case sensitive"; $string['categories'] = "Categories"; $string['categoryview'] = "Browse by category"; $string['category'] = "Category"; $string['categorydeleted'] = "Category deleted"; $string['comment'] = "Comment"; $string['commentdeleted'] = "The comment has been deleted."; $string['commentupdated'] = "The comment has been updated."; $string['comments'] = "Comments"; $string['commentson'] = "Comments on"; $string['concept'] = "Concept"; $string['concepts'] = "Concepts"; $string['deletingcomment'] = "Deleting comment"; $string['definition'] = "Definition"; $string['definitions'] = "Definitions"; $string['deleteentry'] = "Delete entry"; $string['deletingnoneemptycategory'] = "Deleting this category will not delete the entries it contains - they will be marked as uncategorised."; $string['descending'] = "(descending)"; $string['displayformat'] = "Display format"; $string['displayformatdefault'] = "Simple, dictionary style"; $string['displayformatcontinuous'] = "Continuous without author"; $string['displayformat2'] = "Full with author"; $string['displayformat3'] = "Encyclopedia"; $string['displayformat4'] = "FAQ"; $string['displayformat5'] = "Full without author"; $string['editcategories'] = "Edit categories"; $string['editentry'] = "Edit entry"; $string['editingcomment'] = "Editing comment"; $string['entries'] = "Entries"; $string['entrieswithoutcategory'] = "Entries without category"; $string['entry'] = "Entry"; $string['entryalreadyexist'] = "Entry already exists"; $string['entrydeleted'] = "Entry deleted"; $string['entryusedynalink'] = "This entry should be
automatically linked"; $string['entryexported'] = "Entry succesfully exported"; $string['explainspecial'] = "Shows entries that do not begin with a letter"; $string['explainalphabet'] = "Browse the glossary using this index"; $string['explainall'] = "Shows ALL entries on one page"; $string['exportedentry'] = "Exported entry"; $string['exporttomainglossary'] = "Export to main glossary"; $string['fullmatch'] = "Match whole words only
(when automatically linked)"; $string['glossarytype'] = "Glossary Type"; $string['mainglossary'] = "Main glossary"; $string['modulename'] = "Glossary"; $string['modulenameplural'] = "Glossaries"; $string['maxtimehaspassed'] = "Sorry, but the maximum time for editing this comment (\$a) has passed!"; $string['newglossaryentries'] = "New glossary entries:"; $string['notcategorised'] = "Not categorised"; $string['nocomment'] = "No comment found"; $string['nocomments'] = "(No comments found on this entry)"; $string['noentries'] = "No entries found in this section"; $string['noentry'] = "No entry found."; $string['question'] = "Question"; $string['searchindefinition'] = "Search definitions too"; $string['secondaryglossary'] = "Secondary glossary"; $string['showspecial'] = "Show 'Special' link"; $string['showalphabet'] = "Show alphabet"; $string['showall'] = "Show 'ALL' link"; $string['special'] = "Special"; $string['sortchronogically'] = "Sort chronologically"; $string['sortbycreation'] = "By creation date"; $string['sortbylastupdate'] = "By last update"; $string['standardview'] = "Browse by alphabet"; $string['studentcanpost'] = "Students can add entries"; $string['usedynalink'] = "Link this glossary with other modules automatically"; $string['warningstudentcapost'] = "(Applies only if the glossary is not the main one)"; $string['writtenby'] = "by"; $string['youarenottheauthor'] = "You are not the author of this comment, therefore, you are not allowed to edit it."; ?>