Question Option

A few of the Question Types have an option which is activated by clicking on the checkbox. The question types and the meaning of the options are detailed below.

  1. Multichoice There is variant of Multichoice questions called "Multichoice Multianswer" questions. If the Question Option is selected then the student is required to select all the correct answers from the set of answers. The question may or may not tell the student how many correct answers there are. For example "Which of the following were US Presidents?" does not, while "Select the two US presidents from the following list." does. The actual number of correct answers can be from one up to the number of choices. (A Multichoice Multianswer question with one correct answer is different from a Multichoice question as the former allows the student the possibility of choosing more than one answer while the latter does not.)

  2. Short Answer By default the comparisons ignore the case of the text. If the Question Option is selected then the comparisons are case sensitive.

  3. The other Question Types does not use the Question Option.