libdir . '/mathslib.php'); /** * Unit tests of mathslib wrapper and underlying EvalMath library. * * @author Petr Skoda (skodak) * @version $Id$ */ class mathsslib_test extends UnitTestCase { public static $includecoverage = array('lib/mathslib.php'); /** * Tests the basic formula evaluation */ function test__basic() { $formula = new calc_formula('=1+2'); $res = $formula->evaluate(); $this->assertEqual($res, 3, '3+1 is: %s'); } /** * Tests the formula params */ function test__params() { $formula = new calc_formula('=a+b+c', array('a'=>10,'b'=>20,'c'=>30)); $res = $formula->evaluate(); $this->assertEqual($res, 60, '10+20+30 is: %s'); } /** * Tests the changed params */ function test__changing_params() { $formula = new calc_formula('=a+b+c', array('a'=>10,'b'=>20,'c'=>30)); $res = $formula->evaluate(); $this->assertEqual($res, 60, '10+20+30 is: %s'); $formula->set_params(array('a'=>1,'b'=>2,'c'=>3)); $res = $formula->evaluate(); $this->assertEqual($res, 6, 'changed params 1+2+3 is: %s'); } /** * Tests the spreadsheet emulation function in formula */ function test__calc_function() { $formula = new calc_formula('=sum(a,b,c)', array('a'=>10,'b'=>20,'c'=>30)); $res = $formula->evaluate(); $this->assertEqual($res, 60, 'sum(a,b,c) is: %s'); } /** * Tests the min and max functions */ function test__minmax_function() { $formula = new calc_formula('=min(a,b,c)', array('a'=>10,'b'=>20,'c'=>30)); $res = $formula->evaluate(); $this->assertEqual($res, 10, 'minimum is: %s'); $formula = new calc_formula('=max(a,b,c)', array('a'=>10,'b'=>20,'c'=>30)); $res = $formula->evaluate(); $this->assertEqual($res, 30, 'maximum is: %s'); } /** * Tests special chars */ function test__specialchars() { $formula = new calc_formula('=gi1 + gi2 + gi11', array('gi1'=>10,'gi2'=>20,'gi11'=>30)); $res = $formula->evaluate(); $this->assertEqual($res, 60, 'sum is: %s'); } }