* This is a very rough importer for powerpoint slides
* Export a powerpoint presentation with powerpoint as html pages
* Do it with office 2002 (I think?) and no special settings
* Then zip the directory with all of the html pages
* and the zip file is what you want to upload
* The script supports book and lesson.
* @package lesson
* @copyright 1999 onwards Martin Dougiamas {@link http://moodle.com}
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
/** include required files */
$id = required_param('id', PARAM_INT); // Course Module ID
$pageid = optional_param('pageid', '', PARAM_INT); // Page ID
$url = new moodle_url($CFG->wwwroot.'/mod/lesson/importppt.php', array('id'=>$id));
if ($pageid !== '') {
$url->param('pageid', $pageid);
try {
$cm = get_coursemodule_from_id('lesson', $id, 0, false, MUST_EXIST);;
$course = $DB->get_record('course', array('id' => $cm->course), '*', MUST_EXIST);
$lesson = new lesson($DB->get_record('lesson', array('id' => $cm->instance), '*', MUST_EXIST));
} catch (Exception $e) {
$modname = 'lesson';
$mod = $cm;
require_login($course, false, $cm);
require_login($course->id, false, $cm);
$context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_MODULE, $cm->id);
require_capability('mod/lesson:edit', $context);
$strimportppt = get_string("importppt", "lesson");
$strlessons = get_string("modulenameplural", "lesson");
$data = new stdClass;
$data->id = $cm->id;
$data->pageid = $pageid;
$mform = new lesson_importppt_form();
if ($data = $mform->get_data()) {
$manager = lesson_page_type_manager::get($lesson);
if (!$filename = $mform->get_new_filename('pptzip')) {
print_error('invalidfile', 'lesson');
if (!$package = $mform->save_stored_file('pptzip', $context->id, 'lesson_ppt_imports', $lesson->id, '/', $filename, true)) {
print_error('unabletosavefile', 'lesson');
// extract package content
$packer = get_file_packer('application/zip');
$package->extract_to_storage($packer, $context->id, 'lesson_imported_files', $lesson->id, '/');
$fs = get_file_storage();
if ($files = $fs->get_area_files($context->id, 'lesson_imported_files', $lesson->id)) {
$pages = array();
foreach ($files as $key=>$file) {
if ($file->get_mimetype() != 'text/html') {
$filenameinfo = pathinfo($file->get_filepath().$file->get_filename());
$page = new stdClass;
$page->title = '';
$page->contents = array();
$page->images = array();
$page->source = $filenameinfo['basename'];
$string = strip_tags($file->get_content(),'
$imgs = array();
]*(src\=\"(".$filenameinfo['filename']."\_image[^>^\"]*)\"[^>]*)>/i", $string, $imgs);
foreach ($imgs[2] as $img) {
$imagename = basename($img);
foreach ($files as $file) {
if ($imagename === $file->get_filename()) {
$page->images[] = clone($file);
$matches = array();
// this will look for a non nested tag that is closed
// want to allow
(maybe more) tags but when we do that
// the preg_match messes up.
preg_match_all("/(<([\w]+)[^>]*>)([^<\\2>]*)(<\/\\2>)/", $string, $matches);
for($i = 0; $i < count($matches[1]); $i++) { // go through all of our div matches
$class = lesson_importppt_isolate_class($matches[1][$i]); // first step in isolating the class
// check for any static classes
switch ($class) {
case 'T': // class T is used for Titles
$page->title = $matches[3][$i];
case 'B': // I would guess that all bullet lists would start with B then go to B1, B2, etc
case 'B1': // B1-B4 are just insurance, should just hit B and all be taken care of
case 'B2':
case 'B3':
case 'B4':
$page->contents[] = lesson_importppt_build_list($matches, '', $i, 0); // this is a recursive function that will grab all the bullets and rebuild the list in html
if ($matches[3][$i] != '
') { // odd crap generated... sigh
if (substr($matches[3][$i], 0, 1) == ':') { // check for leading : ... hate MS ...
$page->contents[] = substr($matches[3][$i], 1); // get rid of :
} else {
$page->contents[] = $matches[3][$i];
$pages[] = $page;
$branchtables = lesson_create_objects($pages, $lesson->id);
// first set up the prevpageid and nextpageid
if (empty($pageid)) { // adding it to the top of the lesson
$prevpageid = 0;
// get the id of the first page. If not found, then no pages in the lesson
if (!$nextpageid = $DB->get_field('lesson_pages', 'id', array('prevpageid' => 0, 'lessonid' => $lesson->id))) {
$nextpageid = 0;
} else {
// going after an actual page
$prevpageid = $pageid;
$nextpageid = $DB->get_field('lesson_pages', 'nextpageid', array('id' => $pageid));
foreach ($branchtables as $branchtable) {
// set the doubly linked list
$branchtable->page->nextpageid = $nextpageid;
$branchtable->page->prevpageid = $prevpageid;
// insert the page
$id = $DB->insert_record('lesson_pages', $branchtable->page);
if (!empty($branchtable->page->images)) {
$changes = array('contextid'=>$context->id, 'filearea'=>'lesson_page_contents', 'itemid'=>$id, 'timemodified'=>time());
foreach ($branchtable->page->images as $image) {
$fs->create_file_from_storedfile($changes, $image);
// update the link of the page previous to the one we just updated
if ($prevpageid != 0) { // if not the first page
$DB->set_field("lesson_pages", "nextpageid", $id, array("id" => $prevpageid));
// insert the answers
foreach ($branchtable->answers as $answer) {
$answer->pageid = $id;
$DB->insert_record('lesson_answers', $answer);
$prevpageid = $id;
// all done with inserts. Now check to update our last page (this is when we import between two lesson pages)
if ($nextpageid != 0) { // if the next page is not the end of lesson
$DB->set_field("lesson_pages", "prevpageid", $id, array("id" => $nextpageid));
// Remove all unzipped files!
$fs->delete_area_files($context->id, 'lesson_imported_files', $lesson->id);
redirect("$CFG->wwwroot/mod/$modname/view.php?id=$cm->id", get_string('pptsuccessfullimport', 'lesson'), 5);
echo $OUTPUT->header();
/// Print upload form
$helpicon = new moodle_help_icon();
$helpicon->text = $strimportppt;
$helpicon->page = "importppt";
$helpicon->module = "lesson";
echo $OUTPUT->heading_with_help($helpicon);
echo $OUTPUT->box_start('generalbox boxaligncenter');
echo $OUTPUT->box_end();
echo $OUTPUT->footer();