. function scorm_add_time($a, $b) { $aes = explode(':', $a); $bes = explode(':', $b); $aseconds = explode('.', $aes[2]); $bseconds = explode('.', $bes[2]); $change = 0; $acents = 0; //Cents if (count($aseconds) > 1) { $acents = $aseconds[1]; } $bcents = 0; if (count($bseconds) > 1) { $bcents = $bseconds[1]; } $cents = $acents + $bcents; $change = floor($cents / 100); $cents = $cents - ($change * 100); if (floor($cents) < 10) { $cents = '0'. $cents; } $secs = $aseconds[0] + $bseconds[0] + $change; //Seconds $change = floor($secs / 60); $secs = $secs - ($change * 60); if (floor($secs) < 10) { $secs = '0'. $secs; } $mins = $aes[1] + $bes[1] + $change; //Minutes $change = floor($mins / 60); $mins = $mins - ($change * 60); if ($mins < 10) { $mins = '0' . $mins; } $hours = $aes[0] + $bes[0] + $change; //Hours if ($hours < 10) { $hours = '0' . $hours; } if ($cents != '0') { return $hours . ":" . $mins . ":" . $secs . '.' . $cents; } else { return $hours . ":" . $mins . ":" . $secs; } } /** * Take the header row of an AICC definition file * and returns sequence of columns and a pointer to * the sco identifier column. * * @param string $row AICC header row * @param string $mastername AICC sco identifier column * @return mixed */ function scorm_get_aicc_columns($row, $mastername='system_id') { $tok = strtok(strtolower($row), "\",\n\r"); $result = new stdClass(); $result->columns = array(); $i=0; while ($tok) { if ($tok !='') { $result->columns[] = $tok; if ($tok == $mastername) { $result->mastercol = $i; } $i++; } $tok = strtok("\",\n\r"); } return $result; } /** * Given a colums array return a string containing the regular * expression to match the columns in a text row. * * @param array $column The header columns * @param string $remodule The regular expression module for a single column * @return string */ function scorm_forge_cols_regexp($columns, $remodule='(".*")?,') { $regexp = '/^'; foreach ($columns as $column) { $regexp .= $remodule; } $regexp = substr($regexp, 0, -1) . '/'; return $regexp; } function scorm_parse_aicc($scorm) { global $DB; if ($scorm->scormtype == SCORM_TYPE_AICCURL) { return scorm_aicc_generate_simple_sco($scorm); } if (!isset($scorm->cmid)) { $cm = get_coursemodule_from_instance('scorm', $scorm->id); $scorm->cmid = $cm->id; } $context = context_module::instance($scorm->cmid); $fs = get_file_storage(); $files = $fs->get_area_files($context->id, 'mod_scorm', 'content', 0, 'sortorder, itemid, filepath, filename', false); $version = 'AICC'; $ids = array(); $courses = array(); $extaiccfiles = array('crs', 'des', 'au', 'cst', 'ort', 'pre', 'cmp'); foreach ($files as $file) { $filename = $file->get_filename(); $ext = substr($filename, strrpos($filename, '.')); $extension = strtolower(substr($ext, 1)); if (in_array($extension, $extaiccfiles)) { $id = strtolower(basename($filename, $ext)); $ids[$id]->$extension = $file; } } foreach ($ids as $courseid => $id) { if (isset($id->crs)) { $contents = $id->crs->get_content(); $rows = explode("\r\n", $contents); if (is_array($rows)) { foreach ($rows as $row) { if (preg_match("/^(.+)=(.+)$/", $row, $matches)) { switch (strtolower(trim($matches[1]))) { case 'course_id': $courses[$courseid]->id = trim($matches[2]); break; case 'course_title': $courses[$courseid]->title = trim($matches[2]); break; case 'version': $courses[$courseid]->version = 'AICC_'.trim($matches[2]); break; } } } } } if (isset($id->des)) { $contents = $id->des->get_content(); $rows = explode("\r\n", $contents); $columns = scorm_get_aicc_columns($rows[0]); $regexp = scorm_forge_cols_regexp($columns->columns); for ($i=1; $icolumns); $j++) { $column = $columns->columns[$j]; $courses[$courseid]->elements[substr(trim($matches[$columns->mastercol+1]), 1 , -1)]->$column = substr(trim($matches[$j+1]), 1, -1); } } } } if (isset($id->au)) { $contents = $id->au->get_content(); $rows = explode("\r\n", $contents); $columns = scorm_get_aicc_columns($rows[0]); $regexp = scorm_forge_cols_regexp($columns->columns); for ($i=1; $icolumns); $j++) { $column = $columns->columns[$j]; $courses[$courseid]->elements[substr(trim($matches[$columns->mastercol+1]), 1, -1)]->$column = substr(trim($matches[$j+1]), 1, -1); } } } } if (isset($id->cst)) { $contents = $id->cst->get_content(); $rows = explode("\r\n", $contents); $columns = scorm_get_aicc_columns($rows[0], 'block'); $regexp = scorm_forge_cols_regexp($columns->columns, '(.+)?,'); for ($i=1; $icolumns); $j++) { if ($j != $columns->mastercol) { $element = substr(trim($matches[$j+1]), 1 , -1); if (!empty($element)) { $courses[$courseid]->elements[$element]->parent = substr(trim($matches[$columns->mastercol+1]), 1, -1); } } } } } } if (isset($id->ort)) { $contents = $id->ort->get_content(); $rows = explode("\r\n", $contents); $columns = scorm_get_aicc_columns($rows[0], 'course_element'); $regexp = scorm_forge_cols_regexp($columns->columns, '(.+)?,'); for ($i=1; $imastercol) { $courses[$courseid]->elements[substr(trim($matches[$j+1]), 1, -1)]->parent = substr(trim($matches[$columns->mastercol+1]), 1, -1); } } } } } if (isset($id->pre)) { $contents = $id->pre->get_content(); $rows = explode("\r\n", $contents); $columns = scorm_get_aicc_columns($rows[0], 'structure_element'); $regexp = scorm_forge_cols_regexp($columns->columns, '(.+),'); for ($i=1; $ielements[$columns->mastercol+1]->prerequisites = substr(trim($matches[1-$columns->mastercol+1]), 1, -1); } } } if (isset($id->cmp)) { $contents = $id->cmp->get_content(); $rows = explode("\r\n", $contents); } } $oldscoes = $DB->get_records('scorm_scoes', array('scorm'=>$scorm->id)); $launch = 0; if (isset($courses)) { foreach ($courses as $course) { $sco = new stdClass(); $sco->identifier = $course->id; $sco->scorm = $scorm->id; $sco->organization = ''; $sco->title = $course->title; $sco->parent = '/'; $sco->launch = ''; $sco->scormtype = ''; if ($ss = $DB->get_record('scorm_scoes', array('scorm'=>$scorm->id, 'identifier'=>$sco->identifier))) { $id = $ss->id; $sco->id = $id; $DB->update_record('scorm_scoes',$sco); unset($oldscoes[$id]); } else { $id = $DB->insert_record('scorm_scoes', $sco); } if ($launch == 0) { $launch = $id; } if (isset($course->elements)) { foreach ($course->elements as $element) { unset($sco); $sco->identifier = $element->system_id; $sco->scorm = $scorm->id; $sco->organization = $course->id; $sco->title = $element->title; if (!isset($element->parent) || strtolower($element->parent) == 'root') { $sco->parent = '/'; } else { $sco->parent = $element->parent; } $sco->launch = ''; $sco->scormtype = ''; $sco->previous = 0; $sco->next = 0; $id = null; // Is it an Assignable Unit (AU)? if (isset($element->file_name)) { $sco->launch = $element->file_name; $sco->scormtype = 'sco'; } if ($oldscoid = scorm_array_search('identifier', $sco->identifier, $oldscoes)) { $sco->id = $oldscoid; $DB->update_record('scorm_scoes', $sco); $id = $oldscoid; $DB->delete_records('scorm_scoes_data', array('scoid'=>$oldscoid)); unset($oldscoes[$oldscoid]); } else { $id = $DB->insert_record('scorm_scoes', $sco); } if (!empty($id)) { $scodata = new stdClass(); $scodata->scoid = $id; if (isset($element->web_launch)) { $scodata->name = 'parameters'; $scodata->value = $element->web_launch; $dataid = $DB->insert_record('scorm_scoes_data', $scodata); } if (isset($element->prerequisites)) { $scodata->name = 'prerequisites'; $scodata->value = $element->prerequisites; $dataid = $DB->insert_record('scorm_scoes_data', $scodata); } if (isset($element->max_time_allowed)) { $scodata->name = 'max_time_allowed'; $scodata->value = $element->max_time_allowed; $dataid = $DB->insert_record('scorm_scoes_data', $scodata); } if (isset($element->time_limit_action)) { $scodata->name = 'time_limit_action'; $scodata->value = $element->time_limit_action; $dataid = $DB->insert_record('scorm_scoes_data', $scodata); } if (isset($element->mastery_score)) { $scodata->name = 'mastery_score'; $scodata->value = $element->mastery_score; $dataid = $DB->insert_record('scorm_scoes_data', $scodata); } if (isset($element->core_vendor)) { $scodata->name = 'datafromlms'; $scodata->value = preg_replace('//i', "\r\n", $element->core_vendor); $dataid = $DB->insert_record('scorm_scoes_data', $scodata); } } if ($launch==0) { $launch = $id; } } } } } if (!empty($oldscoes)) { foreach ($oldscoes as $oldsco) { $DB->delete_records('scorm_scoes', array('id'=>$oldsco->id)); $DB->delete_records('scorm_scoes_track', array('scoid'=>$oldsco->id)); } } $scorm->version = 'AICC'; $scorm->launch = $launch; return true; } /** * Given a scormid creates an AICC Session record to allow HACP * * @param int $scormid - id from scorm table * @return string hacpsession */ function scorm_aicc_get_hacp_session($scormid) { global $USER, $DB, $SESSION; $cfg_scorm = get_config('scorm'); if (empty($cfg_scorm->allowaicchacp)) { return false; } $now = time(); $hacpsession = $SESSION->scorm; $hacpsession->scormid = $scormid; $hacpsession->hacpsession = random_string(20); $hacpsession->userid = $USER->id; $hacpsession->timecreated = $now; $hacpsession->timemodified = $now; $DB->insert_record('scorm_aicc_session', $hacpsession); return $hacpsession->hacpsession; } /** * Check the hacp_session for whether it is valid. * * @param string $hacpsession The hacpsession value to check (optional). Normally leave this blank * and this function will do required_param('sesskey', ...). * @return mixed - false if invalid, otherwise returns record from scorm_aicc_session table. */ function scorm_aicc_confirm_hacp_session($hacpsession) { global $DB; $cfg_scorm = get_config('scorm'); if (empty($cfg_scorm->allowaicchacp)) { return false; } $time = time()-($cfg_scorm->aicchacptimeout * 60); $sql = "hacpsession = ? AND timemodified > ?"; $hacpsession = $DB->get_record_select('scorm_aicc_session', $sql, array($hacpsession, $time)); if (!empty($hacpsession)) { //update timemodified as this is still an active session - resets the timeout. $hacpsession->timemodified = time(); $DB->update_record('scorm_aicc_session', $hacpsession); } return $hacpsession; } /** * generate a simple single activity AICC object * structure to wrap around and externally linked * AICC package URL * * @param object $scorm package record */ function scorm_aicc_generate_simple_sco($scorm) { global $DB; // find the old one $scos = $DB->get_records('scorm_scoes', array('scorm'=>$scorm->id)); if (!empty($scos)) { $sco = array_shift($scos); } else { $sco = new object(); } // get rid of old ones foreach($scos as $oldsco) { $DB->delete_records('scorm_scoes', array('id'=>$oldsco->id)); $DB->delete_records('scorm_scoes_track', array('scoid'=>$oldsco->id)); } $sco->identifier = 'A1'; $sco->scorm = $scorm->id; $sco->organization = ''; $sco->title = $scorm->name; $sco->parent = '/'; // add the HACP signal to the activity launcher if (preg_match('/\?/', $scorm->reference)) { $sco->launch = $scorm->reference.'&CMI=HACP'; } else { $sco->launch = $scorm->reference.'?CMI=HACP'; } $sco->scormtype = 'sco'; if (isset($sco->id)) { $DB->update_record('scorm_scoes', $sco); $id = $sco->id; } else { $id = $DB->insert_record('scorm_scoes', $sco); } return $id; }