with DIVs; inline styles.
* 3. Reorder columns so that in linear view content is first then blocks;
* styles to maintain original graphical (side by side) view.
* Target: 3-column graphical view using relative widths for pixel screen sizes
* 800x600, 1024x768... on IE6, Firefox. Below 800 columns will shift downwards.
* Ideal length for content.
* Max width in IE.
* @copyright © 2006 The Open University
* @author, and others.
* @license GNU Public License
* @package
defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
$displaysection = optional_param('week', 0, PARAM_INT);
$streditsummary = get_string('editsummary');
$stradd = get_string('add');
$stractivities = get_string('activities');
$strshowallweeks = get_string('showallweeks');
$strweek = get_string('week');
$strgroups = get_string('groups');
$strgroupmy = get_string('groupmy');
$editing = $PAGE->user_is_editing();
if ($editing) {
$strweekhide = get_string('hidefromothers', 'format_topics');
$strweekshow = get_string('showfromothers', 'format_topics');
$strmoveup = get_string('moveup');
$strmovedown = get_string('movedown');
$context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $course->id);
//Print the Your progress icon if the track completion is enabled
$completioninfo = new completion_info($course);
echo $completioninfo->display_help_icon();
echo $OUTPUT->heading(get_string('weeklyoutline'), 2, 'headingblock header outline');
// Note, an ordered list would confuse - "1" could be the clipboard or summary.
echo "\n";
/// If currently moving a file then show the current clipboard
if (ismoving($course->id)) {
$stractivityclipboard = strip_tags(get_string('activityclipboard', '', $USER->activitycopyname));
$strcancel= get_string('cancel');
echo '- ';
echo $stractivityclipboard.' ('.$strcancel.')';
echo "
/// Print Section 0 with general activities
$section = 0;
$thissection = $sections[$section];
if ($thissection->summary or $thissection->sequence or $PAGE->user_is_editing()) {
// Note, 'right side' is BEFORE content.
echo '- ';
echo '
echo ' ';
echo '';
if (!empty($thissection->name)) {
echo $OUTPUT->heading(format_string($thissection->name, true, array('context' => $context)), 3, 'sectionname');
echo ' ';
$coursecontext = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $course->id);
$summarytext = file_rewrite_pluginfile_urls($thissection->summary, 'pluginfile.php', $coursecontext->id, 'course', 'section', $thissection->id);
$summaryformatoptions = new stdClass;
$summaryformatoptions->noclean = true;
$summaryformatoptions->overflowdiv = true;
echo format_text($summarytext, $thissection->summaryformat, $summaryformatoptions);
if ($PAGE->user_is_editing() && has_capability('moodle/course:update', get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $course->id))) {
echo '  . ')
echo ' ';
print_section($course, $thissection, $mods, $modnamesused);
if ($PAGE->user_is_editing()) {
print_section_add_menus($course, $section, $modnames);
echo ' ';
echo " \n";
/// Now all the normal modules by week
/// Everything below uses "section" terminology - each "section" is a week.
$timenow = time();
$weekdate = $course->startdate; // this should be 0:00 Monday of that week
$weekdate += 7200; // Add two hours to avoid possible DST problems
$section = 1;
$sectionmenu = array();
$weekofseconds = 604800;
$course->enddate = $course->startdate + ($weekofseconds * $course->numsections);
$strftimedateshort = ' '.get_string('strftimedateshort');
while ($weekdate < $course->enddate) {
$nextweekdate = $weekdate + ($weekofseconds);
$weekday = userdate($weekdate, $strftimedateshort);
$endweekday = userdate($weekdate+518400, $strftimedateshort);
if (!empty($sections[$section])) {
$thissection = $sections[$section];
} else {
$thissection = new stdClass();
$thissection->course = $course->id; // Create a new week structure
$thissection->section = $section;
$thissection->name = null;
$thissection->summary = '';
$thissection->summaryformat = FORMAT_HTML;
$thissection->visible = 1;
$thissection->id = $DB->insert_record('course_sections', $thissection);
$showsection = (has_capability('moodle/course:viewhiddensections', $context) or $thissection->visible or !$course->hiddensections);
if (!empty($displaysection) and $displaysection != $section) { // Check this week is visible
if ($showsection) {
$sectionmenu[$section] = get_section_name($course, $thissection);
$weekdate = $nextweekdate;
if ($showsection) {
$currentweek = (($weekdate <= $timenow) && ($timenow < $nextweekdate));
$currenttext = '';
if (!$thissection->visible) {
$sectionstyle = ' hidden';
} else if ($currentweek) {
$sectionstyle = ' current';
$currenttext = get_accesshide(get_string('currentweek','access'));
} else {
$sectionstyle = '';
echo '- ';
echo '
'.$currenttext.' ';
// Note, 'right side' is BEFORE content.
echo '';
if ($displaysection == $section) {
echo ' '.
' . ') ';
} else {
$strshowonlyweek = get_string("showonlyweek", "", $section);
echo ' '.
' . ') ';
if ($PAGE->user_is_editing() && has_capability('moodle/course:update', get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $course->id))) {
if ($thissection->visible) { // Show the hide/show eye
echo ' '.
' . ') ';
} else {
echo ' '.
' . ') ';
if ($section > 1) { // Add a arrow to move section up
echo ' '.
' . ') ';
if ($section < $course->numsections) { // Add a arrow to move section down
echo ' '.
' . ') ';
echo ' ';
$weekperiod = $weekday.' - '.$endweekday;
echo '';
if (!has_capability('moodle/course:viewhiddensections', $context) and !$thissection->visible) { // Hidden for students
echo $OUTPUT->heading($currenttext.$weekperiod.' ('.get_string('notavailable').')', 3, 'weekdates');
} else {
if (isset($thissection->name) && ($thissection->name !== NULL)) { // empty string is ok
echo $OUTPUT->heading(format_string($thissection->name, true, array('context' => $context)), 3, 'weekdates');
} else {
echo $OUTPUT->heading($currenttext.$weekperiod, 3, 'weekdates');
echo ' ';
$coursecontext = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $course->id);
$summarytext = file_rewrite_pluginfile_urls($thissection->summary, 'pluginfile.php', $coursecontext->id, 'course', 'section', $thissection->id);
$summaryformatoptions = new stdClass;
$summaryformatoptions->noclean = true;
$summaryformatoptions->overflowdiv = true;
echo format_text($summarytext, $thissection->summaryformat, $summaryformatoptions);
if ($PAGE->user_is_editing() && has_capability('moodle/course:update', get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $course->id))) {
echo ' '.
' . ') ';
echo ' ';
print_section($course, $thissection, $mods, $modnamesused);
if ($PAGE->user_is_editing()) {
print_section_add_menus($course, $section, $modnames);
echo ' ';
echo " \n";
$weekdate = $nextweekdate;
if (!$displaysection and $PAGE->user_is_editing() and has_capability('moodle/course:update', get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $course->id))) {
// print stealth sections if present
$modinfo = get_fast_modinfo($course);
foreach ($sections as $section=>$thissection) {
if (empty($modinfo->sections[$section])) {
echo '- '; //'
echo '';
echo ' ';
// Note, 'right side' is BEFORE content.
echo '';
echo ' ';
echo '';
echo $OUTPUT->heading(get_string('orphanedactivities'), 3, 'sectionname');
print_section($course, $thissection, $mods, $modnamesused);
echo ' ';
echo " \n";
echo " \n";
if (!empty($sectionmenu)) {
$select = new single_select(new moodle_url('/course/view.php', array('id'=>$course->id)), 'week', $sectionmenu);
$select->label = get_string('jumpto');
$select->class = 'jumpmenu';
$select->formid = 'sectionmenu';
echo $OUTPUT->render($select);
// Include course format js module