id, // fk->course, files) // | // +--------------+---------------+ // | | // hotpot_attempts hotpot_questions // (UL, pk->id, (UL, pk->id, // fk->hotpot) fk->hotpot, text) // | | | // +-------------------+----------+ | // | | | // hotpot_details hotpot_responses | // (UL, pk->id, (UL, pk->id, | // fk->attempt) fk->attempt, question, | // correct, wrong, ignored) | // | | // +-------+-------+ // | // hotpot_strings // (UL, pk->id) // // Meaning: pk->primary key field of the table // fk->foreign key to link with parent // nt->nested field (recursive data) // CL->course level info // UL->user level info // files->table may have files // //----------------------------------------------------------- function hotpot_backup_mods($bf, $preferences) { global $DB; $status = true; //Iterate over hotpot table $hotpots = $DB->get_records ("hotpot", array("course"=>$preferences->backup_course), "id"); if ($hotpots) { foreach ($hotpots as $hotpot) { if (function_exists('backup_mod_selected')) { // Moodle >= 1.6 $backup_mod_selected = backup_mod_selected($preferences, 'hotpot', $hotpot->id); } else { // Moodle <= 1.5 $backup_mod_selected = true; } if ($backup_mod_selected) { $status = hotpot_backup_one_mod($bf, $preferences, $hotpot->id); } } } return $status; } function hotpot_backup_one_mod($bf, $preferences, $instance=0) { // $bf : resource id for b(ackup) f(ile) // $preferences : object containing switches and settings for this backup $level = 3; $status = true; $table = 'hotpot'; $select = "course=? AND id=?"; $params = array($preferences->backup_course, $instance); $records_tag = ''; $records_tags = array(); $record_tag = 'MOD'; $record_tags = array('MODTYPE'=>'hotpot'); $excluded_tags = array(); $more_backup = ''; if (function_exists('backup_userdata_selected')) { // Moodle >= 1.6 $backup_userdata_selected = backup_userdata_selected($preferences, 'hotpot', $instance); } else { // Moodle <= 1.5 $backup_userdata_selected = $preferences->mods['hotpot']->userinfo; } if ($backup_userdata_selected) { $more_backup .= '$GLOBALS["hotpot_backup_string_ids"] = array();'; $more_backup .= '$status = hotpot_backup_attempts($bf, $record, $level, $status);'; $more_backup .= '$status = hotpot_backup_questions($bf, $record, $level, $status);'; $more_backup .= '$status = hotpot_backup_strings($bf, $record, $level, $status);'; $more_backup .= 'unset($GLOBALS["hotpot_backup_string_ids"]);'; // tidy up } return hotpot_backup_records( $bf, $status, $level, $table, $select, $params, $records_tag, $records_tags, $record_tag, $record_tags, $excluded_tags, $more_backup ); } function hotpot_backup_attempts($bf, &$parent, $level, $status) { // $parent is a reference to a hotpot record $table = 'hotpot_attempts'; $select = "hotpot=?"; $params = array($parent->id); $records_tag = 'ATTEMPT_DATA'; $records_tags = array(); $record_tag = 'ATTEMPT'; $record_tags = array(); $more_backup = ''; $more_backup .= 'hotpot_backup_details($bf, $record, $level, $status);'; $more_backup .= 'hotpot_backup_responses($bf, $record, $level, $status);'; $excluded_tags = array('hotpot'); return hotpot_backup_records( $bf, $status, $level, $table, $select, $params, $records_tag, $records_tags, $record_tag, $record_tags, $excluded_tags, $more_backup ); } function hotpot_backup_details($bf, &$parent, $level, $status) { // $parent is a reference to an attempt record $table = 'hotpot_details'; $select = "attempt=?"; $params = array($parent->id); $records_tag = ''; $records_tags = array(); $record_tag = ''; $record_tags = array(); $more_backup = ''; $excluded_tags = array('id','attempt'); return hotpot_backup_records( $bf, $status, $level, $table, $select, $params, $records_tag, $records_tags, $record_tag, $record_tags, $excluded_tags, $more_backup ); } function hotpot_backup_responses($bf, &$parent, $level, $status) { // $parent is a reference to an attempt record $table = 'hotpot_responses'; $select = "attempt=?"; $params = array($parent->id); $records_tag = 'RESPONSE_DATA'; $records_tags = array(); $record_tag = 'RESPONSE'; $record_tags = array(); $more_backup = 'hotpot_backup_string_ids($record, array("correct","wrong","ignored"));'; $excluded_tags = array('id','attempt'); return hotpot_backup_records( $bf, $status, $level, $table, $select, $params, $records_tag, $records_tags, $record_tag, $record_tags, $excluded_tags, $more_backup ); } function hotpot_backup_questions($bf, &$parent, $level, $status) { // $parent is a reference to an hotpot record $table = 'hotpot_questions'; $select = "hotpot=?"; $params = array($parent->id); $records_tag = 'QUESTION_DATA'; $records_tags = array(); $record_tag = 'QUESTION'; $record_tags = array(); $more_backup = 'hotpot_backup_string_ids($record, array("text"));'; $excluded_tags = array('hotpot'); return hotpot_backup_records( $bf, $status, $level, $table, $select, $records_tag, $records_tags, $record_tag, $record_tags, $excluded_tags, $more_backup ); } function hotpot_backup_string_ids(&$record, $fields) { // as the questions and responses tables are backed up // this function is called to store the ids of strings. // The string ids are used later by "hotpot_backup_strings" // $GLOBALS['hotpot_backup_string_ids'] was initialized in "hotpot_backup_mods" // store the ids of strings used in this $record's $fields foreach ($fields as $field) { if (empty($record->$field)) { // do nothing } else { $value = $record->$field; $ids = explode(',', "$value"); foreach ($ids as $id) { if (empty($id)) { // do nothing } else { $GLOBALS['hotpot_backup_string_ids'][$id] = true; } } } } } function hotpot_backup_strings($bf, $record, $level, $status) { // This functions backups the strings used // in the question and responses for a single hotpot activity // The ids of the strings were stored by "hotpot_backup_string_ids" // $GLOBALS['hotpot_backup_string_ids'] was initialized in "hotpot_backup_mods" // retrieve $ids of strings to be backed up $ids = array_keys($GLOBALS['hotpot_backup_string_ids']); if (empty($ids)) { // no strings to backup } else { sort($ids); $ids = implode(',', $ids); $table = 'hotpot_strings'; $select = "id IN ($ids)"; $params = array(); $records_tag = 'STRING_DATA'; $records_tags = array(); $record_tag = 'STRING'; $record_tags = array(); $more_backup = ''; $excluded_tags = array(''); $status = hotpot_backup_records( $bf, $status, $level, $table, $select, $params, $records_tag, $records_tags, $record_tag, $record_tags, $excluded_tags, $more_backup ); } return $status; } function hotpot_backup_records(&$bf, $status, $level, $table, $select, $params, $records_tag, $records_tags, $record_tag, $record_tags, $excluded_tags, $more_backup) { // general purpose backup function // $bf : resource id of backup file // $status : current status of backup (true or false) // $level : current depth level in the backup XML tree // $table : table from which records will be selected and backed up // $select : SQL selection string // $records_tag : optional XML tag which starts a group of records (and descends a level) // $records_tags : optional XML tags to be inserted at the start of a group of records // $record_tag : optional XML tag which starts a record (and descends a level) // $record_tags : optional XML tags to be inserted at the start of a record // $excluded_tags : fields which will NOT be backed up from the records // $more_backup : optional PHP code to be eval(uated) for each record // If any of the "fwrite" statements fail, // no further "fwrite"s will be attempted // and the function returns "false". // Otherwise, the function returns "true". global $DB; if ($status && ($records = $DB->get_records_select($table, $select, $params, 'id'))) { // start a group of records if ($records_tag) { $status = $status && fwrite($bf, start_tag($records_tag, $level, true)); $level++; foreach ($records_tags as $tag) { $status = $status && fwrite($bf, full_tag($tag, $level, false, $value)); } } foreach ($records as $record) { // start a single record if ($record_tag) { $status = $status && fwrite($bf, start_tag($record_tag, $level, true)); $level++; foreach ($record_tags as $tag=>$value) { $status = $status && fwrite($bf, full_tag($tag, $level, false, $value)); } } // backup fields in this record $tags = get_object_vars($record); foreach ($tags as $tag=>$value) { if (!is_numeric($tag) && !in_array($tag, $excluded_tags)) { $status = $status && fwrite($bf, full_tag($tag, $level, false, $value)); } } // backup related records, if required if ($more_backup) { eval($more_backup); } // end a single record if ($record_tag) { $level--; $status = $status && fwrite($bf, end_tag($record_tag, $level, true)); } } // end a group of records if ($records_tag) { $level--; $status = $status && fwrite($bf, end_tag($records_tag, $level, true)); } } return $status; } ////Return an array of info (name, value) function hotpot_check_backup_mods($course, $user_data=false, $backup_unique_code, $instances=null) { global $CFG, $DB; $info = array(); if (isset($instances) && is_array($instances) && count($instances)) { foreach ($instances as $id => $instance) { $info += hotpot_check_backup_mods_instances($instance,$backup_unique_code); } } else { // the course data $info[0][0] = get_string('modulenameplural','hotpot'); $info[0][1] = $DB->count_records('hotpot', array('course'=>$course)); // the user_data, if requested if ($user_data) { $table = "{hotpot} h, {hotpot_attempts} a"; $select = "h.course = ? AND = a.hotpot"; $params = array($course); $info[1][0] = get_string('attempts', 'quiz'); $info[1][1] = $DB->count_records_sql("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $table WHERE $select", $params); } } return $info; } ////Return an array of info (name, value) function hotpot_check_backup_mods_instances($instance,$backup_unique_code) { global $CFG, $DB; $info = array(); // the course data $info[$instance->id.'0'][0] = ''.$instance->name.''; $info[$instance->id.'0'][1] = ''; // the user_data, if requested if (!empty($instance->userdata)) { $table = "{hotpot_attempts} a"; $select = "a.hotpot = ?"; $params = array($instance->id); $info[$instance->id.'1'][0] = get_string('attempts', 'quiz'); $info[$instance->id.'1'][1] = $DB->count_records_sql("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $table WHERE $select", $params); } return $info; } ?>