. /** * Strings for component 'block', language 'en', branch 'MOODLE_20_STABLE' * * @package block * @copyright 1999 onwards Martin Dougiamas {@link http://moodle.com} * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ $string['addtodock'] = 'Move this to the dock'; $string['anypagematchingtheabove'] = 'Any page matching the above'; $string['appearsinsubcontexts'] = 'Appears in sub-contexts'; $string['blocksettings'] = 'Block settings'; $string['bracketfirst'] = '{$a} (first)'; $string['bracketlast'] = '{$a} (last)'; $string['contexts'] = 'Page contexts'; $string['defaultregion'] = 'Default region'; $string['defaultweight'] = 'Default weight'; $string['moveblockhere'] = 'Move block here'; $string['movingthisblockcancel'] = 'Moving this block ({$a})'; $string['onthispage'] = 'On this page'; $string['pagetypes'] = 'Page types'; $string['region'] = 'Region'; $string['showoncontextandsubs'] = 'Display on \'{$a}\' and any pages within it'; $string['showoncontextonly'] = 'Display on \'{$a}\' only'; $string['showonentiresite'] = 'Display throughout the entire site'; $string['showonfrontpageandsubs'] = 'Display on the front page and any pages added to the front page'; $string['showonfrontpageonly'] = 'Display on the front page only'; $string['site-*'] = 'Any top-level site page'; $string['subpages'] = 'Specific sub-page'; $string['restrictpagetypes'] = 'Restrict to these page types'; $string['thisspecificpage'] = 'This specific page (page {$a})'; $string['undockall'] = 'Undock all'; $string['undockitem'] = 'Undock this item'; $string['visible'] = 'Visible'; $string['weight'] = 'Weight'; $string['wherethisblockappears'] = 'Where this block appears';