. /** * Course completion status for a particular user/course * * @package core_completion * @category completion * @copyright 2009 Catalyst IT Ltd * @author Aaron Barnes * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die(); require_once($CFG->dirroot.'/completion/data_object.php'); /** * Course completion status for a particular user/course * * @package core_completion * @category completion * @copyright 2009 Catalyst IT Ltd * @author Aaron Barnes * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ class completion_completion extends data_object { /* @var string $table Database table name that stores completion information */ public $table = 'course_completions'; /* @var array $required_fields Array of required table fields, must start with 'id'. */ public $required_fields = array('id', 'userid', 'course', 'timeenrolled', 'timestarted', 'timecompleted', 'reaggregate'); /* @var int $userid User ID */ public $userid; /* @var int $course Course ID */ public $course; /* @var int Time of course enrolment {@link completion_completion::mark_enrolled()} */ public $timeenrolled; /** * Time the user started their course completion {@link completion_completion::mark_inprogress()} * @var int */ public $timestarted; /* @var int Timestamp of course completion {@link completion_completion::mark_complete()} */ public $timecompleted; /* @var int Flag to trigger cron aggregation (timestamp) */ public $reaggregate; /** * Finds and returns a data_object instance based on params. * * @param array $params associative arrays varname = >value * @return data_object instance of data_object or false if none found. */ public static function fetch($params) { return self::fetch_helper('course_completions', __CLASS__, $params); } /** * Return status of this completion * * @return bool */ public function is_complete() { return (bool) $this->timecompleted; } /** * Mark this user as started (or enrolled) in this course * * If the user is already marked as started, no change will occur * * @param integer $timeenrolled Time enrolled (optional) */ public function mark_enrolled($timeenrolled = null) { if ($this->timeenrolled === null) { if ($timeenrolled === null) { $timeenrolled = time(); } $this->timeenrolled = $timeenrolled; } return $this->_save(); } /** * Mark this user as inprogress in this course * * If the user is already marked as inprogress, the time will not be changed * * @param integer $timestarted Time started (optional) */ public function mark_inprogress($timestarted = null) { $timenow = time(); // Set reaggregate flag $this->reaggregate = $timenow; if (!$this->timestarted) { if (!$timestarted) { $timestarted = $timenow; } $this->timestarted = $timestarted; } return $this->_save(); } /** * Mark this user complete in this course * * This generally happens when the required completion criteria * in the course are complete. * * @param integer $timecomplete Time completed (optional) * @return void */ public function mark_complete($timecomplete = null) { // Never change a completion time if ($this->timecompleted) { return; } // Use current time if nothing supplied if (!$timecomplete) { $timecomplete = time(); } // Set time complete $this->timecompleted = $timecomplete; // Save record if ($result = $this->_save()) { events_trigger('course_completed', $this->get_record_data()); } return $result; } /** * Save course completion status * * This method creates a course_completions record if none exists * @access private * @return bool */ private function _save() { if ($this->timeenrolled === null) { $this->timeenrolled = 0; } // Save record if ($this->id) { return $this->update(); } else { // Make sure reaggregate field is not null if (!$this->reaggregate) { $this->reaggregate = 0; } // Make sure timestarted is not null if (!$this->timestarted) { $this->timestarted = 0; } return $this->insert(); } } }