
你的瀏覽器: htmleditor) { print_string("htmleditordisabledadmin"); } else if (!$USER->htmleditor) { print_string("htmleditordisabled"); } else if (!can_use_richtext_editor()) { print_string("htmleditordisabledbrowser"); } else { print_string("htmleditoravailable"); } ?>

你所看到的線上編輯介面是我們所特地開發The Richtext HTML editor provides a word-processor interface embedded in your web page to allow you to edit text in an intuitive way, and produces normal HTML code.

In addition to formatting text, this editor provides a number of extra features you may find useful.

Paste text in from other Applications

Inserting images

Inserting Tables

Inserting Links

Inserting smilies (emoticons)