dirroot/mod/forum/lib.php"); if (isset($week)) { $displaysection = course_set_display($course->id, $week); } else { if (isset($USER->display[$course->id])) { $displaysection = $USER->display[$course->id]; } else { $displaysection = course_set_display($course->id, 0); } } if ($course->newsitems) { $news = forum_get_course_forum($course->id, "news"); } $streditsummary = get_string("editsummary"); $stradd = get_string("add"); $stractivities = get_string("activities"); $strshowallweeks = get_string("showallweeks"); if (isediting($course->id)) { $strstudents = moodle_strtolower($course->students); $strweekhide = get_string("weekhide", "", $strstudents); $strweekshow = get_string("weekshow", "", $strstudents); } /// Layout the whole page as three big columns. echo ""; /// The left column ... echo "
"; /// Links to people $moddata[]="id\">".get_string("participants").""; $modicon[]="\"\""; $editmyprofile = "firstname $USER->lastname\" href=\"../user/edit.php?id=$USER->id&course=$course->id\">".get_string("editmyprofile").""; if ($USER->description) { $moddata[]= $editmyprofile; } else { $moddata[]= $editmyprofile." *"; } $modicon[]="\"\""; print_side_block(get_string("people"), "", $moddata, $modicon); /// Then all the links to activities by type $moddata = array(); $modicon = array(); if ($modnamesused) { foreach ($modnamesused as $modname => $modfullname) { $moddata[] = "id\">".$modnamesplural[$modname].""; $modicon[] = "\"\""; } } print_side_block($stractivities, "", $moddata, $modicon); /// Print a form to search forums $searchform = forum_print_search_form($course, "", true); $searchform = "
"; print_side_block(get_string("search","forum"), $searchform); /// Admin links and controls print_course_admin_links($course); /// Start main column echo "
"; print_heading_block(get_string("weeklyoutline"), "100%", "outlineheadingblock"); print_spacer(8, 1, true); echo ""; /// Print Section 0 with general activities $section = 0; $thissection = $sections[$section]; if ($thissection->summary or $thissection->sequence or isediting($course->id)) { echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; } /// Now all the weekly sections $timenow = time(); $weekdate = $course->startdate; // this should be 0:00 Monday of that week $section = 1; $weekofseconds = 604800; $course->enddate = $course->startdate + ($weekofseconds * $course->numsections); $strftimedateshort = " ".get_string("strftimedateshort"); while ($weekdate < $course->enddate) { $nextweekdate = $weekdate + ($weekofseconds); $weekday = userdate($weekdate, $strftimedateshort); $endweekday = userdate($weekdate+518400, $strftimedateshort); if (!empty($displaysection) and $displaysection != $section) { // Check this week is visible $section++; $weekdate = $nextweekdate; continue; } if (!empty($sections[$section])) { $thissection = $sections[$section]; } else { unset($thissection); $thissection->course = $course->id; // Create a new week structure $thissection->section = $section; $thissection->summary = ""; $thissection->visible = 1; if (!$thissection->id = insert_record("course_sections", $thissection)) { notify("Error inserting new week!"); } } $currentweek = (($weekdate <= $timenow) && ($timenow < $nextweekdate)); if (!$thissection->visible) { $colorsides = "bgcolor=\"$THEME->hidden\" class=\"weeklyoutlinesidehidden\""; $colormain = "bgcolor=\"$THEME->cellcontent\" class=\"weeklyoutlinecontenthidden\""; } else if ($currentweek) { $colorsides = "bgcolor=\"$THEME->cellheading2\" class=\"weeklyoutlinesidehighlight\""; $colormain = "bgcolor=\"$THEME->cellcontent\" class=\"weeklyoutlinecontenthighlight\""; } else { $colorsides = "bgcolor=\"$THEME->cellheading\" class=\"weeklyoutlineside\""; $colormain = "bgcolor=\"$THEME->cellcontent\" class=\"weeklyoutlinecontent\""; } echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; } else { echo "

$weekday - $endweekday

"; if (isediting($course->id)) { $thissection->summary .= " id\">". "

"; } echo text_to_html($thissection->summary); print_section($course, $thissection, $mods, $modnamesused); if (isediting($course->id)) { echo "
"; popup_form("$CFG->wwwroot/course/mod.php?id=$course->id&section=$section&add=", $modnames, "section$section", "", "$stradd..."); echo "
"; } echo ""; } echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; $section++; $weekdate = $nextweekdate; } echo "
cellheading\" class=\"weeklyoutlineside\" valign=top width=20> cellcontent\" class=\"weeklyoutlinecontent\" width=\"100%\">"; if (isediting($course->id)) { $thissection->summary .= " id\">\"$streditsummary\"

"; } echo text_to_html($thissection->summary); print_section($course, $thissection, $mods, $modnamesused); if (isediting($course->id)) { echo "
"; popup_form("$CFG->wwwroot/course/mod.php?id=$course->id&section=$section&add=", $modnames, "section$section", "", "$stradd...", "mods", $stractivities); echo "
"; } echo "
cellheading\" class=\"weeklyoutlineside\" valign=top align=center width=10>"; echo " 
"; echo "


"; echo "
"; if (!isteacher($course->id) and !$thissection->visible) { // Hidden for students echo "

$weekday - $endweekday "; echo "(".get_string("notavailable").")"; echo "

"; echo "
"; echo ""; if ($displaysection == $section) { echo "id&week=all\" title=\"$strshowallweeks\">". "
"; } else { $strshowonlyweek = get_string("showonlyweek", "", $section); echo "id&week=$section\" title=\"$strshowonlyweek\">". "
"; } if (isediting($course->id)) { if ($thissection->visible) { // Show the hide/show eye echo "id&hide=$section\" title=\"$strweekhide\">". "
"; } else { echo "id&show=$section\" title=\"$strweekshow\">". "
"; } } echo "
"; if (!empty($news) or !empty($course->showrecent)) { echo "
"; // Print all the news items. if (!empty($news)) { print_side_block_start(get_string("latestnews"), 210, "sideblocklatestnews"); echo ""; forum_print_latest_discussions($news->id, $course->newsitems, "minimal", "", false); echo ""; print_side_block_end(); } // Print all the recent activity if (!empty($course->showrecent)) { print_side_block_start(get_string("recentactivity"), 210, "sideblockrecentactivity"); print_recent_activity($course); print_side_block_end(); } print_spacer(1, 120, true); } echo "
\n"; ?>