libdir.'/gradelib.php'; /** * Print grading plugin selection popup form. * * @param int $courseid id of course * @param string $active_type type of plugin on current page - import, export, report or edit * @param string $active_plugin active plugin type - grader, user, cvs, ... * @param boolean $return return as string * @return nothing or string if $return true */ function print_grade_plugin_selector($courseid, $active_type, $active_plugin, $return=false) { global $CFG; $context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $courseid); $menu = array(); $active = ''; /// report plugins with its special structure if ($reports = get_list_of_plugins('grade/report', 'CVS')) { // Get all installed reports foreach ($reports as $key => $plugin) { // Remove ones we can't see if (!has_capability('gradereport/'.$plugin.':view', $context)) { unset($reports[$key]); } } } $reportnames = array(); if (!empty($reports)) { foreach ($reports as $plugin) { $url = 'report/'.$plugin.'/index.php?id='.$courseid; if ($active_type == 'report' and $active_plugin == $plugin ) { $active = $url; } $reportnames[$url] = get_string('modulename', 'gradereport_'.$plugin, NULL, $CFG->dirroot.'/grade/report/'.$plugin.'lang/'); } asort($reportnames); } if (!empty($reportnames)) { $menu['reportgroup']='--'.get_string('reportplugins', 'grades'); $menu = $menu+$reportnames; } /// standard import plugins if ($imports = get_list_of_plugins('grade/import', 'CVS')) { // Get all installed import plugins foreach ($imports as $key => $plugin) { // Remove ones we can't see if (!has_capability('gradeimport/'.$plugin.':view', $context)) { unset($imports[$key]); } } } $importnames = array(); if (!empty($imports)) { foreach ($imports as $plugin) { $url = 'import/'.$plugin.'/index.php?id='.$courseid; if ($active_type == 'import' and $active_plugin == $plugin ) { $active = $url; } $importnames[$url] = get_string('modulename', 'gradeimport_'.$plugin, NULL, $CFG->dirroot.'/grade/import/'.$plugin.'lang/'); } asort($importnames); } if (!empty($importnames)) { $menu['importgroup']='--'.get_string('importplugins', 'grades'); $menu = $menu+$importnames; } /// standard export plugins if ($exports = get_list_of_plugins('grade/export', 'CVS')) { // Get all installed export plugins foreach ($exports as $key => $plugin) { // Remove ones we can't see if (!has_capability('gradeexport/'.$plugin.':view', $context)) { unset($exports[$key]); } } } $exportnames = array(); if (!empty($exports)) { foreach ($exports as $plugin) { $url = 'export/'.$plugin.'/index.php?id='.$courseid; if ($active_type == 'export' and $active_plugin == $plugin ) { $active = $url; } $exportnames[$url] = get_string('modulename', 'gradeexport_'.$plugin, NULL, $CFG->dirroot.'/grade/export/'.$plugin.'lang/'); } asort($exportnames); } if (!empty($exportnames)) { $menu['exportgroup']='--'.get_string('exportplugins', 'grades'); $menu = $menu+$exportnames; } /// editing scripts - not real plugins if (has_capability('moodle/grade:manage', $context)) { $menu['edit']='--'.get_string('edit'); $url = 'edit/tree.php?id='.$courseid; if ($active_type == 'edit' and $active_plugin == 'tree' ) { $active = $url; } $menu[$url] = get_string('edittree', 'grades'); } /// finally print/return the popup form return popup_form($CFG->wwwroot.'/grade/', $menu, 'choosepluginreport', $active, 'choose', '', '', $return, 'self', get_string('view')); } /** * Utility class used for return tracking when using edit and other forms in grade plugins */ class grade_plugin_return { var $type; var $plugin; var $courseid; var $userid; var $page; /** * Constructor * @param array $params - associative array with return parameters, if null parameter are taken from _GET or _POST */ function grade_plugin_return ($params=null) { if (empty($params)) { $this->type = optional_param('gpr_type', null, PARAM_SAFEDIR); $this->plugin = optional_param('gpr_plugin', null, PARAM_SAFEDIR); $this->courseid = optional_param('gpr_courseid', null, PARAM_INT); $this->userid = optional_param('gpr_userid', null, PARAM_INT); $this->page = optional_param('gpr_page', null, PARAM_INT); } else { foreach ($params as $key=>$value) { if (array_key_exists($key, $this)) { $this->$key = $value; } } } } /** * Returns return parameters as options array suitable for buttons. * @return array options */ function get_options() { if (empty($this->type)) { return array(); } $params = array(); if (!empty($this->plugin)) { $params['plugin'] = $this->plugin; } if (!empty($this->courseid)) { $params['id'] = $this->courseid; } if (!empty($this->userid)) { $params['userid'] = $this->userid; } if (!empty($this->page)) { $params['page'] = $this->page; } return $params; } /** * Returns return url * @param string $default default url when params not set * @return string url */ function get_return_url($default, $extras=null) { global $CFG; if ($this->type == 'edit') { return $CFG->wwwroot.'/grade/edit/tree.php?id='.$this->courseid; } if (empty($this->type) or empty($this->plugin)) { return $default; } $url = $CFG->wwwroot.'/grade/'.$this->type.'/'.$this->plugin.'/index.php'; $glue = '?'; if (!empty($this->courseid)) { $url .= $glue.'id='.$this->courseid; $glue = '&'; } if (!empty($this->userid)) { $url .= $glue.'userid='.$this->userid; $glue = '&'; } if (!empty($this->page)) { $url .= $glue.'page='.$this->page; $glue = '&'; } if (!empty($extras)) { foreach($extras as $key=>$value) { $url .= $glue.$key.'='.$value; $glue = '&'; } } return $url; } /** * Returns string with hidden return tracking form elements. * @return string */ function get_form_fields() { if (empty($this->type)) { return ''; } $result = ''; if (!empty($this->plugin)) { $result .= ''; } if (!empty($this->courseid)) { $result .= ''; } if (!empty($this->userid)) { $result .= ''; } if (!empty($this->page)) { $result .= ''; } } /** * Add hidden elements into mform * @param object $mform moodle form object * @return void */ function add_mform_elements(&$mform) { if (empty($this->type)) { return; } $mform->addElement('hidden', 'gpr_type', $this->type); $mform->setType('gpr_type', PARAM_SAFEDIR); if (!empty($this->plugin)) { $mform->addElement('hidden', 'gpr_plugin', $this->plugin); $mform->setType('gpr_plugin', PARAM_SAFEDIR); } if (!empty($this->courseid)) { $mform->addElement('hidden', 'gpr_courseid', $this->courseid); $mform->setType('gpr_courseid', PARAM_INT); } if (!empty($this->userid)) { $mform->addElement('hidden', 'gpr_userid', $this->userid); $mform->setType('gpr_userid', PARAM_INT); } if (!empty($this->page)) { $mform->addElement('hidden', 'gpr_page', $this->page); $mform->setType('gpr_page', PARAM_INT); } } /** * Add return tracking params into url * @param string $url * @return string $url with erturn tracking params */ function add_url_params($url) { if (empty($this->type)) { return $url; } if (strpos($url, '?') === false) { $url .= '?gpr_type='.$this->type; } else { $url .= '&gpr_type='.$this->type; } if (!empty($this->plugin)) { $url .= '&gpr_plugin='.$this->plugin; } if (!empty($this->courseid)) { $url .= '&gpr_courseid='.$this->courseid; } if (!empty($this->userid)) { $url .= '&gpr_userid='.$this->userid; } if (!empty($this->page)) { $url .= '&gpr_page='.$this->page; } return $url; } } /** * This class represents a complete tree of categories, grade_items and final grades, * organises as an array primarily, but which can also be converted to other formats. * It has simple method calls with complex implementations, allowing for easy insertion, * deletion and moving of items and categories within the tree. */ class grade_tree { /** * The basic representation of the tree as a hierarchical, 3-tiered array. * @var object $top_element */ var $top_element; /** * A string of GET URL variables, namely courseid and sesskey, used in most URLs built by this class. * @var string $commonvars */ var $commonvars; /** * 2D array of grade items and categories */ var $levels; /** * Course context */ var $context; /** * Constructor, retrieves and stores a hierarchical array of all grade_category and grade_item * objects for the given courseid. Full objects are instantiated. * and renumbering. * @param int $courseid * @param boolean $fillers include fillers and colspans, make the levels var "rectangular" * @param boolean $category_grade_last category grade item is the last child * @param boolean $aggregation_view Either full view (0) or compact view (1) */ function grade_tree($courseid, $fillers=true, $category_grade_last=false, $aggregation_view=GRADE_REPORT_AGGREGATION_VIEW_FULL) { global $USER, $CFG; $this->courseid = $courseid; $this->commonvars = "&sesskey=$USER->sesskey&id=$this->courseid"; $this->levels = array(); $this->context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $courseid); // get course grade tree $this->top_element = grade_category::fetch_course_tree($courseid, true); if ($category_grade_last) { grade_tree::category_grade_last($this->top_element); } if ($fillers) { // inject fake categories == fillers grade_tree::inject_fillers($this->top_element, 0); // add colspans to categories and fillers grade_tree::inject_colspans($this->top_element); } grade_tree::fill_levels($this->levels, $this->top_element, 0); } /** * Static recursive helper - makes the grade_item for category the last children * @static * @param array $element The seed of the recursion * @return void */ function category_grade_last(&$element) { if (empty($element['children'])) { return; } if (count($element['children']) < 2) { return; } $category_item = reset($element['children']); $order = key($element['children']); unset($element['children'][$order]); $element['children'][$order] =& $category_item; foreach ($element['children'] as $sortorder=>$child) { grade_tree::category_grade_last($element['children'][$sortorder]); } } /** * Static recursive helper - fills the levels array, useful when accessing tree elements of one level * @static * @param int $levels * @param array $element The seed of the recursion * @param int $depth * @return void */ function fill_levels(&$levels, &$element, $depth) { if (!array_key_exists($depth, $levels)) { $levels[$depth] = array(); } // prepare unique identifier if ($element['type'] == 'category') { $element['eid'] = 'c'.$element['object']->id; } else if (in_array($element['type'], array('item', 'courseitem', 'categoryitem'))) { $element['eid'] = 'i'.$element['object']->id; } $levels[$depth][] =& $element; $depth++; if (empty($element['children'])) { return; } $prev = 0; foreach ($element['children'] as $sortorder=>$child) { grade_tree::fill_levels($levels, $element['children'][$sortorder], $depth); $element['children'][$sortorder]['prev'] = $prev; $element['children'][$sortorder]['next'] = 0; if ($prev) { $element['children'][$prev]['next'] = $sortorder; } $prev = $sortorder; } } /** * Static recursive helper - makes full tree (all leafes are at the same level) */ function inject_fillers(&$element, $depth) { $depth++; if (empty($element['children'])) { return $depth; } $chdepths = array(); $chids = array_keys($element['children']); $last_child = end($chids); $first_child = reset($chids); foreach ($chids as $chid) { $chdepths[$chid] = grade_tree::inject_fillers($element['children'][$chid], $depth); } arsort($chdepths); $maxdepth = reset($chdepths); foreach ($chdepths as $chid=>$chd) { if ($chd == $maxdepth) { continue; } for ($i=0; $i < $maxdepth-$chd; $i++) { if ($chid == $first_child) { $type = 'fillerfirst'; } else if ($chid == $last_child) { $type = 'fillerlast'; } else { $type = 'filler'; } $oldchild =& $element['children'][$chid]; $element['children'][$chid] = array('object'=>'filler', 'type'=>$type, 'eid'=>'', 'depth'=>$element['object']->depth,'children'=>array($oldchild)); } } return $maxdepth; } /** * Static recursive helper - add colspan information into categories */ function inject_colspans(&$element) { if (empty($element['children'])) { return 1; } $count = 0; foreach ($element['children'] as $key=>$child) { $count += grade_tree::inject_colspans($element['children'][$key]); } $element['colspan'] = $count; return $count; } /** * Parses the array in search of a given eid and returns a element object with * information about the element it has found. * @param int $eid * @return object element */ function locate_element($eid) { if (strpos($eid, 'g') === 0) { // it is a grade construct a new object $id = (int)substr($eid, 1); if (!$grade = grade_grade::fetch(array('id'=>$id))) { return null; } //extra security check - the grade item must be in this tree if (!$item_el = $this->locate_element('i'.$grade->itemid)) { return null; } $grade->grade_item =& $item_el['object']; // this may speedup grade_grade methods! return array('eid'=>'g'.$id,'object'=>$grade, 'type'=>'grade'); } // it is a category or item foreach ($this->levels as $row) { foreach ($row as $element) { if ($element['type'] == 'filler') { continue; } if ($element['eid'] == $eid) { return $element; } } } return null; } /** * Return edit icon for give element * @param object $element * @return string */ function get_edit_icon($element, $gpr) { global $CFG; if (!has_capability('moodle/grade:manage', $this->context)) { return ''; } static $stredit = null; if (is_null($stredit)) { $stredit = get_string('edit'); } $object = $element['object']; $overlib = ''; switch ($element['type']) { case 'item': case 'categoryitem': case 'courseitem': $url = $CFG->wwwroot.'/grade/edit/item.php?courseid='.$this->courseid.'&id='.$object->id; $url = $gpr->add_url_params($url); break; case 'category': $url = $CFG->wwwroot.'/grade/edit/category.php?courseid='.$this->courseid.'&id='.$object->id; $url = $gpr->add_url_params($url); break; case 'grade': //TODO: improve dealing with new grades $url = $CFG->wwwroot.'/grade/edit/grade.php?courseid='.$this->courseid.'&id='.$object->id; $url = $gpr->add_url_params($url); if (!empty($object->feedback)) { $feedback = format_text($object->feedback, $object->feedbackformat); $function = "return overlib('".s(ltrim($object->feedback)."', FULLHTML);"); $overlib = 'onmouseover="'.$function.'" onmouseout="return nd();"'; } break; default: $url = null; } if ($url) { return ''.$stredit.''; } else { return ''; } } /** * Return hiding icon for give element * @param object $element * @return string */ function get_hiding_icon($element, $gpr) { global $CFG; if (!has_capability('moodle/grade:manage', $this->context) and !has_capability('moodle/grade:hide', $this->context)) { return ''; } static $strshow = null; static $strhide = null; if (is_null($strshow)) { $strshow = get_string('show'); $strhide = get_string('hide'); } if ($element['object']->is_hidden()) { $url = $CFG->wwwroot.'/grade/edit/action.php?id='.$this->courseid.'&action=show&sesskey='.sesskey().'&eid='.$element['eid']; $url = $gpr->add_url_params($url); $action = ''.$strshow.''; } else { $url = $CFG->wwwroot.'/grade/edit/action.php?id='.$this->courseid.'&action=hide&sesskey='.sesskey().'&eid='.$element['eid']; $url = $gpr->add_url_params($url); $action = ''.$strhide.''; } return $action; } /** * Return locking icon for give element * @param object $element * @return string */ function get_locking_icon($element, $gpr) { global $CFG; static $strunlock = null; static $strlock = null; if (is_null($strunlock)) { $strunlock = get_string('unlock', 'grades'); $strlock = get_string('lock', 'grades'); } if ($element['object']->is_locked()) { if (!has_capability('moodle/grade:manage', $this->context) and !has_capability('moodle/grade:unlock', $this->context)) { return ''; } $url = $CFG->wwwroot.'/grade/edit/action.php?id='.$this->courseid.'&action=unlock&sesskey='.sesskey().'&eid='.$element['eid']; $url = $gpr->add_url_params($url); $action = ''.$strunlock.''; } else { if (!has_capability('moodle/grade:manage', $this->context) and !has_capability('moodle/grade:lock', $this->context)) { return ''; } $url = $CFG->wwwroot.'/grade/edit/action.php?id='.$this->courseid.'&action=lock&sesskey='.sesskey().'&eid='.$element['eid']; $url = $gpr->add_url_params($url); $action = ''.$strlock.''; } return $action; } /** * Return calculation icon for given element * @param object $element * @return string */ function get_calculation_icon($element, $gpr) { global $CFG; if (!has_capability('moodle/grade:manage', $this->context)) { return ''; } $calculation_icon = ''; $type = $element['type']; $object = $element['object']; if ($type == 'item' or $type == 'courseitem' or $type == 'categoryitem') { $streditcalculation = get_string('editcalculation', 'grades'); // show calculation icon only when calculation possible if (!$object->is_normal_item() and ($object->gradetype == GRADE_TYPE_SCALE or $object->gradetype == GRADE_TYPE_VALUE)) { $url = $CFG->wwwroot.'/grade/edit/calculation.php?courseid='.$this->courseid.'&id='.$object->id; $url = $gpr->add_url_params($url); $calculation_icon = ''
                                       . $streditcalculation.''. "\n"; } } return $calculation_icon; } } ?>