dirroot.'/lib/filelib.php'); require_once($CFG->dirroot.'/repository/lib.php'); //TODO: // * locking // * freezing // * ajax format conversion class MoodleQuickForm_editor extends HTML_QuickForm_element { public $_helpbutton = ''; public $_type = 'editor'; protected $_options = array('subdirs'=>0, 'maxbytes'=>0, 'maxfiles'=>0, 'changeformat'=>0, 'context'=>null, 'noclean'=>0, 'trusttext'=>0); protected $_values = array('text'=>null, 'format'=>null, 'itemid'=>null); function MoodleQuickForm_editor($elementName=null, $elementLabel=null, $attributes=null, $options=null) { global $CFG, $PAGE; $options = (array)$options; foreach ($options as $name=>$value) { if (array_key_exists($name, $this->_options)) { $this->_options[$name] = $value; } } if (!empty($options['maxbytes'])) { $this->_options['maxbytes'] = get_max_upload_file_size($CFG->maxbytes, $options['maxbytes']); } if (!$this->_options['context']) { $this->_options['context'] = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_SYSTEM); } $this->_options['trusted'] = trusttext_trusted($this->_options['context']); parent::HTML_QuickForm_element($elementName, $elementLabel, $attributes); editors_head_setup(); } function setName($name) { $this->updateAttributes(array('name'=>$name)); } function getName() { return $this->getAttribute('name'); } function setValue($values) { $values = (array)$values; foreach ($values as $name=>$value) { if (array_key_exists($name, $this->_values)) { $this->_values[$name] = $value; } } } function getValue() { return $this->getAttribute('value'); } function getMaxbytes() { return $this->_options['maxbytes']; } function setMaxbytes($maxbytes) { global $CFG; $this->_options['maxbytes'] = get_max_upload_file_size($CFG->maxbytes, $maxbytes); } function getMaxfiles() { return $this->_options['maxfiles']; } function setMaxfiles($num) { $this->_options['maxfiles'] = $num; } function getSubdirs() { return $this->_options['subdirs']; } function setSubdirs($allow) { $this->_options['subdirs'] = $allow; } /** * Checks if editor used is tinymce and is required field * * @return true if required field. */ function isRequiredTinymce() { return (isset($this->_options['required_tinymce']) && $this->_options['required_tinymce']); } function setHelpButton($_helpbuttonargs, $function='_helpbutton') { if (!is_array($_helpbuttonargs)) { $_helpbuttonargs = array($_helpbuttonargs); } else { $_helpbuttonargs = $_helpbuttonargs; } //we do this to to return html instead of printing it //without having to specify it in every call to make a button. if ('_helpbutton' == $function){ $defaultargs = array('', '', 'moodle', true, false, '', true); $_helpbuttonargs = $_helpbuttonargs + $defaultargs ; } $this->_helpbutton=call_user_func_array($function, $_helpbuttonargs); } function getHelpButton() { return $this->_helpbutton; } function getElementTemplateType() { if ($this->_flagFrozen){ return 'nodisplay'; } else { return 'default'; } } function toHtml() { global $CFG, $PAGE; require_once($CFG->dirroot.'/repository/lib.php'); if ($this->_flagFrozen) { return $this->getFrozenHtml(); } $ctx = $this->_options['context']; $id = $this->_attributes['id']; $elname = $this->_attributes['name']; $subdirs = $this->_options['subdirs']; $maxbytes = $this->_options['maxbytes']; $maxfiles = $this->_options['maxfiles']; $changeformat = $this->_options['changeformat']; // TO DO: implement as ajax calls $text = $this->_values['text']; $format = $this->_values['format']; $draftitemid = $this->_values['itemid']; // security - never ever allow guest/not logged in user to upload anything if (isguestuser() or !isloggedin()) { $maxfiles = 0; } $str = $this->_getTabs(); $str .= '
'; $editor = editors_get_preferred_editor($format); $strformats = format_text_menu(); $formats = $editor->get_supported_formats(); foreach ($formats as $fid) { $formats[$fid] = $strformats[$fid]; } // get filepicker info // $fpoptions = array(); if ($maxfiles != 0 ) { if (empty($draftitemid)) { // no existing area info provided - let's use fresh new draft area require_once("$CFG->libdir/filelib.php"); $this->setValue(array('itemid'=>file_get_unused_draft_itemid())); $draftitemid = $this->_values['itemid']; } $args = new stdClass(); // need these three to filter repositories list $args->accepted_types = array('image'); $args->return_types = (FILE_INTERNAL | FILE_EXTERNAL); $args->context = $ctx; $args->env = 'filepicker'; // advimage plugin $image_options = initialise_filepicker($args); $image_options->context = $ctx; $image_options->client_id = uniqid(); $image_options->maxbytes = $this->_options['maxbytes']; $image_options->env = 'editor'; $image_options->itemid = $draftitemid; // moodlemedia plugin $args->accepted_types = array('video', 'audio'); $media_options = initialise_filepicker($args); $media_options->context = $ctx; $media_options->client_id = uniqid(); $media_options->maxbytes = $this->_options['maxbytes']; $media_options->env = 'editor'; $media_options->itemid = $draftitemid; // advlink plugin $args->accepted_types = '*'; $link_options = initialise_filepicker($args); $link_options->context = $ctx; $link_options->client_id = uniqid(); $link_options->maxbytes = $this->_options['maxbytes']; $link_options->env = 'editor'; $link_options->itemid = $draftitemid; $fpoptions['image'] = $image_options; $fpoptions['media'] = $media_options; $fpoptions['link'] = $link_options; } //If editor is required and tinymce, then set required_tinymce option to initalize tinymce validation. if (($editor instanceof tinymce_texteditor) && !is_null($this->getAttribute('onchange'))) { $this->_options['required_tinymce'] = true; } /// print text area - TODO: add on-the-fly switching, size configuration, etc. $editor->use_editor($id, $this->_options, $fpoptions); $rows = empty($this->_attributes['rows']) ? 15 : $this->_attributes['rows']; $cols = empty($this->_attributes['cols']) ? 80 : $this->_attributes['cols']; //Apply editor validation if required field $editorrules = ''; if (!is_null($this->getAttribute('onblur')) && !is_null($this->getAttribute('onchange'))) { $editorrules = 'onblur="'.$this->getAttribute('onblur').'" onchange="'.$this->getAttribute('onchange').'"'; } $str .= '
'; $str .= '
'; $str .= ''; $str .= '
'; // during moodle installation, user area doesn't exist // so we need to disable filepicker here. if (!during_initial_install() && empty($CFG->adminsetuppending)) { // 0 means no files, -1 unlimited if ($maxfiles != 0 ) { $str .= ''; // used by non js editor only $editorurl = new moodle_url("$CFG->wwwroot/repository/draftfiles_manager.php", array( 'action'=>'browse', 'env'=>'editor', 'itemid'=>$draftitemid, 'subdirs'=>$subdirs, 'maxbytes'=>$maxbytes, 'maxfiles'=>$maxfiles, 'ctx_id'=>$ctx->id, 'course'=>$PAGE->course->id, 'sesskey'=>sesskey(), )); $str .= ''; } } $str .= '
'; return $str; } }