. /** * Local library file for Lesson. These are non-standard functions that are used * only by Lesson. * * @package lesson * @copyright 1999 onwards Martin Dougiamas {@link http://moodle.com} * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or late **/ /** Make sure this isn't being directly accessed */ if (!defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL')) { die('Direct access to this script is forbidden.'); /// It must be included from a Moodle page. } /** Include the files that are required by this module */ require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/mod/lesson/lib.php'); /** Next page -> any page not seen before */ define("LESSON_UNSEENPAGE", 1); /** Next page -> any page not answered correctly */ define("LESSON_UNANSWEREDPAGE", 2); /** Jump to Next Page */ define("LESSON_NEXTPAGE", -1); /** End of Lesson */ define("LESSON_EOL", -9); /** Jump to an unseen page within a branch and end of branch or end of lesson */ define("LESSON_UNSEENBRANCHPAGE", -50); /** Jump to Previous Page */ define("LESSON_PREVIOUSPAGE", -40); /** Jump to a random page within a branch and end of branch or end of lesson */ define("LESSON_RANDOMPAGE", -60); /** Jump to a random Branch */ define("LESSON_RANDOMBRANCH", -70); /** Cluster Jump */ define("LESSON_CLUSTERJUMP", -80); /** Undefined */ define("LESSON_UNDEFINED", -99); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Any other lesson functions go here. Each of them must have a name that /// starts with lesson_ /** * Checks to see if a LESSON_CLUSTERJUMP or * a LESSON_UNSEENBRANCHPAGE is used in a lesson. * * This function is only executed when a teacher is * checking the navigation for a lesson. * * @param int $lesson Id of the lesson that is to be checked. * @return boolean True or false. **/ function lesson_display_teacher_warning($lesson) { global $DB; // get all of the lesson answers $params = array ("lessonid" => $lesson->id); if (!$lessonanswers = $DB->get_records_select("lesson_answers", "lessonid = :lessonid", $params)) { // no answers, then not useing cluster or unseen return false; } // just check for the first one that fulfills the requirements foreach ($lessonanswers as $lessonanswer) { if ($lessonanswer->jumpto == LESSON_CLUSTERJUMP || $lessonanswer->jumpto == LESSON_UNSEENBRANCHPAGE) { return true; } } // if no answers use either of the two jumps return false; } /** * Interprets the LESSON_UNSEENBRANCHPAGE jump. * * will return the pageid of a random unseen page that is within a branch * * @param lesson $lesson * @param int $userid Id of the user. * @param int $pageid Id of the page from which we are jumping. * @return int Id of the next page. **/ function lesson_unseen_question_jump($lesson, $user, $pageid) { global $DB; // get the number of retakes if (!$retakes = $DB->count_records("lesson_grades", array("lessonid"=>$lesson->id, "userid"=>$user))) { $retakes = 0; } // get all the lesson_attempts aka what the user has seen if ($viewedpages = $DB->get_records("lesson_attempts", array("lessonid"=>$lesson->id, "userid"=>$user, "retry"=>$retakes), "timeseen DESC")) { foreach($viewedpages as $viewed) { $seenpages[] = $viewed->pageid; } } else { $seenpages = array(); } // get the lesson pages $lessonpages = $lesson->load_all_pages(); if ($pageid == LESSON_UNSEENBRANCHPAGE) { // this only happens when a student leaves in the middle of an unseen question within a branch series $pageid = $seenpages[0]; // just change the pageid to the last page viewed inside the branch table } // go up the pages till branch table while ($pageid != 0) { // this condition should never be satisfied... only happens if there are no branch tables above this page if ($lessonpages[$pageid]->qtype == LESSON_PAGE_BRANCHTABLE) { break; } $pageid = $lessonpages[$pageid]->prevpageid; } $pagesinbranch = $this->get_sub_pages_of($pageid, array(LESSON_PAGE_BRANCHTABLE, LESSON_PAGE_ENDOFBRANCH)); // this foreach loop stores all the pages that are within the branch table but are not in the $seenpages array $unseen = array(); foreach($pagesinbranch as $page) { if (!in_array($page->id, $seenpages)) { $unseen[] = $page->id; } } if(count($unseen) == 0) { if(isset($pagesinbranch)) { $temp = end($pagesinbranch); $nextpage = $temp->nextpageid; // they have seen all the pages in the branch, so go to EOB/next branch table/EOL } else { // there are no pages inside the branch, so return the next page $nextpage = $lessonpages[$pageid]->nextpageid; } if ($nextpage == 0) { return LESSON_EOL; } else { return $nextpage; } } else { return $unseen[rand(0, count($unseen)-1)]; // returns a random page id for the next page } } /** * Handles the unseen branch table jump. * * @param lesson $lesson * @param int $userid User id. * @return int Will return the page id of a branch table or end of lesson **/ function lesson_unseen_branch_jump($lesson, $userid) { global $DB; if (!$retakes = $DB->count_records("lesson_grades", array("lessonid"=>$lesson->id, "userid"=>$userid))) { $retakes = 0; } $params = array ("lessonid" => $lesson->id, "userid" => $userid, "retry" => $retakes); if (!$seenbranches = $DB->get_records_select("lesson_branch", "lessonid = :lessonid AND userid = :userid AND retry = :retry", $params, "timeseen DESC")) { print_error('cannotfindrecords', 'lesson'); } // get the lesson pages $lessonpages = $lesson->load_all_pages(); // this loads all the viewed branch tables into $seen untill it finds the branch table with the flag // which is the branch table that starts the unseenbranch function $seen = array(); foreach ($seenbranches as $seenbranch) { if (!$seenbranch->flag) { $seen[$seenbranch->pageid] = $seenbranch->pageid; } else { $start = $seenbranch->pageid; break; } } // this function searches through the lesson pages to find all the branch tables // that follow the flagged branch table $pageid = $lessonpages[$start]->nextpageid; // move down from the flagged branch table while ($pageid != 0) { // grab all of the branch table till eol if ($lessonpages[$pageid]->qtype == LESSON_PAGE_BRANCHTABLE) { $branchtables[] = $lessonpages[$pageid]->id; } $pageid = $lessonpages[$pageid]->nextpageid; } $unseen = array(); foreach ($branchtables as $branchtable) { // load all of the unseen branch tables into unseen if (!array_key_exists($branchtable, $seen)) { $unseen[] = $branchtable; } } if (count($unseen) > 0) { return $unseen[rand(0, count($unseen)-1)]; // returns a random page id for the next page } else { return LESSON_EOL; // has viewed all of the branch tables } } /** * Handles the random jump between a branch table and end of branch or end of lesson (LESSON_RANDOMPAGE). * * @param lesson $lesson * @param int $pageid The id of the page that we are jumping from (?) * @return int The pageid of a random page that is within a branch table **/ function lesson_random_question_jump($lesson, $pageid) { global $DB; // get the lesson pages $params = array ("lessonid" => $lesson->id); if (!$lessonpages = $DB->get_records_select("lesson_pages", "lessonid = :lessonid", $params)) { print_error('cannotfindpages', 'lesson'); } // go up the pages till branch table while ($pageid != 0) { // this condition should never be satisfied... only happens if there are no branch tables above this page if ($lessonpages[$pageid]->qtype == LESSON_PAGE_BRANCHTABLE) { break; } $pageid = $lessonpages[$pageid]->prevpageid; } // get the pages within the branch $pagesinbranch = $this->get_sub_pages_of($pageid, array(LESSON_PAGE_BRANCHTABLE, LESSON_PAGE_ENDOFBRANCH)); if(count($pagesinbranch) == 0) { // there are no pages inside the branch, so return the next page return $lessonpages[$pageid]->nextpageid; } else { return $pagesinbranch[rand(0, count($pagesinbranch)-1)]->id; // returns a random page id for the next page } } /** * Calculates a user's grade for a lesson. * * @param object $lesson The lesson that the user is taking. * @param int $retries The attempt number. * @param int $userid Id of the user (optinal, default current user). * @return object { nquestions => number of questions answered attempts => number of question attempts total => max points possible earned => points earned by student grade => calculated percentage grade nmanual => number of manually graded questions manualpoints => point value for manually graded questions } */ function lesson_grade($lesson, $ntries, $userid = 0) { global $USER, $DB; if (empty($userid)) { $userid = $USER->id; } // Zero out everything $ncorrect = 0; $nviewed = 0; $score = 0; $nmanual = 0; $manualpoints = 0; $thegrade = 0; $nquestions = 0; $total = 0; $earned = 0; $params = array ("lessonid" => $lesson->id, "userid" => $userid, "retry" => $ntries); if ($useranswers = $DB->get_records_select("lesson_attempts", "lessonid = :lessonid AND userid = :userid AND retry = :retry", $params, "timeseen")) { // group each try with its page $attemptset = array(); foreach ($useranswers as $useranswer) { $attemptset[$useranswer->pageid][] = $useranswer; } // Drop all attempts that go beyond max attempts for the lesson foreach ($attemptset as $key => $set) { $attemptset[$key] = array_slice($set, 0, $lesson->maxattempts); } // get only the pages and their answers that the user answered list($usql, $parameters) = $DB->get_in_or_equal(array_keys($attemptset)); array_unshift($parameters, $lesson->id); $pages = $DB->get_records_select("lesson_pages", "lessonid = ? AND id $usql", $parameters); $answers = $DB->get_records_select("lesson_answers", "lessonid = ? AND pageid $usql", $parameters); // Number of pages answered $nquestions = count($pages); foreach ($attemptset as $attempts) { $page = lesson_page::load($pages[end($attempts)->pageid], $lesson); if ($lesson->custom) { $attempt = end($attempts); // If essay question, handle it, otherwise add to score if ($page->requires_manual_grading()) { $earned += $page->earned_score($answers, $attempt); $nmanual++; $manualpoints += $answers[$attempt->answerid]->score; } else if (!empty($attempt->answerid)) { $earned += $page->earned_score($answers, $attempt); } } else { foreach ($attempts as $attempt) { $earned += $attempt->correct; } $attempt = end($attempts); // doesn't matter which one // If essay question, increase numbers if ($page->requires_manual_grading()) { $nmanual++; $manualpoints++; } } // Number of times answered $nviewed += count($attempts); } if ($lesson->custom) { $bestscores = array(); // Find the highest possible score per page to get our total foreach ($answers as $answer) { if(!isset($bestscores[$answer->pageid])) { $bestscores[$answer->pageid] = $answer->score; } else if ($bestscores[$answer->pageid] < $answer->score) { $bestscores[$answer->pageid] = $answer->score; } } $total = array_sum($bestscores); } else { // Check to make sure the student has answered the minimum questions if ($lesson->minquestions and $nquestions < $lesson->minquestions) { // Nope, increase number viewed by the amount of unanswered questions $total = $nviewed + ($lesson->minquestions - $nquestions); } else { $total = $nviewed; } } } if ($total) { // not zero $thegrade = round(100 * $earned / $total, 5); } // Build the grade information object $gradeinfo = new stdClass; $gradeinfo->nquestions = $nquestions; $gradeinfo->attempts = $nviewed; $gradeinfo->total = $total; $gradeinfo->earned = $earned; $gradeinfo->grade = $thegrade; $gradeinfo->nmanual = $nmanual; $gradeinfo->manualpoints = $manualpoints; return $gradeinfo; } /** * Determines if a user can view the left menu. The determining factor * is whether a user has a grade greater than or equal to the lesson setting * of displayleftif * * @param object $lesson Lesson object of the current lesson * @return boolean 0 if the user cannot see, or $lesson->displayleft to keep displayleft unchanged **/ function lesson_displayleftif($lesson) { global $CFG, $USER, $DB; if (!empty($lesson->displayleftif)) { // get the current user's max grade for this lesson $params = array ("userid" => $USER->id, "lessonid" => $lesson->id); if ($maxgrade = $DB->get_record_sql('SELECT userid, MAX(grade) AS maxgrade FROM {lesson_grades} WHERE userid = :userid AND lessonid = :lessonid GROUP BY userid', $params)) { if ($maxgrade->maxgrade < $lesson->displayleftif) { return 0; // turn off the displayleft } } else { return 0; // no grades } } // if we get to here, keep the original state of displayleft lesson setting return $lesson->displayleft; } /** * * @param $cm * @param $lesson * @param $page * @return unknown_type */ function lesson_add_pretend_blocks($page, $cm, $lesson, $timer = null) { $bc = lesson_menu_block_contents($cm->id, $lesson); if (!empty($bc)) { $regions = $page->blocks->get_regions(); $firstregion = reset($regions); $page->blocks->add_pretend_block($bc, $firstregion); } $bc = lesson_mediafile_block_contents($cm->id, $lesson); if (!empty($bc)) { $page->blocks->add_pretend_block($bc, $page->blocks->get_default_region()); } if (!empty($timer)) { $bc = lesson_clock_block_contents($cm->id, $lesson, $timer, $page); if (!empty($bc)) { $page->blocks->add_pretend_block($bc, $page->blocks->get_default_region()); } } } /** * If there is a media file associated with this * lesson, return a block_contents that displays it. * * @param int $cmid Course Module ID for this lesson * @param object $lesson Full lesson record object * @return block_contents **/ function lesson_mediafile_block_contents($cmid, $lesson) { global $OUTPUT; if (empty($lesson->mediafile) && empty($lesson->mediafileid)) { return null; } $options = array(); $options['menubar'] = 0; $options['location'] = 0; $options['left'] = 5; $options['top'] = 5; $options['scrollbars'] = 1; $options['resizable'] = 1; $options['width'] = $lesson->mediawidth; $options['height'] = $lesson->mediaheight; $link = html_link::make('/mod/lesson/mediafile.php?id='.$cmid, get_string('mediafilepopup', 'lesson')); $link->add_action(new popup_action('click', $link->url, 'lessonmediafile', $options)); $link->title = get_string('mediafilepopup', 'lesson'); $content = $OUTPUT->link($link); $content .= $OUTPUT->help_icon(moodle_help_icon::make("mediafilestudent", get_string("mediafile", "lesson"), "lesson")); $bc = new block_contents(); $bc->title = get_string('linkedmedia', 'lesson'); $bc->set_classes('mediafile'); $bc->content = $content; return $bc; } /** * If a timed lesson and not a teacher, then * return a block_contents containing the clock. * * @param int $cmid Course Module ID for this lesson * @param object $lesson Full lesson record object * @param object $timer Full timer record object * @return block_contents **/ function lesson_clock_block_contents($cmid, $lesson, $timer, $page) { // Display for timed lessons and for students only $context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_MODULE, $cmid); if(!$lesson->timed || has_capability('mod/lesson:manage', $context)) { return null; } $content = '
'; $content .= $lesson->time_remaining($timer->starttime); $content .= '
'; $clocksettings = array('starttime'=>$timer->starttime, 'servertime'=>time(),'testlength'=>($lesson->maxtime * 60)); $content .= $page->requires->data_for_js('clocksettings', $clocksettings)->now(); $content .= $page->requires->js('mod/lesson/timer.js')->now(); $content .= $page->requires->js_function_call('show_clock')->now(); $bc = new block_contents(); $bc->title = get_string('timeremaining', 'lesson'); $bc->set_classes('clock'); $bc->content = $content; return $bc; } /** * If left menu is turned on, then this will * print the menu in a block * * @param int $cmid Course Module ID for this lesson * @param lesson $lesson Full lesson record object * @return void **/ function lesson_menu_block_contents($cmid, $lesson) { global $CFG, $DB; if (!$lesson->displayleft) { return null; } $pages = $lesson->load_all_pages(); foreach ($pages as $page) { if ((int)$page->prevpageid === 0) { $pageid = $page->id; break; } } $currentpageid = optional_param('pageid', $pageid, PARAM_INT); if (!$pageid || !$pages) { return null; } $content = '\n
\n"; $bc = new block_contents(); $bc->title = get_string('lessonmenu', 'lesson'); $bc->set_classes('menu'); $bc->content = $content; return $bc; }