An Exercise is a simple but powerful assignment. In an exercise the teacher asks the students to do a piece of practical work. It could be writing an essay or a report, preparing a presentation, or setting out a spreadsheet, etc. When the student has done the task they must first self-assess their work before submitting it to the teacher. Once submitted the teacher can assess both the student's assessment and the piece of work itself. The teacher can give feedback to the student and ask the student to improve the work and re-submit it or not as the case may be.
Before the start of the exercise the teacher sets up the exercise by
In large classes, the teacher may find to helpful to create more than one version of the exercise. These variants add a degree of variety to the exercise and ensure that students are doing different tasks in the exercise. They are allocated to the students in a random but balanced way. Each student receives only one exercise but the the number of times each variant is allocated in a class is approximately the same. Note the variants should not be too different as the same assessment form is used for all of the variants.
With the description(s) of the exercise and the assessment form in place, the assignment is opened to the students. They are shown a description of the exercise or task. When they have done the exercise they must assess their own work (using the pre-prepared assessment form) before they can submit their work to the teacher. The assessment form can be used as a "checklist" by the students. They can, if they wish, revise both their work and the assessment before they actually submit their work, and probably they should be encouraged to do so!
Once a student has submitted their work both their assessment and the piece of work itself becomes available to the teacher. The assessments can be graded and there is a box for comments. The teacher can also access the piece of work (using the student's assessment as a starting point) and make a decision whether to ask the student to re-submit an improved version of the work or not.
If the teacher feels that the student's piece of work could be improved, the student can be given the opprtunity to re-submit. If this is taken up the teacher re-assesses the work using an assessment form which contains the grades and comments they gave to the student's previous submission. Thus, the re-assessment is then a matter of updating the form in the light of the student revised work rather than undertaking an assessment from scratch.
When the deadline for the exercise is reached students can continue to submit. However, such work is flagged as "late". The teacher can, if desired, grade the work and give feedback to the student. The grades of late work are held back and are not used in the calculation of final grades. If, for whatever reason, the teacher wishes to accept a piece of late work as a normal piece of work the late flag can be cleared by going into the Administration page, finding the submission and clicking on the appropriate link. The grade for that work will then be used in the calculation of a final grades.
When all the submissions have been graded, the exercise is moved to the final phase. Further student submissions are now not allowed. The students can now see their final grades together with the grades given to their submissions. A student's grade for the exercise is a weighted combination of the teacher's grade for their self-assessment and the teacher's grade for that work. (The grade given by the student is not used.) For the submissions themselves the grade is teacher's assessment. The weights used for the two grades (the grading grade and the actual grade for the work) can be set and changed at any time during the assignment (the weights are set on the Administration page).
When the teacher allows students to resubmit work, the teacher should consider how to set the option which controls how the student's final grade is calculated from multiple submissions. This option allows the teacher to choose between using the mean grade of the student's submissions or their best submission. This option can changed at any time and it has an immediate effect in the grades screen.
In the final phase of the exercise the students can also see a "League Table" of submissions. This an ordered list of the submissions, the submission which received the highest grade is at the top. When there are multiple submissions only the student's best submission is show in this list.