. /** * Comment is helper class to add/delete comments anywhere in moodle * * @package comment * @copyright 2010 Dongsheng Cai * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ class comment { /** * @var integer */ private $page; /** * there may be several comment box in one page * so we need a client_id to recognize them * @var integer */ private $cid; private $contextid; /** * commentarea is used to specify different * parts shared the same itemid * @var string */ private $commentarea; /** * itemid is used to associate with commenting content * @var integer */ private $itemid; /** * this html snippet will be used as a template * to build comment content * @var string */ private $template; private $context; private $courseid; /** * course module object, only be used to help find pluginname automatically * if pluginname is specified, it won't be used at all * @var string */ private $cm; private $plugintype; /** * When used in module, it is recommended to use it * @var string */ private $pluginname; private $viewcap; private $postcap; /** * to tell comments api where it is used * @var string */ private $env; /** * to costomize link text * @var string */ private $linktext; // static variable will be used by non-js comments UI private static $nonjs = false; private static $comment_itemid = null; private static $comment_context = null; private static $comment_area = null; private static $comment_page = null; private static $comment_component = null; /** * Construct function of comment class, initialise * class members * @param object $options */ public function __construct($options) { global $CFG, $DB; if (empty($CFG->commentsperpage)) { $CFG->commentsperpage = 15; } $this->viewcap = false; $this->postcap = false; // setup client_id if (!empty($options->client_id)) { $this->cid = $options->client_id; } else { $this->cid = uniqid(); } // setup context if (!empty($options->context)) { $this->context = $options->context; $this->contextid = $this->context->id; } else if(!empty($options->contextid)) { $this->contextid = $options->contextid; $this->context = get_context_instance_by_id($this->contextid); } else { print_error('invalidcontext'); } if (!empty($options->component)) { $this->set_component($options->component); } // setup course // course will be used to generate user profile link if (!empty($options->course)) { $this->courseid = $options->course->id; } else if (!empty($options->courseid)) { $this->courseid = $options->courseid; } else { $this->courseid = SITEID; } // setup coursemodule if (!empty($options->cm)) { $this->cm = $options->cm; } else { $this->cm = null; } // setup commentarea if (!empty($options->area)) { $this->commentarea = $options->area; } // setup itemid if (!empty($options->itemid)) { $this->itemid = $options->itemid; } else { $this->itemid = 0; } // setup env if (!empty($options->env)) { $this->env = $options->env; } else { $this->env = ''; } // setup customized linktext if (!empty($options->linktext)) { $this->linktext = $options->linktext; } else { $this->linktext = get_string('comments'); } if (!empty($options->ignore_permission)) { $this->ignore_permission = true; } else { $this->ignore_permission = false; } if (!empty($options->showcount)) { $count = $this->count(); if (empty($count)) { $this->count = ''; } else { $this->count = '('.$count.')'; } } else { $this->count = ''; } // setup options for callback functions $this->args = new stdClass(); $this->args->context = $this->context; $this->args->courseid = $this->courseid; $this->args->cm = $this->cm; $this->args->commentarea = $this->commentarea; $this->args->itemid = $this->itemid; // setting post and view permissions $this->check_permissions(); // load template $this->template = <<___picture___
___name___ - ___time___
EOD; if (!empty($this->plugintype)) { $this->template = plugin_callback($this->plugintype, $this->pluginname, FEATURE_COMMENT, 'template', $this->args, $this->template); } unset($options); } /** * Receive nonjs comment parameters */ public static function init() { global $PAGE, $CFG; // setup variables for non-js interface self::$nonjs = optional_param('nonjscomment', '', PARAM_ALPHA); self::$comment_itemid = optional_param('comment_itemid', '', PARAM_INT); self::$comment_context = optional_param('comment_context', '', PARAM_INT); self::$comment_page = optional_param('comment_page', '', PARAM_INT); self::$comment_area = optional_param('comment_area', '', PARAM_ALPHAEXT); $PAGE->requires->string_for_js('addcomment', 'moodle'); $PAGE->requires->string_for_js('deletecomment', 'moodle'); $PAGE->requires->string_for_js('comments', 'moodle'); $PAGE->requires->string_for_js('commentsrequirelogin', 'moodle'); } public function set_component($component) { $this->component = $component; list($this->plugintype, $this->pluginname) = normalize_component($component); return null; } public function set_view_permission($value) { $this->viewcap = $value; } public function set_post_permission($value) { $this->postcap = $value; } /** * check posting comments permission * It will check based on user roles and ask modules * If you need to check permission by modules, a * function named $pluginname_check_comment_post must be implemented */ private function check_permissions() { global $CFG; $this->postcap = has_capability('moodle/comment:post', $this->context); $this->viewcap = has_capability('moodle/comment:view', $this->context); if (!empty($this->plugintype)) { $permissions = plugin_callback($this->plugintype, $this->pluginname, FEATURE_COMMENT, 'permissions', array($this->args), array('post'=>true, 'view'=>true)); if ($this->ignore_permission) { $this->postcap = $permissions['post']; $this->viewcap = $permissions['view']; } else { $this->postcap = $this->postcap && $permissions['post']; $this->viewcap = $this->viewcap && $permissions['view']; } } } /** * Prepare comment code in html * @param boolean $return * @return mixed */ public function output($return = true) { global $PAGE, $OUTPUT; static $template_printed; $this->link = $PAGE->url; $murl = new moodle_url($this->link); $murl->remove_params('nonjscomment'); $murl->param('nonjscomment', 'true'); $murl->param('comment_itemid', $this->itemid); $murl->param('comment_context', $this->context->id); $murl->param('comment_area', $this->commentarea); $murl->remove_params('comment_page'); $this->link = $murl->out(); $options = new stdClass(); $options->client_id = $this->cid; $options->commentarea = $this->commentarea; $options->itemid = $this->itemid; $options->page = 0; $options->courseid = $this->courseid; $options->contextid = $this->contextid; $options->env = $this->env; $options->component = $this->component; if ($this->env == 'block_comments') { $options->notoggle = true; $options->autostart = true; } $PAGE->requires->js_init_call('M.core_comment.init', array($options), true); if (!empty(self::$nonjs)) { // return non js comments interface return $this->print_comments(self::$comment_page, $return, true); } $strsubmit = get_string('savecomment'); $strcancel = get_string('cancel'); $strshowcomments = get_string('showcommentsnonjs'); $sesskey = sesskey(); $html = ''; // print html template // Javascript will use the template to render new comments if (empty($template_printed) && !empty($this->viewcap)) { $html .= ''; $template_printed = true; } if (!empty($this->viewcap)) { // print commenting icon and tooltip $icon = $OUTPUT->pix_url('t/collapsed'); $html .= << {$strshowcomments} EOD; if ($this->env != 'block_comments') { $html .= << {$this->linktext} {$this->linktext} {$this->count} EOD; } $html .= <<
  • EOD; // in comments block, we print comments list right away if ($this->env == 'block_comments') { $html .= $this->print_comments(0, true, false); $html .= '
'; $html .= $this->get_pagination(0); } else { $html .= <<
EOD; } // print posting textarea if (!empty($this->postcap)) { $html .= <<
{$strsubmit} EOD; if ($this->env != 'block_comments') { $html .= " | cid}\"> {$strcancel} "; } $html .= <<
EOD; } $html .= << EOD; } else { $html = ''; } if ($return) { return $html; } else { echo $html; } } /** * Return matched comments * * @param int $page * @return mixed */ public function get_comments($page = '') { global $DB, $CFG, $USER, $OUTPUT; if (empty($this->viewcap)) { return false; } if (!is_numeric($page)) { $page = 0; } $this->page = $page; $params = array(); $start = $page * $CFG->commentsperpage; $ufields = user_picture::fields('u'); $sql = "SELECT $ufields, c.id AS cid, c.content AS ccontent, c.format AS cformat, c.timecreated AS ctimecreated FROM {comments} c JOIN {user} u ON u.id = c.userid WHERE c.contextid = :contextid AND c.commentarea = :commentarea AND c.itemid = :itemid ORDER BY c.timecreated DESC"; $params['contextid'] = $this->contextid; $params['commentarea'] = $this->commentarea; $params['itemid'] = $this->itemid; $comments = array(); $candelete = has_capability('moodle/comment:delete', $this->context); $formatoptions = array('overflowdiv' => true); $rs = $DB->get_recordset_sql($sql, $params, $start, $CFG->commentsperpage); foreach ($rs as $u) { $c = new stdClass(); $c->id = $u->cid; $c->content = $u->ccontent; $c->format = $u->cformat; $c->timecreated = $u->ctimecreated; $url = new moodle_url('/user/view.php', array('id'=>$u->id, 'course'=>$this->courseid)); $c->profileurl = $url->out(); $c->fullname = fullname($u); $c->time = userdate($c->timecreated, get_string('strftimerecent', 'langconfig')); $c->content = format_text($c->content, $c->format, $formatoptions); $c->avatar = $OUTPUT->user_picture($u, array('size'=>18)); if (($USER->id == $u->id) || !empty($candelete)) { $c->delete = true; } $comments[] = $c; } $rs->close(); if (!empty($this->plugintype)) { // moodle module will filter comments $comments = plugin_callback($this->plugintype, $this->pluginname, FEATURE_COMMENT, 'display', array($comments, $this->args), $comments); } return $comments; } public function count() { global $DB; if ($count = $DB->count_records('comments', array('itemid'=>$this->itemid, 'commentarea'=>$this->commentarea, 'contextid'=>$this->context->id))) { return $count; } else { return 0; } } public function get_pagination($page = 0) { global $DB, $CFG, $OUTPUT; $count = $this->count(); $pages = (int)ceil($count/$CFG->commentsperpage); if ($pages == 1 || $pages == 0) { return ''; } if (!empty(self::$nonjs)) { // used in non-js interface return $OUTPUT->paging_bar($count, $page, $CFG->commentsperpage, $this->link, 'comment_page'); } else { // return ajax paging bar $str = ''; $str .= '
'; for ($p=0; $p<$pages; $p++) { if ($p == $page) { $class = 'curpage'; } else { $class = 'pageno'; } $str .= ''.($p+1).' '; } $str .= '
'; } return $str; } /** * Add a new comment * @param string $content * @return mixed */ public function add($content, $format = FORMAT_MOODLE) { global $CFG, $DB, $USER, $OUTPUT; if (empty($this->postcap)) { throw new comment_exception('nopermissiontocomment'); } $now = time(); $newcmt = new stdClass(); $newcmt->contextid = $this->contextid; $newcmt->commentarea = $this->commentarea; $newcmt->itemid = $this->itemid; $newcmt->content = $content; $newcmt->format = $format; $newcmt->userid = $USER->id; $newcmt->timecreated = $now; if (!empty($this->plugintype)) { // moodle module will check content $ret = plugin_callback($this->plugintype, $this->pluginname, FEATURE_COMMENT, 'add', array(&$newcmt, $this->args), true); if (!$ret) { throw new comment_exception('modulererejectcomment'); } } $cmt_id = $DB->insert_record('comments', $newcmt); if (!empty($cmt_id)) { $newcmt->id = $cmt_id; $newcmt->time = userdate($now, get_string('strftimerecent', 'langconfig')); $newcmt->fullname = fullname($USER); $url = new moodle_url('/user/view.php', array('id'=>$USER->id, 'course'=>$this->courseid)); $newcmt->profileurl = $url->out(); $newcmt->content = format_text($newcmt->content, $format, array('overflowdiv'=>true)); $newcmt->avatar = $OUTPUT->user_picture($USER, array('size'=>16)); return $newcmt; } else { throw new comment_exception('dbupdatefailed'); } } /** * delete by context, commentarea and itemid * @param object $param { * contextid => int the context in which the comments exist [required] * commentarea => string the comment area [optional] * itemid => int comment itemid [optional] * } * @return boolean */ public function delete_comments($param) { global $DB; $param = (array)$param; if (empty($param['contextid'])) { return false; } $DB->delete_records('comments', $param); return true; } /** * Delete page_comments in whole course, used by course reset * @param object $context course context */ public function reset_course_page_comments($context) { global $DB; $contexts = array(); $contexts[] = $context->id; $children = get_child_contexts($context); foreach ($children as $c) { $contexts[] = $c->id; } list($ids, $params) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($contexts); $DB->delete_records_select('comments', "commentarea='page_comments' AND contextid $ids", $params); } /** * Delete a comment * @param int $commentid * @return mixed */ public function delete($commentid) { global $DB, $USER; $candelete = has_capability('moodle/comment:delete', $this->context); if (!$comment = $DB->get_record('comments', array('id'=>$commentid))) { throw new comment_exception('dbupdatefailed'); } if (!($USER->id == $comment->userid || !empty($candelete))) { throw new comment_exception('nopermissiontocomment'); } $DB->delete_records('comments', array('id'=>$commentid)); return true; } /** * Print comments * @param int $page * @param boolean $return return comments list string or print it out * @param boolean $nonjs print nonjs comments list or not? * @return mixed */ public function print_comments($page = 0, $return = true, $nonjs = true) { global $DB, $CFG, $PAGE; $html = ''; if (!(self::$comment_itemid == $this->itemid && self::$comment_context == $this->context->id && self::$comment_area == $this->commentarea)) { $page = 0; } $comments = $this->get_comments($page); $html = ''; if ($nonjs) { $html .= '


'; $html .= "
    "; } $results = array(); $list = ''; foreach ($comments as $cmt) { $list = '
  • '.$this->print_comment($cmt, $nonjs).'
  • ' . $list; } $html .= $list; if ($nonjs) { $html .= '
'; $html .= $this->get_pagination($page); } $sesskey = sesskey(); $returnurl = $PAGE->url; $strsubmit = get_string('submit'); if ($nonjs) { $html .= << EOD; } if ($return) { return $html; } else { echo $html; } } public function print_comment($cmt, $nonjs = true) { global $OUTPUT; $patterns = array(); $replacements = array(); if (!empty($cmt->delete) && empty($nonjs)) { $cmt->content = '
' . $cmt->content; // add the button } $patterns[] = '___picture___'; $patterns[] = '___name___'; $patterns[] = '___content___'; $patterns[] = '___time___'; $replacements[] = $cmt->avatar; $replacements[] = html_writer::link($cmt->profileurl, $cmt->fullname); $replacements[] = $cmt->content; $replacements[] = userdate($cmt->timecreated, get_string('strftimerecent', 'langconfig')); // use html template to format a single comment. return str_replace($patterns, $replacements, $this->template); } } class comment_exception extends moodle_exception { public $message; function __construct($errorcode) { $this->errorcode = $errorcode; $this->message = get_string($errorcode, 'error'); } }