prefix}question_sessions qns, " . "{$CFG->prefix}question_states qs " . "WHERE qns.attemptid IN ($attemptidlist) AND " . "qns.newgraded ="; $gradedstates = get_records_sql($gradedstatesql); if ($idxattemptq){ $gradedstatesbyattempt = array(); foreach ($gradedstates as $gradedstate){ if (!isset($gradedstatesbyattempt[$gradedstate->attempt])){ $gradedstatesbyattempt[$gradedstate->attempt] = array(); } $gradedstatesbyattempt[$gradedstate->attempt][$gradedstate->question] = $gradedstate; } return $gradedstatesbyattempt; } else { return $gradedstates; } } else { return array(); } } function quiz_get_average_grade_for_questions($quiz, $userids){ global $CFG; $gradedevents = QUESTION_EVENTGRADE.','. QUESTION_EVENTCLOSEANDGRADE.','. QUESTION_EVENTMANUALGRADE; $qmfilter = quiz_report_qm_filter_subselect($quiz, 'qa.userid'); $questionavgssql = "SELECT qs.question, AVG(qs.grade) FROM " . "{$CFG->prefix}question_sessions qns, " . "{$CFG->prefix}quiz_attempts qa, " . "{$CFG->prefix}question_states qs " . "WHERE qns.attemptid = qa.uniqueid AND " . "qa.quiz = {$quiz->id} AND " . ($qmfilter?$qmfilter.' AND ':''). "qa.userid IN ({$userids}) AND " . "qs.event IN ($gradedevents) AND ". "qns.newgraded = GROUP BY qs.question"; return get_records_sql_menu($questionavgssql); } function quiz_format_average_grade_for_questions($avggradebyq, $questions, $quiz, $download){ $row = array(); if (!$avggradebyq){ $avggradebyq = array(); } foreach(array_keys($questions) as $questionid) { if (isset($avggradebyq[$questionid])){ $grade = $avggradebyq[$questionid]; $grade = quiz_rescale_grade($grade, $quiz); } else { $grade = '--'; } if (!$download) { $grade = $grade.'/'.quiz_rescale_grade($questions[$questionid]->grade, $quiz); } $row['qsgrade'.$questionid]= $grade; } return $row; } /** * Load the question data necessary in the reports. * - Remove description questions. * - Order questions in order that they are in the quiz * - Add question numbers. * - Add grade from quiz_questions_instance */ function quiz_report_load_questions($quiz){ global $CFG; $questionlist = quiz_questions_in_quiz($quiz->questions); //In fact in most cases the id IN $questionlist below is redundant //since we are also doing a JOIN on the qqi table. But will leave it in //since this double check will probably do no harm. if (!$questions = get_records_sql("SELECT q.*, qqi.grade " . "FROM {$CFG->prefix}question q, " . "{$CFG->prefix}quiz_question_instances qqi " . "WHERE IN ($questionlist) AND " . "qqi.question = AND " . "qqi.quiz =".$quiz->id)) { print_error('No questions found'); } //Now we have an array of questions from a quiz we work out there question nos and remove //questions with zero length ie. description questions etc. //also put questions in order. $number = 1; $realquestions = array(); $questionids = explode(',', $questionlist); foreach ($questionids as $id) { if ($questions[$id]->length) { // Ignore questions of zero length $realquestions[$id] = $questions[$id]; $realquestions[$id]->number = $number; $number += $questions[$id]->length; } } return $realquestions; } /** * Given the quiz grading method return sub select sql to find the id of the * one attempt that will be graded for each user. Or return * empty string if all attempts contribute to final grade. */ function quiz_report_qm_filter_subselect($quiz, $useridsql = ''){ global $CFG; if ($quiz->attempts == 1) {//only one attempt allowed on this quiz return ''; } $qmfilterattempts = true; switch ($quiz->grademethod) { case QUIZ_GRADEHIGHEST : $qmorderby = 'sumgrades DESC, timestart ASC'; break; case QUIZ_GRADEAVERAGE : $qmfilterattempts = false; break; case QUIZ_ATTEMPTFIRST : $qmorderby = 'timestart ASC'; break; case QUIZ_ATTEMPTLAST : $qmorderby = 'timestart DESC'; break; } if ($qmfilterattempts){ $qmsubselect = "(SELECT id FROM {$CFG->prefix}quiz_attempts " . "WHERE quiz = {$quiz->id} AND $useridsql = userid " . "ORDER BY $qmorderby LIMIT 1)"; } else { $qmsubselect = ''; } return $qmsubselect; } function quiz_report_grade_bands($bands, $quizid, $useridlist){ $sql = "SELECT FLOOR(qg.grade*$bands/q.grade) AS band, COUNT(1) AS num FROM mdl_quiz_grades qg, mdl_quiz q WHERE qg.quiz = AND qg.quiz = $quizid AND qg.userid IN ($useridlist) GROUP BY band ORDER BY band"; $data = get_records_sql_menu($sql); //need to create array elements with values 0 at indexes where there is no element $data = $data + array_fill(0, $bands+1, 0); ksort($data); //place the maximum (prefect grade) into the last band i.e. make last //band for example 9 <= g <=10 (where 10 is the perfect grade) rather than //just 9 <= g <10. $data[$bands-1] += $data[$bands]; unset($data[$bands]); return $data; } function quiz_report_highlighting_grading_method($quiz, $qmsubselect, $qmfilter){ if ($quiz->attempts == 1) {//only one attempt allowed on this quiz return "

".get_string('onlyoneattemptallowed', "quiz_overview")."

"; } else if (!$qmsubselect){ return "

".get_string('allattemptscontributetograde', "quiz_overview")."

"; } else if ($qmfilter){ return "

".get_string('showinggraded', "quiz_overview")."

"; }else { return "

".get_string('showinggradedandungraded', "quiz_overview", (''.quiz_get_grading_option_name($quiz->grademethod).''))."

"; } } /** * Get the feedback text for a grade on this quiz. The feedback is * processed ready for display. * * @param float $grade a grade on this quiz. * @param integer $quizid the id of the quiz object. * @return string the comment that corresponds to this grade (empty string if there is not one. */ function quiz_report_feedback_for_grade($grade, $quizid) { static $feedbackcache = array(); if (!isset($feedbackcache[$quizid])){ $feedbackcache[$quizid] = get_records('quiz_feedback', 'quizid', $quizid); } $feedbacks = $feedbackcache[$quizid]; $feedbacktext = ''; foreach ($feedbacks as $feedback) { if ($feedback->mingrade <= $grade && $grade < $feedback->maxgrade){ $feedbacktext = $feedback->feedbacktext; break; } } // Clean the text, ready for display. $formatoptions = new stdClass; $formatoptions->noclean = true; $feedbacktext = format_text($feedbacktext, FORMAT_MOODLE, $formatoptions); return $feedbacktext; } ?>