (isset($fromform->submitbutton)) { $url = new moodle_url("/mod/$module->name/view.php", array('id' => $fromform->coursemodule, 'forceview' => 1)); if (!empty($fromform->showgradingmanagement)) { $url = $fromform->gradingman->get_management_url($url); } } else { $options = []; if (!is_null($sectionreturn)) { $options['sr'] = $sectionreturn; } $url = course_get_url($course, $cw->section, $options); } // If we need to regrade the course with a progress bar as a result of updating this module, // redirect first to the page that will do this. if (isset($fromform->needsfrontendregrade)) { $url = new moodle_url('/course/modregrade.php', ['id' => $fromform->coursemodule, 'url' => $url->out_as_local_url(false)]); } redirect($url); exit; } else { if (!empty($cm->id)) { $context = context_module::instance($cm->id); } else { $context = context_course::instance($course->id); } $PAGE->set_heading($course->fullname); if ($course->id !== $SITE->id) { $pagetitle = $pagetitle . moodle_page::TITLE_SEPARATOR . $course->shortname; } $PAGE->set_title($pagetitle); $PAGE->set_cacheable(false); if (isset($navbaraddition)) { $PAGE->navbar->add($navbaraddition); } $PAGE->activityheader->disable(); echo $OUTPUT->header(); echo $OUTPUT->heading_with_help($pageheading, '', $module->name); $mform->display(); echo $OUTPUT->footer(); }