libdir.'/ddl/sql_generator.php'); /// This class generate SQL code to be used against SQLite /// It extends XMLDBgenerator so everything can be /// overriden as needed to generate correct SQL. class sqlite_sql_generator extends sql_generator { /// Only set values that are different from the defaults present in XMLDBgenerator public $drop_default_value_required = true; //To specify if the generator must use some DEFAULT clause to drop defaults public $drop_default_value = NULL; //The DEFAULT clause required to drop defaults public $drop_primary_key = 'ALTER TABLE TABLENAME DROP PRIMARY KEY'; // Template to drop PKs // with automatic replace for TABLENAME and KEYNAME public $drop_unique_key = 'ALTER TABLE TABLENAME DROP KEY KEYNAME'; // Template to drop UKs // with automatic replace for TABLENAME and KEYNAME public $drop_foreign_key = 'ALTER TABLE TABLENAME DROP FOREIGN KEY KEYNAME'; // Template to drop FKs // with automatic replace for TABLENAME and KEYNAME public $default_for_char = ''; // To define the default to set for NOT NULLs CHARs without default (null=do nothing) public $sequence_only = true; //To avoid to output the rest of the field specs, leaving only the name and the sequence_name publiciable public $sequence_extra_code = false; //Does the generator need to add extra code to generate the sequence fields public $sequence_name = 'INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL'; //Particular name for inline sequences in this generator public $unsigned_allowed = false; // To define in the generator must handle unsigned information public $enum_inline_code = true; //Does the generator need to add inline code in the column definition public $enum_extra_code = false; //Does the generator need to add extra code to generate code for the enums in the table public $drop_index_sql = 'ALTER TABLE TABLENAME DROP INDEX INDEXNAME'; //SQL sentence to drop one index //TABLENAME, INDEXNAME are dinamically replaced public $rename_index_sql = null; //SQL sentence to rename one index (MySQL doesn't support this!) //TABLENAME, OLDINDEXNAME, NEWINDEXNAME are dinamically replaced public $rename_key_sql = null; //SQL sentence to rename one key (MySQL doesn't support this!) //TABLENAME, OLDKEYNAME, NEWKEYNAME are dinamically replaced /** * Creates one new XMLDBmysql */ public function __construct($mdb) { parent::__construct($mdb); } /** * Reset a sequence to the id field of a table. * @param string $table name of table * @return bool success */ public function reset_sequence($table) { if (is_string($table)) { $tablename = $table; } else { $tablename = $table->getName(); } // From $value = (int)$this->mdb->get_field_sql('SELECT MAX(id) FROM {'.$tablename.'}'); return $this->mdb->change_database_structure("UPDATE sqlite_sequence SET seq=$value WHERE name='$this->prefix$tablename'"); } /** * Given one correct xmldb_key, returns its specs */ public function getKeySQL($xmldb_table, $xmldb_key) { $key = ''; switch ($xmldb_key->getType()) { case XMLDB_KEY_PRIMARY: if ($this->primary_keys && count($xmldb_key->getFields())>1) { if ($this->primary_key_name !== null) { $key = $this->getEncQuoted($this->primary_key_name); } else { $key = $this->getNameForObject($xmldb_table->getName(), implode(', ', $xmldb_key->getFields()), 'pk'); } $key .= ' PRIMARY KEY (' . implode(', ', $this->getEncQuoted($xmldb_key->getFields())) . ')'; } break; case XMLDB_KEY_UNIQUE: if ($this->unique_keys) { $key = $this->getNameForObject($xmldb_table->getName(), implode(', ', $xmldb_key->getFields()), 'uk'); $key .= ' UNIQUE (' . implode(', ', $this->getEncQuoted($xmldb_key->getFields())) . ')'; } break; case XMLDB_KEY_FOREIGN: case XMLDB_KEY_FOREIGN_UNIQUE: if ($this->foreign_keys) { $key = $this->getNameForObject($xmldb_table->getName(), implode(', ', $xmldb_key->getFields()), 'fk'); $key .= ' FOREIGN KEY (' . implode(', ', $this->getEncQuoted($xmldb_key->getFields())) . ')'; $key .= ' REFERENCES ' . $this->getEncQuoted($this->prefix . $xmldb_key->getRefTable()); $key .= ' (' . implode(', ', $this->getEncQuoted($xmldb_key->getRefFields())) . ')'; } break; } return $key; } /** * Given one XMLDB Type, lenght and decimals, returns the DB proper SQL type */ public function getTypeSQL($xmldb_type, $xmldb_length=null, $xmldb_decimals=null) { switch ($xmldb_type) { case XMLDB_TYPE_INTEGER: // From if (empty($xmldb_length)) { $xmldb_length = 10; } $dbtype = 'INTEGER(' . $xmldb_length . ')'; break; case XMLDB_TYPE_NUMBER: $dbtype = $this->number_type; if (!empty($xmldb_length)) { $dbtype .= '(' . $xmldb_length; if (!empty($xmldb_decimals)) { $dbtype .= ',' . $xmldb_decimals; } $dbtype .= ')'; } break; case XMLDB_TYPE_FLOAT: $dbtype = 'REAL'; if (!empty($xmldb_length)) { $dbtype .= '(' . $xmldb_length; if (!empty($xmldb_decimals)) { $dbtype .= ',' . $xmldb_decimals; } $dbtype .= ')'; } break; case XMLDB_TYPE_CHAR: $dbtype = 'VARCHAR'; if (empty($xmldb_length)) { $xmldb_length='255'; } $dbtype .= '(' . $xmldb_length . ')'; break; case XMLDB_TYPE_BINARY: $dbtype = 'BLOB'; break; case XMLDB_TYPE_DATETIME: $dbtype = 'DATETIME'; default: case XMLDB_TYPE_TEXT: $dbtype = 'TEXT'; break; } return $dbtype; } /** * Function to emulate full ALTER TABLE which SQLite does not support. * The function can be used to drop a column ($xmldb_delete_field != null and * $xmldb_add_field == null), add a column ($xmldb_delete_field == null and * $xmldb_add_field != null), change/rename a column ($xmldb_delete_field == null * and $xmldb_add_field == null). * @param xmldb_table $xmldb_table table to change * @param xmldb_field $xmldb_add_field column to create/modify (full specification is required) * @param xmldb_field $xmldb_delete_field column to delete/modify (only name field is required) * @return array of strings (SQL statements to alter the table structure) */ protected function getAlterTableSchema($xmldb_table, $xmldb_add_field=NULL, $xmldb_delete_field=NULL) { /// Get the quoted name of the table and field $tablename = $this->getTableName($xmldb_table); $oldname = $xmldb_delete_field ? $xmldb_delete_field->getName() : NULL; $newname = $xmldb_add_field ? $xmldb_add_field->getName() : NULL; if($xmldb_delete_field) { $xmldb_table->deleteField($oldname); } if($xmldb_add_field) { $xmldb_table->addField($xmldb_add_field); } if($oldname) { // alter indexes $indexes = $xmldb_table->getIndexes(); foreach($indexes as $index) { $fields = $index->getFields(); $i = array_search($oldname, $fields); if($i!==FALSE) { if($newname) { $fields[$i] = $newname; } else { unset($fields[$i]); } $xmldb_table->deleteIndex($index->getName()); if(count($fields)) { $index->setFields($fields); $xmldb_table->addIndex($index); } } } // alter keys $keys = $xmldb_table->getKeys(); foreach($keys as $key) { $fields = $key->getFields(); $reffields = $key->getRefFields(); $i = array_search($oldname, $fields); if($i!==FALSE) { if($newname) { $fields[$i] = $newname; } else { unset($fields[$i]); unset($reffields[$i]); } $xmldb_table->deleteKey($key->getName()); if(count($fields)) { $key->setFields($fields); $key->setRefFields($fields); $xmldb_table->addkey($key); } } } } // prepare data copy $fields = $xmldb_table->getFields(); foreach ($fields as $key => $field) { $fieldname = $field->getName(); if($fieldname == $newname && $oldname && $oldname != $newname) { // field rename operation $fields[$key] = $this->getEncQuoted($oldname) . ' AS ' . $this->getEncQuoted($newname); } else { $fields[$key] = $this->getEncQuoted($field->getName()); } } $fields = implode(',', $fields); $results[] = 'BEGIN TRANSACTION'; $results[] = 'CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE temp_data AS SELECT * FROM ' . $tablename; $results[] = 'DROP TABLE ' . $tablename; $results = array_merge($results, $this->getCreateTableSQL($xmldb_table)); $results[] = 'INSERT INTO ' . $tablename . ' SELECT ' . $fields . ' FROM temp_data'; $results[] = 'DROP TABLE temp_data'; $results[] = 'COMMIT'; return $results; } /** * Given one xmldb_table and one xmldb_field, return the SQL statements needded to alter the field in the table */ public function getAlterFieldSQL($xmldb_table, $xmldb_field, $skip_type_clause = NULL, $skip_default_clause = NULL, $skip_notnull_clause = NULL) { return $this->getAlterTableSchema($xmldb_table, $xmldb_field, $xmldb_field); } /** * Given one xmldb_table and one xmldb_key, return the SQL statements needded to add the key to the table * note that undelying indexes will be added as parametrised by $xxxx_keys and $xxxx_index parameters */ public function getAddKeySQL($xmldb_table, $xmldb_key) { $xmldb_table->addKey($xmldb_key); return $this->getAlterTableSchema($xmldb_table); } /** * Given one xmldb_table and one xmldb_field, return the SQL statements needded to create its enum * (usually invoked from getModifyEnumSQL() */ public function getCreateEnumSQL($xmldb_table, $xmldb_field) { return $this->getAlterTableSchema($xmldb_table, $xmldb_field, $xmldb_field); } /** * Given one xmldb_table and one xmldb_field, return the SQL statements needded to drop its enum * (usually invoked from getModifyEnumSQL() */ public function getDropEnumSQL($xmldb_table, $xmldb_field) { return $this->getAlterTableSchema($xmldb_table, $xmldb_field, $xmldb_field); } /** * Given one xmldb_table and one xmldb_field, return the SQL statements needded to create its default * (usually invoked from getModifyDefaultSQL() */ public function getCreateDefaultSQL($xmldb_table, $xmldb_field) { return $this->getAlterTableSchema($xmldb_table, $xmldb_field, $xmldb_field); } /** * Given one correct xmldb_field and the new name, returns the SQL statements * to rename it (inside one array) * SQLite is pretty diferent from the standard to justify this oveloading */ public function getRenameFieldSQL($xmldb_table, $xmldb_field, $newname) { $oldfield = clone($xmldb_field); $xmldb_field->setName($newname); return $this->getAlterTableSchema($xmldb_table, $xmldb_field, $oldfield); } /** * Given one xmldb_table and one xmldb_index, return the SQL statements needded to rename the index in the table */ function getRenameIndexSQL($xmldb_table, $xmldb_index, $newname) { /// Get the real index name $dbindexname = $this->mdb->get_manager()->find_index_name($xmldb_table, $xmldb_index); $xmldb_index->setName($newname); $results = array('DROP INDEX ' . $dbindexname); $results = array_merge($results, $this->getCreateIndexSQL($xmldb_table, $xmldb_index)); return $results; } /** * Given one xmldb_table and one xmldb_key, return the SQL statements needded to rename the key in the table * Experimental! Shouldn't be used at all! */ public function getRenameKeySQL($xmldb_table, $xmldb_key, $newname) { $xmldb_table->deleteKey($xmldb_key->getName()); $xmldb_key->setName($newname); $xmldb_table->addkey($xmldb_key); return $this->getAlterTableSchema($xmldb_table); } /** * Given one xmldb_table and one xmldb_field, return the SQL statements needded to drop the field from the table */ public function getDropFieldSQL($xmldb_table, $xmldb_field) { return $this->getAlterTableSchema($xmldb_table, NULL, $xmldb_field); } /** * Given one xmldb_table and one xmldb_index, return the SQL statements needded to drop the index from the table */ public function getDropIndexSQL($xmldb_table, $xmldb_index) { $xmldb_table->deleteIndex($xmldb_index->getName()); return $this->getAlterTableSchema($xmldb_table); } /** * Given one xmldb_table and one xmldb_index, return the SQL statements needded to drop the index from the table */ public function getDropKeySQL($xmldb_table, $xmldb_key) { $xmldb_table->deleteKey($xmldb_key->getName()); return $this->getAlterTableSchema($xmldb_table); } /** * Given one xmldb_table and one xmldb_field, return the SQL statements needded to drop its default * (usually invoked from getModifyDefaultSQL() */ public function getDropDefaultSQL($xmldb_table, $xmldb_field) { return $this->getAlterTableSchema($xmldb_table, $xmldb_field, $xmldb_field); } /** * Given one XMLDB Field, return its enum SQL */ public function getEnumSQL($xmldb_field) { // Enum values are between /*LISTSTART*/ and /*LISTEND*/ so that // get_columns can easily find them return 'enum CHECK (' . $this->getEncQuoted($xmldb_field->getName()) . ' IN (/*LISTSTART*/' . implode(',', $xmldb_field->getEnumValues()) . '/*LISTEND*/))'; } /** * Returns the code (in array) needed to add one comment to the table */ function getCommentSQL ($xmldb_table) { return array(); } /** * Given one xmldb_table returns one array with all the check constrainsts * in the table (fetched from DB) * Optionally the function allows one xmldb_field to be specified in * order to return only the check constraints belonging to one field. * Each element contains the name of the constraint and its description * If no check constraints are found, returns an empty array. */ public function getCheckConstraintsFromDB($xmldb_table, $xmldb_field = null) { $tablename = $xmldb_table->getName($xmldb_table); // Fetch all the columns in the table if (!$columns = $this->mdb->get_columns($tablename, false)) { return array(); } $results = array(); $filter = $xmldb_field ? $xmldb_field->getName() : NULL; // Iterate over columns searching for enums foreach ($columns as $key => $column) { // Enum found, let's add it to the constraints list if (!empty($column->enums) && (!$filter || $column->name == $filter)) { $result = new object; $result->name = $key; $result->description = implode(', ', $column->enums); $results[$key] = $result; } } return $results; } /** * Given one object name and it's type (pk, uk, fk, ck, ix, uix, seq, trg) * return if such name is currently in use (true) or no (false) * (invoked from getNameForObject() */ public function isNameInUse($object_name, $type, $table_name) { // TODO: add introspection code return false; //No name in use found } /** * Returns an array of reserved words (lowercase) for this DB */ public static function getReservedWords() { /// From $reserved_words = array ( 'ADD', 'ALL', 'ALTER', 'AND', 'AS', 'AUTOINCREMENT', 'BETWEEN', 'BY', 'CASE', 'CHECK', 'COLLATE', 'COLUMN', 'COMMIT', 'CONSTRAINT', 'CREATE', 'CROSS', 'DEFAULT', 'DEFERRABLE', 'DELETE', 'DISTINCT', 'DROP', 'ELSE', 'ESCAPE', 'EXCEPT', 'EXISTS', 'FOREIGN', 'FROM', 'FULL', 'GROUP', 'HAVING', 'IN', 'INDEX', 'INNER', 'INSERT', 'INTERSECT', 'INTO', 'IS', 'ISNULL', 'JOIN', 'LEFT', 'LIMIT', 'NATURAL', 'NOT', 'NOTNULL', 'NULL', 'ON', 'OR', 'ORDER', 'OUTER', 'PRIMARY', 'REFERENCES', 'REGEXP', 'RIGHT', 'ROLLBACK', 'SELECT', 'SET', 'TABLE', 'THEN', 'TO', 'TRANSACTION', 'UNION', 'UNIQUE', 'UPDATE', 'USING', 'VALUES', 'WHEN', 'WHERE', ); return $reserved_words; } public function addslashes($s) { // do not use php addslashes() because it depends on PHP quote settings! $s = str_replace("'", "''", $s); return $s; } }