returnpage)) { $return = $SESSION->returnpage; unset($SESSION->returnpage); redirect($return); } else { redirect("view.php?id=$mod->course"); } } if (isset($_POST["course"])) { // add or update form submitted if (isset($SESSION->modform)) { // Variables are stored in the session $mod = $SESSION->modform; unset($SESSION->modform); } else { $mod = (object)$_POST; } require_login($mod->course); if (!isteacher($mod->course)) { error("You can't modify this course!"); } $modlib = "../mod/$mod->modulename/lib.php"; if (file_exists($modlib)) { include_once($modlib); } else { error("This module is missing important code! ($modlib)"); } $addinstancefunction = $mod->modulename."_add_instance"; $updateinstancefunction = $mod->modulename."_update_instance"; $deleteinstancefunction = $mod->modulename."_delete_instance"; switch ($mod->mode) { case "update": if (! $updateinstancefunction($mod)) { error("Could not update the $mod->modulename"); } add_to_log($mod->course, "course", "update mod", "../mod/$mod->modulename/view.php?id=$mod->coursemodule", "$mod->modulename $mod->instance"); break; case "add": if (! $mod->instance = $addinstancefunction($mod)) { error("Could not add a new instance of $mod->modulename"); } // course_modules and course_sections each contain a reference // to each other, so we have to update one of them twice. if (! $mod->coursemodule = add_course_module($mod) ) { error("Could not add a new course module"); } if (! $sectionid = add_mod_to_section($mod) ) { error("Could not add the new course module to that section"); } if (! set_field("course_modules", "section", $sectionid, "id", $mod->coursemodule)) { error("Could not update the course module with the correct section"); } add_to_log($mod->course, "course", "add mod", "../mod/$mod->modulename/view.php?id=$mod->coursemodule", "$mod->modulename $mod->instance"); break; case "delete": if (! $deleteinstancefunction($mod->instance)) { notify("Could not delete the $mod->modulename (instance)"); } if (! delete_course_module($mod->coursemodule)) { notify("Could not delete the $mod->modulename (coursemodule)"); } if (! delete_mod_from_section($mod->coursemodule, "$mod->section")) { notify("Could not delete the $mod->modulename from that section"); } add_to_log($mod->course, "course", "delete mod", "view.php?id=$mod->course", "$mod->modulename $mod->instance"); break; default: error("No mode defined"); } rebuild_course_cache($mod->course); if (!empty($SESSION->returnpage)) { $return = $SESSION->returnpage; unset($SESSION->returnpage); redirect($return); } else { redirect("view.php?id=$mod->course"); } exit; } if (isset($move)) { require_variable($id); if (! $cm = get_record("course_modules", "id", $id)) { error("This course module doesn't exist"); } move_module($cm, $move); rebuild_course_cache($cm->course); $site = get_site(); if ($site->id == $cm->course) { redirect($CFG->wwwroot); } else { redirect("view.php?id=$cm->course"); } exit; } else if (isset($hide)) { if (! $cm = get_record("course_modules", "id", $hide)) { error("This course module doesn't exist"); } hide_course_module($cm->id); rebuild_course_cache($cm->course); $site = get_site(); if ($site->id == $cm->course) { redirect($CFG->wwwroot); } else { redirect("view.php?id=$cm->course"); } exit; } else if (isset($show)) { if (! $cm = get_record("course_modules", "id", $show)) { error("This course module doesn't exist"); } if (! $section = get_record("course_sections", "id", $cm->section)) { error("This module doesn't exist"); } if (! $module = get_record("modules", "id", $cm->module)) { error("This module doesn't exist"); } $site = get_site(); if ($module->visible and ($section->visible or ($site->id == $cm->course))) { show_course_module($cm->id); rebuild_course_cache($cm->course); } if ($site->id == $cm->course) { redirect($CFG->wwwroot); } else { redirect("view.php?id=$cm->course"); } exit; } else if (isset($delete)) { // value = course module if (! $cm = get_record("course_modules", "id", $delete)) { error("This course module doesn't exist"); } if (! $course = get_record("course", "id", $cm->course)) { error("This course doesn't exist"); } require_login($course->id); if (!isteacher($course->id)) { error("You can't modify this course!"); } if (! $module = get_record("modules", "id", $cm->module)) { error("This module doesn't exist"); } if (! $instance = get_record($module->name, "id", $cm->instance)) { // Delete this module from the course right away if (! delete_course_module($cm->id)) { notify("Could not delete the $module->name (coursemodule)"); } if (! delete_mod_from_section($cm->id, $cm->section)) { notify("Could not delete the $module->name from that section"); } error("The required instance of this module didn't exist. Module deleted.", "$CFG->wwwroot/course/view.php?id=$course->id"); } $fullmodulename = strtolower(get_string("modulename", $module->name)); $form->coursemodule = $cm->id; $form->section = $cm->section; $form->course = $cm->course; $form->instance = $cm->instance; $form->modulename = $module->name; $form->fullmodulename = $fullmodulename; $form->instancename = $instance->name; include_once("mod_delete.html"); exit; } else if (isset($update)) { // value = course module if (! $cm = get_record("course_modules", "id", $update)) { error("This course module doesn't exist"); } if (! $course = get_record("course", "id", $cm->course)) { error("This course doesn't exist"); } if (! $module = get_record("modules", "id", $cm->module)) { error("This module doesn't exist"); } if (! $form = get_record($module->name, "id", $cm->instance)) { error("The required instance of this module doesn't exist"); } if (! $cw = get_record("course_sections", "id", $cm->section)) { error("This course section doesn't exist"); } if (isset($return)) { $SESSION->returnpage = "$CFG->wwwroot/mod/$module->name/view.php?id=$cm->id"; } $form->coursemodule = $cm->id; $form->section = $cm->section; // The section ID $form->course = $course->id; $form->module = $module->id; $form->modulename = $module->name; $form->instance = $cm->instance; $form->mode = "update"; $sectionname = get_string("name$course->format"); $fullmodulename = strtolower(get_string("modulename", $module->name)); if ($form->section) { $heading->what = $fullmodulename; $heading->in = "$sectionname $cw->section"; $pageheading = get_string("updatingain", "moodle", $heading); } else { $pageheading = get_string("updatinga", "moodle", $fullmodulename); } } else if (isset($add)) { if (!$add) { redirect($_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"]); die; } require_variable($id); require_variable($section); if (! $course = get_record("course", "id", $id)) { error("This course doesn't exist"); } if (! $module = get_record("modules", "name", $add)) { error("This module type doesn't exist"); } $form->section = $section; // The section number itself $form->course = $course->id; $form->module = $module->id; $form->modulename = $module->name; $form->instance = ""; $form->coursemodule = ""; $form->mode = "add"; $sectionname = get_string("name$course->format"); $fullmodulename = strtolower(get_string("modulename", $module->name)); if ($form->section) { $heading->what = $fullmodulename; $heading->to = "$sectionname $form->section"; $pageheading = get_string("addinganewto", "moodle", $heading); } else { $pageheading = get_string("addinganew", "moodle", $fullmodulename); } } else { error("No action was specfied"); } require_login($course->id); if (!isteacher($course->id)) { error("You can't modify this course!"); } $streditinga = get_string("editinga", "moodle", $fullmodulename); $strmodulenameplural = get_string("modulenameplural", $module->name); if ($course->category) { print_header("$course->shortname: $streditinga", "$course->fullname", "wwwroot/course/view.php?id=$course->id\">$course->shortname -> wwwroot/mod/$module->name/index.php?id=$course->id\">$strmodulenameplural -> $streditinga", "", "", false); } else { print_header("$course->shortname: $streditinga", "$course->fullname", "$streditinga", "", "", false); } unset($SESSION->modform); // Clear any old ones that may be hanging around. $modform = "../mod/$module->name/mod.html"; if (file_exists($modform)) { print_heading($pageheading); print_simple_box_start("center", "", "$THEME->cellheading"); include_once($modform); print_simple_box_end(); } else { notice("This module cannot be added to this course yet! (No file found at: $modform)", "$CFG->wwwroot/course/view.php?id=$course->id"); } print_footer($course); ?>