libdir.'/environmentlib.php'); require_once($CFG->libdir.'/componentlib.class.php'); /// Parameters $action = optional_param('action', '', PARAM_ACTION); $version = optional_param('version', '', PARAM_FILE); // /// Security checks require_login(); if (!isadmin()) { error('You need to be admin to use this page'); } if (!$site = get_site()) { error("Site isn't defined!"); } /// Get some strings $stradmin = get_string('administration'); $stradminhelpenvironment = get_string("adminhelpenvironment"); $strenvironment = get_string('environment', 'admin'); $strerror = get_string('error'); $strmoodleversion = get_string('moodleversion'); $strupdate = get_string('updatecomponent', 'admin'); $strupwards = get_string('upwards', 'admin'); $strmisc = get_string('miscellaneous'); /// Print the header stuff print_header("$SITE->shortname: $strenvironment", $SITE->fullname, "$stradmin -> $strmisc -> " .$strenvironment); /// Print the component download link echo '
'; print_heading($strenvironment); /// Handle the 'updatecomponent' action if ($action == 'updatecomponent' && confirm_sesskey()) { /// Create component installer and execute it if ($cd = new component_installer('', 'environment', '')) { $status = $cd->install(); //returns ERROR | UPTODATE | INSTALLED switch ($status) { case ERROR: if ($cd->get_error() == 'remotedownloadnotallowed') { $a = new stdClass(); $a->url = ''; $a->dest= $CFG->dataroot.'/'; print_simple_box(get_string($cd->get_error(), 'error', $a), 'center', '', '', 5, 'errorbox'); } else { print_simple_box(get_string($cd->get_error(), 'error'), 'center', '', '', 5, 'errorbox'); } break; case UPTODATE: print_simple_box(get_string($cd->get_error(), 'error'), 'center'); break; case INSTALLED: print_simple_box(get_string('componentinstalled', 'admin'), 'center'); break; } } } /// Start of main box print_simple_box_start('center'); echo "