Are you sure you want to close this dialogue?";
$string['close'] = "Close";
$string['closed'] = "Closed";
$string['deleteafter'] = "Delete Closed Dialogues after (Days)";
$string['dialogueclosed'] = "Dialogue Closed";
$string['dialogueintro'] = "Dialogue Introduction";
$string['dialoguemail'] = "\$a->userfrom has posted a new entry in your
dialogue entry for '\$a->dialogue'
You can see it appended to your dialogue entry:
$string['dialoguemailhtml'] = "\$a->userfrom has posted a new entry in your
dialogue entry for '\$a->dialogue'
You can see it appended to your url\\\">dialogue.";
$string['dialoguename'] = "Dialogue name";
$string['dialogueopened'] = "Dialogue opened with \$a";
$string['dialoguewith'] = "Dialogue with \$a";
$string['furtherinformation'] = "Further Information";
$string['of'] = "of";
$string['everybody'] = "Everybody";
$string['open'] = "Open";
$string['lastentry'] = "Last Entry";
$string['maildefault'] = "Mail Default";
$string['namehascloseddialogue'] = "\$a has closed dialogue";
$string['newdialogueentries'] = "New dialogue entries";
$string['newentry'] = "New Entry";
$string['noavailablepeople'] = "There is no one available to have a Dialogue with.";
$string['nopersonchosen'] = "No Person Chosen";
$string['nosubject'] = "No Subject Entered";
$string['notextentered'] = "No Text Entered";
$string['notstarted'] = "You have not started this dialogue yet";
$string['notyetseen'] = "Not yet seen";
$string['numberofentries'] = "Number of entries";
$string['numberofentriesadded'] = "Number of entries added: \$a";
$string['onwrote'] = "On \$a wrote";
$string['onyouwrote'] = "On \$a you wrote";
$string['open'] = "Open";
$string['openadialoguewith'] = "Open a Dialogue with";
$string['opendialogue'] = "Open Dialogue";
$string['pane0'] = "Open a Dialogue";
$string['pane1'] = "\$a Dialogues awaiting Replies from you";
$string['pane1one'] = "1 Dialogue awaiting a Reply from you";
$string['pane2'] = "\$a Dialogues awaiting Replies from the other person";
$string['pane2one'] = "1 Dialogue awaiting a Reply from the other person";
$string['pane3'] = "\$a Closed Dialogues";
$string['pane3one'] = "1 Closed Dialogue";
$string['seen'] = "Seen \$a ago";
$string['sendmailmessages'] = "Send Mail Messages about my new entries";
$string['status'] = "Status";
$string['studenttostudent'] = "Student to Student";
$string['subject'] = "Subject";
$string['subjectadded'] = "Subject Added";
$string['teachertostudent'] = "Teacher to Student";
$string['typefirstentry'] = "Type the first entry here";
$string['typefollowup'] = "Type follow-up here";
$string['typeofdialogue'] = "Type of Dialogue";
$string['typereply'] = "Type reply here";
$string['viewallentries'] = "View \$a Dialogue entries";