get_string('publishanonymous', 'choice'), CHOICE_PUBLISH_NAMES => get_string('publishnames', 'choice')); $CHOICE_RELEASE = array (CHOICE_RELEASE_NOT => get_string('publishnot', 'choice'), CHOICE_RELEASE_AFTER_ANSWER => get_string('publishafteranswer', 'choice'), CHOICE_RELEASE_AFTER_CLOSE => get_string('publishafterclose', 'choice'), CHOICE_RELEASE_ALWAYS => get_string('publishalways', 'choice')); $CHOICE_DISPLAY = array (CHOICE_DISPLAY_HORIZONTAL => get_string('displayhorizontal', 'choice'), CHOICE_DISPLAY_VERTICAL => get_string('displayvertical','choice')); /// Standard functions ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function choice_user_outline($course, $user, $mod, $choice) { if ($answer = get_record('choice_answers', 'choiceid', $choice->id, 'userid', $user->id)) { $result->info = "'".format_string(choice_get_option_text($choice, $answer->optionid))."'"; $result->time = $answer->timemodified; return $result; } return NULL; } function choice_user_complete($course, $user, $mod, $choice) { if ($answer = get_record('choice_answers', "choiceid", $choice->id, "userid", $user->id)) { $result->info = "'".format_string(choice_get_option_text($choice, $answer->optionid))."'"; $result->time = $answer->timemodified; echo get_string("answered", "choice").": $result->info. ".get_string("updated", '', userdate($result->time)); } else { print_string("notanswered", "choice"); } } function choice_add_instance($choice) { // Given an object containing all the necessary data, // (defined by the form in mod.html) this function // will create a new instance and return the id number // of the new instance. $choice->timemodified = time(); if (!empty($choice->timerestrict) and $choice->timerestrict) { $choice->timeopen = make_timestamp($choice->openyear, $choice->openmonth, $choice->openday, $choice->openhour, $choice->openminute, 0); $choice->timeclose = make_timestamp($choice->closeyear, $choice->closemonth, $choice->closeday, $choice->closehour, $choice->closeminute, 0); } else { $choice->timeopen = 0; $choice->timeclose = 0; } //insert answers if ($choice->id = insert_record("choice", $choice)) { foreach ($choice as $name => $value) { if (strstr($name, "newoption")) { /// New option $value = trim($value); if (isset($value) && $value <> '') { $option = NULL; $option->text = $value; $option->choiceid = $choice->id; $option->maxanswers = $choice->{'newlimit'.substr($name, 9)}; $option->timemodified = time(); insert_record("choice_options", $option); } } } } return $choice->id; } function choice_update_instance($choice) { // Given an object containing all the necessary data, // (defined by the form in mod.html) this function // will update an existing instance with new data. $choice->id = $choice->instance; $choice->timemodified = time(); if (!empty($choice->timerestrict) and $choice->timerestrict) { $choice->timeopen = make_timestamp($choice->openyear, $choice->openmonth, $choice->openday, $choice->openhour, $choice->openminute, 0); $choice->timeclose = make_timestamp($choice->closeyear, $choice->closemonth, $choice->closeday, $choice->closehour, $choice->closeminute, 0); } else { $choice->timeopen = 0; $choice->timeclose = 0; } //update answers foreach ($choice as $name => $value) { $value = trim($value); if (strstr($name, "oldoption")) { // Old option if (isset($value) && $value <> '') { $option = NULL; $option->id = substr($name, 9); // Get the ID of the answer that needs to be updated. $option->text = $value; $option->choiceid = $choice->id; $option->maxanswers = $choice->{'oldlimit'.substr($name, 9)}; $option->timemodified = time(); update_record("choice_options", $option); } else { //empty old option - needs to be deleted. delete_records("choice_options", "id", substr($name, 9)); } } else if (strstr($name, "newoption")) { /// New option if (isset($value)&& $value <> '') { $option = NULL; $option->text = $value; $option->choiceid = $choice->id; $option->maxanswers = $choice->{'newlimit'.substr($name, 9)}; $option->timemodified = time(); insert_record("choice_options", $option); } } } return update_record('choice', $choice); } function choice_delete_instance($id) { // Given an ID of an instance of this module, // this function will permanently delete the instance // and any data that depends on it. if (! $choice = get_record("choice", "id", "$id")) { return false; } $result = true; if (! delete_records("choice_answers", "choiceid", "$choice->id")) { $result = false; } if (! delete_records("choice_options", "choiceid", "$choice->id")) { $result = false; } if (! delete_records("choice", "id", "$choice->id")) { $result = false; } return $result; } function choice_get_participants($choiceid) { //Returns the users with data in one choice //(users with records in choice_responses, students) global $CFG; //Get students $students = get_records_sql("SELECT DISTINCT, FROM {$CFG->prefix}user u, {$CFG->prefix}choice_answers a WHERE a.choiceid = '$choiceid' and = a.userid"); //Return students array (it contains an array of unique users) return ($students); } function choice_get_option_text($choice, $id) { // Returns text string which is the answer that matches the id if ($result = get_record("choice_options", "id", $id)) { return $result->text; } else { return get_string("notanswered", "choice"); } } function choice_get_choice($choiceid) { // Gets a full choice record if ($choice = get_record("choice", "id", $choiceid)) { if ($options = get_records("choice_options", "choiceid", $choiceid, "id")) { foreach ($options as $option) { $choice->option[$option->id] = $option->text; $choice->maxanswers[$option->id] = $option->maxanswers; } return $choice; } } return false; } function choice_get_view_actions() { return array('view','view all','report'); } function choice_get_post_actions() { return array('choose','choose again'); } ?>