enablerssfeeds. if (empty($CFG->enablerssfeeds)) { debugging("DISABLED (admin variables)"); } // Check CFG->data_enablerssfeeds. else if (empty($CFG->data_enablerssfeeds)) { debugging("DISABLED (module configuration)"); } // It's working so we start... else { // Iterate over all data. if ($datas = get_records('data')) { foreach ($datas as $data) { if ($data->rssarticles > 0) { // Get the first field in the list (a hack for now until we have a selector) if (!$firstfield = get_record_sql('SELECT id,name from '.$CFG->prefix.'data_fields WHERE dataid = '.$data->id.' ORDER by id', true)) { continue; } // Get the data_records out. $approved = ($data->approval) ? ' AND dr.approved = 1 ' : ' '; $sql = 'SELECT dr.* ' . "FROM {$CFG->prefix}data_records AS dr " . "WHERE dr.dataid = {$data->id} " .$approved. 'ORDER BY dr.timecreated DESC ' . "LIMIT {$data->rssarticles}"; if (!$records = get_records_sql($sql)) { continue; } $firstrecord = array_shift($records); // Get the first and put it back array_unshift($records, $firstrecord); $filename = rss_file_name('data', $data); if (file_exists($filename)) { if (filemtime($filename) >= $firstrecord->timemodified) { continue; } } // Now create all the articles mtrace('Creating feed for '.$data->name); $items = array(); foreach ($records as $record) { $recordarray = array(); array_push($recordarray, $record); $item = null; // guess title or not if ($data->rsstitletemplate) { $item->title = data_print_template('rsstitletemplate', $recordarray, $data, '', 0, true); } else { // else we guess $item->title = strip_tags(get_field('data_content', 'content', 'fieldid', $firstfield->id, 'recordid', $record->id)); } $item->description = data_print_template('rsstemplate', $recordarray, $data, '', 0, true); $item->pubdate = $record->timecreated; $item->link = $CFG->wwwroot.'/mod/data/view.php?d='.$data->id.'&rid='.$record->id; array_push($items, $item); } $course = get_record('course', 'id', $data->course); // First all rss feeds common headers. $header = rss_standard_header($course->shortname.': '.format_string($data->name,true), $CFG->wwwroot."/mod/data/view.php?d=".$data->id, format_string($data->intro,true)); if (!empty($header)) { $articles = rss_add_items($items); } // Now all rss feeds common footers. if (!empty($header) && !empty($articles)) { $footer = rss_standard_footer(); } // Now, if everything is ok, concatenate it. if (!empty($header) && !empty($articles) && !empty($footer)) { $rss = $header.$articles.$footer; //Save the XML contents to file. $status = rss_save_file('data', $data, $rss); } else { $status = false; } } } } } return $status; } ?>