currency)) ? $course->currency :( empty($CFG->enrol_currency) ? 'USD' : $CFG->enrol_currency ); if (!empty($course->cost)) { $cost = (float)(((float)$course->cost) < 0) ? $CFG->enrol_cost : $course->cost; } $cost = format_float($cost, 2); $ret = array( 'cost' => $cost, 'currency' => $currency ); return $ret; } function zero_cost($course) { $curcost = get_course_cost($course); return (abs($curcost['cost']) < 0.01); } function prevent_double_paid($course) { global $CFG, $SESSION, $USER; $sql = "SELECT id FROM {$CFG->prefix}enrol_authorize WHERE userid = $USER->id AND courseid = $course->id "; if (empty($CFG->an_test)) { // Real mode $sql .= 'AND status IN('.AN_STATUS_AUTH.','.AN_STATUS_UNDERREVIEW.','.AN_STATUS_APPROVEDREVIEW.')'; } else { // Test mode $sql .= 'AND status='.AN_STATUS_NONE; } if ($rec = get_record_sql($sql)) { $a = new stdClass; $a->orderid = $rec->id; $a->url = "$CFG->wwwroot/enrol/authorize/index.php?order=$a->orderid"; redirect($a->url, get_string("paymentpending", "enrol_authorize", $a), '10'); return; } if (isset($SESSION->ccpaid)) { unset($SESSION->ccpaid); redirect($CFG->wwwroot . '/login/logout.php'); return; } } function get_list_of_creditcards($getall = false) { global $CFG; $alltypes = array( 'mcd' => 'Master Card', 'vis' => 'Visa', 'amx' => 'American Express', 'dsc' => 'Discover', 'dnc' => 'Diners Club', 'jcb' => 'JCB', 'swi' => 'Switch', 'dlt' => 'Delta', 'enr' => 'EnRoute' ); if ($getall or empty($CFG->an_acceptccs)) { return $alltypes; } $ret = array(); $ccs = explode(',', $CFG->an_acceptccs); foreach ($ccs as $key) { $ret[$key] = $alltypes[$key]; } return $ret; } function get_list_of_payment_methods($getall = false) { global $CFG; if ($getall || empty($CFG->an_acceptmethods)) { return array(AN_METHOD_CC, AN_METHOD_ECHECK); } else { return explode(',', $CFG->an_acceptmethods); } } function get_list_of_bank_account_types($getall = false) { global $CFG; if ($getall || empty($CFG->an_acceptechecktypes)) { return array('CHECKING', 'BUSINESSCHECKING', 'SAVINGS'); } else { return explode(',', $CFG->an_acceptechecktypes); } } function ABAVal($aba) { if (ereg("^[0-9]{9}$", $aba)) { $n = 0; for($i = 0; $i < 9; $i += 3) { $n += (substr($aba, $i, 1) * 3) + (substr($aba, $i + 1, 1) * 7) + (substr($aba, $i + 2, 1)); } if ($n != 0 and $n % 10 == 0) { return true; } } return false; } function CCVal($Num, $Name = "n/a", $Exp = "") { // Check the expiration date first if (strlen($Exp)) { $Month = substr($Exp, 0, 2); $Year = substr($Exp, -2); $WorkDate = "$Month/01/$Year"; $WorkDate = strtotime($WorkDate); $LastDay = date("t", $WorkDate); $Expires = strtotime("$Month/$LastDay/$Year 11:59:59"); if ($Expires < time()) return 0; } // Innocent until proven guilty $GoodCard = true; // Get rid of any non-digits $Num = ereg_replace("[^0-9]", "", $Num); // Perform card-specific checks, if applicable switch ($Name) { case "mcd" : $GoodCard = ereg("^5[1-5].{14}$", $Num); break; case "vis" : $GoodCard = ereg("^4.{15}$|^4.{12}$", $Num); break; case "amx" : $GoodCard = ereg("^3[47].{13}$", $Num); break; case "dsc" : $GoodCard = ereg("^6011.{12}$", $Num); break; case "dnc" : $GoodCard = ereg("^30[0-5].{11}$|^3[68].{12}$", $Num); break; case "jcb" : $GoodCard = ereg("^3.{15}$|^2131|1800.{11}$", $Num); break; case "dlt" : $GoodCard = ereg("^4.{15}$", $Num); break; case "swi" : $GoodCard = ereg("^[456].{15}$|^[456].{17,18}$", $Num); break; case "enr" : $GoodCard = ereg("^2014.{11}$|^2149.{11}$", $Num); break; } // The Luhn formula works right to left, so reverse the number. $Num = strrev($Num); $Total = 0; for ($x=0; $x < strlen($Num); $x++) { $digit = substr($Num, $x, 1); // If it's an odd digit, double it if ($x/2 != floor($x/2)) { $digit *= 2; // If the result is two digits, add them if (strlen($digit) == 2) $digit = substr($digit, 0, 1) + substr($digit, 1, 1); } // Add the current digit, doubled and added if applicable, to the Total $Total += $digit; } // If it passed (or bypassed) the card-specific check and the Total is // evenly divisible by 10, it's cool! return ($GoodCard && $Total % 10 == 0); } function validate_cc_form($form, &$err) { global $CFG; if (empty($form->cc)) { $err['cc'] = get_string('missingcc', 'enrol_authorize'); } if (empty($form->ccexpiremm) || empty($form->ccexpireyyyy)) { $err['ccexpire'] = get_string('missingccexpire', 'enrol_authorize'); } else { $expdate = sprintf("%02d", intval($form->ccexpiremm)) . $form->ccexpireyyyy; $validcc = CCVal($form->cc, $form->cctype, $expdate); if (!$validcc) { if ($validcc === 0) { $err['ccexpire'] = get_string('ccexpired', 'enrol_authorize'); } else { $err['cc'] = get_string('ccinvalid', 'enrol_authorize'); } } } if (empty($form->ccfirstname) || empty($form->cclastname)) { $err['ccfirstlast'] = get_string('missingfullname'); } if (empty($form->cvv) || !is_numeric($form->cvv)) { $err['cvv'] = get_string('missingcvv', 'enrol_authorize'); } if (empty($form->cctype) or !in_array($form->cctype, array_keys(get_list_of_creditcards()))) { $err['cctype'] = get_string('missingcctype', 'enrol_authorize'); } if (!empty($CFG->an_authcode) && !empty($form->haveauth) && empty($form->ccauthcode)) { $err['ccauthcode'] = get_string('missingccauthcode', 'enrol_authorize'); } if (!empty($CFG->an_avs)) { if (empty($form->ccaddress)) { $err['ccaddress'] = get_string('missingaddress', 'enrol_authorize'); } if (empty($form->cccity)) { $err['cccity'] = get_string('missingcity'); } if (empty($form->cccountry)) { $err['cccountry'] = get_string('missingcountry'); } } if (empty($form->cczip) || !is_numeric($form->cczip)) { $err['cczip'] = get_string('missingzip', 'enrol_authorize'); } if (!empty($err)) { $err['header'] = get_string('someerrorswerefound'); return false; } return true; } function validate_echeck_form($form, &$err) { global $CFG; if (empty($form->abacode) || !is_numeric($form->abacode)) { $err['abacode'] = get_string('missingaba', 'enrol_authorize'); } elseif (!ABAVal($form->abacode)) { $err['abacode'] = get_string('invalidaba', 'enrol_authorize'); } if (empty($form->accnum) || !is_numeric($form->accnum)) { $err['accnum'] = get_string('invalidaccnum', 'enrol_authorize'); } if (empty($form->acctype) || !in_array($form->acctype, get_list_of_bank_account_types())) { $err['acctype'] = get_string('invalidacctype', 'enrol_authorize'); } if (empty($form->bankname)) { $err['bankname'] = get_string('missingbankname', 'enrol_authorize'); } if (empty($form->firstname) || empty($form->lastname)) { $err['firstlast'] = get_string('missingfullname'); } if (!empty($err)) { $err['header'] = get_string('someerrorswerefound'); return false; } return true; } function email_to_admin($subject, $data) { global $SITE; $admin = get_admin(); $data = (array)$data; $message = "$SITE->fullname: Transaction failed.\n\n$subject\n\n"; $message .= print_r($data, true); email_to_user($admin, $admin, "$SITE->fullname: ERROR", $message); } function send_welcome_messages($orderdata) { global $CFG, $SITE; if (empty($orderdata)) { return; } if (is_numeric($orderdata)) { $orderdata = array($orderdata); } $select = "SELECT, e.courseid, e.userid, c.fullname FROM {$CFG->prefix}enrol_authorize e INNER JOIN {$CFG->prefix}course c ON = e.courseid WHERE IN(" . implode(',', $orderdata) . ") ORDER BY e.userid"; $emailinfo = get_records_sql($select); $emailcount = count($emailinfo); if ($emailcount == 1) { $ei = reset($emailinfo); if (!$sender = get_teacher($ei->courseid)) { $sender = get_admin(); } } else { $sender = get_admin(); } $ei = reset($emailinfo); while ($ei !== false) { $usercourses = array(); $lastuserid = $ei->userid; for ($current = $ei; $current !== false && $current->userid == $lastuserid; $current = next($emailinfo)) { $usercourses[] = $current->fullname; } $ei = $current; $a = new stdClass; $a->courses = implode("\n", $usercourses); $a->profileurl = "$CFG->wwwroot/user/view.php?id=$lastuserid"; $a->paymenturl = "$CFG->wwwroot/enrol/authorize/index.php?user=$lastuserid"; $emailmessage = get_string('welcometocoursesemail', 'enrol_authorize', $a); $user = get_record('user', 'id', $lastuserid); @email_to_user($user, $sender, get_string("enrolmentnew", '', $SITE->shortname), $emailmessage); } } function check_openssl_loaded() { return extension_loaded('openssl'); } ?>