. /** * Components (core subsystems + plugins) related code. * * @package core * @copyright 2013 Petr Skoda {@link http://skodak.org} * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ namespace core; use core\exception\coding_exception; use stdClass; use ArrayIterator; use DirectoryIterator; use Exception; use RegexIterator; // Constants used in version.php files, these must exist when core_component executes. // We make use of error_log as debugging is not always available. // phpcs:disable moodle.PHP.ForbiddenFunctions.FoundWithAlternative // We make use of empty if statements to make complex decisions clearer. // phpcs:disable Generic.CodeAnalysis.EmptyStatement.DetectedIf /** Software maturity level - internals can be tested using white box techniques. */ define('MATURITY_ALPHA', 50); /** Software maturity level - feature complete, ready for preview and testing. */ define('MATURITY_BETA', 100); /** Software maturity level - tested, will be released unless there are fatal bugs. */ define('MATURITY_RC', 150); /** Software maturity level - ready for production deployment. */ define('MATURITY_STABLE', 200); /** Any version - special value that can be used in $plugin->dependencies in version.php files. */ define('ANY_VERSION', 'any'); /** * Collection of components related methods. */ class component { /** @var array list of ignored directories in plugin type roots - watch out for auth/db exception */ protected static $ignoreddirs = [ 'CVS' => true, '_vti_cnf' => true, 'amd' => true, 'classes' => true, 'db' => true, 'fonts' => true, 'lang' => true, 'pix' => true, 'simpletest' => true, 'templates' => true, 'tests' => true, 'yui' => true, ]; /** @var array list plugin types that support subplugins, do not add more here unless absolutely necessary */ protected static $supportsubplugins = ['mod', 'editor', 'tool', 'local']; /** @var object JSON source of the component data */ protected static $componentsource = null; /** @var array cache of plugin types */ protected static $plugintypes = null; /** @var array cache of plugin locations */ protected static $plugins = null; /** @var array cache of core subsystems */ protected static $subsystems = null; /** @var array subplugin type parents */ protected static $parents = null; /** @var array subplugins */ protected static $subplugins = null; /** @var array cache of core APIs */ protected static $apis = null; /** @var array list of all known classes that can be autoloaded */ protected static $classmap = null; /** @var array list of all classes that have been renamed to be autoloaded */ protected static $classmaprenames = null; /** @var array list of some known files that can be included. */ protected static $filemap = null; /** @var int|float core version. */ protected static $version = null; /** @var array list of the files to map. */ protected static $filestomap = ['lib.php', 'settings.php']; /** @var array associative array of PSR-0 namespaces and corresponding paths. */ protected static $psr0namespaces = [ 'Mustache' => 'lib/mustache/src/Mustache', 'CFPropertyList' => 'lib/plist/classes/CFPropertyList', ]; /** @var array> associative array of PRS-4 namespaces and corresponding paths. */ protected static $psr4namespaces = [ 'MaxMind' => 'lib/maxmind/MaxMind', 'GeoIp2' => 'lib/maxmind/GeoIp2', 'Sabberworm\\CSS' => 'lib/php-css-parser', 'MoodleHQ\\RTLCSS' => 'lib/rtlcss', 'ScssPhp\\ScssPhp' => 'lib/scssphp', 'OpenSpout' => 'lib/openspout/src', 'MatthiasMullie\\Minify' => 'lib/minify/matthiasmullie-minify/src/', 'MatthiasMullie\\PathConverter' => 'lib/minify/matthiasmullie-pathconverter/src/', 'IMSGlobal\LTI' => 'lib/ltiprovider/src', 'Packback\\Lti1p3' => 'lib/lti1p3/src', 'Phpml' => 'lib/mlbackend/php/phpml/src/Phpml', 'PHPMailer\\PHPMailer' => 'lib/phpmailer/src', 'RedeyeVentures\\GeoPattern' => 'lib/geopattern-php/GeoPattern', 'Firebase\\JWT' => 'lib/php-jwt/src', 'ZipStream' => 'lib/zipstream/src/', 'MyCLabs\\Enum' => 'lib/php-enum/src', 'PhpXmlRpc' => 'lib/phpxmlrpc', 'Psr\\Http\\Client' => 'lib/psr/http-client/src', 'Psr\\Http\\Message' => [ 'lib/psr/http-message/src', 'lib/psr/http-factory/src', ], 'Psr\\EventDispatcher' => 'lib/psr/event-dispatcher/src', 'Psr\\Clock' => 'lib/psr/clock/src', 'Psr\\Container' => 'lib/psr/container/src', 'GuzzleHttp\\Psr7' => 'lib/guzzlehttp/psr7/src', 'GuzzleHttp\\Promise' => 'lib/guzzlehttp/promises/src', 'GuzzleHttp' => 'lib/guzzlehttp/guzzle/src', 'Kevinrob\\GuzzleCache' => 'lib/guzzlehttp/kevinrob/guzzlecache/src', 'Aws' => 'lib/aws-sdk/src', 'JmesPath' => 'lib/jmespath/src', 'Laravel\\SerializableClosure' => 'lib/laravel/serializable-closure/src', 'DI' => 'lib/php-di/php-di/src', 'Invoker' => 'lib/php-di/invoker/src', ]; /** * Class loader for Frankenstyle named classes in standard locations. * Frankenstyle namespaces are supported. * * The expected location for core classes is: * 1/ core_xx_yy_zz ---> lib/classes/xx_yy_zz.php * 2/ \core\xx_yy_zz ---> lib/classes/xx_yy_zz.php * 3/ \core\xx\yy_zz ---> lib/classes/xx/yy_zz.php * * The expected location for plugin classes is: * 1/ mod_name_xx_yy_zz ---> mod/name/classes/xx_yy_zz.php * 2/ \mod_name\xx_yy_zz ---> mod/name/classes/xx_yy_zz.php * 3/ \mod_name\xx\yy_zz ---> mod/name/classes/xx/yy_zz.php * * @param string $classname */ public static function classloader($classname) { self::init(); if (isset(self::$classmap[$classname])) { // Global $CFG is expected in included scripts. global $CFG; // Function include would be faster, but for BC it is better to include only once. include_once(self::$classmap[$classname]); return; } if (isset(self::$classmaprenames[$classname]) && isset(self::$classmap[self::$classmaprenames[$classname]])) { $newclassname = self::$classmaprenames[$classname]; $debugging = "Class '%s' has been renamed for the autoloader and is now deprecated. Please use '%s' instead."; debugging(sprintf($debugging, $classname, $newclassname), DEBUG_DEVELOPER); if (PHP_VERSION_ID >= 70000 && preg_match('#\\\null(\\\|$)#', $classname)) { throw new coding_exception("Cannot alias $classname to $newclassname"); } class_alias($newclassname, $classname); return; } $file = self::psr_classloader($classname); // If the file is found, require it. if (!empty($file)) { require($file); return; } if (defined('PHPUNIT_TEST') && PHPUNIT_TEST) { // For unit tests we support classes in `\frankenstyle_component\tests\` to be loaded from // `path/to/frankenstyle/component/tests/classes` directory. // Note: We do *not* support the legacy `\frankenstyle_component_tests_style_classnames`. if ($component = self::get_component_from_classname($classname)) { $pathoptions = [ '/tests/classes' => "{$component}\\tests\\", '/tests/behat' => "{$component}\\behat\\", ]; foreach ($pathoptions as $path => $testnamespace) { if (preg_match("#^" . preg_quote($testnamespace) . "#", $classname)) { $path = self::get_component_directory($component) . $path; $relativeclassname = str_replace( $testnamespace, '', $classname, ); $file = sprintf( "%s/%s.php", $path, str_replace('\\', '/', $relativeclassname), ); if (!empty($file) && file_exists($file)) { require($file); return; } break; } } } } } /** * Return the path to a class from our defined PSR-0 or PSR-4 standard namespaces on * demand. Only returns paths to files that exist. * * Adapated from http://www.php-fig.org/psr/psr-4/examples/ and made PSR-0 * compatible. * * @param string $class the name of the class. * @return string|bool The full path to the file defining the class. Or false if it could not be resolved or does not exist. */ protected static function psr_classloader($class) { // Iterate through each PSR-4 namespace prefix. foreach (self::$psr4namespaces as $prefix => $paths) { if (!is_array($paths)) { $paths = [$paths]; } foreach ($paths as $path) { $file = self::get_class_file($class, $prefix, $path, ['\\']); if (!empty($file) && file_exists($file)) { return $file; } } } // Iterate through each PSR-0 namespace prefix. foreach (self::$psr0namespaces as $prefix => $path) { $file = self::get_class_file($class, $prefix, $path, ['\\', '_']); if (!empty($file) && file_exists($file)) { return $file; } } return false; } /** * Return the path to the class based on the given namespace prefix and path it corresponds to. * * Will return the path even if the file does not exist. Check the file esists before requiring. * * @param string $class the name of the class. * @param string $prefix The namespace prefix used to identify the base directory of the source files. * @param string $path The relative path to the base directory of the source files. * @param string[] $separators The characters that should be used for separating. * @return string|bool The full path to the file defining the class. Or false if it could not be resolved. */ protected static function get_class_file($class, $prefix, $path, $separators) { global $CFG; // Does the class use the namespace prefix? $len = strlen($prefix); if (strncmp($prefix, $class, $len) !== 0) { // No, move to the next prefix. return false; } $path = $CFG->dirroot . '/' . $path; // Get the relative class name. $relativeclass = substr($class, $len); // Replace the namespace prefix with the base directory, replace namespace // separators with directory separators in the relative class name, append // with .php. $file = $path . str_replace($separators, '/', $relativeclass) . '.php'; return $file; } /** * Initialise caches, always call before accessing self:: caches. */ protected static function init() { global $CFG; // Init only once per request/CLI execution, we ignore changes done afterwards. if (isset(self::$plugintypes)) { return; } if (defined('IGNORE_COMPONENT_CACHE') && IGNORE_COMPONENT_CACHE) { self::fill_all_caches(); return; } if (!empty($CFG->alternative_component_cache)) { // Hack for heavily clustered sites that want to manage component cache invalidation manually. $cachefile = $CFG->alternative_component_cache; if (file_exists($cachefile)) { if (CACHE_DISABLE_ALL) { // Verify the cache state only on upgrade pages. $content = self::get_cache_content(); if (sha1_file($cachefile) !== sha1($content)) { die('Outdated component cache file defined in $CFG->alternative_component_cache, can not continue'); } return; } $cache = []; include($cachefile); self::$plugintypes = $cache['plugintypes']; self::$plugins = $cache['plugins']; self::$subsystems = $cache['subsystems']; self::$parents = $cache['parents']; self::$subplugins = $cache['subplugins']; self::$apis = $cache['apis']; self::$classmap = $cache['classmap']; self::$classmaprenames = $cache['classmaprenames']; self::$filemap = $cache['filemap']; return; } if (!is_writable(dirname($cachefile))) { die( 'Can not create alternative component cache file defined in ' . '$CFG->alternative_component_cache, can not continue' ); } // Lets try to create the file, it might be in some writable directory or a local cache dir. } else { // Note: $CFG->cachedir MUST be shared by all servers in a cluster, // use $CFG->alternative_component_cache if you do not like it. $cachefile = "$CFG->cachedir/core_component.php"; } if (!CACHE_DISABLE_ALL && !self::is_developer()) { // 1/ Use the cache only outside of install and upgrade. // 2/ Let developers add/remove classes in developer mode. if (is_readable($cachefile)) { $cache = false; include($cachefile); if (is_array($cache) && self::is_cache_valid($cache)) { // The cache looks ok, let's use it. self::$plugintypes = $cache['plugintypes']; self::$plugins = $cache['plugins']; self::$subsystems = $cache['subsystems']; self::$parents = $cache['parents']; self::$subplugins = $cache['subplugins']; self::$apis = $cache['apis']; self::$classmap = $cache['classmap']; self::$classmaprenames = $cache['classmaprenames']; self::$filemap = $cache['filemap']; return; } // Note: we do not verify $CFG->admin here intentionally, // they must visit admin/index.php after any change. } } if (!isset(self::$plugintypes)) { // This needs to be atomic and self-fixing as much as possible. $content = self::get_cache_content(); if (file_exists($cachefile)) { if (sha1_file($cachefile) === sha1($content)) { return; } // Stale cache detected! unlink($cachefile); } // Permissions might not be setup properly in installers. $dirpermissions = !isset($CFG->directorypermissions) ? 02777 : $CFG->directorypermissions; $filepermissions = !isset($CFG->filepermissions) ? ($dirpermissions & 0666) : $CFG->filepermissions; clearstatcache(); $cachedir = dirname($cachefile); if (!is_dir($cachedir)) { mkdir($cachedir, $dirpermissions, true); } if ($fp = @fopen($cachefile . '.tmp', 'xb')) { fwrite($fp, $content); fclose($fp); @rename($cachefile . '.tmp', $cachefile); @chmod($cachefile, $filepermissions); } @unlink($cachefile . '.tmp'); // Just in case anything fails (race condition). self::invalidate_opcode_php_cache($cachefile); } } /** * Reset the initialisation of the component utility. * * Note: It should not be necessary to call this in regular code. * Please only use it where strictly required. */ public static function reset(): void { // The autoloader will re-initialise if plugintypes is null. self::$plugintypes = null; } /** * Check whether the cache content in the supplied cache is valid. * * @param array $cache The content being loaded * @return bool Whether it is valid */ protected static function is_cache_valid(array $cache): bool { global $CFG; if (!isset($cache['version'])) { // Something is very wrong. return false; } if ((float) $cache['version'] !== (float) self::fetch_core_version()) { // Outdated cache. We trigger an error log to track an eventual repetitive failure of float comparison. error_log('Resetting core_component cache after core upgrade to version ' . self::fetch_core_version()); return false; } if ($cache['plugintypes']['mod'] !== "$CFG->dirroot/mod") { // phpcs:ignore moodle.Commenting.InlineComment.NotCapital // $CFG->dirroot was changed. return false; } // Check for key classes which block access to the upgrade in some way. // Note: This list should be kept _extremely_ minimal and generally // when adding a newly discovered classes older ones should be removed. // Always keep moodle_exception in place. $keyclasses = [ \core\exception\moodle_exception::class, \core\output\bootstrap_renderer::class, \core_filters\filter_manager::class, ]; foreach ($keyclasses as $classname) { if (!array_key_exists($classname, $cache['classmap'])) { // The cache is missing some key classes. This is likely before the upgrade has run. error_log( "The '{$classname}' class was not found in the component class cache. Resetting the classmap.", ); return false; } } return true; } /** * Are we in developer debug mode? * * Note: You need to set "$CFG->debug = (E_ALL | E_STRICT);" in config.php, * the reason is we need to use this before we setup DB connection or caches for CFG. * * @return bool */ protected static function is_developer() { global $CFG; // Note we can not rely on $CFG->debug here because DB is not initialised yet. if (isset($CFG->config_php_settings['debug'])) { $debug = (int)$CFG->config_php_settings['debug']; } else { return false; } if ($debug & E_ALL && $debug & E_STRICT) { return true; } return false; } /** * Create cache file content. * * @private this is intended for $CFG->alternative_component_cache only. * * @return string */ public static function get_cache_content() { if (!isset(self::$plugintypes)) { self::fill_all_caches(); } $cache = [ 'subsystems' => self::$subsystems, 'plugintypes' => self::$plugintypes, 'plugins' => self::$plugins, 'parents' => self::$parents, 'subplugins' => self::$subplugins, 'apis' => self::$apis, 'classmap' => self::$classmap, 'classmaprenames' => self::$classmaprenames, 'filemap' => self::$filemap, 'version' => self::$version, ]; return ' $fulldir) { self::$plugins[$type] = self::fetch_plugins($type, $fulldir); } self::$apis = self::fetch_apis(); self::fill_classmap_cache(); self::fill_classmap_renames_cache(); self::fill_filemap_cache(); self::fetch_core_version(); } /** * Get the core version. * * In order for this to work properly, opcache should be reset beforehand. * * @return float core version. */ protected static function fetch_core_version() { global $CFG; if (self::$version === null) { $version = null; // Prevent IDE complaints. require($CFG->dirroot . '/version.php'); self::$version = $version; } return self::$version; } /** * Returns list of core subsystems. * @return array */ protected static function fetch_subsystems() { global $CFG; // NOTE: Any additions here must be verified to not collide with existing add-on modules and subplugins!!! $info = []; foreach (self::fetch_component_source('subsystems') as $subsystem => $path) { // Replace admin/ directory with the config setting. if ($CFG->admin !== 'admin') { if ($path === 'admin') { $path = $CFG->admin; } if (strpos($path, 'admin/') === 0) { $path = $CFG->admin . substr($path, 5); } } $info[$subsystem] = empty($path) ? null : "{$CFG->dirroot}/{$path}"; } return $info; } /** * Returns list of core APIs. * @return stdClass[] */ protected static function fetch_apis() { return (array) json_decode(file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/../apis.json')); } /** * Returns list of known plugin types. * @return array */ protected static function fetch_plugintypes() { global $CFG; $types = []; foreach (self::fetch_component_source('plugintypes') as $plugintype => $path) { // Replace admin/ with the config setting. if ($CFG->admin !== 'admin' && strpos($path, 'admin/') === 0) { $path = $CFG->admin . substr($path, 5); } $types[$plugintype] = "{$CFG->dirroot}/{$path}"; } $parents = []; $subplugins = []; if (!empty($CFG->themedir) && is_dir($CFG->themedir)) { $types['theme'] = $CFG->themedir; } else { $types['theme'] = $CFG->dirroot . '/theme'; } foreach (self::$supportsubplugins as $type) { if ($type === 'local') { // Local subplugins must be after local plugins. continue; } $plugins = self::fetch_plugins($type, $types[$type]); foreach ($plugins as $plugin => $fulldir) { $subtypes = self::fetch_subtypes($fulldir); if (!$subtypes) { continue; } $subplugins[$type . '_' . $plugin] = []; foreach ($subtypes as $subtype => $subdir) { if (isset($types[$subtype])) { error_log("Invalid subtype '$subtype', duplicate detected."); continue; } $types[$subtype] = $subdir; $parents[$subtype] = $type . '_' . $plugin; $subplugins[$type . '_' . $plugin][$subtype] = array_keys(self::fetch_plugins($subtype, $subdir)); } } } // Local is always last! $types['local'] = $CFG->dirroot . '/local'; if (in_array('local', self::$supportsubplugins)) { $type = 'local'; $plugins = self::fetch_plugins($type, $types[$type]); foreach ($plugins as $plugin => $fulldir) { $subtypes = self::fetch_subtypes($fulldir); if (!$subtypes) { continue; } $subplugins[$type . '_' . $plugin] = []; foreach ($subtypes as $subtype => $subdir) { if (isset($types[$subtype])) { error_log("Invalid subtype '$subtype', duplicate detected."); continue; } $types[$subtype] = $subdir; $parents[$subtype] = $type . '_' . $plugin; $subplugins[$type . '_' . $plugin][$subtype] = array_keys(self::fetch_plugins($subtype, $subdir)); } } } return [$types, $parents, $subplugins]; } /** * Returns the component source content as loaded from /lib/components.json. * * @return array */ protected static function fetch_component_source(string $key) { if (null === self::$componentsource) { self::$componentsource = (array) json_decode(file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/../components.json')); } return (array) self::$componentsource[$key]; } /** * Returns list of subtypes. * @param string $ownerdir * @return array */ protected static function fetch_subtypes($ownerdir) { global $CFG; $types = []; $subplugins = []; if (file_exists("$ownerdir/db/subplugins.json")) { $subplugins = []; $subpluginsjson = json_decode(file_get_contents("$ownerdir/db/subplugins.json")); if (json_last_error() === JSON_ERROR_NONE) { if (!empty($subpluginsjson->plugintypes)) { $subplugins = (array) $subpluginsjson->plugintypes; } else { error_log("No plugintypes defined in $ownerdir/db/subplugins.json"); } } else { $jsonerror = json_last_error_msg(); error_log("$ownerdir/db/subplugins.json is invalid ($jsonerror)"); } } else if (file_exists("$ownerdir/db/subplugins.php")) { error_log('Use of subplugins.php has been deprecated. ' . "Please update your '$ownerdir' plugin to provide a subplugins.json file instead."); include("$ownerdir/db/subplugins.php"); } foreach ($subplugins as $subtype => $dir) { if (!preg_match('/^[a-z][a-z0-9]*$/', $subtype)) { error_log("Invalid subtype '$subtype'' detected in '$ownerdir', invalid characters present."); continue; } if (isset(self::$subsystems[$subtype])) { error_log("Invalid subtype '$subtype'' detected in '$ownerdir', duplicates core subsystem."); continue; } if ($CFG->admin !== 'admin' && strpos($dir, 'admin/') === 0) { $dir = preg_replace('|^admin/|', "$CFG->admin/", $dir); } if (!is_dir("$CFG->dirroot/$dir")) { error_log("Invalid subtype directory '$dir' detected in '$ownerdir'."); continue; } $types[$subtype] = "$CFG->dirroot/$dir"; } return $types; } /** * Returns list of plugins of given type in given directory. * @param string $plugintype * @param string $fulldir * @return array */ protected static function fetch_plugins($plugintype, $fulldir) { global $CFG; $fulldirs = (array)$fulldir; if ($plugintype === 'theme') { if (realpath($fulldir) !== realpath($CFG->dirroot . '/theme')) { // Include themes in standard location too. array_unshift($fulldirs, $CFG->dirroot . '/theme'); } } $result = []; foreach ($fulldirs as $fulldir) { if (!is_dir($fulldir)) { continue; } $items = new DirectoryIterator($fulldir); foreach ($items as $item) { if ($item->isDot() || !$item->isDir()) { continue; } $pluginname = $item->getFilename(); if ($plugintype === 'auth' && $pluginname === 'db') { // Special exception for this wrong plugin name. } else if (isset(self::$ignoreddirs[$pluginname])) { continue; } if (!self::is_valid_plugin_name($plugintype, $pluginname)) { // Always ignore plugins with problematic names here. continue; } $result[$pluginname] = $fulldir . '/' . $pluginname; unset($item); } unset($items); } ksort($result); return $result; } /** * Find all classes that can be autoloaded including frankenstyle namespaces. */ protected static function fill_classmap_cache() { global $CFG; self::$classmap = []; self::load_classes('core', "$CFG->dirroot/lib/classes"); self::load_legacy_classes($CFG->libdir, true); foreach (self::$subsystems as $subsystem => $fulldir) { if (!$fulldir) { continue; } self::load_classes('core_' . $subsystem, "$fulldir/classes"); } foreach (self::$plugins as $plugintype => $plugins) { foreach ($plugins as $pluginname => $fulldir) { self::load_classes($plugintype . '_' . $pluginname, "$fulldir/classes"); self::load_legacy_classes($fulldir); } } ksort(self::$classmap); } /** * Fills up the cache defining what plugins have certain files. * * @see self::get_plugin_list_with_file * @return void */ protected static function fill_filemap_cache() { global $CFG; self::$filemap = []; foreach (self::$filestomap as $file) { if (!isset(self::$filemap[$file])) { self::$filemap[$file] = []; } foreach (self::$plugins as $plugintype => $plugins) { if (!isset(self::$filemap[$file][$plugintype])) { self::$filemap[$file][$plugintype] = []; } foreach ($plugins as $pluginname => $fulldir) { if (file_exists("$fulldir/$file")) { self::$filemap[$file][$plugintype][$pluginname] = "$fulldir/$file"; } } } } } /** * Find classes in directory and recurse to subdirs. * @param string $component * @param string $fulldir * @param string $namespace */ protected static function load_classes($component, $fulldir, $namespace = '') { if (!is_dir($fulldir)) { return; } if (!is_readable($fulldir)) { // TODO: MDL-51711 We should generate some diagnostic debugging information in this case // because its pretty likely to lead to a missing class error further down the line. // But our early setup code can't handle errors this early at the moment. return; } $items = new DirectoryIterator($fulldir); foreach ($items as $item) { if ($item->isDot()) { continue; } if ($item->isDir()) { $dirname = $item->getFilename(); self::load_classes($component, "$fulldir/$dirname", $namespace . '\\' . $dirname); continue; } $filename = $item->getFilename(); $classname = preg_replace('/\.php$/', '', $filename); if ($filename === $classname) { // Not a php file. continue; } if ($namespace === '') { // Legacy long frankenstyle class name. self::$classmap[$component . '_' . $classname] = "$fulldir/$filename"; } // New namespaced classes. self::$classmap[$component . $namespace . '\\' . $classname] = "$fulldir/$filename"; } unset($item); unset($items); } /** * List all core subsystems and their location * * This is a list of components that are part of the core and their * language strings are defined in /lang/en/<>.php. If a given * plugin is not listed here and it does not have proper plugintype prefix, * then it is considered as course activity module. * * The location is absolute file path to dir. NULL means there is no special * directory for this subsystem. If the location is set, the subsystem's * renderer.php is expected to be there. * * @return array of (string)name => (string|null)full dir location */ public static function get_core_subsystems() { self::init(); return self::$subsystems; } /** * List all core APIs and their attributes. * * This is a list of all the existing / allowed APIs in moodle, each one with the * following attributes: * - component: the component, usually a subsystem or core, the API belongs to. * - allowedlevel2: if the API is allowed as level2 namespace or no. * - allowedspread: if the API can spread out from its component or no. * * @return stdClass[] array of APIs (as keys) with their attributes as object instances. */ public static function get_core_apis() { self::init(); return self::$apis; } /** * Get list of available plugin types together with their location. * * @return array as (string)plugintype => (string)fulldir */ public static function get_plugin_types() { self::init(); return self::$plugintypes; } /** * Get list of plugins of given type. * * @param string $plugintype * @return array as (string)pluginname => (string)fulldir */ public static function get_plugin_list($plugintype) { self::init(); if (!isset(self::$plugins[$plugintype])) { return []; } return self::$plugins[$plugintype]; } /** * Get a list of all the plugins of a given type that define a certain class * in a certain file. The plugin component names and class names are returned. * * @param string $plugintype the type of plugin, e.g. 'mod' or 'report'. * @param string $class the part of the name of the class after the * frankenstyle prefix. e.g 'thing' if you are looking for classes with * names like report_courselist_thing. If you are looking for classes with * the same name as the plugin name (e.g. qtype_multichoice) then pass ''. * Frankenstyle namespaces are also supported. * @param string $file the name of file within the plugin that defines the class. * @return array with frankenstyle plugin names as keys (e.g. 'report_courselist', 'mod_forum') * and the class names as values (e.g. 'report_courselist_thing', 'qtype_multichoice'). */ public static function get_plugin_list_with_class($plugintype, $class, $file = null) { global $CFG; // Necessary in case it is referenced by included PHP scripts. if ($class) { $suffix = '_' . $class; } else { $suffix = ''; } $pluginclasses = []; $plugins = self::get_plugin_list($plugintype); foreach ($plugins as $plugin => $fulldir) { // Try class in frankenstyle namespace. if ($class) { $classname = '\\' . $plugintype . '_' . $plugin . '\\' . $class; if (class_exists($classname, true)) { $pluginclasses[$plugintype . '_' . $plugin] = $classname; continue; } } // Try autoloading of class with frankenstyle prefix. $classname = $plugintype . '_' . $plugin . $suffix; if (class_exists($classname, true)) { $pluginclasses[$plugintype . '_' . $plugin] = $classname; continue; } // Fall back to old file location and class name. if ($file && file_exists("$fulldir/$file")) { include_once("$fulldir/$file"); if (class_exists($classname, false)) { $pluginclasses[$plugintype . '_' . $plugin] = $classname; continue; } } } return $pluginclasses; } /** * Get a list of all the plugins of a given type that contain a particular file. * * @param string $plugintype the type of plugin, e.g. 'mod' or 'report'. * @param string $file the name of file that must be present in the plugin. * (e.g. 'view.php', 'db/install.xml'). * @param bool $include if true (default false), the file will be include_once-ed if found. * @return array with plugin name as keys (e.g. 'forum', 'courselist') and the path * to the file relative to dirroot as value (e.g. "$CFG->dirroot/mod/forum/view.php"). */ public static function get_plugin_list_with_file($plugintype, $file, $include = false) { global $CFG; // Necessary in case it is referenced by included PHP scripts. $pluginfiles = []; if (isset(self::$filemap[$file])) { // If the file was supposed to be mapped, then it should have been set in the array. if (isset(self::$filemap[$file][$plugintype])) { $pluginfiles = self::$filemap[$file][$plugintype]; } } else { // Old-style search for non-cached files. $plugins = self::get_plugin_list($plugintype); foreach ($plugins as $plugin => $fulldir) { $path = $fulldir . '/' . $file; if (file_exists($path)) { $pluginfiles[$plugin] = $path; } } } if ($include) { foreach ($pluginfiles as $path) { include_once($path); } } return $pluginfiles; } /** * Returns all classes in a component matching the provided namespace. * * It checks that the class exists. * * e.g. get_component_classes_in_namespace('mod_forum', 'event') * * @param string|null $component A valid moodle component (frankenstyle) or null if searching all components * @param string $namespace Namespace from the component name or empty string if all $component classes. * @return array The full class name as key and the class path as value, empty array if $component is `null` * and $namespace is empty. */ public static function get_component_classes_in_namespace($component = null, $namespace = '') { $classes = []; // Only look for components if a component name is set or a namespace is set. if (isset($component) || !empty($namespace)) { // If a component parameter value is set we only want to look in that component. // Otherwise we want to check all components. $component = (isset($component)) ? self::normalize_componentname($component) : '\w+'; if ($namespace) { // We will add them later. $namespace = trim($namespace, '\\'); // We need add double backslashes as it is how classes are stored into self::$classmap. $namespace = implode('\\\\', explode('\\', $namespace)); $namespace = $namespace . '\\\\'; } $regex = '|^' . $component . '\\\\' . $namespace . '|'; $it = new RegexIterator(new ArrayIterator(self::$classmap), $regex, RegexIterator::GET_MATCH, RegexIterator::USE_KEY); // We want to be sure that they exist. foreach ($it as $classname => $classpath) { if (class_exists($classname)) { $classes[$classname] = $classpath; } } } return $classes; } /** * Returns the exact absolute path to plugin directory. * * @param string $plugintype type of plugin * @param string $pluginname name of the plugin * @return string full path to plugin directory; null if not found */ public static function get_plugin_directory($plugintype, $pluginname) { if (empty($pluginname)) { // Invalid plugin name, sorry. return null; } self::init(); if (!isset(self::$plugins[$plugintype][$pluginname])) { return null; } return self::$plugins[$plugintype][$pluginname]; } /** * Returns the exact absolute path to plugin directory. * * @param string $subsystem type of core subsystem * @return string full path to subsystem directory; null if not found */ public static function get_subsystem_directory($subsystem) { self::init(); if (!isset(self::$subsystems[$subsystem])) { return null; } return self::$subsystems[$subsystem]; } /** * This method validates a plug name. It is much faster than calling clean_param. * * @param string $plugintype type of plugin * @param string $pluginname a string that might be a plugin name. * @return bool if this string is a valid plugin name. */ public static function is_valid_plugin_name($plugintype, $pluginname) { if ($plugintype === 'mod') { // Modules must not have the same name as core subsystems. if (!isset(self::$subsystems)) { // Watch out, this is called from init! self::init(); } if (isset(self::$subsystems[$pluginname])) { return false; } // Modules MUST NOT have any underscores, // component normalisation would break very badly otherwise! return !is_null($pluginname) && (bool) preg_match('/^[a-z][a-z0-9]*$/', $pluginname); } else { return !is_null($pluginname) && (bool) preg_match('/^[a-z](?:[a-z0-9_](?!__))*[a-z0-9]+$/', $pluginname); } } /** * Normalize the component name. * * Note: this does not verify the validity of the plugin or component. * * @param string $component * @return string */ public static function normalize_componentname($componentname) { [$plugintype, $pluginname] = self::normalize_component($componentname); if ($plugintype === 'core' && is_null($pluginname)) { return $plugintype; } return $plugintype . '_' . $pluginname; } /** * Normalize the component name using the "frankenstyle" rules. * * Note: this does not verify the validity of plugin or type names. * * @param string $component * @return array two-items list of [(string)type, (string|null)name] */ public static function normalize_component($component) { if ($component === 'moodle' || $component === 'core' || $component === '') { return ['core', null]; } if (strpos($component, '_') === false) { self::init(); if (array_key_exists($component, self::$subsystems)) { $type = 'core'; $plugin = $component; } else { // Everything else without underscore is a module. $type = 'mod'; $plugin = $component; } } else { [$type, $plugin] = explode('_', $component, 2); if ($type === 'moodle') { $type = 'core'; } // Any unknown type must be a subplugin. } return [$type, $plugin]; } /** * Fetch the component name from a Moodle PSR-like namespace. * * Note: Classnames in the flat underscore_class_name_format are not supported. * * @param string $classname * @return null|string The component name, or null if a matching component was not found */ public static function get_component_from_classname(string $classname): ?string { $components = static::get_component_names(true); $classname = ltrim($classname, '\\'); // Prefer PSR-4 classnames. $parts = explode('\\', $classname); if ($parts) { $component = array_shift($parts); if (array_search($component, $components) !== false) { return $component; } } // Note: Frankenstyle classnames are not supported as they lead to false positives, for example: // \core_typo\example => \core instead of \core_typo because it does not exist // Please *do not* add support for Frankenstyle classnames. They will break other things. return null; } /** * Return exact absolute path to a plugin directory. * * @param string $component name such as 'moodle', 'mod_forum' * @return string full path to component directory; NULL if not found */ public static function get_component_directory($component) { global $CFG; [$type, $plugin] = self::normalize_component($component); if ($type === 'core') { if ($plugin === null) { return $path = $CFG->libdir; } return self::get_subsystem_directory($plugin); } return self::get_plugin_directory($type, $plugin); } /** * Returns list of plugin types that allow subplugins. * @return array as (string)plugintype => (string)fulldir */ public static function get_plugin_types_with_subplugins() { self::init(); $return = []; foreach (self::$supportsubplugins as $type) { $return[$type] = self::$plugintypes[$type]; } return $return; } /** * Returns parent of this subplugin type. * * @param string $type * @return string parent component or null */ public static function get_subtype_parent($type) { self::init(); if (isset(self::$parents[$type])) { return self::$parents[$type]; } return null; } /** * Return all subplugins of this component. * @param string $component. * @return array $subtype=>array($component, ..), null if no subtypes defined */ public static function get_subplugins($component) { self::init(); if (isset(self::$subplugins[$component])) { return self::$subplugins[$component]; } return null; } /** * Returns hash of all versions including core and all plugins. * * This is relatively slow and not fully cached, use with care! * * @return string sha1 hash */ public static function get_all_versions_hash() { return sha1(serialize(self::get_all_versions())); } /** * Returns hash of all versions including core and all plugins. * * This is relatively slow and not fully cached, use with care! * * @return array as (string)plugintype_pluginname => (int)version */ public static function get_all_versions(): array { global $CFG; self::init(); $versions = []; // Main version first. $versions['core'] = self::fetch_core_version(); // The problem here is tha the component cache might be stable, // we want this to work also on frontpage without resetting the component cache. $usecache = false; if (CACHE_DISABLE_ALL || (defined('IGNORE_COMPONENT_CACHE') && IGNORE_COMPONENT_CACHE)) { $usecache = true; } // Now all plugins. $plugintypes = self::get_plugin_types(); foreach ($plugintypes as $type => $typedir) { if ($usecache) { $plugs = self::get_plugin_list($type); } else { $plugs = self::fetch_plugins($type, $typedir); } foreach ($plugs as $plug => $fullplug) { $plugin = new stdClass(); $plugin->version = null; $module = $plugin; include($fullplug . '/version.php'); $versions[$type . '_' . $plug] = $plugin->version; } } return $versions; } /** * Returns hash of all core + plugin /db/ directories. * * This is relatively slow and not fully cached, use with care! * * @param array|null $components optional component directory => hash array to use. Only used in PHPUnit. * @return string sha1 hash. */ public static function get_all_component_hash(?array $components = null): string { $tohash = $components ?? self::get_all_directory_hashes(); return sha1(serialize($tohash)); } /** * Get the hashes of all core + plugin /db/ directories. * * @param array|null $directories optional component directory array to hash. Only used in PHPUnit. * @return array of directory => hash. */ public static function get_all_directory_hashes(?array $directories = null): array { global $CFG; self::init(); // The problem here is that the component cache might be stale, // we want this to work also on frontpage without resetting the component cache. $usecache = false; if (CACHE_DISABLE_ALL || (defined('IGNORE_COMPONENT_CACHE') && IGNORE_COMPONENT_CACHE)) { $usecache = true; } if (empty($directories)) { $directories = [ $CFG->libdir . '/db', ]; // For all components, get the directory of the /db directory. $plugintypes = self::get_plugin_types(); foreach ($plugintypes as $type => $typedir) { if ($usecache) { $plugs = self::get_plugin_list($type); } else { $plugs = self::fetch_plugins($type, $typedir); } foreach ($plugs as $plug) { $directories[] = $plug . '/db'; } } } // Create a mapping of directories to their hash. $hashes = []; foreach ($directories as $directory) { if (!is_dir($directory)) { // Just hash an empty string as the non-existing representation. $hashes[$directory] = sha1(''); continue; } $scan = scandir($directory); if ($scan) { sort($scan); } $scanhashes = []; foreach ($scan as $file) { $file = $directory . '/' . $file; // Moodle ignores directories. if (!is_dir($file)) { $scanhashes[] = hash_file('sha1', $file); } } // Finally we can serialize and hash the whole dir. $hashes[$directory] = sha1(serialize($scanhashes)); } return $hashes; } /** * Invalidate opcode cache for given file, this is intended for * php files that are stored in dataroot. * * Note: we need it here because this class must be self-contained. * * @param string $file */ public static function invalidate_opcode_php_cache($file) { if (function_exists('opcache_invalidate')) { if (!file_exists($file)) { return; } opcache_invalidate($file, true); } } /** * Return true if subsystemname is core subsystem. * * @param string $subsystemname name of the subsystem. * @return bool true if core subsystem. */ public static function is_core_subsystem($subsystemname) { return isset(self::$subsystems[$subsystemname]); } /** * Return true if apiname is a core API. * * @param string $apiname name of the API. * @return bool true if core API. */ public static function is_core_api($apiname) { return isset(self::$apis[$apiname]); } /** * Records all class renames that have been made to facilitate autoloading. */ protected static function fill_classmap_renames_cache() { global $CFG; self::$classmaprenames = []; self::load_renamed_classes("$CFG->dirroot/lib/"); foreach (self::$subsystems as $subsystem => $fulldir) { self::load_renamed_classes($fulldir); } foreach (self::$plugins as $plugintype => $plugins) { foreach ($plugins as $pluginname => $fulldir) { self::load_renamed_classes($fulldir); } } } /** * Loads the db/renamedclasses.php file from the given directory. * * The renamedclasses.php should contain a key => value array ($renamedclasses) where the key is old class name, * and the value is the new class name. * It is only included when we are populating the component cache. After that is not needed. * * @param string|null $fulldir The directory to the renamed classes. */ protected static function load_renamed_classes(?string $fulldir) { if (is_null($fulldir)) { return; } $file = $fulldir . '/db/renamedclasses.php'; if (is_readable($file)) { $renamedclasses = null; require($file); if (is_array($renamedclasses)) { foreach ($renamedclasses as $oldclass => $newclass) { self::$classmaprenames[(string)$oldclass] = (string)$newclass; } } } } /** * Load legacy classes based upon the db/legacyclasses.php file. * * The legacyclasses.php should contain a key => value array ($legacyclasses) where the key is the class name, * and the value is the path to the class file within the relative ../classes/ directory. * * @param string|null $fulldir The directory to the legacy classes. * @param bool $allowsubsystems Whether to allow the specification of alternative subsystems for this path. */ protected static function load_legacy_classes( ?string $fulldir, bool $allowsubsystems = false, ): void { if (is_null($fulldir)) { return; } $file = $fulldir . '/db/legacyclasses.php'; if (is_readable($file)) { $legacyclasses = null; require($file); if (is_array($legacyclasses)) { foreach ($legacyclasses as $classname => $path) { if (is_array($path)) { if (!$allowsubsystems) { throw new Exception( "Invalid legacy classes path entry for {$classname}. " . "Only files within the component can be specified.", ); } if (count($path) !== 2) { throw new Exception( "Invalid legacy classes path entry for {$classname}. " . "Entries must be in the format [subsystem, path].", ); } [$subsystem, $path] = $path; $subsystem = substr($subsystem, 5); if (!array_key_exists($subsystem, self::$subsystems)) { throw new Exception( "Unknown subsystem '{$subsystem}' for legacy classes entry of '{$classname}'", ); } $subsystemfulldir = self::$subsystems[$subsystem]; self::$classmap[$classname] = "{$subsystemfulldir}/classes/{$path}"; } else { self::$classmap[$classname] = "{$fulldir}/classes/{$path}"; } } } } } /** * Returns a list of frankenstyle component names and their paths, for all components (plugins and subsystems). * * E.g. * [ * 'mod' => [ * 'mod_forum' => FORUM_PLUGIN_PATH, * ... * ], * ... * 'core' => [ * 'core_comment' => COMMENT_SUBSYSTEM_PATH, * ... * ] * ] * * @return array an associative array of components and their corresponding paths. */ public static function get_component_list(): array { $components = []; // Get all plugins. foreach (self::get_plugin_types() as $plugintype => $typedir) { $components[$plugintype] = []; foreach (self::get_plugin_list($plugintype) as $pluginname => $plugindir) { $components[$plugintype][$plugintype . '_' . $pluginname] = $plugindir; } } // Get all subsystems. foreach (self::get_core_subsystems() as $subsystemname => $subsystempath) { $components['core']['core_' . $subsystemname] = $subsystempath; } return $components; } /** * Returns a list of frankenstyle component names, including all plugins, subplugins, and subsystems. * * Note: By default the 'core' subsystem is not included. * * @param bool $includecore Whether to include the 'core' subsystem * @return string[] the list of frankenstyle component names. */ public static function get_component_names( bool $includecore = false, ): array { $componentnames = []; // Get all plugins. foreach (self::get_plugin_types() as $plugintype => $typedir) { foreach (self::get_plugin_list($plugintype) as $pluginname => $plugindir) { $componentnames[] = $plugintype . '_' . $pluginname; } } // Get all subsystems. foreach (self::get_core_subsystems() as $subsystemname => $subsystempath) { $componentnames[] = 'core_' . $subsystemname; } if ($includecore) { $componentnames[] = 'core'; } return $componentnames; } /** * Returns the list of available API names. * * @return string[] the list of available API names. */ public static function get_core_api_names(): array { return array_keys(self::get_core_apis()); } /** * Checks for the presence of monologo icons within a plugin. * * Only checks monologo icons in PNG and SVG formats as they are * formats that can have transparent background. * * @param string $plugintype The plugin type. * @param string $pluginname The plugin name. * @return bool True if the plugin has a monologo icon */ public static function has_monologo_icon(string $plugintype, string $pluginname): bool { $plugindir = self::get_plugin_directory($plugintype, $pluginname); if ($plugindir === null) { return false; } return file_exists("$plugindir/pix/monologo.svg") || file_exists("$plugindir/pix/monologo.png"); } } // Alias this class to the old name. // This should be kept here because we use this class in external tooling. class_alias(component::class, \core_component::class);