id)) { error("You do not currently have editing privileges!"); } } else { // Admin is creating a new course if (!iscreator()) { error("You do not currently have course creation privileges!"); } $course = NULL; } if (! $site = get_site()) { redirect("$CFG->wwwroot/$CFG->admin/index.php"); } /// If data submitted, then process and store. if ($form = data_submitted()) { check_for_restricted_user($USER->username, "$CFG->wwwroot/course/view.php?id=$course->id"); $form->startdate = make_timestamp($form->startyear, $form->startmonth, $form->startday); validate_form($course, $form, $err); if (count($err) == 0) { $form->timemodified = time(); if (!empty($course)) { if (update_record("course", $form)) { add_to_log($course->id, "course", "update", "edit.php?id=$id", ""); fix_course_sortorder($form->category); redirect("view.php?id=$course->id", get_string("changessaved")); } else { error("Serious Error! Could not update the course record! (id = $form->id)"); } } else { $form->timecreated = time(); if ($newcourseid = insert_record("course", $form)) { // Set up new course $section = NULL; $section->course = $newcourseid; // Create a default section. $section->section = 0; $section->id = insert_record("course_sections", $section); fix_course_sortorder($form->category); add_to_log($newcourseid, "course", "new", "view.php?id=$newcourseid", ""); if (isadmin()) { // Redirect admin to add teachers redirect("teacher.php?id=$newcourseid", get_string("changessaved")); } else { // Add current teacher and send to course $newteacher = NULL; $newteacher->userid = $USER->id; $newteacher->course = $newcourseid; $newteacher->authority = 1; // First teacher is the main teacher $newteacher->editall = 1; // Course creator can edit their own course if (!$newteacher->id = insert_record("user_teachers", $newteacher)) { error("Could not add you to this new course!"); } $USER->teacher[$newcourseid] = true; $USER->teacheredit[$newcourseid] = true; redirect("view.php?id=$newcourseid", get_string("changessaved")); } } else { error("Serious Error! Could not create the new course!"); } } die; } else { foreach ($err as $key => $value) { $focus = "form.$key"; } } } /// Otherwise fill and print the form. if (empty($form)) { if (!empty($course)) { $form = $course; } else { $form->startdate = time() + 3600 * 24; $form->fullname = get_string("defaultcoursefullname"); $form->shortname = get_string("defaultcourseshortname"); $form->summary = get_string("defaultcoursesummary"); $form->format = "weeks"; $form->password = ""; $form->guest = 0; $form->numsections = 10; $form->newsitems = 5; $form->showrecent = 1; $form->showgrades = 1; $form->groupmode = 0; $form->groupmodeforce = 0; $form->category = $category; $form->id = ""; $form->visible = 1; if (current_language() == $CFG->lang) { $form->teacher = $site->teacher; $form->teachers = $site->teachers; $form->student = $site->student; $form->students = $site->students; } else { $form->teacher = get_string("defaultcourseteacher"); $form->teachers = get_string("defaultcourseteachers"); $form->student = get_string("defaultcoursestudent"); $form->students = get_string("defaultcoursestudents"); } } } if (empty($focus)) { $focus = ""; } $form->categories = get_records_select_menu("course_categories", "", "name", "id,name"); $courseformats = get_list_of_plugins("course/format"); $form->courseformats = array(); foreach ($courseformats as $courseformat) { $form->courseformats["$courseformat"] = get_string("format$courseformat"); } $usehtmleditor = can_use_html_editor(); $streditcoursesettings = get_string("editcoursesettings"); $straddnewcourse = get_string("addnewcourse"); $stradministration = get_string("administration"); $strcategories = get_string("categories"); if (!empty($course)) { print_header($streditcoursesettings, "$course->fullname", "wwwroot/course/view.php?id=$course->id\">$course->shortname -> $streditcoursesettings", $focus); } else { print_header("$site->shortname: $straddnewcourse", "$site->fullname", "admin/index.php\">$stradministration -> ". "$strcategories -> $straddnewcourse", $focus); } print_heading($streditcoursesettings); print_simple_box_start("center", "", "$THEME->cellheading"); include("edit.html"); print_simple_box_end(); print_footer($course); if ($usehtmleditor) { use_html_editor(); } exit; /// Functions ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function validate_form($course, &$form, &$err) { if (empty($form->fullname)) $err["fullname"] = get_string("missingfullname"); if (empty($form->shortname)) $err["shortname"] = get_string("missingshortname"); if ($foundcourses = get_records("course", "shortname", $form->shortname)) { if (!empty($course->id)) { unset($foundcourses[$course->id]); } if (!empty($foundcourses)) { foreach ($foundcourses as $foundcourse) { $foundcoursenames[] = $foundcourse->fullname; } $foundcoursenamestring = addslashes(implode(',', $foundcoursenames)); $err["shortname"] = get_string("shortnametaken", "", $foundcoursenamestring); } } if (empty($form->summary)) $err["summary"] = get_string("missingsummary"); if (empty($form->teacher)) $err["teacher"] = get_string("missingteacher"); if (empty($form->student)) $err["student"] = get_string("missingstudent"); if (! $form->category) $err["category"] = get_string("missingcategory"); return; } ?>