Choose a local file from your computer. The file will not be uploaded to the web site, but Moodle will look for the same file on the computer of anyone viewing this resource.
This is mostly useful when you have large media files stored on a standard CD-ROM that you distribute to all participants. Each participant is able to choose their own local path for such files, by editing their user profile.
'; $string['localfilepath'] = 'To set your own local path for this resource, choose any file from the drive (usually a CD_ROM) on your computer where the resource exists. The file will not be uploaded but the drive information will be stored and used for any local file resources'; $string['localfileselect'] = 'Choose this file path.'; $string['maindirectory'] = 'Main files directory'; $string['modulename'] = 'Resource'; $string['modulenameplural'] = 'Resources'; $string['navigationbuttons'] = 'Navigation buttons'; $string['navigationmenu'] = 'Navigation side menu'; $string['navigationup'] = 'Up button'; $string['neverseen'] = 'Never seen'; $string['newdirectories'] = 'Show the directory links'; $string['newfullscreen'] = 'Fill the whole screen'; $string['newheight'] = 'Default window height (in pixels)'; $string['newlocation'] = 'Show the location bar'; $string['newmenubar'] = 'Show the menu bar'; $string['newresizable'] = 'Allow the window to be resized'; $string['newscrollbars'] = 'Allow the window to be scrolled'; $string['newstatus'] = 'Show the status bar'; $string['newtoolbar'] = 'Show the toolbar'; $string['newwidth'] = 'Default window width (in pixels)'; $string['newwindow'] = 'New window'; $string['newwindowopen'] = 'Display this resource in a new popup window'; $string['next'] = 'Next'; $string['notallowedlocalfileaccess'] = 'Access to local files is currently disabled, so this resource is not available.'; $string['notdeployed'] = 'Not deployed'; $string['note'] = 'Note'; $string['notefile'] = 'To upload more files into the course (so they appear in this list) use the File Manager.'; $string['notypechosen'] = 'You need to choose a type. Use your back button to go back and retry.'; $string['packagechanged'] = 'This IMS Content Package has changed.'; $string['packagenotdeplyed'] = 'This IMS Content Package is not deployed.'; $string['pagedisplay'] = 'Display this resource within the current window'; $string['pagewindow'] = 'Same window'; $string['pan'] = 'Pan'; $string['parameter'] = 'Parameter'; $string['parameters'] = 'Parameters'; $string['popupresource'] = 'This resource should appear in a popup window.'; $string['popupresourcelink'] = 'If it didn\'t, click here: $a'; $string['preview'] = 'Preview'; $string['previous'] = 'Previous'; $string['redeploy'] = 'Deploy again'; $string['repository'] = 'IMS repository'; $string['resource:view'] = 'View resource'; $string['resourcedefaulturl'] = 'Default URL'; $string['resourcetype'] = 'Type of resource'; $string['resourcetype1'] = 'Reference'; $string['resourcetype2'] = 'Web Page'; $string['resourcetype3'] = 'Uploaded File'; $string['resourcetype4'] = 'Plain text'; $string['resourcetype5'] = 'Web Link'; $string['resourcetype6'] = 'HTML text'; $string['resourcetype7'] = 'Program'; $string['resourcetype8'] = 'Wiki-like text'; $string['resourcetype9'] = 'Directory'; $string['resourcetypedirectory'] = 'Display a directory'; $string['resourcetypefile'] = 'Link to a file or web site'; $string['resourcetypehtml'] = 'Compose a web page'; $string['resourcetypeims'] = 'Add an IMS Content Package'; $string['resourcetypelabel'] = 'Insert a label'; $string['resourcetyperepository'] = 'Link to a repository object'; $string['resourcetypetext'] = 'Compose a text page'; $string['searchweb'] = 'Search for web page'; $string['serverurl'] = 'Server URL ($a->wwwroot)'; $string['showcourseblocks'] = 'Show the course blocks'; $string['skipsubmenus'] = 'Skip sub-menu pages'; $string['tableofcontents'] = 'Table of contents'; $string['tableofcontentsabbrev'] = 'TOC'; $string['upbutton'] = 'Up'; $string['variablename'] = 'Variable name'; $string['viewims'] = 'View IMS Content Package'; $string['vol'] = 'Vol'; $string['warningblockingdelete'] = 'Warning: Delete operation is blocked by existing resource. Either update your resources first or ask administrator to disable this safety mechanism in global Resource configuration.'; $string['warningdisabledrename'] = 'Warning: The automatic renaming of references in resources is disabled. Please update affected resources manually if needed. Administrator can also enable automatic renaming in global Resource configuration.'; $string['websearchdefault'] = 'Websearch default'; ?>